Thomas Ian Nicholas
Thomas Ian Nicholas is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 film actor, singer, musician, producer, director, and writer. Nicholas is best known for playing Henry Rowengartner in Rookie of the Year
Rookie of the Year (film)
Rookie of the Year is a 1993 American film comedy with a baseball theme starring Thomas Ian Nicholas and Gary Busey.The cast also includes Albert Hall, Dan Hedaya, Eddie Bracken, Amy Morton, Bruce Altman, John Gegenhuber, Neil Flynn, Daniel Stern and John Candy.-Plot:Henry Rowengartner ,...

and Kevin Myers in the American Pie film series.

Life and career

Nicholas was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. His mother, Marla, is an acting school administrator and professional dancer. He is of part Italian descent from his paternal grandfather. Nicholas has six siblings, including his older brother, Tim Scarne, who is a D.J.

Nicholas is known for his roles in Rookie of the Year
Rookie of the Year (film)
Rookie of the Year is a 1993 American film comedy with a baseball theme starring Thomas Ian Nicholas and Gary Busey.The cast also includes Albert Hall, Dan Hedaya, Eddie Bracken, Amy Morton, Bruce Altman, John Gegenhuber, Neil Flynn, Daniel Stern and John Candy.-Plot:Henry Rowengartner ,...

(1993), and American Pie
American Pie (film)
American Pie is a 1999 teen comedy film written by Adam Herz. American Pie was the directorial film debut of brothers Paul and Chris Weitz, and the first film in the American Pie film series...

(1999). He appeared in the three theatrical films of the American Pie
American Pie (film)
American Pie is a 1999 teen comedy film written by Adam Herz. American Pie was the directorial film debut of brothers Paul and Chris Weitz, and the first film in the American Pie film series...

franchise as the character Kevin Myers, played Frank Sinatra, Jr.
Frank Sinatra, Jr.
Franklin Wayne Sinatra , professionally known as Frank Sinatra, Jr., is an American singer, songwriter and conductor....

 in the Showtime movie Stealing Sinatra, and co-starred in Halloween: Resurrection
Halloween: Resurrection
Halloween: Resurrection is a 2002 American horror film and eighth installment in the Halloween film series. Directed by Rick Rosenthal, who had also directed Halloween II, the film builds upon the continuity of Halloween H20: 20 Years Later...

. In 2009, he played the role a rookie cop in the drama Life Is Hot in Cracktown
Life Is Hot in Cracktown
Life Is Hot in Cracktown is a 2009 crime drama film based on Buddy Giovinazzo's eponymous 1993 collection of short stories. Giovinazzo directed and wrote the film.-Plot:...

. Recently, he played Eugene in Nicole Holofcener's "Please Give" winner of the 2011 Indie Spirit Robert Altman Award.
He also appeared on an episode of ABC'S Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series created by Shonda Rhimes. The series premiered on March 27, 2005 on ABC; since then, seven seasons have aired. The series follows the lives of interns, residents and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in...

 as Jeremiah.
"I started acting when I was 6 years old. I have always enjoyed making people laugh or smile or think" he says.
Nicholas released his debut album, Without Warning January 15, 2008.
and his follow up album "Heroes Are Human" June 1, 2010.

"I started playing guitar when I was 14. I couldn't stop playing... I am very blessed and thankful for all that has happened." he has said.

Nicholas played the role of Abbie Hoffman
Abbie Hoffman
Abbot Howard "Abbie" Hoffman was a political and social activist who co-founded the Youth International Party ....

 in the film entitled The Chicago 8
The Chicago 8
The Chicago 8 is a 2010 independent drama film starring Philip Baker Hall, Gary Cole, Steven Culp and Mayim Bialik. The film is based on on actual court transcripts from the Chicago Seven trial. The Chicago 8 is written and directed by Pinchas Perry. Pinchas Perry, Al Bravo, Shirly Brener, Kate...


On June 30, 2010, Nicholas threw out the first pitch at the Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field and sang the 7th inning stretch.


Year Film Role Notes
1992 Radio Flyer
Radio Flyer (film)
Radio Flyer is a 1992 drama-fantasy film from Columbia Pictures. It is a Stonebridge Entertainment Production in association with Donner/Shuler-Donner Productions ....

1993 Rookie of the Year
Rookie of the Year (film)
Rookie of the Year is a 1993 American film comedy with a baseball theme starring Thomas Ian Nicholas and Gary Busey.The cast also includes Albert Hall, Dan Hedaya, Eddie Bracken, Amy Morton, Bruce Altman, John Gegenhuber, Neil Flynn, Daniel Stern and John Candy.-Plot:Henry Rowengartner ,...

Henry Rowengartner
1995 A Kid in King Arthur's Court
A Kid in King Arthur's Court
A Kid in King Arthur's Court is a 1995 film directed by Michael Gottlieb. It is based on the famous Mark Twain novel A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, transplanted into the twentieth century....

Calvin Fuller Nominated for a Young Artist Award
Young Artist Award
The Young Artist Award is an accolade bestowed by the Young Artist Foundation, a non-profit organization founded in 1978 to recognize and award excellence of youth performers, and to provide scholarships for young artists who may be physically and/or financially challenged.The Young Artist...

 for Best Young Supporting Actor - Feature Film
1997 Judge and Jury
Judge and Jury
Judge and Jury is a popular novel written by thriller novel writer James Patterson with Andrew Gross. It was published in 2006 by Big Grey & Company.-Plot:...

Alex Silvano
1998 A Kid in Aladdin's Palace Calvin Fuller
1999 American Pie
American Pie (film)
American Pie is a 1999 teen comedy film written by Adam Herz. American Pie was the directorial film debut of brothers Paul and Chris Weitz, and the first film in the American Pie film series...

Kevin Myers
2000 Cutaway
Cutaway (2000 film)
Cutaway is a 2000 action film about skydiving, directed by Guy Manos and starring Tom Berenger, Stephen Baldwin, Dennis Rodman, Maxine Bahns, Ron Silver, Casper Van Dien, and Thomas Ian Nicholas. The film features numerous aerial stunts and much of the film was shot in Miami. This was Dennis...

2000 American Pie 2
American Pie 2
American Pie 2 is a 2001 comedy film and sequel to American Pie and is the second film in the American Pie film series. It was written by Adam Herz and David H. Steinberg, and directed by J. B. Rogers. The film picks up the story of the four friends from the first film as they reunite during the...

Kevin Myers
2002 Halloween: Resurrection
Halloween: Resurrection
Halloween: Resurrection is a 2002 American horror film and eighth installment in the Halloween film series. Directed by Rick Rosenthal, who had also directed Halloween II, the film builds upon the continuity of Halloween H20: 20 Years Later...

Bill Woodlake
The Rules of Attraction
The Rules of Attraction (film)
The Rules of Attraction is a 2002 satirical dark comedy film directed by Roger Avary, based on the novel of the same name by Bret Easton Ellis. It stars James van der Beek, Shannyn Sossamon, Ian Somerhalder, Jessica Biel, and Kip Pardue.-Plot:...

2003 American Wedding
American Wedding
American Wedding is a 2003 comedy film that is a sequel to American Pie and American Pie 2 as part of the American Pie series. It was written by Adam Herz and directed by Jesse Dylan...

Kevin Myers
Stealing Sinatra
Stealing Sinatra
Stealing Sinatra is a 2003 film directed by Ron Underwood. It stars David Arquette and William H. Macy. Macy was nominated for an Emmy Award for his performance.-Cast:*David Arquette as Barry Keenan*William H. Macy as John Irwin...

Frank Sinatra, Jr.
Frank Sinatra, Jr.
Franklin Wayne Sinatra , professionally known as Frank Sinatra, Jr., is an American singer, songwriter and conductor....

2004 L.A. D.J. Thom Also director and writer
2005 Guy in Row Five Bradley
2006 Cut Off Pauly
National Lampoon Presents Cattle Call Richie Rey
2008 Sherman's Way
Sherman's way
Sherman's Way is a comedy-drama independent film starring James LeGros, Enrico Colantoni, Lacey Chabert, Donna Murphy, Brooke Nevin, and Michael Shulman. The film was directed by Craig Saavedra, written by Thomas R. Nance, and produced by Starry Night Entertainment...

The Hitman Mr. Jones
2009 Life Is Hot in Cracktown
Life Is Hot in Cracktown
Life Is Hot in Cracktown is a 2009 crime drama film based on Buddy Giovinazzo's eponymous 1993 collection of short stories. Giovinazzo directed and wrote the film.-Plot:...

Chad Wesley
The Bridge to Nowhere
The Bridge to Nowhere
The Bridge to Nowhere is an independent 2009 crime drama written by Christopher Gutierrez, directed by Blair Underwood in his directorial debut.-Plot:...

Eddie Stanton
2010 Please Give
Please Give
Please Give is a 2010 dark comedy film written and directed by Nicole Holofcener and starring Catherine Keener. It is the fourth film Keener and Holofcener have made together...

Fading of the Cries
Fading of the Cries
Fading of the Cries is an American fantasy film written and directed by Brian Metcalf, produced by Brian Metcalf, Karoline Kautz and Thomas Ian Nicholas.-Plot:The story tells of a young man who defends his town from evil forces, aided by a magic sword...

Michael Also producer
Let the Game Begin
Let the Game Begin
Let the Game Begin is a 2010 American film romantic comedy from Twisted Light Productions, directed by Amit Gupta. The film stars CSI: Miami actor Adam Rodriguez and Stephen Baldwin...

Insight is the understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context. Insight can be used with several related meanings:*a piece of information...

Stephen Geiger
Not For Nothing Steve
2011 InSight
Insight is the understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context. Insight can be used with several related meanings:*a piece of information...

Stephen Geiger
Fading the Cries Michael
The Chicago 8
The Chicago 8
The Chicago 8 is a 2010 independent drama film starring Philip Baker Hall, Gary Cole, Steven Culp and Mayim Bialik. The film is based on on actual court transcripts from the Chicago Seven trial. The Chicago 8 is written and directed by Pinchas Perry. Pinchas Perry, Al Bravo, Shirly Brener, Kate...

Abbie Hoffman
Not for Nothing Steve Pre-production
2012 American Reunion
American Reunion
For the fourth installment in the American Pie series, see American Pie Presents: Band CampAmerican Reunion is an upcoming comedy film written and directed by Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg...

Kevin Myers Post-production
The Stone Pony Nick Casella Pre-production
Year Title Role Notes
1988 Who's the Boss?
Who's the Boss?
Who's the Boss? is an American sitcom created by Martin Cohan and Blake Hunter, which aired on ABC from September 20, 1984 to April 25, 1992...

Little Tony Episode: "Yankee-Doodle Micelli
Credited as Thomas Nicholas
1989 Baywatch
Baywatch is an American action drama series about the Los Angeles County Lifeguards who patrol the beaches of Los Angeles County, California, starring David Hasselhoff. The show ran in its original title and format from 1989 to 1999, sans the 1990-1991 season, of which it was not in production...

Ricky Blount Episode: "Heat Wave"
Married with Children Bobby Episodes: "It's a Bundyful Life: Part 1" and "It's a Bundyful Life: Part 2"
1990 Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara (TV series)
Santa Barbara is an American television soap opera, first broadcast in the United States on NBC on July 30, 1984, and last aired on January 15, 1993. The show revolved around the eventful lives of the wealthy Capwell family of Santa Barbara, California...

Young Steven Slade
1991 Harry and the Hendersons
Harry and the Hendersons (TV series)
Harry and the Hendersons is an American sitcom based on the film of the same name, produced by Amblin Entertainment for Universal Television. The series aired in syndication from January 13, 1991 to June 18, 1993, with 72 half-hour episodes produced...

Scootch Episode: "The Bodyguard"
Sisters (TV series)
Sisters is a television drama which aired on NBC for six seasons, from 1991 to 1996. The series was created by Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman, who also created the Showtime series Queer as Folk and wrote the acclaimed Emmy and Peabody Award winning drama An Early Frost, also for NBC...

Jason Episode: "The Kindness of Stranglers"
1992 Julie Boy #1 Episode: "A Delicate Balance"
The Fear Inside Sean Cole TV movie
When No One Would Listen Boy #1 TV movie
1993-1995 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman is an American post-Civil War western/drama series created by Beth Sullivan. Dr. Michaela "Mike" Quinn, played by Jane Seymour, left Boston in search of adventure. She goes to Colorado Springs, Colorado where she establishes herself as doctor/adviser.The show ran on CBS...

Richard Episodes: "Best Friends" and "The End of the World"
1997 The Tony Danza Show
The Tony Danza Show
The Tony Danza Show was a daytime talk show hosted by Tony Danza, but was also a sitcom featuring the same actor ....

Brandon Episode: "With Your Guest Host Tony DiMeo"
1998 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show is an American syndicated science fiction sitcom based on the 1989 film, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. It expands upon the original film's concept of a shrinking experiment gone wrong to include a myriad of experiments gone awry...

Damon Episode: "Honey, I'm in the Mood for Love"
1999 Chicken Soup for the Soul Steve Episode: "Crying's Okay"
2000 Party of Five
Party of Five
Party of Five is an American teen drama television series that aired on Fox for six seasons, from September 12, 1994, until May 3, 2000.Critically acclaimed, the show suffered from low ratings and after its first season was slated for cancellation...

Todd Marsh Appeared in nine episodes
Twice in a Lifetime
Twice in a Lifetime (TV series)
Twice in a Lifetime is a Canadian mystery/drama series that originally aired from 1999 to 2001. Created by Steve Sohmer, the series aired on CTV in Canada and PAX in the United States.-Synopsis:...

Sam Ryder/Jordan Curtis/Kirk Ivers Episode: "Fathers and Sons"
2005 Medium
Medium (TV series)
Medium is an American television drama series that premiered on NBC on January 3, 2005, and ended on CBS on January 21, 2011. Themed on supernatural gifts, its lead character, Allison DuBois , is a medium employed as a consultant for the Phoenix, Arizona district attorney's office...

Greg Watt Episode: "Jump Start"
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series created by Shonda Rhimes. The series premiered on March 27, 2005 on ABC; since then, seven seasons have aired. The series follows the lives of interns, residents and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in...

Jeremiah Tate Episode: "Deny, Deny, Deny"

External links

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