Thomas Bluett
Thomas Bluett was a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

A judge is a person who presides over court proceedings, either alone or as part of a panel of judges. The powers, functions, method of appointment, discipline, and training of judges vary widely across different jurisdictions. The judge is supposed to conduct the trial impartially and in an open...

 in Annapolis, Maryland.

Bluett gained lasting renown by the encounter with a African slave, Ayuba Suleiman Diallo
Ayuba Suleiman Diallo
Ayuba Suleiman Diallo , also known as Job ben Solomon, was a famous enslaved Muslim who was a victim of the Atlantic slave trade...

, in 1731. While in jail in Annapolis, Ayuba was visited by Thomas Bluett. Thomas became impressed with him and, through another slave acting as interpreter, wrote Ayuba's biography "Some Memoirs of the Life of Job, the Son of Solomon, the High Priest of Boonda in Africa; Who was a Slave About Two Years in Maryland; and Afterwards Being Brought to England, was Set Free, and Sent to His Native Land in the Year 1734", which was published in London 1734. Bluett died in 1749.

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