Theater in Maryland
This page is about theater in Maryland.

List of theaters in Maryland
Maryland is a U.S. state located in the Mid Atlantic region of the United States, bordering Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia to its south and west; Pennsylvania to its north; and Delaware to its east...

Professional Theatres:
  • Baltimore Theatre Project
    Baltimore Theatre Project
    The Baltimore Theatre Project is an internationally-recognized performing arts center located at 45 West Preston Street in Baltimore, Maryland.-Early years:...

  • Bay Theatre Company
  • Center Stage (theater)
    Center Stage (theater)
    Center Stage is the state theater of Maryland and Baltimore's largest professional producing theater. Center Stage was founded in 1963 as a regional playhouse....

     a.k.a. CENTERSTAGE
  • Chesapeake Shakespeare Company
  • Everyman Theatre, Baltimore
    Everyman Theatre, Baltimore
    The Everyman Theatre, founded in 1990 in Baltimore, Maryland, United States, by artistic director Vincent M. Lancisi , an Equity theatre with a professional repertory company of artists from the Baltimore/Washington area, dedicated to presenting quality theatre that is accessible and affordable to...

  • Maryland Shakespeare Festival
    Maryland Shakespeare Festival
    The Maryland Shakespeare Festival is a theater company based out of Frederick, Maryland, dedicated to the performing of Shakespeare's plays, in addition to educating about Shakespeare, and doing performance research.-History:...

     Official Webpage
  • Olney Theatre
    Olney Theatre
    Located just north of Washington, D.C. in Montgomery County, Maryland, the Olney Theatre Center for the Arts offers a diverse array of professional productions year-round that enrich, nurture and challenge a broad range of artists, audiences and students...

  • Rep Stage
    Rep Stage
    Rep Stage, was founded in 1993 by Artistic Director Valerie Lash. It is a professional Equity theatre based in Howard County, Maryland. Rep Stage has won 7 Helen Hayes Awards, garnered 37 nominations, received 6 Greater Baltimore Theater Awards and received consistent high critical acclaim from the...

  • Round House Theatre
  • Single Carrot Theatre
  • Toby's Dinner Theatre
  • Venus Theatre
    Venus Theatre
    The Venus Theatre is a major American regional theater in Laurel, Maryland. The theater was founded by Deborah Randall in 2001. The theatrical company is currently the largest production company in Maryland focussed primarily on the retelling and adaptation of classics. Past productions have won...

Community and Children's Theatre

Educational Theater


  • Helen Hayes Award
    Helen Hayes Award
    A Helen Hayes Award is a theater award named for the famed actress Helen Hayes to recognize excellence in professional theater in the Washington, D.C. area since 1983. The awards are managed by Linda Levy Grossman. and presented by the Washington Theatre Awards Society.-Awards:The Helen Hayes...

  • Greater Baltimore Theater Awards
    Greater Baltimore Theater Awards
    The Greater Baltimore Theater Awards are theater awards to recognize excellence in the professional theater in the Greater Baltimore, Maryland area since 2004....

  • The Cappies in Baltimore, Maryland
    The Cappies in Baltimore, Maryland
    The Cappies are awarded to honor excellence in high school theater across the United States. The Washington metropolitan area contains over 50 high schools and is therefore the largest Cappies region...

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