The Ukrainians (album)
The Ukrainians is the eponymous title of the first album released by British folk-fushion group The Ukrainians
The Ukrainians
The Ukrainians are a British band, which plays traditional Ukrainian music, heavily influenced by western post-punk.-Career:The Ukrainians were formed in 1990 by Wedding Present guitarist Peter Solowka, with singer/violinist Len Liggins and mandolin player Roman Remeynes, after all three had played...


The album was released in 1991, the year Ukraine
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...

 won its independence from the Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....



  • Oi Divchino (Hey, Girl)
  • Hopak
    Hopak , also referred to as Gopak or Cossack dance, is a Ukrainian dance. It is performed most often as a solitary concert dance by amateur and professional Ukrainian dance ensembles, as well as other performers of folk dances...

  • Ti Moyi Radoshchi (You Are My Happiness)
  • Zavtra (Tomorrow)
  • Slava Kobzarya (Kobzar's
    A Kobzar was an itinerant Ukrainian bard who sang to his own accompaniment.-Tradition:Kobzars were often blind, and became predominantly so by the 1800s...

  • Dity Plachut (Children Are Crying)
  • Cherez Richku, Cherez Hai (Across The River, Through The Wood)
  • Pereyidu (I will cross)
  • Tebe Zhdu (Waiting For You)
  • Son (Dream)
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