The Three Chimneys
The Three Chimneys is an award-winning restaurant in Colbost
Colbost is a scattered hamlet on the B884 road, in the Glendale estate, overlooking Loch Dunvegan on the Scottish island of Skye.The two main attractions of this small settlement are the The Three Chimneys restaurant and the Croft Museum.-Three Chimneys:...

, Isle of Skye, Scotland
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain, it shares a border with England to the south and is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the...

. The restaurant was opened in 1985 by Eddie and Shirley Spear. It has won over 30 major awards and in July 2010, was named as one of the New York food critic Frank Bruni
Frank Bruni
Frank Anthony Bruni is an American journalist. He was the chief restaurant critic of The New York Times, a position he held from 2004 to 2009. In May 2011, he became the first openly gay Op-Ed columnist of The New York Times....

's top five favourite restaurants. It was included in the Restaurant
Restaurant (magazine)
Restaurant is a British magazine aimed at chefs, restaurant proprietors and other catering professionals that concentrates on the fine dining end of the industry. It produces an annual list of what it considers to be the best 50 restaurants, based on the votes of 600 "chefs, restaurateurs, critics...

magazine list of the world's 50 best restaurants in 2002 (28th position) and 2003 (32nd position).
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