. There are 42 books in the series, the first being published in 1945. Twenty-six were written by the Rev. W. (Wilbert) Awdry, up to 1972. A further 16 were written by his son, Christopher Awdry
; 14 between 1983 and 1996 and a further book in 2007. Another book was Released in 2011
Nearly all of The Railway Series stories were based upon real-life events.
Donald and Douglas: Verra wee engines bring the ballast doun fra the hills.
Gordon: I don't believe it. Donald and Douglas have pulled our wheels before.
Rex: What d'you think of our 'chute'? Good isn't it?
Duck: Where did you spring from?
Rex: I've been here all the time. I'm Rex and you I'm sure , are Duck.
Duck: How did you know?
Rex: That's easy; there's only one great western engine in these parts.
Rex: (To Duck) As you can see , the small controller's given us different coats.
Mike: (Grumbles) Silly nonsense