The Railway Series
The Railway Series

The Railway Series is a set of story books about a fictional railway located on the fictional Island of Sodor and the engines that lived on it.
Note: This article generally contains quotes from stories that have not been adapted for the television series "Thomas the Tank Engine".
Note: This article generally contains quotes from stories that have not been adapted for the television series "Thomas the Tank Engine".
Thomas and Gordon (Thomas the tank engine)
- Thomas was a tank engine who lived at a Big Station. He had six small wheels, a short stumpy funnel, a short stumpy boiler, and a short stumpy dome. — Thomas the Tank Engine
Gordon goes foreign (Eight famous engines)
- Gordon: When I was young and green. I remember going to London. Do you know the place? The station's called King's Cross.
- The Engine: (Snorts) King's Cross! London's Euston. Everybody knows that.
- Duck: Rubbish! London's Paddington. I know. I worked there.
- The Narrator: They argued till they went to sleep. They argued when they woke up. They were still arguing when the other engine went away.
- Gordon:(Irritated) Stupid thing. I've no patience.
- Duck: Stupid yourself. London's Paddington, PADDINGTON , do you hear?
- James: Stop arguing , you make me tired. You're both agreed about something anyway.
- Gordon and Duck: What's that?
- James: (laughs) London's not Euston. Now shut up!
- Gordon: I'm sure it's King's Cross. I'll go and prove it.
- Gordon: Come on! Let's go
- Narrator: It was only afew minutes before the Guard blew his whistle; but Gordon thought it was ages!
- Gordon: (To the coaches) COME ON! COME ON!
- Gordon: Never mind I like a good run to stretch my wheels.
- The Fat Controller: I wonder how Gordon's getting on.
- The Station Master: Excuse me Sir , have you seen the news?
- The Fat Controller: Not yet. Why?
- The Station Master: Just look at this Sir.
- Narrator: The Fat Controller took the news paper.
- The Fat Controller: Good gracious me! There's Gordon. Headlines too! 'FAMOUS ENGINE AT LONDON STATION. POLICE CALLED TO CONTROL CROWDS'.
- The Fat Controller: I see you had a good welcome in London.
- Gordon's Driver and Fireman: We certainly did Sir! We signed autographs till our arms ached, and Gordon had his photograph taken from so many directions at once that he didn't which way to look!
- The Fat Controller: Good! I expect he enjoyed himself. Didn't you Gordon?
- Gordon: No Sir, I didn't.
- The Fat Controller: Why ever not?
- Gordon: (Sadly) London's all wrong, they've changed it. It isn't King's Cross any more. It's St Pancras.
Ballast (Small railway engines)
- Donald and Douglas: Verra wee engines bring the ballast doun fra the hills.
- Gordon: I don't believe it. Donald and Douglas have pulled our wheels before.
- Rex: What d'you think of our 'chute'? Good isn't it?
- Duck: Where did you spring from?
- Rex: I've been here all the time. I'm Rex and you I'm sure , are Duck.
- Duck: How did you know?
- Rex: That's easy; there's only one great western engine in these parts.
- Rex: (To Duck) As you can see , the small controller's given us different coats.
- Mike: (Grumbles) Silly nonsense
- Bert: (Protests) I like being blue.
- Mike: (Fumes) It's all right for you , but not for me. Passengers'll say I look like a pillar box!
- Rex: Shocking! (Winks at Duck) Consider my feelings. When we were both green. Passengers kept calling me Mike!
- Mike: (Splutters) You...you...
- Bert: Stow it you two. Duck , have you seen our coaches?
- Duck: Where are they?
- Bert: Over there.
- Duck: But they're tru...(Finishes lamely) I mean they're not like ours.
- Rex: I agree. They are like trucks, but they behave surprisingly well.
- Mike: (rudely) Sez you.
Tit for Tat (Small railway engines)
- Bert's Driver: We've got visitors today
- Mike: We have 'em every day.
- Bert's Driver: But these are special. One takes 'moving pictures' and the other writes books. So mind you all behave.
- Bert: I don't want to be a moving picture in a book. I want to stay as I am.
- Bert: They did it on purpose
- Bert: They splashed me! They SPLASHED me!
- Bert: Pictures indeed!
- Bert: I'm a nice picture; covered in mud!
- Narrator: He sizzled crossly when the Fat Clergyman sat in his tender for the journey back.
- Bert: Driver oughtn't to allow him after what he's done!
- Bert: (To himself) I know how to pay the Fat One out. It's a lovely plan. I only wish the Thin One was there too.
- Bert: Tit for Tat! TIT for TAT!
- The Small Controller: You're a very naughty engine. I won't have rudeness to visitors.
- Bert: (Falters) They splashed me. I only.... (Bert is probably crying as he's talking)
- The Small Controller: That's no excuse I'm ashamed of you.
- Bert: (To Rex and Mike) Those vistors are nice. They came and said 'sorry', and I said 'sorry' too. Then they cleaned me like driver does. They know lots about engines. The Thin One's writing about me in a book. He promised he'd write about you too. Think of that!
Mike's whistle (Small railway engines)
- Mike: (Mimics Ducks Jammed whistle) Shplee! Shplee! It's shocking! If engines can't whistle properly , they shouldn't try.
- Bert: Then why do you?
- Mike: Why do I what?
- Bert: Try to whistle , of course.
- Mike: Shut up! You're jealous.
- Narrator: Mike was proud of his shrill whistle.
- Mike: Mine's better than yours anyway.
- Rex: Listen , Mike. If I had a whistle like yours, d'you know what I'd do? (Pauses impressively) I'd lose it.
- Mike: (Splutters) The Idea! Whistles are important, let me tell you. Engines without whistles aren't proper engines at all.
- Narrator: Mike went redder than ever with fury. His steam pressure went up suddenly, and his safety- valves blew off , "Whoooooosh!"
- Mike's driver: Hullo! As you're ready first, you'd better take the 'passenger'.
- Mike: What! and leave my goods?
- Mike's driver: Yes , Bert can do that. We can't have you blowing off in here. Come on!
- Mike's driver: What's bitten him? He doesn't like coaches, but he's never been as bad as this.
- Mike: (muttering) They're jealous , they're jealous. I'll show 'em! I'll show 'em!
- Mikes driver: (remarks) He's in a flaming temper about something.
- The Small controller: I've no spare whistles. So you'll have to wait. It serves you right for being such a cross patch.
- Bert: (as Mike comes in) What's that?
- Rex: Shsh! Take no notice. It's an Improper engine.
- Bert: Why Improper? He looks all right to me.
- Rex: It's got no whistle.
- Bert: Oh dear! How shocking! We don't approve of his sort , do we?
Useful Railway (Small railway engines)
- Narrator: Mike had trouble with some sheep. He grumbled about them dreadfully.
- Rex: They're silly but they're useful.
- Mike: What!
- Rex: Farmers sell their wool.
- Mike: What's that?
- Rex: People make clothes from wool. You know - things they wear instead of paint.
- Bert: But I don't understand , Sir. We can't drive sheep down the line. They wouldn't go straight.
- Rex: Silly! We don't drive sheep. , we take their wool., in bales on trucks. It'll be easy.
- The Small Controller: (Laughs) Very well, Rex. You seem to know all about it, so you shall take the next train.
- Willie: Crumbs! That's torn it! I must warn Rex.
- Rex: (happily to himself) I said it was easy! I said it was easy!
- Rex: Stop! Stop! Stop!
- Narrator: He whistled.
- The trucks: On! On! On!
- Narrator: Urged the stupid trucks.
- The passengers: Oooh! Look! There's been an accident!
- Rex: That accident served me right for being swanky.
- Bert: No. It wasn't your fault at all.
- Mike: Sorry we laughed.
- The Small Controller: I'm proud of you all. Thanks to Rex, the accident did little harm. Bert and Mike worked like heroes , and our customers admire the way we managed. They thought we were a 'toy railway', but now they say we're Really Useful. They've promised us plenty more work when the wool traffic is done.
Hullo Twins! (The twin engines)
- Narrator: The trucks complained bitterly; but then, trucks always do and no one takes much notice.
- Gordon , Henry and James: We don't know whether we're coming or going. We feel quite distracted.
- Henry: No one can say that we're afraid of hard work, but...
- Gordon: We draw the line at goods trains.
- James: Dirty trucks , dirty sidings. Ugh!
- Duck: What are you boiler aching about? I remember on the great western...
- Gordon: That tinpot railway....
- Duck: Tinpot indeed! Let me tell you...
- The fat controller: I hear you've lost your numbers. How did that happen?
- Donald and Douglas: They maun hae slyly slippit Sirr. Ye ken hoo it is.
- The fat controller: I know. Accidentlaly on purpose.
- Donald and Douglas: Sirr! Ye wadnae be thinkin' we lost them on purrpose?
- The fat controller: I'm not so sure. Now then, which of you is 57646?
- Donald and Douglas: That, Sirr, is juist what we canna mind.
- The fat controller: What are your names?
- Donald and Douglas: Donal an' Douggie , Sirr.
- The fat controller: Good! Then your controller can tell me which is which.
- Donald and Douglas: Och! Ye'll get no muckle help fae him, Sirr.
- The fat controller: Why?
- Donald and Douglas: He disna ken oor names Sirr. Hoo could he? We only gien oorsels names when we lost oor nummers.
- The fat controller: One of you is playing truant. I shall find him out and send him home. Inspector give these engines numbers, and set them to work.
The missing coach (the twin engines)
- Donald: Ye may hae noticed , Douggie, that yon penters forgot somethin'.
- Douglas: What did they forget?
- Donald: They painted braw new nummers on oor tenders , but they put nane on uz.
- Douglas: (Grins) Ye mean...
- Donald: Juist that. Haud yer wheesht. Here's the inspector.
- The inspector: Now 9 and 10, here's Duck. He'll show you round before you start work.
- Donald: We like it fine here.
- Duck: That's good, but take my tip , watch out for Gordon , Henry and James. They're sure to try some nonsense.
- Douglas: Dinna fash yersel. We'll suin settle them.
- Narrator: Donald and Douglas had deep toned whistles.
- Gordon: They sound like Buses.
- Henry: (Sniggers) Or ships.
- Gordon: (laughs) Tug-boat Annie! Ha! Ha!
- Donald: Ye wadnae be makkin' fun o' uz wad ye noo?
- Gordon: Er , no.
- Henry: No , no , certainly not.
- Douglas: That's fine. Noo juist mind the baith o' ye, and keep it that wey.
- Narrator: That was the way Gordon and Henry kept it!
- The fat controller: Ah! No. 9 , and why have you not taken the goods?
- Douglas: My tender is awa' Sirr.
- The fat controller: I see , some defect no doubt. Tell me , why did No. 10 leave so quickly?
- Douglas: Mebbe he saw ye comin' an' thocht he was late.
- The fat controller: Hm
- The fat controller: Douglas , why are you masquerending with Donald's tender?
About the books
- I started my life-long interest in railways approximately 50 years ago when, one Christmas, I received a first edition of Thomas the Tank Engine in a parcel from Santa Claus. As a book dealer, I very much regret that I do not still own that first edition. My mother gave it away to the local hospital with a load of Eagle annuals and other things, which I also regret I no longer own.
From a childhood enlivened by the Reverend W Awdry's books, I remember the wonderful character of the Fat Controller. He was a bureaucrat; he was a man with a hat; and he was derided by the people who really ran the railway — who, in those stories, were the engines — for not knowing much about rail engineering. It sounds a little like Railtrack.- Lord Greaves, House of Lords Railtrack debate, Hansard, 5 April 2001
See also
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