The New World (The 4400 episode)
"The New World" is an episode of the science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 television series The 4400
The 4400
The 4400 is a science fiction TV series produced by CBS Paramount Network Television in association with Sky Television, Renegade 83, and American Zoetrope for USA Network. The show was created and written by Scott Peters and René Echevarria, and it stars Joel Gretsch and Jacqueline McKenzie...



Richard has to cope with two horrendous changes in his life after he discovers that Isabelle and Lily have both aged substantially. The Nova Group reveal themselves as a group of 4400s that have the power to influence the world.

Part one

The episode begins with Dennis Ryland
Dennis Ryland
Dennis Ryland is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction The 4400 portrayed by Peter Coyote. He was the original supervisor and director of NTAC during season one....

 giving a speech to a Congressional Hearing
Congressional hearing
Congressional hearings are the principal formal method by which committees collect and analyze information in the early stages of legislative policymaking. Whether confirmation hearings — a procedure unique to the Senate — legislative, oversight, investigative, or a combination of these, all...

 regarding the 4400, Ryland states to the panel of congressmen about how the promicin-inhibitor program was an international effort with a goal to stop the domination of the world by a small fraction of the population, the 4400.

Three weeks earlier Richard
Richard Tyler
Richard Tyler is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Character :One of the first 4400s to be shown, Richard is Lily Tyler's husband, and is the father of her second daughter, Isabelle Tyler....

 and Shawn
Shawn Farrell
Shawn Farrell is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Season One:Shawn was born December 12, 1983, and disappeared April 22, 2001 from Highland Beach near Seattle, Washington, while with his cousin Kyle Baldwin...

 walk down the corridors of the 4400 Center
4400 Center
The 4400 Center is a fictional building in the science fiction TV series The 4400. According to a postcard in the Season 3 episode "Gone", the fictional location of the center is 6265 Crescent Road, Seattle, WA...

 in a rush as Shawn has something important to show Richard, in regard to Isabelle
Isabelle Tyler
Isabelle Tyler is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.-Background:The daughter of Richard Tyler and Lily Moore, Isabelle is technically not a 4400; she was born after the 4400 were returned, after the first season of the show.- Season 1 :Lily...

. Arriving at their destination Richard is bemused to discover a young lady claiming to be his daughter, Isabelle. Richard returns to his apartment in search of Lily and Isabelle, looking around he discovers Lily has collapsed in their bedroom, when he goes to her aid to help her up he finds an aged woman, who claims to be Lily
Lily Tyler
Lily Tyler is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Background :...

. As the aged Lily gets up she realizes her hands have succumbed to wrinkles and screams when she views her self in a mirror, Lily has aged exponentially.

Richard and Lily visit Dr. Kevin Burkhoff
Kevin Burkhoff
Kevin Burkhoff is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction tv show, The 4400.-Season Two:Kevin first appeared in the season two premiere episode "Wake Up Call," in which he was a patient in a psychiatric hospital. Kevin suffered from paranoid personality disorder and had not...

 in regard to Lily's rapid aging, Burkhoff states that while her blood pressure is elevated her heart, lungs and reflexes are within the normal range. Burkhoff speculates that the rapid aging is due to Lily coming off the promicin-inhibitor.

The episode returns to the present day with Ryland still giving his speech to panel of congressmen. Ryland "owns up" and reveals the inhibitor program was all his idea, and states he was proud to lead it. After taking a short recess the panel and guests return to their seats, not long after however a loud noise emanates around the room. An advisor to Ryland begins to get agitated because of the noise which he can hear, rummaging through his briefcase he removes a letter opener and in a raged state stabs Ryland multiple times.

At his house, Tom and Alana
Alana Mareva
Alana Mareva is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Background :Alana was born October 17, 1969, in Tahiti, and disappeared September 5, 2001, from Seattle, Wash. Prior to her abduction, her husband and only son Billy had been killed by a drunk driver...

 talk about Ryland, with Tom suggesting that maybe he should contact Ryland's wife to see if he can help her in any way, although Tom dismisses the idea stating that Ryland did nothing nor tell Tom when Kyle
Kyle Baldwin
Kyle Baldwin is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Season One:Kyle Baldwin is Tom and Linda Baldwin's son and Shawn Farrell's cousin. The two were drinking beer at Highland beach in 2001 when Shawn was abducted. After Shawn's abduction, Kyle is...

 was stalking Jordan Collier
Jordan Collier
Jordan Collier is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400. He is portrayed by American actor Billy Campbell.-Character Profile:...

. Alana suggests that she needs to get Tom away from there, away from his problems. Alana tells Tom that since coming of the promicin-inhibitor she believes she can control her ability. Tom and Alana could potentially take a long holiday in the space of a few moments.

NTAC receives a message from the Nova Group, the "defensive wing of the 4400", in their message they state that a second demonstration of their powers has been planned for October 19. Nina
Nina Jarvis
Nina Jarvis is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.Nina became the director of NTAC in season two after succeeding Dennis Ryland; Ryland took his role back temporarily while Nina recovered from a gunshot wound...

 reintroduces Tom and Diana to Gary Navaro, Nina tells Tom and Diana how Gary's telepathic powers have been very useful to the National Security Agency.

While Lily and Isabelle study several medical documents in Kevin's office, they discover that there is a one-to-one correlation in such that every time one of Lily's neuron
A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information by electrical and chemical signaling. Chemical signaling occurs via synapses, specialized connections with other cells. Neurons connect to each other to form networks. Neurons are the core components of the nervous...

s "turns off" one of Isabelle's "turns on".

At Diana's apartment her, Maia
Maia Skouris
Maia Skouris is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction TV show The 4400.- Season One :...

 and Marco
Marco Pacella
Marco Pacella is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction The 4400.-Character:Marco is in charge of NTAC's theory room, and is the one who initially proposed that each 4400 has caused a "ripple effect"...

 play a board game, when Maia asks if she can excuse her self from the game, leaving to go to her room Maia hints at the future to Marco. He tells Diana that maybe Maia was better off on the promicin-inhibitor due to being overwhelmed with knowing what will happen. Diana visits Kevin Burkhoff regarding Maia during the night; on entering his apartment Diana sees a vial of promicin
Promicin is a fictional neurotransmitter in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Background :The human body produces neurotransmitters that control and regulate bodily functions. In The 4400, every 4400 produces a fictitious neurotransmitter called promicin that enables him...

 on Kevin's desk.

Tom and Diana receive a lead on Jeffrey Houser, a member of the Nova Group which Gary Navarro put Tom and Diana on to, they head to a morgue
A morgue or mortuary is used for the storage of human corpses awaiting identification, or removal for autopsy or disposal by burial, cremation or otherwise...

 and discover that he had been dead for two weeks, much too long to be the person they are looking for. They realize Gary had been deceiving them.

The episode ends with Richard and Lily resting on a sofa while Isabelle heads to the top of the 4400 Center and jumps from the top of the building while Gary Navarro attends Dennis Ryland's bedside, Gary states to Ryland "You're awake. Good. It's important you know it's me, I'm the guy who killed you." Navaro then injects Ryland with an unknown substance which causes Ryland to go into a seizure.

Part two

After injecting Ryland with an unknown substance Gary leaves the room with Ryland having a seizure, though Gary successfully manages to leave the room two security officers which are stationed outside are alerted to detain him and give chase. Exiting an elevator Gary is cornered by Nina, Tom and Diana and armed security guards.

Matthew Ross returns to the 4400 Center from a trip, on arrival Shawn greets Ross and updates him on the status of Isabelle
Isabelle Tyler
Isabelle Tyler is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.-Background:The daughter of Richard Tyler and Lily Moore, Isabelle is technically not a 4400; she was born after the 4400 were returned, after the first season of the show.- Season 1 :Lily...

, who had survived her free fall from the 4400 Center roof and healed and Lily, who Shawn states is deteriorating.

After conversing with Marco regarding Kevin Burkhoff
Kevin Burkhoff
Kevin Burkhoff is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction tv show, The 4400.-Season Two:Kevin first appeared in the season two premiere episode "Wake Up Call," in which he was a patient in a psychiatric hospital. Kevin suffered from paranoid personality disorder and had not...

, and the apparent syringe of promicin she had seen at his apartment she goes to visit him. Diana questions Kevin as to if he has been injecting himself with promicin, he rejects that he has been taking the promicin
Promicin is a fictional neurotransmitter in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Background :The human body produces neurotransmitters that control and regulate bodily functions. In The 4400, every 4400 produces a fictitious neurotransmitter called promicin that enables him...

 serum but states that he has been injecting himself with a modified version. Kevin tells Diana that once the course of treatment has finished he will have taught his body to produce promicin, that he will be the first non-4400 to develop 4400-like abilities. Unknown to Diana however Kevin has already begun to make “progress”, sporting his bare chest Kevin reveals to her he has begun to develop lacerations.

After Gary Navarro is taken from NTAC custody, an NSA agent subjects him to torture, including waterboarding
Waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over the face of an immobilized captive, thus causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning...

. Daniel Armand rings Shawn
Shawn Farrell
Shawn Farrell is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Season One:Shawn was born December 12, 1983, and disappeared April 22, 2001 from Highland Beach near Seattle, Washington, while with his cousin Kyle Baldwin...

 telling him he will require money to go “underground” revealing to Shawn that a member of the Nova Group has been compromised. Gary reveals Armand’s name to the torturer soon after however Tom Baldwin breaks into the room in which Gary is being tortured and ends it.

Richard Tyler
Richard Tyler is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Character :One of the first 4400s to be shown, Richard is Lily Tyler's husband, and is the father of her second daughter, Isabelle Tyler....

 packs his and Lily
Lily Tyler
Lily Tyler is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Background :...

's luggage into their car while Lily goes to visit Isabelle in her room to tell them they will be going to see another clinic. She advises her that Shawn will be looking out for her and presents Isabelle with a present, her wedding band. Outside Richard helps an emotional Lily into their car with Lily revealing she had lied to Isabelle and that Richard is the one who has to tell her the truth.

At NTAC headquarters Nina
Nina Jarvis
Nina Jarvis is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.Nina became the director of NTAC in season two after succeeding Dennis Ryland; Ryland took his role back temporarily while Nina recovered from a gunshot wound...

, Tom and Diana
Diana Skouris
Diana Skouris is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.-Season One :Initially portrayed as somewhat cold and removed, Diana Skouris was partnered with Tom Baldwin in the pilot episode to investigate the 4400 returnees. She expresses displeasure at being...

 wait with a degree of anxiousness for October 19. Sometime later while in his office, asleep, Tom awakes and hears the words “Oh my God”, leaving his office he discovers via a news broadcast that 1000 acres (4 km²) patch of barren sand in the Nubian Desert
Nubian Desert
The Nubian Desert is in the eastern region of the Sahara Desert, spanning approximately 400,000 km² of northeastern Sudan between the Nile and the Red Sea. The arid region, a largely sandstone plateau, has lots of wadis flowing towards the Nile. There is virtually no rainfall in the Nubian,...

 has overnight transformed into fertile wheat fields, the Nova Group claim responsibility with Diana commenting “They make us all terrified, and then, rather than attacking us, they give us a gift.”

The episode ends with a flashback to Tom feeding a young baby Kyle
Kyle Baldwin
Kyle Baldwin is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.- Season One:Kyle Baldwin is Tom and Linda Baldwin's son and Shawn Farrell's cousin. The two were drinking beer at Highland beach in 2001 when Shawn was abducted. After Shawn's abduction, Kyle is...

, meanwhile Maia
Maia Skouris
Maia Skouris is a fictional character on the USA Network science fiction TV show The 4400.- Season One :...

 attends her new school at the 4400 Center
4400 Center
The 4400 Center is a fictional building in the science fiction TV series The 4400. According to a postcard in the Season 3 episode "Gone", the fictional location of the center is 6265 Crescent Road, Seattle, WA...

 and Isabelle contemplates injecting her self with a serum Matthew Ross gave her, with the possibility it could save her mother. Sitting in their car, Richard reminisces about his and Lily’s past while she slowly passes away next to him.


  • The departure of the Lily Tyler character was a creative fix to deal with the departure of the actress Laura Allen
    Laura Allen
    -Personal life:Allen was born in Portland, Oregon, the daughter of Julie and David Allen. She grew up on Bainbridge Island, Washington as the middle child of three sisters: older Jennifer and younger Lindsay. She attended Wellesley College as a Sociology major and graduated in 1996...

    , who left the show for other business interests. The contrived plot to smooth the departure of a lead character was not well received with the fans and is regarded as perhaps the point where the series "jumped the shark
    Jump the Shark
    "Jump the Shark" is the 197th episode and the ninth season's fifteenth episode of the science fiction television series The X-Files. The episode first aired in the United States and Canada on April 21, 2002 on Fox, and subsequently aired in the United Kingdom. It was written by executive producers...

  • The transformation of the infant Isabelle to a young adult is significant, as she becomes a central character in the later part of the third season.
  • The introduction of the Nova Group sets the tone for the entire third season, where the 4400s are all divided about the use of militant action, and the government uses their actions against other 4400s.

External links

  • "The New World" at the official 4400 website provided by USA Network
    USA Network
    USA Network is an American cable television channel launched in 1971. Once a minor player in basic cable, the network has steadily gained popularity because of breakout hits like Monk, Psych, Burn Notice, Royal Pains, Covert Affairs, White Collar, Monday Night RAW, Suits, and reruns of the various...

  • "The New World" at The 4400 Wiki.
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