The Latter Five Poets of the Southern Garden
The Latter Five Poets of the Southern Garden was a Ming dynasty
Ming Dynasty
The Ming Dynasty, also Empire of the Great Ming, was the ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644, following the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty. The Ming, "one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history", was the last dynasty in China ruled by ethnic...

 poetry circle composed of Liang Youyu
Liang Youyu
Liang Youyu was a Ming dynasty scholar. A native of Shunde in Guangdong province, he completed the Jinshi level of the Imperial Examination in 1550. He was involved in two well known poetry circles "The Latter Five Poets of the Southern Garden" , and "The Seven Masters"...

 (梁有誉), Ou Daren
Ou Daren
Ou Daren was a Ming dynasty scholar, a native of Chencun , Shunde in Guangdong province. Becoming an official with the Second-Degree Scholars , he was appointed at posts such as Assistant of the Imperial College , Officer in Ministry of Work Affairs in Nanjing , etc...

 (歐大任), Li Minbiao (黎民表), Wu Dan (吴旦), and Li Shixing
Li Shixing
Li Shixing ; ca. was a Chinese landscape painter during the Yuan Dynasty .Li was born in Beijing. He specialized in landscapes and ink bamboo paintings.-References:...

 (李时行). They are generally considered to be the most important Cantonese
Cantonese is a dialect spoken primarily in south China.Cantonese may also refer to:* Yue Chinese, the Chinese language that includes Cantonese* Cantonese cuisine, the cuisine of Guangdong province...

poets of the sixteenth century.
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