The Indian Emperour
The Indian Emperour, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, being the Sequel of The Indian Queen is an English Restoration
era stage play, a heroic drama
written by John Dryden
that was first performed in the Spring of 1665
. The play has been considered a defining work in the sub-genre of heroic drama, in which "rhymed heroic tragedy comes into full being." As its subtitle indicates, the play deals with the Spanish conquest
of the Aztec Empire under Hernán Cortés
at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
; it featured Michael Mohun
as the Emperor, Charles Hart
as Cortez, Edward Kynaston
as Guyomar, Nicholas Burt
as Vasquez, William Wintershall
as Odmar, William Cartwright
as the Priest, and Anne Marshall
as Almeria. The original production employed a "gorgeously feathered cloak" that Aphra Behn
had brought back from Surinam, along with "glorious wreaths for...heads, necks, arms, legs." Dryden spiced his play with crowd-pleasing features, including incantations and conjured spirits, and an elaborate grotto scene with "a Fountain spouting."
On opening night, Dryden had a program distributed to the audience, on the connection between this play and his earlier The Indian Queen (a collaboration with his brother-in-law Sir Robert Howard
). When the Duke of Buckingham
and his collaborators satirized Dryden in The Rehearsal
), they had their Dryden-substitute Bayes say "that he had printed many reams to instill into the audience some conception of his plot."
The play was a major popular success, and was revived in 1667
, with Nell Gwyn
as Cydaria and Mary Knep
in the role of Alibech. Samuel Pepys
saw a performance; though he was an admirer of Gwyn, he condemned her performance in the role of the Emperour's daughter, calling it "a great and serious part, which she do most basely."
The play was also given an amateur performance at Court in 1668, which included James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth
and his Duchess in the cast. Pepys criticized the elite cast as mostly "fools and stocks" — though he did not actually see the production in question.
. Dryden dedicated the play to Ann Scott, Duchess of Monmouth and Buccleuch, whom he called his "first and best patroness." Subsequent editions followed in 1668, 1670, 1686, 1692, 1694, and 1696, all from Herringman; the 1692 edition coincided with another stage revival.
's The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru
), and the Spanish accounts of the conquest in Purchas his Pilgrimes
edition). Dryden also took plot elements from a play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
, El príncipe constante (c. 1628–29), which Dryden read in the original Spanish. One aspect of Dryden's plot, Guyomar and Odmar's competition for Alibech, comes from Georges de Scudéry
's poem Alaric (1654
In turn, Voltaire
borrowed from Dryden's play for his drama Alzire.
refuses a chance to save his kingdom from conquest, for personal reasons:
Cortez takes the opposite course, turning his back on his love for Cydaria to obey the orders of his king, even though he acknowledges that those orders are flawed. Montezuma gets the worst of their conflict; tortured by the Spaniards, he ends the play with his suicide.
Dryden wanted to portray Cortez as high-minded and magnanimous; but he also wanted to show the Spaniards as cruel and oppressive. He managed this by the wildly ahistorical recourse of bringing Francisco Pizarro
into the play as a subordinate of Cortez, and making Pizarro the villain.
Modern critics have studied the play from feminist and anti-colonialist viewpoints.
The Indian Emperor by John Dryden
Act 1, Scene 1. A pleasant Indian country
The arrival of the Spaniards reveals their intentions with the new land. They discuss the dwindling resources of Spain and the richness of the land they intend to conquer
and exploit. The Taxallan Indians, a rival of the Aztecs under Spanish command, have
informed the officers of Montezuma’s presence. Cortez commands his guide to bring
him to Mexico to first offer peace and, that notwithstanding, to make war.
Act 1, Scene 2. A Temple
Starting with the High Priest finishing a blood ritual honoring Montezuma’s birthday,
the royal party arrives to the Temple. The High Priest asks Montezuma, in accordance
with the ritual, to pick out his future queen. Montezuma surrenders his love to Almeria,
who as the daughter of his late rival scorns Mont.’s love but seeks to control him and
his power through the relationship. Odmar tries to sway Mont. from his choice but is
unsuccessful as Almeria pledges her love to Mont. who is enamored with her. Guyomar
enters and describes the Spaniards arrival in terms he understands interpreted by the HP
as in accordance with a prophecy about “floating castles”. Mont. sends the HP to see
what their arrival portends as he finishes up the ritual by having his sons pick brides.
They both pledge their love to Alibech who in turn refuses both. The two sons argue
over her before Mont. silences them and asks Orbellan to also pick a bride. He chooses
Cydaria, who despite her hatred for Orbellan recognizes her duty to her father to marry
him and join the Indian nations. Her acceptance is interrupted by the arrival of the
Spanish officers. Mont. thinks them gods at first but soon realizes they are emissaries
of “some petty prince” King Charles V. The Commanders issue the terms of Mont’s
surrender (gold, submission, and conversion) while Cydaria catches Cortez’s eye. Mont
refuses the Terms of Peace and leaves with the royal party but not before Cortez ask that
Cydaria be able to stay a moment that they may talk. Cortez falls for her and she begins
to fall for him when Orbellan reenters and fetches Cydaria back to Mexico, which now
prepares for war.
Act 2, Scene 1. The Magician’s Cave
Montezuma and the high priest call upon spirits to guide them in their choices. The
spirits inform him of the destiny of his people and their ruin, him to give up his scepter
but he refuses their prophecy (“Doom as thy please my Empire not to stand, I’ll grasp my
scepter with my dying hand”) He insists a better prophecy must exist and asks the high priest to summon again. A spirit dressed in all white appears and sings of Montezuma's success. As they finish with the spirits, the spirit of the Indian Queen appears to curse her former husband. Montezuma resolves to fight the Spaniards.
Act 2, Scene 2. Between two Armies
Cydaria and Alibech standing waiting for Cortez to arrive. Once he does, Cydaria implores Cortez to peace. She criticizes the choices he’s given as showing the outcome to be a foregone conclusion. (“You threaten Peace, and yet invite a War”) She calls him a blind follower and declares his love of country was stronger than his love to her. As a particularly honor bound character, Cortez pledges to hold off his attack until the next day but is informed by Pizarro that the war has already started. The officers withdraw to war as Odmar and Guyomar enter to make Alibech decide her love for either before the battle begins. Alibech tells them that she loves one but not the other, not revealing which is which, but will marry whoever wins the war for their country. They all leave as the scene changes to the countryside battlefield where Mont. charges the field. Cortez condemns his Indian allies for cowardice. Cortez and his officers lead a cavalry charge of their own against the rear of Montezuma’s forces. Odmar and Guyomar enter and are bragging of their kills when Montezuma enters with Alibecch declaring that the day
is lost due to the Spanish soldiers guns, “Our foes with Lightning and Thunder fight.”
The Commanders enter triumphant and make to seize Montezuma and Alibech but Guyomar defends Montezuma as Odmar flees with Alibech to safety. Guyomar covers Montezuma’s retreat but is eventually overcome and captured by the Spaniards. Guards lead Guyomar off. Cortez and Cydaria enter. Cydaria has convinced Cortez to re-offer terms of peace to Montezuma. They talk of their love and Cortez reveals that he had a former love, now dead, that Cydaria resembles. They spar about whether his love for his dead wife will overshadow her. Cydaria is doubtful, so Cortez releases Guyomar as a token of his love. Guyomar is grateful and pledges brotherhood to Cortez. Guyomar leaves to convince Montezuma to hold three days of peace.
Act 3 Scene 1. A Chamber Royal
Odmar and Alibech are safe in the city with Odmar trying to claim Alibech’s hand when
Guyomar enters. Each defend their earlier decision. Alibech declares the contest is not yet won. Montezuma, Almeria and Orbellan enter discussing Montezuma’s options for peace. Almeria and Orbellan convince him to return to war, despite the protestations of Guyomar. Montezuma, Odmar, Guyomar and Alibech leave to prepare for more war.
Almeria and Orbellan stay behind. Guyomar returns and overhears their conversation as Almeria convinces Orbellan to try to assassinate Cortez. Almeria and Orbellan leave as Guyomar monologues his intent to warn Cortez, then exits.
Act 3 Scene 2. A Camp at Night
Cortez, unable to sleep for love, wanders alone and hears commotion in camp. Orbellan enters running, trying to disguise himself from pursuers. He tells Cortez that he is Taxallan and needs protection from harassment. Cortez promises his safety and hides Orbellan in his tent. Commanders enter and inform Cortez that Guyomar has been there to warn of Orbellan’s assassination attempt. The commanders leave and Cortez brings out Orbellan and reveals his identity. On his honor he escorts Orbellan out of camp, but once they are out Cortez gives Orbellan a sword and challenges him to a duel. Orbellan is wounded in his sword hand. Cortez’s honor compels him to free Orbellan but warns that he will attack the city on the next day, which is the day Orbellan is to marry Cydaria.
Act 3 Scene 3. Mexico
Montezuma, Odmar, Guyomar, and Almeria are awaiting Orbellan as the marriage approaches. They are discussing the starvation in the city due to the siege. Orbellan enters and pulls Almeria aside to tell his failure. Alibech and Cydaria enter to implore Montezuma to stay the wedding because Cydaria loves Cortez. A messenger enters to say that the war is back on at the city walls. More messengers arrive as the battle gets closer to the royal party. Cortez finally enters and slays Orbellan, but is outnumbered.
Guyomar forces Cortez to surrender his sword. Almeria calls for his head but Guyomar defends Cortez and returns Cortez’s sword. Montezuma threatens Guyomar but Odmar steps between them. Odmar mediates Cortez’s surrender. Cortez is given as prisoner to Guyomar in the castle on the lake. Almeria is pissed and vows revenge.
Act 4 Scene 1. A Prison
Almeria enters Cortez’s cell to kill him. Cortez awakes and shows no fear of death, which makes Almeria fall in love with him. She can’t kill him and instead tries to find out if he would love her instead of Cydaria. Cortez politely refuses, but she pretends it was a joke and leaves him alive anyway. Cortez contemplates his condition.
Act 4 Scene 2. A Chamber Royal
Montezuma, Odmar, Guyomar and Alibech discuss the growing threat of starvation and contemplate surrender. They decide to fight still, because Cortez though in chains has increased his terms of peace: “he in Chains demanded more/ Than he impos’d in Victory before”. Montezuma refuses to surrender: “If either Death or Bondage I must choose,/ I’ll keep my Freedom, though my Life I lose.” Guyomar grudgingly accepts command and Montezuma and Odmar leave to prepare for war. Alibech implores Guyomar to release Cortez and let the opposing army into the city to end their starvation.
Guyomar laments his choice between Alibech and the empire and decides through much
consideration to put his country first. A messenger arrives and tells Guyomar that the Spanish commanders are resting at a defenceless grotto. Guyomar leaves to go kill them and claim victory. Odmar enters and Alibech asks him what she asked of Guyomar.
Odmar agrees and leaves and Alibech monologues, revealing that she loves Guyomar even though he refused her, and she hates Odmar though he obeyed her. She laments that this would force her to marry Odmar in honor of her agreement.
Act 4 Scene 3 A Pleasant Grotto
Guyomar surprises the Spanish commanders and captures them. The Spaniards are led out as Montezuma, Alibech and a discontented Odmar enter. Montezuma commends Guyomar on his victory. Alibech pledges herself to him and Montezuma declares it their wedding day. Montezuma tells Odmar to guard the commanders. Montezuma, Alibech and Guyomar leave. Odmar realizes that he was the one Alibech hated and is swayed to revenge on his rival. He orders Vasquez and Pizarro brought out and allies with them, promising them an easy victory. Vasquez requests the hand of a beauty whose name he does not know as his price. Pizarro wants gold.
Act 4 Scene 4. A Prison
Cortez and Almeria are again discussing Almeria’s love for Cortez. Cortez doesn’t believe her; she threatens to kill him if he doesn’t return her love. Cortez is adamant that his heart belongs to Cydaria, but pledges to Almeria platonic love and devotion. As he kisses her hand, Cydaria enters. Cydaria misinterprets and accuses Cortez of infidelity.
Almeria realizes the mistake but persists, declaring the same thing in an attempt to break
Cydaria’s love for him. As Cortez is trying to prove his love, the Spanish led by Vasquez can be heard arriving. Almeria, fearing death by Spaniard, tries to kill Cydaria to keep her from Cortez. Cydaria runs behind Cortez, who is hurt instead. Almeria tries to kill herself but Cortez stops her. Pizarro and Vasquez arrive. Cortez promises Cydaria’s protection and orders her into a tower in the prison to keep her safe, but refuses Almeria. Cortez promises not to kill Montezuma or Cydaria’s brothers. They leave to put Cydaria away.
Almeria, despondent, leaves to let herself be killed in the battle. The Spanish return.
Cortez makes Pizarro guard the tower and leaves to fight. Pizarro leaves his post to
plunder instead.
Act 5 Scene 1. A Chamber Royal
Odmar enters with Guyomar and Alibech bound. Odmar unbinds Alibech and declares Alibech his queen; she refuses. He threatens her life if she won’t accept. Guyomar resigns his right to her rather than let her die, but she chides him saying that it’s still her choice.
Odmar threatens to kill Guyomar if she won’t marry him. Alibech tries to barter, but is forced to agree to the match. She asks only to kiss Guyomar once. As they kiss they decide to die together. Vasquez enters and declares that Alibech is the one he wanted as his price. Odmar and Vasquez fight as Alibech frees Guyomar. Vasquez kills Odmar as Guyomar runs to his brother’s sword. Guyomar fights and kills Vasquez.
Act 5 Scene 2. A Prison
Montezuma and an Aztec High Priest are tortured on the rack by a Christian priest and Pizarro in an effort to both locate more gold AND convert them to Christianity. “How wickedly he has refus’d his Wealth,/ and hid his gold from Christian hands by stealth”.
Montezuma refuses to submit, claiming that his gods are stronger. They get into a religious debate during the torture. The High Priest almost breaks, and asks Montezuma for permission to reveal the gold’s location. Montezuma commands that he die instead.
And so he does. Cortez enters and frees Montezuma. He threatens Pizarro with Martial Law for letting the battle turn into a massacre and refuses to let anyone take gold, claiming it is cursed. (Money is the root of all evil!) Pizarro and the priest leave. Cortez and Montezuma make up. A Spanish messenger arrives to report that Guyomar is winning; Cortez leaves to rally his troops but promises to save Guyomar from death.
Almeria enters a changed woman, not yet dead, and asks Montezuma’s love. She helps him to the base of Cydaria’s tower and Montezuma yells for her to let them in. As Cydaria lets in Montezuma, Almeria tries to get in as well even though Cydaria doesn’t trust her. They get in just as the Spanish arrive. Cortez tries to retrieve Cydaria, but Montezuma and Almeria refuse to let her go. Rather than be a slave to Cortez’s charity, Montezuma, a proud man, commits suicide instead. The Spanish start to break into the tower. Almeria prepares to kill Cydaria one more time. Cortez tries to barter for her life. As they argue, Almeria stabs Cydaria and then herself. The Spanish break in and bring them to Cortez. Almeria declares her love for Cortez once more, asks Cydaria’s forgiveness, and dies. Cydaria is not mortally wounded. Guyomar and Alibech enter captured, and Cortez releases them and offers to share power with them. They refuse and head far north instead. Cortez ends the play promising a grand funeral for Montezuma.
English Restoration
The Restoration of the English monarchy began in 1660 when the English, Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under Charles II after the Interregnum that followed the Wars of the Three Kingdoms...
era stage play, a heroic drama
Heroic drama
Heroic drama is a type of play popular during the Restoration era in England, distinguished by both its verse structure and its subject matter. The sub-genre of heroic drama evolved through several works of the middle to later 1660s; John Dryden's The Indian Emperour and Roger Boyle's The Black...
written by John Dryden
John Dryden
John Dryden was an influential English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who dominated the literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden.Walter Scott called him "Glorious John." He was made Poet...
that was first performed in the Spring of 1665
1665 in literature
The year 1665 in literature involved some significant events.-Events:*November 7 - The London Gazette is published for the first time.* Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society begins publication....
. The play has been considered a defining work in the sub-genre of heroic drama, in which "rhymed heroic tragedy comes into full being." As its subtitle indicates, the play deals with the Spanish conquest
Spanish colonization of the Americas
Colonial expansion under the Spanish Empire was initiated by the Spanish conquistadores and developed by the Monarchy of Spain through its administrators and missionaries. The motivations for colonial expansion were trade and the spread of the Christian faith through indigenous conversions...
of the Aztec Empire under Hernán Cortés
Hernán Cortés
Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro, 1st Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca was a Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire and brought large portions of mainland Mexico under the rule of the King of Castile in the early 16th century...
The premiere production was staged by the King's CompanyKing's Company
The King's Company was one of two enterprises granted the rights to mount theatrical productions in London at the start of the English Restoration. It existed from 1660 to 1682.-History:...
at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane is a West End theatre in Covent Garden, in the City of Westminster, a borough of London. The building faces Catherine Street and backs onto Drury Lane. The building standing today is the most recent in a line of four theatres at the same location dating back to 1663,...
; it featured Michael Mohun
Michael Mohun
Michael Mohun was a leading British actor both before and after the 1642—60 closing of the theatres.Mohun began his stage career as a boy player filling female roles; he was part of Christopher Beeston's theatrical establishment at the Cockpit Theatre, "eventually becoming a key member of Queen...
as the Emperor, Charles Hart
Charles Hart (17th-century actor)
Charles Hart was a prominent British Restoration actor.A Charles Hart was christened on 11 December 1625, in the parish of St. Giles Cripplegate, in London. It is not absolutely certain that this was the actor, though the name was not common at the time...
as Cortez, Edward Kynaston
Edward Kynaston
Edward Kynaston was an English actor, one of the last Restoration "boy players," young male actors who played women's roles.-Career:...
as Guyomar, Nicholas Burt
Nicholas Burt
Nicholas Burt , or Birt or Burght among other variants, was a prominent English actor of the seventeenth century. In a long career, he was perhaps best known as the first actor to play the role of Othello in the Restoration era.A "Nicholas Bert" was christened on 27 May 1621, in Norwich; the record...
as Vasquez, William Wintershall
William Wintershall
William Wintershall , also Wintersall or Wintersell, was a noted seventeenth-century English actor. His career spanned the difficult years of mid-century, when English theatres were closed from 1642 to 1660, during the English Civil War and the Interregnum.According to James Wright's Historia...
as Odmar, William Cartwright
William Cartwright (actor)
William Cartwright was an English actor of the seventeenth century, whose career spanned the Caroline era to the Restoration. He is sometimes known as William Cartwright, Junior or William Cartwright the younger to distinguish him from his father, another William Cartwright William Cartwright...
as the Priest, and Anne Marshall
Anne Marshall
Anne Marshall , also Mrs. Anne Quin, was a leading English actress of the Restoration era, one of the first generation of women performers to appear on the public stage in England....
as Almeria. The original production employed a "gorgeously feathered cloak" that Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn was a prolific dramatist of the English Restoration and was one of the first English professional female writers. Her writing contributed to the amatory fiction genre of British literature.-Early life:...
had brought back from Surinam, along with "glorious wreaths for...heads, necks, arms, legs." Dryden spiced his play with crowd-pleasing features, including incantations and conjured spirits, and an elaborate grotto scene with "a Fountain spouting."
On opening night, Dryden had a program distributed to the audience, on the connection between this play and his earlier The Indian Queen (a collaboration with his brother-in-law Sir Robert Howard
Robert Howard (playwright)
Sir Robert Howard was an English playwright and politician, born to Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Berkshire and his wife Elizabeth.-Life:...
). When the Duke of Buckingham
George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 20th Baron de Ros of Helmsley, KG, PC, FRS was an English statesman and poet.- Upbringing and education :...
and his collaborators satirized Dryden in The Rehearsal
The Rehearsal
The Rehearsal may refer to:* The Rehearsal , 1672, by George Villiers.* The Rehearsal , 1974, about the Greek junta.* The Rehearsal , 2008, by Eleanor Catton.* The Rehearsal, a short film....
1671 in literature
The year 1671 in literature involved some significant events.-Events:*Nell Gwyn retires from the stage.*On November 9, the Duke's Company open their new venue, the Dorset Garden Theatre.-New books:...
), they had their Dryden-substitute Bayes say "that he had printed many reams to instill into the audience some conception of his plot."
The play was a major popular success, and was revived in 1667
1667 in literature
-Events:* The Roman Catholic Church places the works of René Descartes on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.* Molière's play, Tartuffe, is banned.* Edmund Castell is imprisoned for debt....
, with Nell Gwyn
Nell Gwyn
Eleanor "Nell" Gwyn was a long-time mistress of King Charles II of England. Called "pretty, witty Nell" by Samuel Pepys, she has been regarded as a living embodiment of the spirit of Restoration England and has come to be considered a folk heroine, with a story echoing the rags-to-royalty tale of...
as Cydaria and Mary Knep
Mary Knep
Mary Knep , also Knepp, Nepp, Knip, or Knipp, was an English actress, one of the first generation of female performers to appear on the public stage during the Restoration era....
in the role of Alibech. Samuel Pepys
Samuel Pepys
Samuel Pepys FRS, MP, JP, was an English naval administrator and Member of Parliament who is now most famous for the diary he kept for a decade while still a relatively young man...
saw a performance; though he was an admirer of Gwyn, he condemned her performance in the role of the Emperour's daughter, calling it "a great and serious part, which she do most basely."
The play was also given an amateur performance at Court in 1668, which included James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth
James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth
James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, 1st Duke of Buccleuch, KG, PC , was an English nobleman. Originally called James Crofts or James Fitzroy, he was born in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II and his mistress, Lucy Walter...
and his Duchess in the cast. Pepys criticized the elite cast as mostly "fools and stocks" — though he did not actually see the production in question.
The play was first published in 1667 by Henry HerringmanHenry Herringman
Henry Herringman was a prominent London bookseller and publisher in the second half of the 17th century. He is especially noted for his publications in English Renaissance drama and English Restoration drama; he was the first publisher of the works of John Dryden...
. Dryden dedicated the play to Ann Scott, Duchess of Monmouth and Buccleuch, whom he called his "first and best patroness." Subsequent editions followed in 1668, 1670, 1686, 1692, 1694, and 1696, all from Herringman; the 1692 edition coincided with another stage revival.
Dryden's sources for his play, both historical and literary, have been disputed and debated. Two sources of major significance were Sir William DavenantWilliam Davenant
Sir William Davenant , also spelled D'Avenant, was an English poet and playwright. Along with Thomas Killigrew, Davenant was one of the rare figures in English Renaissance theatre whose career spanned both the Caroline and Restoration eras and who was active both before and after the English Civil...
's The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru
The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru
The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru was an innovative 1658 theatrical presentation, a hybrid entertainment or masque or "operatic show", written and produced by Sir William Davenant...
1658 in literature
The year 1658 in literature involved some significant events.-Events:* Molière arrives in Paris to act at the Louvre.* Edward Phillips continues the Chronicle of the Kings of England from the Time of the Romans' Government unto the Death of King James to this date.-New books:* Sir Thomas Browne -...
), and the Spanish accounts of the conquest in Purchas his Pilgrimes
Samuel Purchas
Samuel Purchas , was an English travel writer, a near-contemporary of Richard Hakluyt.Purchas was born at Thaxted, Essex, and graduated at St John's College, Cambridge, in 1600; later he became a B.D., and with this degree was admitted at Oxford in 1615. In 1604 he was presented by James I to the...
1625 in literature
The year 1625 in literature involved some significant events.-Events:*January 1 - The King's Men act Henry IV, Part 1 at Whitehall Palace....
edition). Dryden also took plot elements from a play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Pedro Calderón de la Barca y Barreda González de Henao Ruiz de Blasco y Riaño usually referred as Pedro Calderón de la Barca , was a dramatist, poet and writer of the Spanish Golden Age. During certain periods of his life he was also a soldier and a Roman Catholic priest...
, El príncipe constante (c. 1628–29), which Dryden read in the original Spanish. One aspect of Dryden's plot, Guyomar and Odmar's competition for Alibech, comes from Georges de Scudéry
Georges de Scudéry
Georges de Scudéry , the elder brother of Madeleine de Scudéry, was a French novelist, dramatist and poet.Georges de Scudéry was born in Le Havre, in Normandy, whither his father had moved from Provence...
's poem Alaric (1654
1654 in literature
The year 1654 in literature involved some significant events.-Events:*Lady Dorothy Osborne plays the lead role in a country-house staging of Sir William Berkeley's tragicomedy The Lost Lady. While the London theatres remain closed, amateur theatricals continue at private houses in England...
In turn, Voltaire
François-Marie Arouet , better known by the pen name Voltaire , was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit and for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of religion, free trade and separation of church and state...
borrowed from Dryden's play for his drama Alzire.
In his play, Dryden presents the type of conflict between love and honor that is typical of his serious drama. MontezumaMoctezuma II
Moctezuma , also known by a number of variant spellings including Montezuma, Moteuczoma, Motecuhzoma and referred to in full by early Nahuatl texts as Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin, was the ninth tlatoani or ruler of Tenochtitlan, reigning from 1502 to 1520...
refuses a chance to save his kingdom from conquest, for personal reasons:
But of my crown thou too much care dost take;
That which I value more, my love's at stake.
Cortez takes the opposite course, turning his back on his love for Cydaria to obey the orders of his king, even though he acknowledges that those orders are flawed. Montezuma gets the worst of their conflict; tortured by the Spaniards, he ends the play with his suicide.
Dryden wanted to portray Cortez as high-minded and magnanimous; but he also wanted to show the Spaniards as cruel and oppressive. He managed this by the wildly ahistorical recourse of bringing Francisco Pizarro
Francisco Pizarro
Francisco Pizarro González, Marquess was a Spanish conquistador, conqueror of the Incan Empire, and founder of Lima, the modern-day capital of the Republic of Peru.-Early life:...
into the play as a subordinate of Cortez, and making Pizarro the villain.
Modern critics have studied the play from feminist and anti-colonialist viewpoints.
The Indian Emperor by John Dryden
Dramatis personae and relationship status
- MONTEZUMA, Emperor of Mexico and consort of Almeria
- ODMAR, Montezuma’s eldest son in contention for the love of Alibech
- GUYOMAR, Montezuma’s younger son in contention for the love of Alibech
- ORBELLAN, son of the late Indian Queen by Traxalla, betrothed to Cydaria
- TRAXALLA, High Priest of the Sun.
- CYDARIA, Montezuma’s daughter, Courted by Cortez, betrothed to Orbellan
- ALMERIA, sister to Alibech, daughter of the late Indian Queen, consort of Montezuma
- ALIBECH, sister to Almeria, daughter of the late Indian Queen,
- CORTEZ, the Spanish General, In love with Cydaria
- VASQUEZ, Commander under Cortez, unknowingly in love with Alibech
- PIZARRO, Commander under Cortez, In love with gold
Act 1, Scene 1. A pleasant Indian country
The arrival of the Spaniards reveals their intentions with the new land. They discuss the dwindling resources of Spain and the richness of the land they intend to conquer
and exploit. The Taxallan Indians, a rival of the Aztecs under Spanish command, have
informed the officers of Montezuma’s presence. Cortez commands his guide to bring
him to Mexico to first offer peace and, that notwithstanding, to make war.
Act 1, Scene 2. A Temple
Starting with the High Priest finishing a blood ritual honoring Montezuma’s birthday,
the royal party arrives to the Temple. The High Priest asks Montezuma, in accordance
with the ritual, to pick out his future queen. Montezuma surrenders his love to Almeria,
who as the daughter of his late rival scorns Mont.’s love but seeks to control him and
his power through the relationship. Odmar tries to sway Mont. from his choice but is
unsuccessful as Almeria pledges her love to Mont. who is enamored with her. Guyomar
enters and describes the Spaniards arrival in terms he understands interpreted by the HP
as in accordance with a prophecy about “floating castles”. Mont. sends the HP to see
what their arrival portends as he finishes up the ritual by having his sons pick brides.
They both pledge their love to Alibech who in turn refuses both. The two sons argue
over her before Mont. silences them and asks Orbellan to also pick a bride. He chooses
Cydaria, who despite her hatred for Orbellan recognizes her duty to her father to marry
him and join the Indian nations. Her acceptance is interrupted by the arrival of the
Spanish officers. Mont. thinks them gods at first but soon realizes they are emissaries
of “some petty prince” King Charles V. The Commanders issue the terms of Mont’s
surrender (gold, submission, and conversion) while Cydaria catches Cortez’s eye. Mont
refuses the Terms of Peace and leaves with the royal party but not before Cortez ask that
Cydaria be able to stay a moment that they may talk. Cortez falls for her and she begins
to fall for him when Orbellan reenters and fetches Cydaria back to Mexico, which now
prepares for war.
Act 2, Scene 1. The Magician’s Cave
Montezuma and the high priest call upon spirits to guide them in their choices. The
spirits inform him of the destiny of his people and their ruin, him to give up his scepter
but he refuses their prophecy (“Doom as thy please my Empire not to stand, I’ll grasp my
scepter with my dying hand”) He insists a better prophecy must exist and asks the high priest to summon again. A spirit dressed in all white appears and sings of Montezuma's success. As they finish with the spirits, the spirit of the Indian Queen appears to curse her former husband. Montezuma resolves to fight the Spaniards.
Act 2, Scene 2. Between two Armies
Cydaria and Alibech standing waiting for Cortez to arrive. Once he does, Cydaria implores Cortez to peace. She criticizes the choices he’s given as showing the outcome to be a foregone conclusion. (“You threaten Peace, and yet invite a War”) She calls him a blind follower and declares his love of country was stronger than his love to her. As a particularly honor bound character, Cortez pledges to hold off his attack until the next day but is informed by Pizarro that the war has already started. The officers withdraw to war as Odmar and Guyomar enter to make Alibech decide her love for either before the battle begins. Alibech tells them that she loves one but not the other, not revealing which is which, but will marry whoever wins the war for their country. They all leave as the scene changes to the countryside battlefield where Mont. charges the field. Cortez condemns his Indian allies for cowardice. Cortez and his officers lead a cavalry charge of their own against the rear of Montezuma’s forces. Odmar and Guyomar enter and are bragging of their kills when Montezuma enters with Alibecch declaring that the day
is lost due to the Spanish soldiers guns, “Our foes with Lightning and Thunder fight.”
The Commanders enter triumphant and make to seize Montezuma and Alibech but Guyomar defends Montezuma as Odmar flees with Alibech to safety. Guyomar covers Montezuma’s retreat but is eventually overcome and captured by the Spaniards. Guards lead Guyomar off. Cortez and Cydaria enter. Cydaria has convinced Cortez to re-offer terms of peace to Montezuma. They talk of their love and Cortez reveals that he had a former love, now dead, that Cydaria resembles. They spar about whether his love for his dead wife will overshadow her. Cydaria is doubtful, so Cortez releases Guyomar as a token of his love. Guyomar is grateful and pledges brotherhood to Cortez. Guyomar leaves to convince Montezuma to hold three days of peace.
Act 3 Scene 1. A Chamber Royal
Odmar and Alibech are safe in the city with Odmar trying to claim Alibech’s hand when
Guyomar enters. Each defend their earlier decision. Alibech declares the contest is not yet won. Montezuma, Almeria and Orbellan enter discussing Montezuma’s options for peace. Almeria and Orbellan convince him to return to war, despite the protestations of Guyomar. Montezuma, Odmar, Guyomar and Alibech leave to prepare for more war.
Almeria and Orbellan stay behind. Guyomar returns and overhears their conversation as Almeria convinces Orbellan to try to assassinate Cortez. Almeria and Orbellan leave as Guyomar monologues his intent to warn Cortez, then exits.
Act 3 Scene 2. A Camp at Night
Cortez, unable to sleep for love, wanders alone and hears commotion in camp. Orbellan enters running, trying to disguise himself from pursuers. He tells Cortez that he is Taxallan and needs protection from harassment. Cortez promises his safety and hides Orbellan in his tent. Commanders enter and inform Cortez that Guyomar has been there to warn of Orbellan’s assassination attempt. The commanders leave and Cortez brings out Orbellan and reveals his identity. On his honor he escorts Orbellan out of camp, but once they are out Cortez gives Orbellan a sword and challenges him to a duel. Orbellan is wounded in his sword hand. Cortez’s honor compels him to free Orbellan but warns that he will attack the city on the next day, which is the day Orbellan is to marry Cydaria.
Act 3 Scene 3. Mexico
Montezuma, Odmar, Guyomar, and Almeria are awaiting Orbellan as the marriage approaches. They are discussing the starvation in the city due to the siege. Orbellan enters and pulls Almeria aside to tell his failure. Alibech and Cydaria enter to implore Montezuma to stay the wedding because Cydaria loves Cortez. A messenger enters to say that the war is back on at the city walls. More messengers arrive as the battle gets closer to the royal party. Cortez finally enters and slays Orbellan, but is outnumbered.
Guyomar forces Cortez to surrender his sword. Almeria calls for his head but Guyomar defends Cortez and returns Cortez’s sword. Montezuma threatens Guyomar but Odmar steps between them. Odmar mediates Cortez’s surrender. Cortez is given as prisoner to Guyomar in the castle on the lake. Almeria is pissed and vows revenge.
Act 4 Scene 1. A Prison
Almeria enters Cortez’s cell to kill him. Cortez awakes and shows no fear of death, which makes Almeria fall in love with him. She can’t kill him and instead tries to find out if he would love her instead of Cydaria. Cortez politely refuses, but she pretends it was a joke and leaves him alive anyway. Cortez contemplates his condition.
Act 4 Scene 2. A Chamber Royal
Montezuma, Odmar, Guyomar and Alibech discuss the growing threat of starvation and contemplate surrender. They decide to fight still, because Cortez though in chains has increased his terms of peace: “he in Chains demanded more/ Than he impos’d in Victory before”. Montezuma refuses to surrender: “If either Death or Bondage I must choose,/ I’ll keep my Freedom, though my Life I lose.” Guyomar grudgingly accepts command and Montezuma and Odmar leave to prepare for war. Alibech implores Guyomar to release Cortez and let the opposing army into the city to end their starvation.
Guyomar laments his choice between Alibech and the empire and decides through much
consideration to put his country first. A messenger arrives and tells Guyomar that the Spanish commanders are resting at a defenceless grotto. Guyomar leaves to go kill them and claim victory. Odmar enters and Alibech asks him what she asked of Guyomar.
Odmar agrees and leaves and Alibech monologues, revealing that she loves Guyomar even though he refused her, and she hates Odmar though he obeyed her. She laments that this would force her to marry Odmar in honor of her agreement.
Act 4 Scene 3 A Pleasant Grotto
Guyomar surprises the Spanish commanders and captures them. The Spaniards are led out as Montezuma, Alibech and a discontented Odmar enter. Montezuma commends Guyomar on his victory. Alibech pledges herself to him and Montezuma declares it their wedding day. Montezuma tells Odmar to guard the commanders. Montezuma, Alibech and Guyomar leave. Odmar realizes that he was the one Alibech hated and is swayed to revenge on his rival. He orders Vasquez and Pizarro brought out and allies with them, promising them an easy victory. Vasquez requests the hand of a beauty whose name he does not know as his price. Pizarro wants gold.
Act 4 Scene 4. A Prison
Cortez and Almeria are again discussing Almeria’s love for Cortez. Cortez doesn’t believe her; she threatens to kill him if he doesn’t return her love. Cortez is adamant that his heart belongs to Cydaria, but pledges to Almeria platonic love and devotion. As he kisses her hand, Cydaria enters. Cydaria misinterprets and accuses Cortez of infidelity.
Almeria realizes the mistake but persists, declaring the same thing in an attempt to break
Cydaria’s love for him. As Cortez is trying to prove his love, the Spanish led by Vasquez can be heard arriving. Almeria, fearing death by Spaniard, tries to kill Cydaria to keep her from Cortez. Cydaria runs behind Cortez, who is hurt instead. Almeria tries to kill herself but Cortez stops her. Pizarro and Vasquez arrive. Cortez promises Cydaria’s protection and orders her into a tower in the prison to keep her safe, but refuses Almeria. Cortez promises not to kill Montezuma or Cydaria’s brothers. They leave to put Cydaria away.
Almeria, despondent, leaves to let herself be killed in the battle. The Spanish return.
Cortez makes Pizarro guard the tower and leaves to fight. Pizarro leaves his post to
plunder instead.
Act 5 Scene 1. A Chamber Royal
Odmar enters with Guyomar and Alibech bound. Odmar unbinds Alibech and declares Alibech his queen; she refuses. He threatens her life if she won’t accept. Guyomar resigns his right to her rather than let her die, but she chides him saying that it’s still her choice.
Odmar threatens to kill Guyomar if she won’t marry him. Alibech tries to barter, but is forced to agree to the match. She asks only to kiss Guyomar once. As they kiss they decide to die together. Vasquez enters and declares that Alibech is the one he wanted as his price. Odmar and Vasquez fight as Alibech frees Guyomar. Vasquez kills Odmar as Guyomar runs to his brother’s sword. Guyomar fights and kills Vasquez.
Act 5 Scene 2. A Prison
Montezuma and an Aztec High Priest are tortured on the rack by a Christian priest and Pizarro in an effort to both locate more gold AND convert them to Christianity. “How wickedly he has refus’d his Wealth,/ and hid his gold from Christian hands by stealth”.
Montezuma refuses to submit, claiming that his gods are stronger. They get into a religious debate during the torture. The High Priest almost breaks, and asks Montezuma for permission to reveal the gold’s location. Montezuma commands that he die instead.
And so he does. Cortez enters and frees Montezuma. He threatens Pizarro with Martial Law for letting the battle turn into a massacre and refuses to let anyone take gold, claiming it is cursed. (Money is the root of all evil!) Pizarro and the priest leave. Cortez and Montezuma make up. A Spanish messenger arrives to report that Guyomar is winning; Cortez leaves to rally his troops but promises to save Guyomar from death.
Almeria enters a changed woman, not yet dead, and asks Montezuma’s love. She helps him to the base of Cydaria’s tower and Montezuma yells for her to let them in. As Cydaria lets in Montezuma, Almeria tries to get in as well even though Cydaria doesn’t trust her. They get in just as the Spanish arrive. Cortez tries to retrieve Cydaria, but Montezuma and Almeria refuse to let her go. Rather than be a slave to Cortez’s charity, Montezuma, a proud man, commits suicide instead. The Spanish start to break into the tower. Almeria prepares to kill Cydaria one more time. Cortez tries to barter for her life. As they argue, Almeria stabs Cydaria and then herself. The Spanish break in and bring them to Cortez. Almeria declares her love for Cortez once more, asks Cydaria’s forgiveness, and dies. Cydaria is not mortally wounded. Guyomar and Alibech enter captured, and Cortez releases them and offers to share power with them. They refuse and head far north instead. Cortez ends the play promising a grand funeral for Montezuma.