created by James O'Barr
. The series was originally written by O'Barr as a means of dealing with the death of his girlfriend at the hands of a drunk driver. It was later published by Caliber Comics
in 1989, becoming an underground success, and later adapted into a film of the same name
in 1994
. Three film sequels, a television series and numerous books and comic books have also been subsequently produced.
The Crow has been translated into almost a dozen languages and has sold over a quarter-million copies worldwide.
The story revolves around an unfortunate young man named Eric.
Victims; aren't we all?
A whole jolly club, with jolly pirate nicknames!
I'm not gonna kill you. Your job will be to tell the rest of them that death is coming for them, tonight. Tell them Eric Draven sends his regards.
Is that gasoline I smell?
He was already dead. He died a year ago, the moment he touched her. They're all dead. They just don't know it yet.
It can't rain all the time.
Take your shot, Fun Boy, you got me, dead bang.
Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children. Do you understand? Morphine is bad for you. Your daughter is out there on the streets, waiting for you.
You still have your hat on.
Little things used to mean so much to Shelley. I used to think they were kind of… trivial. Believe me, nothing is trivial.