The Chronicles of Narnia (TV miniseries)
The Chronicles of Narnia is a BBC
-produced television serial that was aired from 13 November 1988 to 23 December 1990 and is based on four books of C. S. Lewis
's The Chronicles of Narnia
series. The first series aired as The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe consisting of 6 episodes (1988), the second series aired as Prince Caspian consisting of 2 episodes and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader consisting of 4 episodes (1989) and the third series aired as The Silver Chair consisting of 6 episodes (1990). This television serial was produced by Paul Stone and teleplayed by Alan Seymour
. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was directed by Marilyn Fox
, while Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader were directed by Alex Kirby
. They are sent to the countryside to stay with Professor Digory Kirke
While exploring a spare room in the house, Lucy enters a wardrobe and finds herself in the middle of a snowy wood, lit by a single lamp-post. She meets a faun
named Mr. Tumnus, who explains that she is in the land of Narnia. He is kind and friendly, and takes her back to his cave for tea. He then plays his flute and Lucy goes to sleep, but when she wakes up Tumnus is crying and he confesses that he had intended to hand her over to the cruel White Witch
, who rules over Narnia and makes it "always winter and never Christmas". She had ordered him and all the other Narnians that if they ever saw a Son of Adam or Daughter of Eve in Narnia, they were to catch them and hand them over to her, but Tumnus realises that he cannot go through with it and he walks back to the lamp-post with Lucy to make sure she returns safely to her own world.
When Lucy returns to her siblings, they do not believe her story about the country in the wardrobe, especially because Lucy claims to have been gone for hours, while for her siblings no time has passed. Edmund is particularly cruel to her and taunts her with comments like "found any new countries in the cupboard lately?".
Later, during a game of hide and seek, Lucy again enters the wardrobe and Edmund follows her into it, and manages to find his way into Narnia, but he cannot find Lucy. After walking some distance into the snow-covered forest, he hears a jingling of bells and a horse-drawn sleigh draws up, transporting a great lady.
The lady introduces herself as the Queen of Narnia, and demands to know "what" Edmund is. He is confused by her question, and she is running out of patience before she finally asks him if he is human. He tells her that he is human and that he got into Narnia through a wardrobe door. She is kind to Edmund, giving him warm drink and his favourite food: Turkish delight
and magically makes a tent appear which they enter before talking. She is eager to know all about him and he tells her that he has a brother and two sisters - she seems particularly interested in the fact that there are four of them. He also tells her that his sister Lucy has already been in Narnia and has met a faun. The Queen tells Edmund that she would like to see his brother and sisters and that next time he comes to Narnia he should bring them with him to meet her. She also tells him that she has no children, and that she would love a boy she could bring up as a prince; who would be King of Narnia when she died. She eventually bids farewell to Edmund and reminds him to come and see her soon.
Edmund returns to the lamp-post, where he is reunited with Lucy, who tells him that she has been to see Tumnus again, and that the White Witch has done nothing to him for letting her go. When she describes the White Witch, Edmund realises that she is no other than the lady he has just made friends with, but he does not let on that he has seen her.
When they return to the Professor's house and meet Peter and Susan,and Lucy tells them about Edmund's visit to Narnia, he refuses to back up Lucy's story, claiming that Lucy had only been "imagining". Peter, who still does not believe Lucy about Narnia, is furious with Edmund for encouraging Lucy about her "lies".
A few days later, the children have to get out of the way when visitors are in the house. They enter the wardrobe and all four find themselves in Narnia. Lucy takes them to Tumnus's cave, but they find him gone and the cave ransacked. A letter signed by "Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police" has been left behind, stating that Tumnus is under arrest and awaiting trial on a charge of high treason against the Queen of Narnia for "comforting her majesty's enemies, harbouring spies and, above all, of fraternising with humans".
The four children then make their way from the cave and encounter a beaver, who reveals himself to be a friend. Mr Beaver takes them to his home, and there he explains that Aslan - the great lion and king of beasts - will save Tumnus and end the White Witch's reign. He reveals that Tumnus was seen being taken away by the Secret Police to the White Witch's castle, and that there was no certainty of his fate, but according to the few people to have been taken in the castle and come out again it is likely that he has been turned to stone. The children have to meet Aslan, because they are part of a prophecy that when "two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve" sit on the thrones at Cair Paravel
, it will be the end White Witch's reign, but of her life. Mr Beaver explains that this prophecy is why they all had to be so cautious as they came along, as the White Witch would be more dangerous still if she knew that there four humans in Narnia.
Suddenly, they notice that Edmund has disappeared, and they rush outside in hope that he will hear them calling for him, but he is nowhere to be seen. Mr Beaver then tells them that Edmund has gone to the White Witch, as he had the look of someone who had been with the Witch. He is even more sure of this when he hears that Edmund has been in Narnia before, by himself, and had not told the others what he had done or whom he had met.
Edmund arrives at the White Witch's house, and she is furious with him for coming alone. She is even more furious when she hears that Aslan has come to Narnia, and decides that they are to travel to the Stone Table. They make the journey on sledge through the snow, travelling for hours and hours through the night.
The beavers and the three other children are preparing for their own journey to the Stone Table. The White Witch had ordered Maugrim and another wolf to go to the Beavers' house, but when they got there they had already gone and there was no scent or tracks, so he followed his mistress's order to head for the Stone Table.
After walking through the snow for several miles, the children and the beavers rest in a cave which acts as a hiding place for beavers in bad times. They soon fall asleep but are awakened hours later (by which time morning has broken) by the sound of jingling bells. Mr Beaver is convinced that it is the White Witch (not knowing that she had deliberately set out on her sleigh without bells in hope of creeping silently upon them) and heads outside to watch in secret. However, when he returns to tell the others what he has seen, he assures them that it is a nasty knock for the Witch and a sign that her power is crumbling. It is Father Christmas
, who presents the children with gifts: Peter gets a sword and shield, Susan gets a bow, quiver of arrows and a horn, and Lucy gets a bottle of magical healing cordial. As they continue their journey, the snow around them melts, making way for spring.
Arriving at the Stone Table, the children and the beavers are welcomed warmly by Aslan. However, Maugrim appears soon afterwards and terrifies the crowd, only to be slain by Peter. Knowing that the White Witch is nearby, Aslan sends his creatures to rescue Edmund, succeeding just as the White Witch is preparing to kill him.
Later, the White Witch herself arrives at the Stone Table, demanding that Edmund be given to her, as all traitors in Narnia belong to her. Aslan discusses the matter in private with the Witch, then announces to all that Edmund will be spared, but the camp has to be moved away from the Stone Table before nightfall.
That night, Susan and Lucy follow Aslan as he leaves the encampment. Aslan allows them to follow, but makes them promise to stay hidden. They watch as Aslan walks to the Stone Table, where the White Witch and her followers are waiting for him. They bind and shave Aslan, with the White Witch revealing that Aslan traded his life for Edmund's. The White Witch kills Aslan with a knife. When the ceremony is over, the White Witch and her company leave to prepare for the oncoming battle with Peter and his forces.
Susan and Lucy spend the night at the Stone Table with Aslan's body. At dawn, the Stone Table cracks in half and Aslan comes back to life. He explains that there is a deeper magic that states that if a "willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack and death itself will be denied". The two girls jump on Aslan's back and they fly to the White Witch's house, where Aslan's restores all the Witch's victims - including Tumnus - back to life from their stone forms.
By the time Aslan and the restored statues return to the battlefield, the fight is in full swing and the Witch has already turned a number of Aslan's followers into stone. Edmund brings his sword down on the Witch's wand, breaking it, and the Witch herself is chased to the top of a ravine by Peter. Aslan appears and roars so loudly that the Witch loses her balance and falls off the edge, killing her upon impact with the ground below.
Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are later crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia in Cair Paravel. They rule Narnia for many years, bringing peace and prosperity to the land. As adults, the four monarchs are passing through the forest when they come across the old lamp-post that marks the border of Narnia. They walk deeper, passing through the wardrobe door and find themselves back in the professor's house, and once again children.
Susan saves the life of a dwarf named Trumpkin who is about to be drowned by two soldiers on a boat. The children tell him that they are the old Kings and Queens of Narnia, of which Trumpkin has heard of in the Narnian legends.
Trumpkin tells the children the story of Prince Caspian, nephew of the current monarch, King Miraz. Caspian lived in a great castle with King Miraz and his wife Queen Prunaprismia. He has a tutor called Dr. Cornelius who one night woke him up because the Queen had given birth to a baby; with a direct heir, Miraz no longer needs Caspian, and planned to kill him. Caspian escaped on a horse but fell from it in the woods and was taken in by Trumpkin, a badger called Trufflehunter and a black dwarf called Nikabrik. These are people who live in hiding, because King Miraz hates the Old Narnians; his ancestors defeated them in their invasion of Narnia hundreds of years earlier.
The children travel through the woods with Trumpkin to meet Caspian. That night, Lucy wakes up from sleep, hearing someone calling her name. She realises that it is Aslan, who instructs the others to follow him. The children meet Aslan the next morning at the Stone Table, and te takes them to meet the Old Narnians and Prince Caspian.
Peter sends a letter of challenge to King Miraz and the guard who gave it to him is Glozelle, one of the King's courtiers who along with Sopespian has been conspiring against the King. Miraz then has an argument with his two courtiers and had intended to refuse the challenge, but changes his mind at the last minute and accepts the offer. Peter eventually fights Miraz and in the struggle he stabs Miraz in the back. Miraz lies wounded on the floor and Glozelle finishes him off with a spear. A battle is bought briefly. A brave mouse called Reepicheep has his tail cut off but Aslan restores it in recognition of his bravery. Aslan also names Caspian as the King of Narnia, and peace is restored between all Narnians.
The four Pevensies return home, with Aslan telling them that Peter and Susan will not return, but Edmund and Lucy will.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: When the story opens, it is explained that Peter is working at Professor Kirke's house, Susan has been invited to America for a holiday, and the younger two, Edmund and Lucy, are staying at their cousin Eustace Scrubb
's home. Sitting in their temporary room, they both comment on a picture on the wall, how it resembles a Narnian ship. Eustace enters the room, and all three are sucked into the painting.
On board the ship the Dawn Treader
, Edmund and Lucy are reunited with Prince Caspian who has grown into a young man since they last saw him. He explains that he is on a quest to find seven lords who were friends of his father's. The quest requires them to sail through dangerous waters, encountering new islands where things are not what they seem and finally to sail to the end of the world, hoping to reach Aslan's Land.
The first island they encounter is one of the Lone Islands, where they are captured by slave traders, but are rescued the next day when Caspian and his army arrive at the market (having already deposed Governor Gumpus) and announce the abolition of slavery in Narnia. Caspian had already been bought by a man who introduced himself as Lord Bern (one of the missing lords).
They later find an isolated island which appears to be uninhabited. Eustace wanders off and finds a cave where a dragon
has died. The cave is full of gold and jewellery, and Eustace finds a bracelet which he puts on. He is tired and soon falls asleep, but when he wakes up he soon realises that he has metamorphosis
ed into a dragon. He flies back to the beach where the others confront him, and they soon figure out who he is. He is soon turned back into a human by Aslan. Caspian establishes that the bracelet was a possession of Lord Octesian, who must have perished on that island.
The third island (Caspian declares it "Goldwater Island," but Reepicheep proposes the more apt name of "Deathwater Island") where they find a cavern in which there is a pool. Edmund places his sword in the water to measure its depth, only for it to become heavy and fall in the water - causing it to splash over his shoes and produce splashes of gold. There is a body in the water, and they establish that anyone or anything that ends up in the water turns into gold. Caspian later realises that the body in the water is that of Lord Restimar.
On the fourth island, they encounter some invisible creatures who give them dinner at a large house. A magician
called Coriakin appears after Lucy reads from a magic book, and the creatures are soon made visible again.
The fifth and final island is at the end of the world. Before they ascend the island, they find a man in the water who introduced himself as Lord Rhoop. On the island they meet Ramandu and his daughter, and also find the three remaining Lords who are in an enchanted sleep.
The three children eventually return home, and before leaving they know that Caspian will marry the daughter of Ramandu, who lives on an island at the end of the world, and that the four lords who were in a deep sleep on Ramandu's island will awaken. Aslan also told Edmund and Lucy that they will not return to Narnia since they are getting too old.
, cousin of the Pevensies, is at a boarding school with a girl named Jill Pole. The two children are targeted by bullies because of their surname
s. Eustace tells Jill about Narnia, and while running away from bullies, they pass through a doorway into Aslan's country. Eustace accidentally falls off a cliff, but is blown to Narnia.
Alone, Jill encounters Aslan, who tells her of the task she and Eustace have been given to do. Aslan explains that in Narnia, the elderly king's only son and heir, Prince Rilian, disappeared some years earlier. Jill is told to memorise four signs that will lead her and Eustace to Rilian. Aslan sends Jill to Narnia, where she is reunited with Eustace near the castle of Cair Paravel. Jill quickly tells Eustace that he has to greet "an old and dear friend", which is the first sign given by Aslan. Eustace says that he cannot recognize anyone, and the two watch as a boat with the elderly king leaves the castle dock. The two meet an owl named Glimfeather, who tells them that the king who just left is King Caspian X. Eustace realises that King Caspian is his friend from the Dawn Treader, and Jill is upset that they've missed the first sign.
The pair meet Trumpkin the dwarf, who is King Caspian's trusted advisor. They are allowed to stay in the castle, and that night they are brought by Glimfeather to the Parliament of Owls where they are told the full story of Prince Rilian's disappearance.
Rillian's mother, the Queen of Narnia, had been killed by a serpent in the woods. Rilian returned to the woods many times to hunt the serpent, but failed. One day Lord Drinian, one of Caspian's friends, noticed a change in Rilian, and was invited by the prince to enter the woods. Lord Drinian witnessed Rilian approach a beautiful lady with red hair in such a way to imply that Rilian was infatuated with her. The next time Rillian went out, he failed to return. The owls then speak of their belief that the woman in the forest and the deadly serpent are one and the same.
Jill explains that according to Aslan's second sign, they have to go north beyond Narnia to the Ruined City of the Giants. The owls take Eustace and Jill to a marshwiggle named Puddleglum
, who will be their guide. The trio travel north, eventually encountering a lady riding on horseback alongside an unspeaking knight in black armour. The lady introduces herself as the Lady of the Green Kirtle
, and advises them to pay a visit to the Giants of Harfang, where they will get good food and lodging.
Soon the group are caught in a snowstorm, and Jill falls into a trench that leads nowhere. Although Puddleglum is reluctant to detour from their quest, the children insist they go to Harfang. They are welcomed warmly by the giants, and given good food and a warm place to sleep.
The next day, the trio look out the window of Jill's room and see the Ruined City of the Giants on a nearby hillside, with the words "UNDER ME" inscribed on the ground. Jill realised that she fell into the "E" of the message the day before. As the third sign was to find a "writing" at the ruins and follow their instructions, they deduce that they have to go under the Ruined City to find Rilian.
They explore the castle, learning that the Harfang Giants intend to cook them for their Autumn Feast. They escape through a cat door, and get away from the Giants' hounds by crawling through a hole under a rock. In the darkness, they fall down a slope deep into the ground. There, they are captured by Earthmen to be taken to the Queen of the Underworld.
Eustace, Jill and Puddleglum are taken to the Queen's living quarters. They are greeted by a knight wearing a silver mask. He reveals that he has met them before: he was the knight on horseback they'd encountered, and the Queen of the Deep Realm is also the Lady of Green Kirtle. The knight claims that the Lady is his saviour, as only she can break the curse that is on him.
The knight explains that because of the curse, for a short time every day he becomes "unlike himself", so he has to be restrained in the Silver Chair. He makes the group promise not to listen to whatever he says when he is under that condition. Eustace, Jill and Puddleglum hide while two Earthmen take the knight, bind him in the Silver Chair and then leave. After a moment, the knight's demeanor changes and he begs the trio to set him free "in the name of Aslan". The children are shocked, as the fourth and final sign was that the first person to ask them to do something in Aslan's name would be Prince Rilian. Puddleglum is the one who undoes the binds, and the knight is freed, upon which he destroys the Silver Chair.
The group are stopped when the Lady of the Green Kirtle arrives. She uses her magic to convince Eustace and Jill that all "other worlds" (Narnia and Earth) do not exist, and that the underworld is the only world. Puddleglum retains enough of himself despite her spells to defy the Lady. Angered, the Lady turns into a giant serpent, but she is killed by Rilian, who also realises that the Lady of the Green Kirtle was the serpent who killed his mother.
The group flee just as everything suddenly starts to rumble and rocks cave in. The Lady had ordered the Earthmen to dig through the roof of the underworld for an invasion of the overworld. The group manages to climb high enough to break through the surface, and they realise that they have emerged in the heart of Narnia.
Rilian returns to Cair Paravel, where he is reunited with his father just before the old king dies. Rilian is hailed as the new king.
Aslan appears, congratulating Eustace and Jill for their success. They detour briefly to Aslan's country, where they see a vision of Caspian as a 13-year-old again. Caspian greets Eustace warmly, and tells Aslan that he has always wanted a glimpse of Eustace's world. Aslan agrees to the request, taking them to the outer walls of Eustace and Jill's school. Aslan forces a crack in the wall and the bullies appear at the other side, only to be chased away by the three children in knight's armour. They then say their goodbyes, with Eustace and Jill returning to their own world.
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters is at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London. It is the largest broadcaster in the world, with about 23,000 staff...
-produced television serial that was aired from 13 November 1988 to 23 December 1990 and is based on four books of C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis
Clive Staples Lewis , commonly referred to as C. S. Lewis and known to his friends and family as "Jack", was a novelist, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian and Christian apologist from Belfast, Ireland...
's The Chronicles of Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy novels for children by C. S. Lewis. It is considered a classic of children's literature and is the author's best-known work, having sold over 100 million copies in 47 languages...
series. The first series aired as The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe consisting of 6 episodes (1988), the second series aired as Prince Caspian consisting of 2 episodes and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader consisting of 4 episodes (1989) and the third series aired as The Silver Chair consisting of 6 episodes (1990). This television serial was produced by Paul Stone and teleplayed by Alan Seymour
Alan Seymour
Alan Seymour , is an Australian playwright and author. He was educated at Perth Modern School, leaving at 15 after failing to complete the Junior Certificate. He found work as a radio announcer in a commercial radio station 6PM. During his two years there he wrote a number of short radio plays that...
. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was directed by Marilyn Fox
Marilyn Fox
Marilyn Fox is a British television director and writer, who was strongly associated with BBC children's programmes from the 1960s to the 1990s, working on many drama series and enjoying a long association with Jackanory.Her credits include:...
, while Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader were directed by Alex Kirby
Alex Kirby
For the Blue Heelers character, please see Alex Kirby Alex Kirby is a British journalist, specializing in environmental issues. He worked in various capacities at the British Broadcasting Corporation for nearly 20 years. From 1987 to 1996, he was the environmental correspondent for BBC News, in...
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Set in 1940, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie are siblings who are evacuated from London because of World War IIWorld War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
. They are sent to the countryside to stay with Professor Digory Kirke
Digory Kirke
Digory Kirke is a fictional character from C. S. Lewis' fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia. He is in three of the seven books: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Magician's Nephew, and The Last Battle, and is mentioned in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.In the 2005 film The Chronicles...
While exploring a spare room in the house, Lucy enters a wardrobe and finds herself in the middle of a snowy wood, lit by a single lamp-post. She meets a faun
The faun is a rustic forest god or place-spirit of Roman mythology often associated with Greek satyrs and the Greek god Pan.-Origins:...
named Mr. Tumnus, who explains that she is in the land of Narnia. He is kind and friendly, and takes her back to his cave for tea. He then plays his flute and Lucy goes to sleep, but when she wakes up Tumnus is crying and he confesses that he had intended to hand her over to the cruel White Witch
White Witch
Jadis is the main antagonist of The Magician's Nephew and of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in C.S. Lewis' series, The Chronicles of Narnia...
, who rules over Narnia and makes it "always winter and never Christmas". She had ordered him and all the other Narnians that if they ever saw a Son of Adam or Daughter of Eve in Narnia, they were to catch them and hand them over to her, but Tumnus realises that he cannot go through with it and he walks back to the lamp-post with Lucy to make sure she returns safely to her own world.
When Lucy returns to her siblings, they do not believe her story about the country in the wardrobe, especially because Lucy claims to have been gone for hours, while for her siblings no time has passed. Edmund is particularly cruel to her and taunts her with comments like "found any new countries in the cupboard lately?".
Later, during a game of hide and seek, Lucy again enters the wardrobe and Edmund follows her into it, and manages to find his way into Narnia, but he cannot find Lucy. After walking some distance into the snow-covered forest, he hears a jingling of bells and a horse-drawn sleigh draws up, transporting a great lady.
The lady introduces herself as the Queen of Narnia, and demands to know "what" Edmund is. He is confused by her question, and she is running out of patience before she finally asks him if he is human. He tells her that he is human and that he got into Narnia through a wardrobe door. She is kind to Edmund, giving him warm drink and his favourite food: Turkish delight
Turkish Delight
Turkish delight or lokum is a family of confections based on a gel of starch and sugar. Premium varieties consist largely of chopped dates, pistachios and hazelnuts or walnuts bound by the gel; the cheapest are mostly gel, generally flavored with rosewater, mastic, or lemon...
and magically makes a tent appear which they enter before talking. She is eager to know all about him and he tells her that he has a brother and two sisters - she seems particularly interested in the fact that there are four of them. He also tells her that his sister Lucy has already been in Narnia and has met a faun. The Queen tells Edmund that she would like to see his brother and sisters and that next time he comes to Narnia he should bring them with him to meet her. She also tells him that she has no children, and that she would love a boy she could bring up as a prince; who would be King of Narnia when she died. She eventually bids farewell to Edmund and reminds him to come and see her soon.
Edmund returns to the lamp-post, where he is reunited with Lucy, who tells him that she has been to see Tumnus again, and that the White Witch has done nothing to him for letting her go. When she describes the White Witch, Edmund realises that she is no other than the lady he has just made friends with, but he does not let on that he has seen her.
When they return to the Professor's house and meet Peter and Susan,and Lucy tells them about Edmund's visit to Narnia, he refuses to back up Lucy's story, claiming that Lucy had only been "imagining". Peter, who still does not believe Lucy about Narnia, is furious with Edmund for encouraging Lucy about her "lies".
A few days later, the children have to get out of the way when visitors are in the house. They enter the wardrobe and all four find themselves in Narnia. Lucy takes them to Tumnus's cave, but they find him gone and the cave ransacked. A letter signed by "Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police" has been left behind, stating that Tumnus is under arrest and awaiting trial on a charge of high treason against the Queen of Narnia for "comforting her majesty's enemies, harbouring spies and, above all, of fraternising with humans".
The four children then make their way from the cave and encounter a beaver, who reveals himself to be a friend. Mr Beaver takes them to his home, and there he explains that Aslan - the great lion and king of beasts - will save Tumnus and end the White Witch's reign. He reveals that Tumnus was seen being taken away by the Secret Police to the White Witch's castle, and that there was no certainty of his fate, but according to the few people to have been taken in the castle and come out again it is likely that he has been turned to stone. The children have to meet Aslan, because they are part of a prophecy that when "two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve" sit on the thrones at Cair Paravel
Cair Paravel
Cair Paravel is the fictional castle where the Kings and Queens of Narnia rule in The Chronicles of Narnia. It is the location of the four thrones of High King Peter the Magnificent, Queen Susan the Gentle, King Edmund the Just, and Queen Lucy The Valiant....
, it will be the end White Witch's reign, but of her life. Mr Beaver explains that this prophecy is why they all had to be so cautious as they came along, as the White Witch would be more dangerous still if she knew that there four humans in Narnia.
Suddenly, they notice that Edmund has disappeared, and they rush outside in hope that he will hear them calling for him, but he is nowhere to be seen. Mr Beaver then tells them that Edmund has gone to the White Witch, as he had the look of someone who had been with the Witch. He is even more sure of this when he hears that Edmund has been in Narnia before, by himself, and had not told the others what he had done or whom he had met.
Edmund arrives at the White Witch's house, and she is furious with him for coming alone. She is even more furious when she hears that Aslan has come to Narnia, and decides that they are to travel to the Stone Table. They make the journey on sledge through the snow, travelling for hours and hours through the night.
The beavers and the three other children are preparing for their own journey to the Stone Table. The White Witch had ordered Maugrim and another wolf to go to the Beavers' house, but when they got there they had already gone and there was no scent or tracks, so he followed his mistress's order to head for the Stone Table.
After walking through the snow for several miles, the children and the beavers rest in a cave which acts as a hiding place for beavers in bad times. They soon fall asleep but are awakened hours later (by which time morning has broken) by the sound of jingling bells. Mr Beaver is convinced that it is the White Witch (not knowing that she had deliberately set out on her sleigh without bells in hope of creeping silently upon them) and heads outside to watch in secret. However, when he returns to tell the others what he has seen, he assures them that it is a nasty knock for the Witch and a sign that her power is crumbling. It is Father Christmas
Father Christmas
Father Christmas is the name used in many English-speaking countries for a figure associated with Christmas. A similar figure with the same name exists in several other countries, including France , Spain , Brazil , Portugal , Italy , Armenia , India...
, who presents the children with gifts: Peter gets a sword and shield, Susan gets a bow, quiver of arrows and a horn, and Lucy gets a bottle of magical healing cordial. As they continue their journey, the snow around them melts, making way for spring.
Arriving at the Stone Table, the children and the beavers are welcomed warmly by Aslan. However, Maugrim appears soon afterwards and terrifies the crowd, only to be slain by Peter. Knowing that the White Witch is nearby, Aslan sends his creatures to rescue Edmund, succeeding just as the White Witch is preparing to kill him.
Later, the White Witch herself arrives at the Stone Table, demanding that Edmund be given to her, as all traitors in Narnia belong to her. Aslan discusses the matter in private with the Witch, then announces to all that Edmund will be spared, but the camp has to be moved away from the Stone Table before nightfall.
That night, Susan and Lucy follow Aslan as he leaves the encampment. Aslan allows them to follow, but makes them promise to stay hidden. They watch as Aslan walks to the Stone Table, where the White Witch and her followers are waiting for him. They bind and shave Aslan, with the White Witch revealing that Aslan traded his life for Edmund's. The White Witch kills Aslan with a knife. When the ceremony is over, the White Witch and her company leave to prepare for the oncoming battle with Peter and his forces.
Susan and Lucy spend the night at the Stone Table with Aslan's body. At dawn, the Stone Table cracks in half and Aslan comes back to life. He explains that there is a deeper magic that states that if a "willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack and death itself will be denied". The two girls jump on Aslan's back and they fly to the White Witch's house, where Aslan's restores all the Witch's victims - including Tumnus - back to life from their stone forms.
By the time Aslan and the restored statues return to the battlefield, the fight is in full swing and the Witch has already turned a number of Aslan's followers into stone. Edmund brings his sword down on the Witch's wand, breaking it, and the Witch herself is chased to the top of a ravine by Peter. Aslan appears and roars so loudly that the Witch loses her balance and falls off the edge, killing her upon impact with the ground below.
Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are later crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia in Cair Paravel. They rule Narnia for many years, bringing peace and prosperity to the land. As adults, the four monarchs are passing through the forest when they come across the old lamp-post that marks the border of Narnia. They walk deeper, passing through the wardrobe door and find themselves back in the professor's house, and once again children.
Prince Caspian/The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Prince Caspian: The four Pevensie children are waiting at a train station when a magical force pulls them into Narnia. They land at an overgrown castle which they recognise as Cair Paravel.Susan saves the life of a dwarf named Trumpkin who is about to be drowned by two soldiers on a boat. The children tell him that they are the old Kings and Queens of Narnia, of which Trumpkin has heard of in the Narnian legends.
Trumpkin tells the children the story of Prince Caspian, nephew of the current monarch, King Miraz. Caspian lived in a great castle with King Miraz and his wife Queen Prunaprismia. He has a tutor called Dr. Cornelius who one night woke him up because the Queen had given birth to a baby; with a direct heir, Miraz no longer needs Caspian, and planned to kill him. Caspian escaped on a horse but fell from it in the woods and was taken in by Trumpkin, a badger called Trufflehunter and a black dwarf called Nikabrik. These are people who live in hiding, because King Miraz hates the Old Narnians; his ancestors defeated them in their invasion of Narnia hundreds of years earlier.
The children travel through the woods with Trumpkin to meet Caspian. That night, Lucy wakes up from sleep, hearing someone calling her name. She realises that it is Aslan, who instructs the others to follow him. The children meet Aslan the next morning at the Stone Table, and te takes them to meet the Old Narnians and Prince Caspian.
Peter sends a letter of challenge to King Miraz and the guard who gave it to him is Glozelle, one of the King's courtiers who along with Sopespian has been conspiring against the King. Miraz then has an argument with his two courtiers and had intended to refuse the challenge, but changes his mind at the last minute and accepts the offer. Peter eventually fights Miraz and in the struggle he stabs Miraz in the back. Miraz lies wounded on the floor and Glozelle finishes him off with a spear. A battle is bought briefly. A brave mouse called Reepicheep has his tail cut off but Aslan restores it in recognition of his bravery. Aslan also names Caspian as the King of Narnia, and peace is restored between all Narnians.
The four Pevensies return home, with Aslan telling them that Peter and Susan will not return, but Edmund and Lucy will.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: When the story opens, it is explained that Peter is working at Professor Kirke's house, Susan has been invited to America for a holiday, and the younger two, Edmund and Lucy, are staying at their cousin Eustace Scrubb
Eustace Scrubb
Eustace Clarence Scrubb is a fictional character in C. S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. He appears in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and The Last Battle. In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, he is accompanied by Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, his cousins...
's home. Sitting in their temporary room, they both comment on a picture on the wall, how it resembles a Narnian ship. Eustace enters the room, and all three are sucked into the painting.
On board the ship the Dawn Treader
Dawn Treader
The Dawn Treader was a Narnian ship in the fictional world of The Chronicles of Narnia. It was built by King Caspian X and is featured primarily in the book The Voyage of the Dawn Treader...
, Edmund and Lucy are reunited with Prince Caspian who has grown into a young man since they last saw him. He explains that he is on a quest to find seven lords who were friends of his father's. The quest requires them to sail through dangerous waters, encountering new islands where things are not what they seem and finally to sail to the end of the world, hoping to reach Aslan's Land.
The first island they encounter is one of the Lone Islands, where they are captured by slave traders, but are rescued the next day when Caspian and his army arrive at the market (having already deposed Governor Gumpus) and announce the abolition of slavery in Narnia. Caspian had already been bought by a man who introduced himself as Lord Bern (one of the missing lords).
They later find an isolated island which appears to be uninhabited. Eustace wanders off and finds a cave where a dragon
A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern...
has died. The cave is full of gold and jewellery, and Eustace finds a bracelet which he puts on. He is tired and soon falls asleep, but when he wakes up he soon realises that he has metamorphosis
Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation...
ed into a dragon. He flies back to the beach where the others confront him, and they soon figure out who he is. He is soon turned back into a human by Aslan. Caspian establishes that the bracelet was a possession of Lord Octesian, who must have perished on that island.
The third island (Caspian declares it "Goldwater Island," but Reepicheep proposes the more apt name of "Deathwater Island") where they find a cavern in which there is a pool. Edmund places his sword in the water to measure its depth, only for it to become heavy and fall in the water - causing it to splash over his shoes and produce splashes of gold. There is a body in the water, and they establish that anyone or anything that ends up in the water turns into gold. Caspian later realises that the body in the water is that of Lord Restimar.
On the fourth island, they encounter some invisible creatures who give them dinner at a large house. A magician
Magician (fantasy)
A magician, mage, sorcerer, sorceress, wizard, enchanter, enchantress, thaumaturge or a person known under one of many other possible terms is someone who uses or practices magic that derives from supernatural or occult sources...
called Coriakin appears after Lucy reads from a magic book, and the creatures are soon made visible again.
The fifth and final island is at the end of the world. Before they ascend the island, they find a man in the water who introduced himself as Lord Rhoop. On the island they meet Ramandu and his daughter, and also find the three remaining Lords who are in an enchanted sleep.
The three children eventually return home, and before leaving they know that Caspian will marry the daughter of Ramandu, who lives on an island at the end of the world, and that the four lords who were in a deep sleep on Ramandu's island will awaken. Aslan also told Edmund and Lucy that they will not return to Narnia since they are getting too old.
The Silver Chair
Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb
Eustace Clarence Scrubb is a fictional character in C. S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. He appears in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and The Last Battle. In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, he is accompanied by Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, his cousins...
, cousin of the Pevensies, is at a boarding school with a girl named Jill Pole. The two children are targeted by bullies because of their surname
A surname is a name added to a given name and is part of a personal name. In many cases, a surname is a family name. Many dictionaries define "surname" as a synonym of "family name"...
s. Eustace tells Jill about Narnia, and while running away from bullies, they pass through a doorway into Aslan's country. Eustace accidentally falls off a cliff, but is blown to Narnia.
Alone, Jill encounters Aslan, who tells her of the task she and Eustace have been given to do. Aslan explains that in Narnia, the elderly king's only son and heir, Prince Rilian, disappeared some years earlier. Jill is told to memorise four signs that will lead her and Eustace to Rilian. Aslan sends Jill to Narnia, where she is reunited with Eustace near the castle of Cair Paravel. Jill quickly tells Eustace that he has to greet "an old and dear friend", which is the first sign given by Aslan. Eustace says that he cannot recognize anyone, and the two watch as a boat with the elderly king leaves the castle dock. The two meet an owl named Glimfeather, who tells them that the king who just left is King Caspian X. Eustace realises that King Caspian is his friend from the Dawn Treader, and Jill is upset that they've missed the first sign.
The pair meet Trumpkin the dwarf, who is King Caspian's trusted advisor. They are allowed to stay in the castle, and that night they are brought by Glimfeather to the Parliament of Owls where they are told the full story of Prince Rilian's disappearance.
Rillian's mother, the Queen of Narnia, had been killed by a serpent in the woods. Rilian returned to the woods many times to hunt the serpent, but failed. One day Lord Drinian, one of Caspian's friends, noticed a change in Rilian, and was invited by the prince to enter the woods. Lord Drinian witnessed Rilian approach a beautiful lady with red hair in such a way to imply that Rilian was infatuated with her. The next time Rillian went out, he failed to return. The owls then speak of their belief that the woman in the forest and the deadly serpent are one and the same.
Jill explains that according to Aslan's second sign, they have to go north beyond Narnia to the Ruined City of the Giants. The owls take Eustace and Jill to a marshwiggle named Puddleglum
Puddleglum is a fictional character in the children's fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. Puddleglum appears in The Silver Chair, in which he is a principal character. He also appears briefly at the end of The Last Battle...
, who will be their guide. The trio travel north, eventually encountering a lady riding on horseback alongside an unspeaking knight in black armour. The lady introduces herself as the Lady of the Green Kirtle
Lady of the Green Kirtle
The Lady of the Green Kirtle, also called Queen of Underland and Queen of the Deep Realm, is the main villain in The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis. She is sometimes called briefly the Green Lady , and she is known also as the Emerald Witch; neither name, however, appears in Lewis's text...
, and advises them to pay a visit to the Giants of Harfang, where they will get good food and lodging.
Soon the group are caught in a snowstorm, and Jill falls into a trench that leads nowhere. Although Puddleglum is reluctant to detour from their quest, the children insist they go to Harfang. They are welcomed warmly by the giants, and given good food and a warm place to sleep.
The next day, the trio look out the window of Jill's room and see the Ruined City of the Giants on a nearby hillside, with the words "UNDER ME" inscribed on the ground. Jill realised that she fell into the "E" of the message the day before. As the third sign was to find a "writing" at the ruins and follow their instructions, they deduce that they have to go under the Ruined City to find Rilian.
They explore the castle, learning that the Harfang Giants intend to cook them for their Autumn Feast. They escape through a cat door, and get away from the Giants' hounds by crawling through a hole under a rock. In the darkness, they fall down a slope deep into the ground. There, they are captured by Earthmen to be taken to the Queen of the Underworld.
Eustace, Jill and Puddleglum are taken to the Queen's living quarters. They are greeted by a knight wearing a silver mask. He reveals that he has met them before: he was the knight on horseback they'd encountered, and the Queen of the Deep Realm is also the Lady of Green Kirtle. The knight claims that the Lady is his saviour, as only she can break the curse that is on him.
The knight explains that because of the curse, for a short time every day he becomes "unlike himself", so he has to be restrained in the Silver Chair. He makes the group promise not to listen to whatever he says when he is under that condition. Eustace, Jill and Puddleglum hide while two Earthmen take the knight, bind him in the Silver Chair and then leave. After a moment, the knight's demeanor changes and he begs the trio to set him free "in the name of Aslan". The children are shocked, as the fourth and final sign was that the first person to ask them to do something in Aslan's name would be Prince Rilian. Puddleglum is the one who undoes the binds, and the knight is freed, upon which he destroys the Silver Chair.
The group are stopped when the Lady of the Green Kirtle arrives. She uses her magic to convince Eustace and Jill that all "other worlds" (Narnia and Earth) do not exist, and that the underworld is the only world. Puddleglum retains enough of himself despite her spells to defy the Lady. Angered, the Lady turns into a giant serpent, but she is killed by Rilian, who also realises that the Lady of the Green Kirtle was the serpent who killed his mother.
The group flee just as everything suddenly starts to rumble and rocks cave in. The Lady had ordered the Earthmen to dig through the roof of the underworld for an invasion of the overworld. The group manages to climb high enough to break through the surface, and they realise that they have emerged in the heart of Narnia.
Rilian returns to Cair Paravel, where he is reunited with his father just before the old king dies. Rilian is hailed as the new king.
Aslan appears, congratulating Eustace and Jill for their success. They detour briefly to Aslan's country, where they see a vision of Caspian as a 13-year-old again. Caspian greets Eustace warmly, and tells Aslan that he has always wanted a glimpse of Eustace's world. Aslan agrees to the request, taking them to the outer walls of Eustace and Jill's school. Aslan forces a crack in the wall and the bullies appear at the other side, only to be chased away by the three children in knight's armour. They then say their goodbyes, with Eustace and Jill returning to their own world.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- Richard DempseyRichard DempseyRichard Dempsey is an English actor.- Biography :Dempsey's first role was at the age of 15, when he was cast as Peter Pevensie, the lead role in the BBC's adaptation of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 1988. The following year, he appeared in the adaptation of Prince Caspian...
as Peter - Sophie CookSophie CookSophie Cook is a British actress who is most notable for her role of Susan Pevensie in the Chronicles of Narnia BBC miniseries. She appeared in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 1988 as well as Prince Caspian in 1989...
as Susan - Jonathan R. Scott as Edmund
- Sophie WilcoxSophie WilcoxSophie Elizabeth Wilcox is a British actress who is most notable for appearing in the BBC miniseries adaptation of The Chronicles of Narnia as Lucy Pevensie when she was 13 years old....
as Lucy - Barbara KellermanBarbara KellermanBarbara R. Kellerman is an English actress, noted for her film and television roles. She trained at Rose Bruford College. Kellerman's Jewish parents had fled Nazi Germany and settled in Leeds, briefly living in Manchester before returning to Leeds by 1952...
as The White Witch - Kerry ShaleKerry ShaleKerry Shale is a UK-based actor, writer and voice-over artist. He is married to Suzanne Shale, a former Oxford University law don, now a specialist in the field of medical ethics.-Theatre:...
as Mr. Beaver - Lesley Nicol as Mrs. Beaver
- Big MickBig Mick (actor)Mick Walter , often referred to by the stage name Big Mick, is a British actor, noted for his dwarfism. He is known for appearing on television comedies, first appearing as Jack Large in Blackadder...
as Ginaarbrik - Ailsa BerkAilsa BerkAilsa Berk is an American actress.She is well known for playing Aslan on British television with William Todd Jones in The Chronicles of Narnia television serial which was aired by the BBC from 1988 to 1990....
as Aslan - Martin Stone as Maugrim
- William Todd-JonesWilliam Todd-JonesWilliam Todd-Jones is a British puppet designer, performer, director, movement consultant and writer, for film, television and theatre in the UK and abroad....
as Aslan - Keith HodiakKeith HodiakKeith Hodiak is a British actor who was active on British TV between 1978 and 1992.His television debut came in 1978, when he took on the role of Sam Spade in Revenge of the Pink Panther. In 1985, he appeared in three episodes of Are You Being Served? during the programme's final year on air...
as Aslan's Satyr - Garfield Brown as Aslan's Satyr
- Ronald PickupRonald Pickup-Life and career:Pickup was born in Chester, England, the son of Daisy and Eric Pickup, who was a lecturer. Pickup was educated at The King's School, Chester, trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, and became an Associate Member of RADA.His television work began with an episode...
as Aslan - Irene MarotIrene MarotIrene L Marot is a British actress who is most notable for her role as "DD" Dixon in the Channel 4 soap opera Brookside during the early 1990s....
as Hag - Kairen Kemp as Hag
- Jeffrey S. Perry as Mr. Tumnus
- Michael AldridgeMichael AldridgeMichael William ffolliott Aldridge was an English actor. While it was his role as Seymour in the television series Last of the Summer Wine which made him widely recognised, his long career as a successful character actor on stage and screen dated back to the 1930s.-Early life:The son of Dr...
as Professor Digory Kirke - Ken KitsonKen KitsonKenneth "Ken" Kitson is a British actor who has been active on British television since the early 1970s....
as Giant Rumblebuffin - Christopher BramwellChristopher BramwellChristopher Bramwell is a British actor who was active on television from 1977 until 1996.He appeared in several TV dramas including Grange Hill, Enemy at the Door, Tales of the Unexpected, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Van der Valk...
as Peter (adult) - Suzanne Debney as Susan (adult)
- Charles PontingCharles PontingCharles Edwin Ponting, F.S.A., was a Gothic Revival architect who practised in Marlborough, Wiltshire.-Career:Ponting began his architectural career in 1864 in the office of the architect Samuel Overton. He was agent for Meux brewing family's estate from 1870 until 1888...
as Edmund (adult) - Juliet Waley as Lucy (adult)
- Maureen Morris as Mrs. Macready
Prince Caspian/The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- Warwick DavisWarwick DavisWarwick Ashley Davis is an English actor. He is most notable for playing the title characters in Willow and the Leprechaun film series, as well as for his roles in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and the Harry Potter movies. Davis currently stars in the sitcom Life's Too Short, written...
as Reepicheep - Jonathan R. Scott as Edmund Pevensie
- Sophie WilcoxSophie WilcoxSophie Elizabeth Wilcox is a British actress who is most notable for appearing in the BBC miniseries adaptation of The Chronicles of Narnia as Lucy Pevensie when she was 13 years old....
as Lucy Pevensie - David ThwaitesDavid ThwaitesDavid Barry Thwaites is a British actor and producer. He is most notable for his television appearances as a teenager.In 1989, aged 13, he appeared as Eustace Scrubb in the BBC's adaptation of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. A year later he reprised this role in The Silver Chair ...
as Eustace - William Todd-JonesWilliam Todd-JonesWilliam Todd-Jones is a British puppet designer, performer, director, movement consultant and writer, for film, television and theatre in the UK and abroad....
as Glenstorm / Aslan - Tim RoseTim RoseTimothy Alan Patrick Rose , best known professionally as Tim Rose, was an American singer-songwriter, who spent much of his life in London, England and had more success in Europe than in his native country...
as Aslan - Ronald PickupRonald Pickup-Life and career:Pickup was born in Chester, England, the son of Daisy and Eric Pickup, who was a lecturer. Pickup was educated at The King's School, Chester, trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, and became an Associate Member of RADA.His television work began with an episode...
as Aslan - Ailsa BerkAilsa BerkAilsa Berk is an American actress.She is well known for playing Aslan on British television with William Todd Jones in The Chronicles of Narnia television serial which was aired by the BBC from 1988 to 1990....
as Aslan / Dragon - Samuel WestSamuel WestSamuel Alexander Joseph West is an English actor and theatre director. He is perhaps best known for his role in Howards End and his work on stage. He also starred in the award-winning play ENRON...
as King Caspian - John Hallman as Captain Drinian
- Guy FithenGuy FithenGuy L Fithen is a British actor and screenwriter best known for his roles as a pirate.-Career:A graduate of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, Fithen worked as a stage actor in the Royal Shakespeare Company, in particular as the Keeper of the Tower in Anthony Sher's 1985 staging of...
as Rhince - Neale McGrath as Rynelf
- Richard DempseyRichard DempseyRichard Dempsey is an English actor.- Biography :Dempsey's first role was at the age of 15, when he was cast as Peter Pevensie, the lead role in the BBC's adaptation of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 1988. The following year, he appeared in the adaptation of Prince Caspian...
as Peter Pevensie - Sophie CookSophie CookSophie Cook is a British actress who is most notable for her role of Susan Pevensie in the Chronicles of Narnia BBC miniseries. She appeared in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 1988 as well as Prince Caspian in 1989...
as Susan Pevensie - Jean Marc Perret as Prince Caspian
- Robert LangRobert Lang (actor)Robert Lang was an English actor of stage and television. Laurence Olivier invited him to join the new National Theatre Company, at the Old Vic, Robert Lang was already earning high praise as an actor. From 1971 until his death he was married to Ann Bell, best known for her portrayal of Marion...
as King Miraz - Henry WoolfHenry WoolfHenry Woolf ,is a British actor, theatre director, and teacher of acting, drama, and theatre who lives in Canada, and a longtime friend and collaborator of 2005 Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter, having stimulated Pinter to write his first play, The Room in 1956...
as Dr. Cornelius - Julie Peters as Trufflehunter
- Joanna DavidJoanna DavidJoanna David is a British actress, best known for her television work.She was born in Lancaster, England. Her first major television role was as Elinor Dashwood in the BBC's 1971 dramatisation of Sense and Sensibility followed a year later in War and Peace, in which she played Sonya...
as Trufflehunter - George ClaydonGeorge ClaydonGeorge Claydon was a British actor notable for his dwarfism. His television roles included that of Nikabrik in the 1989 BBC adaptation of Prince Caspian...
as Nikabrik - Big Mick (actor)Big Mick (actor)Mick Walter , often referred to by the stage name Big Mick, is a British actor, noted for his dwarfism. He is known for appearing on television comedies, first appearing as Jack Large in Blackadder...
as Trumpkin
The Silver Chair
- Camilla PowerCamilla PowerCamilla Power is an Irish-born English actress who is most notably remembered in her role as Jill Pole in BBC's TV adaptation of the book The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis...
as Jill Pole - David ThwaitesDavid ThwaitesDavid Barry Thwaites is a British actor and producer. He is most notable for his television appearances as a teenager.In 1989, aged 13, he appeared as Eustace Scrubb in the BBC's adaptation of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. A year later he reprised this role in The Silver Chair ...
as Eustace Clarence Scrubb - Ailsa BerkAilsa BerkAilsa Berk is an American actress.She is well known for playing Aslan on British television with William Todd Jones in The Chronicles of Narnia television serial which was aired by the BBC from 1988 to 1990....
as Aslan / Dragon - Richard HendersRichard HendersRichard Henders is a British actor.He is best known for his portrayal as Prince Rilian in the 1990 BBC adaptation of The Silver Chair. He has also appeared in dramas such as Pie in the Sky, Foyle's War and The Inspector Lynley Mysteries Henders played the role of Merry in the 2006 musical...
as Prince Rilian / Black Knight - Tom BakerTom BakerThomas Stewart "Tom" Baker is a British actor. He is best known for playing the fourth incarnation of the Doctor in the science fiction television series Doctor Who, a role he played from 1974 to 1981.-Early life:...
as Puddleglum - William Todd-JonesWilliam Todd-JonesWilliam Todd-Jones is a British puppet designer, performer, director, movement consultant and writer, for film, television and theatre in the UK and abroad....
as Aslan / Centaur - Ronald PickupRonald Pickup-Life and career:Pickup was born in Chester, England, the son of Daisy and Eric Pickup, who was a lecturer. Pickup was educated at The King's School, Chester, trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, and became an Associate Member of RADA.His television work began with an episode...
as Aslan - Warwick DavisWarwick DavisWarwick Ashley Davis is an English actor. He is most notable for playing the title characters in Willow and the Leprechaun film series, as well as for his roles in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and the Harry Potter movies. Davis currently stars in the sitcom Life's Too Short, written...
as Glimfeather - Barbara KellermanBarbara KellermanBarbara R. Kellerman is an English actress, noted for her film and television roles. She trained at Rose Bruford College. Kellerman's Jewish parents had fled Nazi Germany and settled in Leeds, briefly living in Manchester before returning to Leeds by 1952...
as Green Lady - Geoffrey RussellGeoffrey RussellGeoffrey Russell was a British actor. Russell appeared in a number of films and television dramas, including the 1990 BBC adaptation of The Silver Chair, when he appeared as King Caspian.-External links:**...
as King Caspian - Nick BrimbleNick BrimbleNick Brimble , is an English actor known for his performance as Little John in the film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and his appearances on various television shows....
as Giant Porter - Stephen Reynolds as Giant King
- Lesley NicolLesley NicolLesley Marie Rumball, ONZM is a former New Zealand netball player. Rumball played with the New Zealand national netball team, the Silver Ferns, from 1993–2005. She represented New Zealand in 109 tests to become the second most capped player in Silver Ferns history behind Irene van Dyk...
as Giant Queen - Patsy ByrnePatsy ByrnePatsy Byrne is an English actress.-Biography:She was educated at Ashford School for Girls, and attended the school around the same time as Lorna Fendall, and Joanna Brough, daughter of Arthur Brough...
as Giant Nanny - Joe HallJoe HallJoseph Henry Hall , nicknamed Bad Joe Hall, was a professional ice hockey defenceman who played professionally from 1904 until 1919 when he died as a result of the influenza epidemic...
as Sentry - Jack PurvisJack PurvisJack Purvis was an American jazz musician.Purvis was best known as a trumpet player and the composer of Dismal Dan and Down Georgia Way. He was one of the earliest trumpeters to incorporate the innovations pioneered by Louis Armstrong in the late 1920s...
as Golg - Jean Marc Perret as Young Caspian
- Jefferey S. Perry as Mr. Tumnus
- Henry WoolfHenry WoolfHenry Woolf ,is a British actor, theatre director, and teacher of acting, drama, and theatre who lives in Canada, and a longtime friend and collaborator of 2005 Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter, having stimulated Pinter to write his first play, The Room in 1956...
as Doctor Cornelius
The series were nominated for a total of 14 awards, including a nomination for an Emmy in the category of "Outstanding Children's Program". The series won the BAFTA Award for "Best Video Lighting" (1988), and was nominated for "Best Children's Programme (Entertainment / Drama)" (1988, 1989 and 1990), "Best Video Lighting" (1989), "Best Make Up" (1988, 1989, 1990) and "Best Costume Design" (1988), "Best Video Cameraman" (1989, 1990).External links
- The Chronicles of Narnia at TV.comTV.comTV.com is a website owned by CBS Interactive. The site covers television and focuses on English-language shows made or broadcast in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Japan...
- The Chronicles of Narnia at ClassicKidsTV.co.uk