The Armageddon Trade
The Armageddon Trade (2009) (ISBN 978-1-84243-297-6) is a financial thriller by British entrepreneur and author Clem Chambers
Clem Chambers
Clement Hadrian Chambers is a British entrepreneur, author and journalist, known for his involvement in ADVFN, formerly known as the Advanced Financial Network.-Business career:...

, published by No Exit Press.


Clem Chambers is an author and journalist, but is best known in his role as CEO of stock
The capital stock of a business entity represents the original capital paid into or invested in the business by its founders. It serves as a security for the creditors of a business since it cannot be withdrawn to the detriment of the creditors...

s and shares website ADVFN
ADVFN is a financial market website. It provides online data and services to private investors such as stock quotes, charts, news, FOREX, Futures & Options and stock screeners. The site currently covers in excess of 70 stock exchanges from across the globe...

. His second novel, The Twain Maxim
The Twain Maxim
The Twain Maxim is the second financial thriller by British entrepreneur and author Clem Chambers, published by No Exit Press...

, is due to be published in March 2010.

Clem is a member of the Curzon Group, which is dedicated to reviving the traditions of Buchan
Buchan is one of the six committee areas and administrative areas of Aberdeenshire Council, Scotland. These areas were created by the council in 1996, when the Aberdeenshire unitary council area was created under the Local Government etc Act 1994...

, Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming
Ian Lancaster Fleming was a British author, journalist and Naval Intelligence Officer.Fleming is best known for creating the fictional British spy James Bond and for a series of twelve novels and nine short stories about the character, one of the biggest-selling series of fictional books of...

, Alistair MacLean
Alistair MacLean
Alistair Stuart MacLean was a Scottish novelist who wrote popular thrillers or adventure stories, the best known of which are perhaps The Guns of Navarone, Ice Station Zebra and Where Eagles Dare, all three having been made into successful films...

 and Frederick Forsyth
Frederick Forsyth
Frederick Forsyth, CBE is an English author and occasional political commentator. He is best known for thrillers such as The Day of the Jackal, The Odessa File, The Fourth Protocol, The Dogs of War, The Devil's Alternative, The Fist of God, Icon, The Veteran, Avenger, The Afghan and The Cobra.-...

 and bring the British thriller back to life in the 21st century.


Jim, a cockney
The term Cockney has both geographical and linguistic associations. Geographically and culturally, it often refers to working class Londoners, particularly those in the East End...

 tea boy
A gofer or go-fer is an employee who is often sent on errands. "Gofer" reflects the likelihood of instructions to go for coffee, dry cleaning, or stamps, or to make other straightforward or familiar procurements. The term gofer originated in North America...

, possesses an uncanny ability to understand and interpret stock market
Stock market
A stock market or equity market is a public entity for the trading of company stock and derivatives at an agreed price; these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately.The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $36.6 trillion...

trading, and becomes phenomenon in the world of finance. An established and enigmatic trader, Max Davas, uses a powerful computer trading system that has made him very wealthy, but now this forecasting is telling him that the entire global financial system will collapse in a year. The book delves into the theme of whether the forecasts will come true, or if the new trading phenomenon is integral in changing the outcome.
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