Tempting Danger
Tempting Danger, by Eileen Wilks
Eileen Wilks
Eileen Wilks is an American award-winning fiction writer living in Midland, Texas.- Biography :Wilks lives in the West Texas town of Midland, Texas, and has previously, as a child, lived in Canada and Venezuela as well as twelve U.S...

, is the first full-length release and first novel in the World of the Lupi
World of the Lupi
The World of the Lupi is an urban fantasy series by author Eileen Wilks. It is also known as the Moon Children series.-Main characters:*Lily Yu - a Chinese American sensitive who works for the Magical Crimes Division of the FBI...

series. It premiered on October 5, 2004.

Tempting Danger was nominated for the 2004 Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award in the category contemporary paranormal romance.

Plot summary

Lily Yu is a San Diego police detective investigating a series of grisly murders that appear to be the work of a werewolf
A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope , is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse...

. To hunt down the killer, she must infiltrate the clans. Only one man can help her - a werewolf named Rule Turner, a prince of the lupi, whose charismatic presence disturbs Lily. Rule has his own reasons for helping the investigation - reasons he doesn't want to share with Lily. Logic and honor demand she keep her distance, but the attraction between them is immediate, devastating, and beyond human reason. Now, in a race to fend off evil, Lily finds herself in uncharted territory, tested as never before, and at her back a man who she's not sure she can trust.

Main characters

  • Lily Yu - a Chinese-American sensitive who works for the Magical Crimes Division of the FBI.
  • Rule Turner - the Nokolai Heir (or prince, as the press like to dub him). His werewolf clan is located in San Diego, California
    San Diego, California
    San Diego is the eighth-largest city in the United States and second-largest city in California. The city is located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean in Southern California, immediately adjacent to the Mexican border. The birthplace of California, San Diego is known for its mild year-round...

  • Cynna Weaver - a Finder whose image decorates the cover of Blood Lines. The tattoos are how Cynna works her special brand of magic.
  • Cullen Seabourne - a recent adoption to Rule's Nokolai werewolf clan. Cullen was clanless for many years. He is also a sorcerer, which is a slightly illegal pastime according to the federal authorities. Eileen describes him as sin incarnate to look at.

Tie in with Only Human

This romantic suspense novel revisits the characters and world introduced in the short story Only Human in the Lover Beware anthology, but it covers very different territory. It expands the original story and ends up taking the characters in different directions than the original short story.
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