Teen Wolf (season 2)
The second season of Teen Wolf
Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)
Teen Wolf is an American television series that currently airs on MTV, and in reruns on TeenNick. The series premiered on June 5, 2011, following the 2011 MTV Movie Awards. Teen Wolf is a supernatural drama series that follows Scott McCall , a high school student and social outcast who is bitten by...

, an American supernatural drama
Supernatural drama
Supernatural drama is a subgenre of fantasy combining elements of supernatural fiction and the drama genre. This genre deals with ghosts and other paranormal topics, but without the tone and scares associated with the horror genre...

 for MTV
MTV, formerly an initialism of Music Television, is an American network based in New York City that launched on August 1, 1981. The original purpose of the channel was to play music videos guided by on-air hosts known as VJs....

, will be created by Jeff Davis
Jeff Davis (writer)
Jeff Davis is a writer and producer.-Early life:Davis graduated from Vassar College with a degree in film and he then went on to receive a master's degree in screenwriting from the University of Southern California....

 based upon the 1985 film of the same name
Teen Wolf
Teen Wolf is a 1985 American fantasy comedy film released by Atlantic Releasing Corporation starring Michael J. Fox as Scott Howard, a high school student who discovers that his family has an unusual pedigree when he finds himself transforming into a werewolf...

. The season is planned to feature 12 episodes. Shooting is scheduled to begin in mid-November 2011. Season 2 will premiere in summer 2012.


Having taken over as Alpha, Derek recruits new members to his pack. Without Derek to help Scott, Stiles becomes even more embroiled in werewolf affairs, while Allison trains to become more involved in the family business. The fates of Lydia and Jackson will be explored. Scott continues to search for a cure.

Main cast

  • Tyler Posey
    Tyler Posey
    Tyler Garcia Posey is an American actor and musician. Tyler is best known for his role as Scott McCall in MTV's show Teen Wolf.-Career:...

     as Scott McCall
  • Crystal Reed
    Crystal Reed
    Crystal Reed is an American actress. She is perhaps best known for her role as Denise in the feature film Skyline and as Allison Argent in the MTV series Teen Wolf.-Life and career:...

     as Allison Argent
  • Dylan O'Brien
    Dylan O'Brien
    Dylan O'Brien is an American actor. He was born in New York City and grew up in Springfield Township, Union County, New Jersey before moving with his family to Hermosa Beach, California when he was 12 years old. As of July 2011, he co-starred as Stiles in the MTV series Teen Wolf...

     as Stiles Stilinski
  • Tyler Hoechlin
    Tyler Hoechlin
    Tyler Lee Hoechlin is an American actor who got his big break starring as Tom Hanks' son in the film Road to Perdition...

     as Derek Hale
  • Holland Roden
    Holland Roden
    Holland Roden is an American actress and is best known for her role as Lydia Martin in MTV's teen dramady Teen Wolf.- Career :Holland made her professional debut in 2007 in the cancelled HBO series 12 Miles of Bad Road playing Bronwyn. In 2008 Roden was cast as Emily Locke in Lost...

     as Lydia Martin
  • Colton Haynes
    Colton Haynes
    Colton Haynes is an American actor and model. At the age of fifteen, Haynes began modeling for Abercrombie & Fitch while living in New York City, New York. After moving to Los Angeles, California, he began acting in television series such as CSI: Miami and Pushing Daisies...

    as Jackson Whittemore
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