Taukei ni Waluvu
Taukei ni Waluvu is the Fiji
an picturesque phrase for "Native of the Flood." It is the traditional chiefly title of the warrior hill clan Siko-Natabutale of Nairukuruku village. The history of the clan from the mid- nineteenth century, represent the social structures of the chiefly system,religion and western culture that supported colonialism in Fiji. Tradition,Christianity and British indirect rule were combined to legitimize what was accepted as the right way to govern. Condemned by some modern day critics as exploitative, the Fijian chiefly system was the medium of native social interdependence and a traditional contract shared by the indigenous clans of pre-colonial Fiji, that was justly utilized for colonial rule. Since Independence the chiefly system has had to adapt to the demands of modernity. Anthropologist Arthur Capell in his study of early tribal migration within Fiji made the point that, "the history of Fiji is the history of chiefly families."The phrase in fact emphasized the hierarchical nature of Fijian traditional society where chiefly power was held sacred. The relationship between Chiefs and Westerners in especially Missionaries thus became a focal point for gathering insight into Fijian culture and tradition in the nineteenth century.
James Turner a latter anthropologist found, "The chiefly families of Nairukuruku were the first in the eastern highlands of Viti Levu to declare their allegiance to the central government and as a result of this support their influence expanded through out the area".
- British
Colonial administrator Philip Snow, 1944.
The Taukei ni Waluvu traditionally is the leading chief of the chiefdom of Nabena, Matailobau District
that originally consisted of twelve tribes, in Naitasiri Province. Turner, observed the cultural transformation, where, the high chief of Nabena is not removed from his subjects, but sits in a more egalitarian rather than a hierarchical village structure. An outsider's initial impression is that he is primus inter pares in his district. Matailobau District
being one of the Pre-Colonial States of Eastern Viti Levu
Island and formerly of Colo East hill province. In 1945 Colo East merged with Naitasiri Province. The other Eastern Viti Levu Pre-Colonial States being Verata, Waimaro, Bau, Rewa
, Naitasiri
and Namosi
Arriving in Fiji at Lakeba Lau in 1858, zealous Methodist missionary Reverend Frederick Langham, then stationed on Bau island, had journeyed via Nalawa district Ra, up the Wainimala river headwaters of Viti Levu to Nakorosule-Waimaro. He was then advised by the Nakorosule chief, Rotavisoro and also the nephew of the Taukei ni Waluvu, that traditional protocol necessitated his uncle Rodavetanivalu, known then as the Taukei Waiburebure of Navaulele be first converted.
Reverend Wallace Deane quoted the Nakorosule chief saying, "If I embrace the religion which you bring, my relatives will be angry with me. My advice is: go to the Taukei Waiburebure at Navaulele. He is my chiefly uncle. If he desires the Lotu (religion), I will accept it also." As documented in Fiji Methodist history, Ratu Meli Rodavetanivalu II accepted the Lotu and became a nominal Christian through Langham on the 14th September 1862 and was later baptized in 1867. Baun kinship politics through the Tui Nalawa was instrumental in the Taukei ni Waluvu's conversion.
Tradition records that Ratu Seru Cakobau, the Vunivalu of Bau
and Tui Viti
, honoured Rodavetanivalu II, Vunivalu of Navaulele for being a staunch ally of his Christianization
and pacification campaigns of the hill tribes by conferring on him the title ‘Owner of the Floods’ or Taukei-ni-Uwaluvu from his earlier title Taukei Waiburebure. As recorded by Sir John Thurston in April 1868,Ratu Cakobau in retaliation for the Reverend Thomas Baker massacre, launched a two pronged pacification campaign of the hill tribes- up the Rewa River and from the Ra Coast with the Soloira and Matailobau tribes as allies.
In a cabinet memorandum from King Cakobau's private secretary Henry Milne to his Minister of Native Affairs, Robert Swanston, is evidence of Cakobau's close relations with the Taukei ni Waluvu during the pacification campaign of hill tribes. The memorandum dated 19 May 1873, announced," The king is now at Matailobau, and has in conjunction with the chiefs assembled there, determined to go through Viti Levu. The Matailobau as you are aware are very old allies of the king " Apparently Cakobau's traditional links to the Taukei ni Waluvu can be traced to the Vunivalu's ancestors, the Nadurucoko in Wainibuka and Ra.
Cakobau's Christianization campaign or Valu ni Lotu was as recountered by Robert Nicole, "In 1873 the fledgling Cakobau government embarked on a campaign of subjugation in the north and west ( especially Qaliyalatini, Naloto, Magodro, Yakete, Vaturu, Sabeto and Navatusila) and in the central and eastern parts of the interior( especially Nadawarau, Muaira, Waikalou, Soloira, Nalawa, and Nasau)." Nicole continued, " With the capture and execution of numerous Colo chiefs during this campaign, interior districts to the East and North were severely weakened".
The campaign was effectively over when Nubutautau, stronghold of the Magodro fell on 11 September 1873 to Cakobau's forces.
In 1998, a meke -i- wau (traditional club dance) of Bukuya village in Magodro district in the Province of Ba performed for the Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka
, recounted the Taukei ni Waluvu’s tribal skirmishes in that part of Viti Levu’s western highlands.
Image: Reverend Frederick Langham (1833–1903), Physically impressive with leonine hair and beard, Langham believed himself the champion of the Fijians and encouraged annexation by Britain. Nicknamed the 'Cardinal', he lived on Bau Island from 1861 where he won repute among colonists as Cakobau's adviser.
According to Fiji Wesleyan church authority, the more exalted Taukei-ni- Waluvu title, now bestowed upon the chiefly patron of Wesleyan Christianity
in the interior of Viti Levu
, was metaphorical to the biblical account of Noah's divine commission prior to the great floods.
Most probably, the title change by Ratu Seru Cakobau was consistent with Bauan tradition where honorific titles were proclaimed on warriors to signify chivalrous deeds. The Vunivalu of Bau
is said to have embellished his ally’s renown as the traditional rainmaker in preferring the title. In pre-Christian times such a power was credited to the Taukei Waiburebure. This mystical power is thought to still remain with the Taukei ni Waluvu today through the Chiefly clan's bete (priests) of Nabena village.
Commodore Goodenough in his journey up the Wainimala river to Nairukuruku On 21 January 1874, with Reverend Langham and Ratu Timoci Tavanavanua, son of Ratu Cakobau, met with [Ratu Meli], "the Governor of the twelve tribes of Matailobau, who was the first to Lotu in these parts." The twelve tribes were made up of the old tikinas of Lutu, Waima, Matalobau and Nagonenicolo. Furthermore recording that the former heathen chief's, " left ear lobe is distended enough to carry a stick from one and a half to two inches in diameter". According to Brewster this disfiguring was the fashion of the highlanders where small prized articles were secured in the distended ear lobes..
Ratu Meli Rodavetanivalu II had two sons Ratu Drekenavere and Ratu Isikeli. Ratu Drekenavere had a daughter Adi Vaciseva who was given firstly to the Tui Namosi, Romatanitobua as a bride though later married the Vunivalu Rara. Their issue, a son Ratu Ilaitia Baleinaivalu, was later Buli Lomaivuna. Ratu Isikeli was once Buli Nalawa in Ra Province. He had a son, Ratu Sailosi (1898-1932),raised on Bau Island as a youth, he died heirless. Ratu Meli hence did not have any surviving male issue.
Legend has it, that, Ratu Meli had a canine pet named Tui Colo, which probably was a gift from Reverend Langham. The black dog, possibly the first canine recorded in the hills, was a status symbol for the chief. Ratu Meli died during the measles epidemic that ravished Fiji
and indeed the hill tribes from January to June 1875. Tui Colo was buried alive with his fallen master in his grave mound at Navunitavola-Navaulele. A probable Christian compromise to heathen burial rites where in former times, the high chief's wives would have been strangled to accompany him to the underworld.
On Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II's demise, his elder brothers- Rovucago III and Rinabobo II descendants according to chiefly succession tradition have held the title Taukei ni Waluvu.
Image: Chiefs of Fiji.1880s Ratu Isikeli Roraqoca Davetanivalu - Turaga Buli and son of Taukei ni Waluvu Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II seated first left in second row.
A photograph showing a group of Fijian chiefs, sitting in two rows in front of the verandah of Government House at Suva. The occasion is not certain. It is most probable the chiefs as Roko Tui’s -head provincial administrators were invited by the Governor to celebrate either the Golden Jubilee of the Methodist Church in Fiji in 1885 or Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee on 20 June 1887. All were high chiefs in their own right.
Sir Arthur Gordon Fiji’s first substantive Governor in establishing colonial rule from 1875 to 1878, had originally created 12 Provinces headed by Roko Tui’s and two hill Provinces on Viti Levu- Colo East and Colo West headed by respective Governor's Commissioners. In 1893 another Commissionship, Colo North was created from these two Colo Provinces and from areas of Ra, Ba and the Yasawa group.
1-6 left to right, front row: 1. Ratu Kinivuai Nacagilevu Roko Tui Kadavu; 2. Ratu Kinijoji Katonivere, Rokotui Macuata; 3. Ratu Vuniani Vuki, Rokotui Ba; 4. Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, Rokotui Tailevu ; 5. Ratu Marika Toroca, Rokotui Lomaiviti; 6. Ratu Joji Vakawalitabua Rokotui Bua.
7-13 left to right, back row: 7. Buli from Colo East Ratu Isikeli Roragoca Davetanivalu; 8. Ratu Peni Tanoa, Rokotui Naitasiri; 9. Buli from Colo West (Taukei Noikoro?); 10. Ratu Luke Nakulanikoro, Rokotui Nadroga; 11. Ratu Tevita Rasuraki Rokotui Ra; 12. Ratu Timoci Tavanavanua, Rokotui Rewa; 13. Ro Matanitobua, Rokotui Namosi.
Missing are Rokotui Cakaudrove Province, Ratu Josefa Lalabalavu and Rokotui Lau Province, Roko Eroni Loganimoce. Originally Tailevu and Naitasiri counted for one Province with Ratu Epeli Nailatikau as Roko Tui. In 1882 the Province was split in two with Ratu Peni Tanoa as Rokotui Naitasiri. In 1877 Serua Province was carved from Rewa Province under a ‘Buli- Roko’ Ratu Kinijoji Gagabokola.
), Commissioner Colo East 1884-90, and elaborated by Arthur Capell, the genealogies of the hill tribes tend to go back some eleven or twelve generations from the time of Brewster's research. Basil Thomson
and Brewster had worked on a basis of thirty years to a generation. So granting it, the founder seems to in each case to have lived about AD 1600.
The Taukei ni Waluvu clan trace their ancestry to Rokowai who founded their tokatoka Natabutale lineage at Nakamarusi around 1600 AD. Rokowai's ancestry through his father Rokovucago high chief of Navunidakua is traced back to Robonowai, the son with mystical powers of the Tui Nalawa in Ra
and the Nakauvadra migration. Clan folklore tells that Rokowai, who was the insolent and audacious youngest son in the chiefly household, had to flee the village as his brothers led by Nayacakuru had hatched a plot to harm him. The young chief fled with members of the chiefly clan’s bati, sauturaga, matanivanua and bete who were loyal to him. Their descendants still reside with the Taukei ni Waluvu in Nairukuruku and its older stronghold sister village Taulevu.
The Taukei ni Waluvu as head of Yavusa Siko includes the mataqalis: Siko Natabutale (Nairukuruku), Siko Navunisalusalu of Taulevu village (Matailobau District), Siko Navunidakua of Naqara village (Waima District) and Siko Koroqele of Nakorovatu village (Waima District).
Image: A group of traditionally dressed Matailobau warriors with charcoal blackened faces in three lines grasping their spears and leaning forward on their war clubs. Most are wearing turban like head gear. Behind them are densely thatched village buildings, and two groups of people sitting watching from a distance at Nakorovatu, Matailobau, 1881.
Rokowai's older brothers were Nayacakuru, Rosauturaga and Rovakacodrowai. Rokowai's wife Kororava was from the Vunimoli clan of Waidracia village. Rokowai had five sons :Rokotokalau, Rorairuku, Rotabuwaiwai, Rocaginidaveta( no issue) and Iranaqarikau. Clan legend also narrates, that Rokowai’s manna was manifested when a fire burnt only the thatching of his great bure without destroying its wooden framed structure. The Clans founding ancestor's yavu was thus bestowed the name Nakamarusi or ‘burnt thatching’. Celebrated female author Constance Gordon-Cumming
describes Nakamarusi on her visit to the village stronghold on 27 December 1875, “the village of Nakamerousi [sic] had attracted my especial admiration. It is perched on a steep bank, and looks right along a broad reach of the river to a beautiful mountain range.”
The clan's movements is traced from Navunidakua (district of Waima) to Nakamarusi, then onto the hill features: Taulevu, Ulira and Navaulele respectively, and finally to present Nairukuruku. Rokowai's youngest son Iranaqarikau's sons were : Iranabobo I, Naitege, Tabuadunaki and Rovucago II. Iranaqarikau's wife was Ro Ligatabua from Nasautoka. Their youngest son Rovucago II was installed at Navaulele as Taukei Waiburbure and Vunivalu by the clans of Nabubuco, Navitilevu and Vusovuso.
Navaulele and Ulira were the hill fortifications and pre-Christian villages of the Taukei ni Waluvu, situated just a kilometer due west from present Nairukuruku across the Wainimala river. From these two strategic locations, the clan's influence and power were projected into the Waimaro and Navitilevu tribal heartlands of eastern Viti Levu
. Both these koro ni valu (war villages) were heavily fortified and sat surrounded by ringed dry moats to protect from other marauding and warring hill tribes. The other Siko clan’s fortified village close to Nairukuruku of Taulevu where the yavu (bure foundation) of Natabutale is built, looks east into the Wainibuka and Verata heartlands.
The chiefly clan had moved out of its hill fortification onto the Nairukuruku river plain after the conversion to Christianity by Reverend Frederick Langham of chief Ratu Meli Davetanivalu at Navaulele on September 14, 1862.
As recountered by Reverend Deane, two Nalawa chiefs, Sogonaivi and Naqari who accompanied Rev. Langham played a part in Ratu Meli, the Taukei ni Waluvu's, conversion to Christianity
The relocation from Navaulele to the present spectacular Nairukuruku river valley was only possible in post Christian times after belligerent surrounding tribes shunning Christianity
and colonial encroachment were subdued and converted.
Taukei ni Waluvu, Roraiova I, son of Rovucago II, in his tribal wars known as the 'Valu ni Lulu', is credited for spreading the clan's power and influence throughout Tholo East, up to Vatusekiyasawa village on the northern coast of Viti Levu
to include an alliance with the Tui Bua
on Vanua Levu
. Roraiova's son Roradibi was skilled in the use of musketry firearms that was a marked advantage over traditional hand weapons in these inter tribal skirmishes.
The Taukei ni Waluvu and his subject hill tribes are warriors (bati balavu) foremost to the ancient tribal state of Verata
and later also to the pre-colonial states of Waimaro, Namosi
and Bau. With these pre-colonial states the Taukei ni Waluvu has the traditional veibatiki relationship which is still extant today.
Image: Fan and Bamboo War Dance, Nakorovatu, 1881.
Formal photograph of two lines of traditionally dressed men holding circular fans. Many wear turban like head gear, and two have feathery head dresses. All are wearing necklaces or a variety of pendants, some in the form of large circular chest ornaments. Beyond them can be seen people watching, and beyond them the buildings of the village.
Arthur Maurice Hocart
the noted anthropologist from 1909-14 did field research into the kinship relationships in the highlands of Colo East and Colo West. He studied the familial relationships of Nairukuruku chief and Taukei ni Waluvu, Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka and the neighbouring chief of Nakorosule, Tui Waimaro and published what is known today as the Principle of Alternate Generations such as the Tako-Lavo relationship of the hill tribes of Viti Levu.
By tribal migration movements and marital linkages the more prominent ancient hill tribes such as the Yavusa: Nasautoka, Navitilevu,Burenitu,Noemalu, Navatusila, Waimaro, Nabubuco, Nabukebuke, Nacobicibici, Dreketi, Rara, Viria and Vuna are traditionally blood linked to the Yavusa Siko of the Taukei ni Waluvu. Hence pre-christian names of renowned Vunivalu’s such as Rovucago of the Noemalu tribe, Robatiratu of the Nabukebuke tribe and Roragoca of the Soloira tribe were all bestowed on generations of Taukei ni Waluvu chiefs known as vaka toka yaca. In pre-Christian days, the name of a chief was sacred and in later generations his name was only bestowed on a close blood relative.
Image: Formally grouped men in traditional dress, most of them shouldering war clubs, and some wearing necklaces. A number also have turban-like hats on their heads. Behind them are Fijian village buildings of dense thatch at Nakorovatu, Matailobau, 1881.
"Nairukuruku" - translated means - "an entrance", probably due to its strategic location into the highlands by river and by land. Moreover, the entry and spread of Christianity into the eastern highlands of Viti Levu from this village is well documented.
A contending interpretation of the word "rukuruku" is taken from the native indigenous Naga religious cult with that of bygone ceremonies. The cult of Visina corresponded with that of Baal
and Rukuruku with Ashtoreth, the ancient deities signifying the creative and the productive powers of nature - eg ruku (the feminine) and sina (native spear grass) the masculine symbol. Thus the name Nairukuruku has a relationship and significance to the clans creative totemic symbols towards the feminine fertility.
Image:Nairukuruku Village in foreground,on Christmas Day 1875.Looking south-west from Taulevu ridge with Wainimala river flowing from right to left. Highest feature is Nariko peak in left farground. Other features shown are Nacau and Ulira peaks in right mid-ground. Established a few years earlier after re-locating from Navaulele, the village is surrounded by a dry moat. The large bure within the village is the church. Notably two homesteads outside the village to the west are that of the native minister and Ratu Viliame Batiratu's residence by the river named yavu- ni-turaga levu. Artist: Constance Gordon-Cumming (1837–1924).
The chiefly clan's totemic plant and animal, the Vico - native spear grass and the Vo loa - black mud fish is the living heathen symbols to the tribes masculinity and warrior class. Traditionally the Yavusa Siko is bati and protectors of the feminine totemic tribes representing fertility such as the Waimaro clan of the eastern highlands. The Siko Natabutale clan's treasured feminine Radiniwaimaro statuette in Taulevu village attests to this.
According to Methodist history, Reverend Thomas Baker (missionary)
, on his fateful journey spreading the gospel through the hills of Navosa in July 1867, passed through the Taukei ni Waluvu's Christian enclave on the east bank of the Wainimala river. In Methodist folklore, the tabua (whales tooth) sealing the plot to ambush Reverend Baker, had preceded him along the non Christian west bank of the Wainimala river.
Deed of Cession Commissioner Commodore G. J. Goodenough and Reverend Frederick Langham also visited Nairukuruku on 21–22 January 1874 which was then the foremost Christianized village in the upper Wainimala river of Colo East. At Nairukuruku Goodenough makes a proclamation prohibiting white settlers the use of native Fijians especially the belligerent 'Kai Colos' as plantation slave labour. According to Siko Natabutale clan history Ratu Viliame Batiratu representing his uncle the Taukei ni Waluvu, Ratu Meli Davetanivalu who was frail, was part of the Vunivalu of Bau
, Ratu Seru Cakobau’s entourage to Levuka Ovalau for cession on 10 October 1874.
As a village loyal to the new religion of Christianity and later central government, Nairukuruku was a potential target for attack by non-Christian neighbours resisting Cakobau's interference in their affairs. Nairukuruku became known as ‘na Bau ni Colo’ or ‘the Bau (island) of the highlands’ due to its rise as the seat of political power. It became the call centre for all Colonial
visitors into the eastern highlands of Viti Levu

The first Europe
an females to visit Nairukuruku and indeed the highlands were writer Constance Gordon-Cumming
and Reverend Fredrick Langham's wife Ann Elizabeth, who had accompanied the minister to the Christian enclave village where they spent Christmas in 1875. Ms Gordon-Cumming mused, “indeed we are the first specimens of the race whom they have seen!” During her three day Christmas stay at Nairukuruku she also captures in her annals, a mass Christian marriage ceremony, a mass native school examination and native life in general that was coming into contact with western civilization. Her water-colour painting of Nairukuruku village and its spectacular surrounds on Christmas Day 1875 is a rare depiction of Viti Levu's eastern highlands landscape.
Image: Constance Frederica Gordon-Cumming.
In November 1979 anthropologist James W. Turner conducted a 17 month field research into Fijian
customs and traditions in Nairukuruku village. He published his observations in academic journals titled : ‘True Food and First Fruits: Rituals of Increase in Fiji', 1984, ‘Owners of the Path: Cognatic Kinship Categories in Matailobau, Fiji', 1986, ‘The Sins of the Father: Rank and Succession in a Fijian Chiefdom', 1986, 'The water of life:kava ritual and the logic of sacrifice', 1986, 'Blessed to Give and Receive: Ceremonial Exchange in Fiji', 1987, 'A Sense of Place: Locus and Identity in Matailobau, Fiji', 1988 and 'Rituals, Habitus and Hierarchy in Fiji,’1992.
In 'Rituals, Habitus and Hierarchy in Fiji', Turner studied the Fijian hierarchical system in Nairukuruku through the social interaction where the Yagona ritual is clearly implicated in the reproduction of hierarchy reinforcing the clans status.
With a population of 300, five mataqali’s or clans reside together in Nairukuruku village. They are namely: Siko Natabutale(chiefly clan), Nawaita (warriors), Nabubuco (chief’s elders), Nakorowaqa (heralds), and Navitilevu (warriors).
and even students of the Methodist Training School, Navuloa Bau laid siege on this last heathen hill fort in the highlands. In May 1873, the stronghold was finally given up after months of siege warfare. Brewster recounts, " Heralds were sent in with strings of Whales' teeth to soro or beg his majesty's pardon and sue humbly for peace." Cakobau accepted the overtures as he thought his army had done enough for honour and glory. A local Matailobau account stated that, Ratu Cakobau had ordered his musketmen perched up trees with Snider rifles to fire volleys simultaneously in support of the final eighth assault. In celebration of this victory the bure that was built for Ratu Cakobau at Nakorovatu was given the yavu name Na- ka- u- kaya (as I ordered).
After this successful siege, in May 1873, a Christianization campaign or Valu ni Lotu was launched across the highlands of Viti Levu by Cakobau's Christian forces from Nakorovatu Matailobau which included the Taukei ni Waluvu's forces.
Ratu Viliame Batiratu, The Colo Lieutenant Governor in Cakobau's Government and later the Buli Matailobau, with his tribal army played a supporting role in Major James Harding's Wainimala pacification campaign of Muaira, Noimalu and Nagonenicolo in 1874. The beligerant tribes of the Lomai Colo led by the Vunivalu of Noemalu, Rovucago, put up stirling resistance but were finally overpowered by well drilled soldiers. The Lomai Colo tribes then sued for peace. Ratu Viliame was to play a prominent role in the administration of Colo East province as the leading Buli or 'Turaga Levu' (Great Chief), from 1874 and resigning from government services in 1896 though remaining on the payroll until 1908.
Image: Ratu Viliame Batiratu Taukei ni Waluvu
and Buli Matailobau with wife Adi Kelera
and niece Roeseta.Most unlike Fijian custom of the day,this is a rare photograph of a nineteenth century Fijian chief taken with his wife. Further more as in European etiquette the chief’s wife is sitting whilst he stood.
The measles epidemic of 1875 raised suspicion within the hill tribes of a foreign conspiracy given that they were still practising old native beliefs and ways. This event could be said to be the second chapter in the clash of cultures between Fijian traditional belief and western contact.
Peace ensued when, on October 28, 1876, Governor Sir Arthur Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Baron Stanmore issued a proclamation pardoning all belligerent hill tribes, bringing to a close the third chapter of the clash of cultures - one of tribal versus colonial rule in the highlands of Viti Levu
Image: Vuravura- Ratu Viliame's great bure, Nakorovatu, 1881. Ms Constance Gordon-Cumming in her description of its interior in December 1875 effused, "Eight large trees form the main pillars,
while upwards of one hundred fine tree-ferns have been sacrificed
to make the small black pillars on either side. The walls are of
double reeds, crossed ; very beautiful patterns of fine sinnet-work
(i.e., coloured string), on the lintels, and hanging curtains of long
As a symbolic token of Batiratu’s suzerainty, a basket of earth from the districts under his rule as Colo Governor prior to Cession from as far as Nailega on the Wainibuka river to Nagone-ni-colo on the Wainimala river, were brought to form the foundation of his great bure Vuravura at Nakorovatu.
He therefore caused an Ordinance to be passed in the Legislative Council of the colony to provide for the jurisdiction of the "lately disturbed districts of Viti Levu
", as the preamble put it.
Image: Sir Arthur Gordon First Governor of Fiji (1875–1880)
For administrative purposes the lately disturbed districts were divided into two provinces- Colo West and Colo East. Colo North was later carved out of these two hill provinces and Ra, Ba and Yasawa provinces in 1893. Colo East was made up of the districts of Nailega, Nasautoka, Lutu, Waima, Matailobau, Soloira, Nadaravakawalu, Muaira, Nagonenicolo, Noemalu and later Nabubuco.
Nairukuruku is the leading village in Matailobau District
. Ratu Viliame Batiratu-the first Buli Matailobau chose to name his district, Matailobau in recognition of the clan who gave shelter to Rokowai - the Siko Natabutale clans founding ancestor who fled the ancestral village of Navunidakua.
The 1881 Gerrard Ansdell expedition of Colo East via the Wainimala and Wainibuka rivers is most revealing of all aspects of life in the hill province as many photographs were taken that is preserved in the Alexander Turnbull Library New Zealand today.
Image: Map of Colo Provinces, Viti Levu, Fiji. Scale: 1:517625
In 1945, due to colonial native administrative restructure initiated by Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna
, Colo East province with nine tikinas including Matailobau and Vunidawa government station as its centre was merged into Naitasiri
province. The two Wainibuka tikinas of Colo East-Nailega and Nasautoka were separately joined to Tailevu
province. After the provincial merger five districts or tikinas of: Naitasiri, Matailobau, Waimaro Wainimala and Lomaivuna were created. Ratu Isikeli Roraqoca the eldest grand son of Ratu Viliame Robatiratu became the Turaga Buli Matailobau from 1945-62 stationed at Nakorovatu village, Vunidawa. The only reminder of the Colo East hill province at Vunidawa today is the prominent stone memorial to its illustrious son and Taukei ni Waluvu Doctor Ratu Jemesa Bonowai(1866–1937) atop the government station hill.
Image: Andsell expedition at Navuniyasi Village, on Wainimala river, 1881.The Dreketi and Nasautoka clans reside in this Matailobau village.
Reverend Wallace Deane in The strange adventures of a whales tooth, gives a detailed account of the tribal skirmishes of the Taukei ni Waluvu from 1862-1874. For amongst belligerent heathen hill tribes, the Taukei ni Waluvu and his warrior people were a major influence in the spread of Christianity and British colonialism in the hills of the main island of Viti Levu
Image: Ratu Jemesa Robonowai(1866–1937), Taukei ni Waluvu, standing third from right. Seated centre cross legged is Ratu Feretariki Lagamu Temesia, grandson of Ratu Seru Cakobau, one of first three graduates of Central Medical School in 1888. Also seated below Ratu Jemesa is Dr W Mcgregor, the head of CMS.
The alliance that Ratu Meli made with Ratu Seru Cakobau, sat oddly with his 'bati' role to Verata and blood links to other hill tribes. However this propelled him and his clan as the leading Colo East entity for Bauan, Christian and colonial domination. Davetanivalu's stronghold village Navaulele then Nairukuruku thus became the seat of the Methodist church divisional superintendent for Matailobau/Wainimala division with a lay persons training centre. Previously the Matailobau division came under the Bau division.
According to Rev. Deane, some of the Christian teachers from coastal villages who laboured spreading the gospel amongst the heathen tribes and paid the ultimate sacrifice for their faith at Navaulele were: Taitusi, from Nairai; Pita from Rewa, Rupeni from Dravo, Nafitalai from Namuka, Solomoni from Nakoroivau, Nemani, from Waikete, and Nasoni, from Buretu. Reverend Setareki Nasilivata of the warrior clan- Nawaita was Nairukuruku's first Methodist minister from 1914-45.
As a glowing credit to the Wesleyan missions life and village advancement at Nairukuruku in 1884, Brewester observed
Image:Nairukuruku School, 1881. Formal school group, the teachers standing at the back, the children sitting in front. Behind them is part of the roof and walls of a large densely thatched building probably the church and community hall( see Nairukuruku painting 1875). The teachers are wearing clothing of white cotton fabric in the form of sulu vaka viti, skirts, short sleaved tops and long sleaved shirts.
Rev Ratu Jona Uluinaceva of Kadavu was native pastor of Matailobau circuit from 1881-1893. He was preceded by Rev Taito Rauluni (1876–1881) and Rev Rusiate Vunivalu (?-1875). Rev Jona Uluinaceva was succeeded by Reverends: Nasoni Tuisinu (1894–1903), Rev Pita Tuidela (1903–06) and Rev Filimone Waqaniveitaqavi (1906-?) respectively. Distinguished graduates of Nairukuruku preparatory school were Taukei ni Waluvu Doctor Ratu Jemesa Robonowai (1866–1937) who was one of the first Fijian native medical practitioners in 1888, Doctor Ratu Jone Roraiova (1904–34) and Doctor Ratu Waisea Radibi (1901–32).
Image: Rev Taito Rauluni and Family, Native Minister at Nairukuruku, 1881.
In 1885, the fiftieth anniversary of Methodism
in Fiji, a prominent contingent of Australian Methodists visited Nairukuruku to witness first hand the spread of Christianity in the highlands of Fiji. In addition to church festivities, they were treated to a spectacle of native dances and an insight into hill people tribal culture by the Taukei ni Waluvu and Buli Matailobau Ratu Viliame Batiratu.
and the tourism industry of western Viti Levu
. Today subsistence market farming is the major village income earner with many families having left for urban living.
In the clan of Nabukebuke Namosi however, this dualism is morphed in the paramount chief holding both titles, Tui Namosi and Vunivalu. Robatiratu was the vunivalu at the yavutu of Nabukebuke at Wailase in the Wainimala highlands.
Under the leadership of Ronawaqaliva and his brother Rodrodrolagi, the clan then moved to Nairairaikinabukebuke, Mount Voma where they built a village on the left bank of the Waidina river and called it Namosi. The Vunivalu of the Nabukebuke clan was also installed Tui Namosi at this village.
In the senior division of the Waimaro clan of Soloira, Colo East, the practice of chiefly dualism was also witnessed by Brewster in the 1880s stating, “The head chief at Serea was Roraqoca. He was the Vunivalu or fighting chief of his clan. Associated with him was Tui Waikalou or the Lord of Waikalou.”
Roraiova I of the yavusa Siko Natabutale was renowned for his martial exploits amongst the hill tribes of Colo East. His tribal skirmishes became known as the Valu ni Lulu. The Vanua of Matailobau was formed through the exploits of Roraiova I.
Roraiova I was the son of Rovucago II who was installed with the moniker Taukei Waiburebure and who was the grandson of Rokowai (circa1600 AD) the founder of the Natabutale clan. Rokowai’s father was Rovucago I, chief of the yavutu of Navunidakua. Rokovucago I chiefly lineage is traced to the Tui Nalawa in Ra through his son Robonowai. From about the mid nineteenth century the bestowing of the sacred leadership or Tui of the Siko Natabutale clan was handed down by Rodavetanivalu I of Taulevu to his namesake Ratu Meli Rodavetanivalu II of Navaulele.
Rodavetanivalu I the great grandson of Rokowai at Taulevu fortress on being struck with leprosy had sent for his namesake Davetanivalu II from Navaulele fortress to handover the sacred king title and leadership of the clan. Rodavetanivalu I's father was Robaledrokadroka I also of Taulevu.
After the death of Davetanivalu II in 1875 the two chiefly titles of Tui and Vunivalu has rested within the tokatoka’s of: Nakamarusi, Dakui, Navaulele, Nakacadakui and Vuravura of the matagali turaga –Siko Natabutale. The choice of a hereditary chief to the office of Taukei ni Waluvu was according to male seniority or veitarataravi vaka veitacini. Ones mother’s chiefly status or vasu turaga taukei and the elders advice na nodra rai na qase ni vanua were also taken into account. After the establishment of Christianity, being born within wedlock or luve ni vaka mau became important for a chiefs claim to leadership within most clans.
Furthermore within Siko Natabutale clan tradition,in line with its founding ancestor Rokowai, the younger lineage inherited the ancestral spirit and wisdom or kalougata kei na mana as Tui. This tradition also conforms to the principle of alternate generation as practiced within the hill tribes where a grandchild is a brother to his grandfather (tutua). As evidenced
Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II was the fourth of Roraiova’s I five sons- in descending order-Radibi, Rinabobo II, Rovucago III, Meli Davetanivalu II and Navia (died young).
Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II of Navaulele as sacred king or Taukei Waiburebure (later title changed to Taukei ni Waluvu) is renowned for his conversion to Christianity through Reverend Langham in 1862. He was also alive when Fiji was ceded to Britain and died during the measles epidemic in early 1875. In Ratu Meli’s old age his youngest nephew and later Buli Colo East Ratu Viliame Batiratu was often acting on his behalf with Ratu Cakobau and his government from 1871-1873.
Image:Fijians and some Europeans gathered in an open space in Korovatu village, Matailobau at 'Vaka Misisionary' gathering. Near the front of the image stand a line of men in traditional dress shouldering clubs, preparing to meke (dance). Most of the other people are sitting. Centre left background stands a Fijian bure building.
Rovucago III’s sons were in decending order-Roraiova II, Robaledrokadroka II, Ratu Manasa Davetanivalu III, Ratu Viliame Batiratu and Roragoca. Ratu Manasa and Ratu Viliame Batiratu’s mother was Rokamanalagi from the powerful Navitilevu clan.
Ratu Manasa married Adi Sereana Radinisiko of the Siko clan’s yavutu Navunidakua. Ratu Manasa was killed in the attack of the Muaira clans on his fort at Ulira around 1873. Ratu Manasa had two sons Ratu Jemesa Robonowai II and Ratu Esira Rovucago V (1870–1934) and two daughters Adi Vani Rolikubai and Roeseta Likumotovai. Doctor Ratu Jemesa Robonowai II (1866–1937) Ratu Manasa's eldest son was named after the mythical child god and the ancestor of Rovucago I of Navunidakua. Robonowai I as previously mentioned was the son of the Tui Nalawa from Ra and the great Nakauvadra migration.
Ratu Manasa Davetanivalu III, the third son of Rovucago III, was anointed as Tui and named after Davetanivalu II with his yavu given the name Nakamarusi in honour of the clan’s vu or founding ancestor Rokowai’s great bure foundation. In addition the Nabubuco and Korowaqa clans are qase and tamata ni vale to Nakamarusi.
Decendants of Ratu Manasa Davetanivalu III of Nakamarusi have been known as gone kalou or child god such as the names bestowed on his son Robonowai and his younger son Rokovucago IV’s eldest daughter Adi Lagamu (named after Rev Langham) Lomalagi Lewaturaga who was born in 1903 the year of Reverend Frederick Langham’s death. Rev Langham is revered in Taukei ni Waluvu history as converting Ratu Meli and his clan to Christianity in 1862.
Ratu Samuela Ranarogo (1855–1931) held the Vunivalu title of the clan after Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka II. Ratu Samuela at the time of the Veitarogi Vanua on 2 December 1924 gave sworn testimony of the clans origins. Ratu Samuela died without a male issue. Ratu Jese Ronaitege (1871–1931) a younger brother to Ratu Samuela and his descendants carries on this line. Their residence- Dakui is named after the vunivalu of Bau’s residence on Bau Island. In addition the bati or warrior clan of Nawaita is also gase and tamata ni vale (elders) to Dakui.
With the Siko Natabutale clan of Navaulele-Nairukuruku, the chiefly dualism relationship also became fused in the title of Taukei ni Waluvu. After the death of Ratu Samuela Ranarogo in 1931 as Vunivalu, the title of Vunivalu and Tui became one in the moniker Taukei ni Waluvu. This was due to the turaga vasu i taukei and also vasu levu to Navunidakua, Dr Ratu Jemesa Robonowai, aceding to the title Taukei ni Waluvu.
Ratu Alipate was a pioneering Fijian scholar of the newly established Marist Brothers High School (Fiji)
, Suva in 1949. He was one of the first Fijian students to matriculate in the Senior Cambridge exams in 1952 following his father Dr Ratu Jone Raiova (1904–33) footsteps, who matriculated from Marist St John's college, Cawaci on Ovalau Island in 1922, to the Central Medical School, Suva. Ratu Meli died on 07 Oct 2009 after a short illness.
Images: Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka IV, Taukei ni Waluvu, (1997–2005) as Form III student Marist Brothers High School, Suva, 1949, and the "Rainmaker" at Naitasiri Provincial Council Meeting, Navuso, Naitasiri, December 2000.
The chiefly households of: Nakamarusi, Vuravura, Dakui, Navaulele, Nadawadamana, Nasirivatu, Navakabatiyavu, Nakacadakui, Navunisalusalu and Nacagabuli will decide the next title holder who is usually the oldest male in the Siko Natabutale clan of Nairukuruku village. There is pressure however on the choice of leadership through this exclusive traditional system due to the changes in village life and culture brought about by modernity. As today’s communal quest for development and good governance is realized through a leader’s education and moral integrity.
Vunivalu Taukei Waiburebure
Vunivalu Vuniduba
Vunivalu Taukei ni Waluvu
Fiji , officially the Republic of Fiji , is an island nation in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean about northeast of New Zealand's North Island...
an picturesque phrase for "Native of the Flood." It is the traditional chiefly title of the warrior hill clan Siko-Natabutale of Nairukuruku village. The history of the clan from the mid- nineteenth century, represent the social structures of the chiefly system,religion and western culture that supported colonialism in Fiji. Tradition,Christianity and British indirect rule were combined to legitimize what was accepted as the right way to govern. Condemned by some modern day critics as exploitative, the Fijian chiefly system was the medium of native social interdependence and a traditional contract shared by the indigenous clans of pre-colonial Fiji, that was justly utilized for colonial rule. Since Independence the chiefly system has had to adapt to the demands of modernity. Anthropologist Arthur Capell in his study of early tribal migration within Fiji made the point that, "the history of Fiji is the history of chiefly families."The phrase in fact emphasized the hierarchical nature of Fijian traditional society where chiefly power was held sacred. The relationship between Chiefs and Westerners in especially Missionaries thus became a focal point for gathering insight into Fijian culture and tradition in the nineteenth century.
James Turner a latter anthropologist found, "The chiefly families of Nairukuruku were the first in the eastern highlands of Viti Levu to declare their allegiance to the central government and as a result of this support their influence expanded through out the area".
The Legend
While I was in Vunidawa, news came through, first communicated by messages on lalis (hollowed- out wooden drums) beaten from village to village that Ratu Manasa the Taukei ni Waluvu (Native or Owner of the Floods), highest chief of Waima, Matailobau and Nagonenicolo districts had died in Nairukuruku... It was standard belief that with the death of the holder of the hereditary title floods would follow for a fortnight. I had to go to the ceremony of reguregu and have presented on my behalf by my matanivanua a whale’s tooth for mourning. It had been fine up till now but on the day after the news the heavens opened with torrents. The river swept up at a forbidding level and with menacing currents.- British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
Colonial administrator Philip Snow, 1944.
The Taukei ni Waluvu traditionally is the leading chief of the chiefdom of Nabena, Matailobau District
Matailobau District
Matailobau District is one of the districts of Naitasiri Province, Fiji. In the past the district consisted of the old tikina's of Nagonenicolo,Matailobau,Waima and Lutu until their separation due to Fijian administration restructure in the 1990s.The old tikina and present district of Matailobau...
that originally consisted of twelve tribes, in Naitasiri Province. Turner, observed the cultural transformation, where, the high chief of Nabena is not removed from his subjects, but sits in a more egalitarian rather than a hierarchical village structure. An outsider's initial impression is that he is primus inter pares in his district. Matailobau District
Matailobau District
Matailobau District is one of the districts of Naitasiri Province, Fiji. In the past the district consisted of the old tikina's of Nagonenicolo,Matailobau,Waima and Lutu until their separation due to Fijian administration restructure in the 1990s.The old tikina and present district of Matailobau...
being one of the Pre-Colonial States of Eastern Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...
Island and formerly of Colo East hill province. In 1945 Colo East merged with Naitasiri Province. The other Eastern Viti Levu Pre-Colonial States being Verata, Waimaro, Bau, Rewa
Rewa may refer to:*Rewa Province, Fiji*Rewa, Poland*Rewa's Village, a community project in Kerikeri, New Zealand, named after a Maori chief*Rewa F.C...
, Naitasiri
Naitasiri is one of the 14 provinces of Fiji and one of eight based in Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island.-Geography and infrastructure:Naitasiri as a province covers 1,666 square kilometers , the Province occupies the area to the north and east of Suva, the capital...
and Namosi
Namosi is one of Fiji's fourteen Provinces, and one of eight based in Viti Levu, the largest island. Located to the west of Suva, the Province covers 570 square kilometers...
Arriving in Fiji at Lakeba Lau in 1858, zealous Methodist missionary Reverend Frederick Langham, then stationed on Bau island, had journeyed via Nalawa district Ra, up the Wainimala river headwaters of Viti Levu to Nakorosule-Waimaro. He was then advised by the Nakorosule chief, Rotavisoro and also the nephew of the Taukei ni Waluvu, that traditional protocol necessitated his uncle Rodavetanivalu, known then as the Taukei Waiburebure of Navaulele be first converted.
Reverend Wallace Deane quoted the Nakorosule chief saying, "If I embrace the religion which you bring, my relatives will be angry with me. My advice is: go to the Taukei Waiburebure at Navaulele. He is my chiefly uncle. If he desires the Lotu (religion), I will accept it also." As documented in Fiji Methodist history, Ratu Meli Rodavetanivalu II accepted the Lotu and became a nominal Christian through Langham on the 14th September 1862 and was later baptized in 1867. Baun kinship politics through the Tui Nalawa was instrumental in the Taukei ni Waluvu's conversion.
Tradition records that Ratu Seru Cakobau, the Vunivalu of Bau
Vunivalu of Bau
Turaga na Vunivalu ni Bau is the Paramount Chief of the Kubuna Confederacy, loosely translated the title means Warlord of Bau or Root of War. The succession to the title does not follow primogeniture, but the candidate must be a high ranking member of the Tui Kaba clan.-A brief history:The...
and Tui Viti
Tui Viti
The monarchy of Fiji arose in the mid-nineteenth century when native ruler Seru Epenisa Cakobau consolidated control of the Fijian Islands and declared himself King or paramount chief of Fiji . In 1874, he voluntarily ceded sovereignty of the islands to Britain, which made Fiji a Crown colony...
, honoured Rodavetanivalu II, Vunivalu of Navaulele for being a staunch ally of his Christianization
The historical phenomenon of Christianization is the conversion of individuals to Christianity or the conversion of entire peoples at once...
and pacification campaigns of the hill tribes by conferring on him the title ‘Owner of the Floods’ or Taukei-ni-Uwaluvu from his earlier title Taukei Waiburebure. As recorded by Sir John Thurston in April 1868,Ratu Cakobau in retaliation for the Reverend Thomas Baker massacre, launched a two pronged pacification campaign of the hill tribes- up the Rewa River and from the Ra Coast with the Soloira and Matailobau tribes as allies.
In a cabinet memorandum from King Cakobau's private secretary Henry Milne to his Minister of Native Affairs, Robert Swanston, is evidence of Cakobau's close relations with the Taukei ni Waluvu during the pacification campaign of hill tribes. The memorandum dated 19 May 1873, announced," The king is now at Matailobau, and has in conjunction with the chiefs assembled there, determined to go through Viti Levu. The Matailobau as you are aware are very old allies of the king " Apparently Cakobau's traditional links to the Taukei ni Waluvu can be traced to the Vunivalu's ancestors, the Nadurucoko in Wainibuka and Ra.
Cakobau's Christianization campaign or Valu ni Lotu was as recountered by Robert Nicole, "In 1873 the fledgling Cakobau government embarked on a campaign of subjugation in the north and west ( especially Qaliyalatini, Naloto, Magodro, Yakete, Vaturu, Sabeto and Navatusila) and in the central and eastern parts of the interior( especially Nadawarau, Muaira, Waikalou, Soloira, Nalawa, and Nasau)." Nicole continued, " With the capture and execution of numerous Colo chiefs during this campaign, interior districts to the East and North were severely weakened".
The campaign was effectively over when Nubutautau, stronghold of the Magodro fell on 11 September 1873 to Cakobau's forces.
In 1998, a meke -i- wau (traditional club dance) of Bukuya village in Magodro district in the Province of Ba performed for the Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka
Sitiveni Rabuka
Major-General Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka, OBE, MSD, OStJ, is best known as the instigator of two military coups that shook Fiji in 1987. He was later democratically elected the third Prime Minister, serving from 1992 to 1999...
, recounted the Taukei ni Waluvu’s tribal skirmishes in that part of Viti Levu’s western highlands.
Image: Reverend Frederick Langham (1833–1903), Physically impressive with leonine hair and beard, Langham believed himself the champion of the Fijians and encouraged annexation by Britain. Nicknamed the 'Cardinal', he lived on Bau Island from 1861 where he won repute among colonists as Cakobau's adviser.
According to Fiji Wesleyan church authority, the more exalted Taukei-ni- Waluvu title, now bestowed upon the chiefly patron of Wesleyan Christianity
Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings...
in the interior of Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...
, was metaphorical to the biblical account of Noah's divine commission prior to the great floods.
Most probably, the title change by Ratu Seru Cakobau was consistent with Bauan tradition where honorific titles were proclaimed on warriors to signify chivalrous deeds. The Vunivalu of Bau
Vunivalu of Bau
Turaga na Vunivalu ni Bau is the Paramount Chief of the Kubuna Confederacy, loosely translated the title means Warlord of Bau or Root of War. The succession to the title does not follow primogeniture, but the candidate must be a high ranking member of the Tui Kaba clan.-A brief history:The...
is said to have embellished his ally’s renown as the traditional rainmaker in preferring the title. In pre-Christian times such a power was credited to the Taukei Waiburebure. This mystical power is thought to still remain with the Taukei ni Waluvu today through the Chiefly clan's bete (priests) of Nabena village.
Commodore Goodenough in his journey up the Wainimala river to Nairukuruku On 21 January 1874, with Reverend Langham and Ratu Timoci Tavanavanua, son of Ratu Cakobau, met with [Ratu Meli], "the Governor of the twelve tribes of Matailobau, who was the first to Lotu in these parts." The twelve tribes were made up of the old tikinas of Lutu, Waima, Matalobau and Nagonenicolo. Furthermore recording that the former heathen chief's, " left ear lobe is distended enough to carry a stick from one and a half to two inches in diameter". According to Brewster this disfiguring was the fashion of the highlanders where small prized articles were secured in the distended ear lobes..
Ratu Meli Rodavetanivalu II had two sons Ratu Drekenavere and Ratu Isikeli. Ratu Drekenavere had a daughter Adi Vaciseva who was given firstly to the Tui Namosi, Romatanitobua as a bride though later married the Vunivalu Rara. Their issue, a son Ratu Ilaitia Baleinaivalu, was later Buli Lomaivuna. Ratu Isikeli was once Buli Nalawa in Ra Province. He had a son, Ratu Sailosi (1898-1932),raised on Bau Island as a youth, he died heirless. Ratu Meli hence did not have any surviving male issue.
Legend has it, that, Ratu Meli had a canine pet named Tui Colo, which probably was a gift from Reverend Langham. The black dog, possibly the first canine recorded in the hills, was a status symbol for the chief. Ratu Meli died during the measles epidemic that ravished Fiji
Fiji , officially the Republic of Fiji , is an island nation in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean about northeast of New Zealand's North Island...
and indeed the hill tribes from January to June 1875. Tui Colo was buried alive with his fallen master in his grave mound at Navunitavola-Navaulele. A probable Christian compromise to heathen burial rites where in former times, the high chief's wives would have been strangled to accompany him to the underworld.
On Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II's demise, his elder brothers- Rovucago III and Rinabobo II descendants according to chiefly succession tradition have held the title Taukei ni Waluvu.
Image: Chiefs of Fiji.1880s Ratu Isikeli Roraqoca Davetanivalu - Turaga Buli and son of Taukei ni Waluvu Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II seated first left in second row.
A photograph showing a group of Fijian chiefs, sitting in two rows in front of the verandah of Government House at Suva. The occasion is not certain. It is most probable the chiefs as Roko Tui’s -head provincial administrators were invited by the Governor to celebrate either the Golden Jubilee of the Methodist Church in Fiji in 1885 or Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee on 20 June 1887. All were high chiefs in their own right.
Sir Arthur Gordon Fiji’s first substantive Governor in establishing colonial rule from 1875 to 1878, had originally created 12 Provinces headed by Roko Tui’s and two hill Provinces on Viti Levu- Colo East and Colo West headed by respective Governor's Commissioners. In 1893 another Commissionship, Colo North was created from these two Colo Provinces and from areas of Ra, Ba and the Yasawa group.
1-6 left to right, front row: 1. Ratu Kinivuai Nacagilevu Roko Tui Kadavu; 2. Ratu Kinijoji Katonivere, Rokotui Macuata; 3. Ratu Vuniani Vuki, Rokotui Ba; 4. Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, Rokotui Tailevu ; 5. Ratu Marika Toroca, Rokotui Lomaiviti; 6. Ratu Joji Vakawalitabua Rokotui Bua.
7-13 left to right, back row: 7. Buli from Colo East Ratu Isikeli Roragoca Davetanivalu; 8. Ratu Peni Tanoa, Rokotui Naitasiri; 9. Buli from Colo West (Taukei Noikoro?); 10. Ratu Luke Nakulanikoro, Rokotui Nadroga; 11. Ratu Tevita Rasuraki Rokotui Ra; 12. Ratu Timoci Tavanavanua, Rokotui Rewa; 13. Ro Matanitobua, Rokotui Namosi.
Missing are Rokotui Cakaudrove Province, Ratu Josefa Lalabalavu and Rokotui Lau Province, Roko Eroni Loganimoce. Originally Tailevu and Naitasiri counted for one Province with Ratu Epeli Nailatikau as Roko Tui. In 1882 the Province was split in two with Ratu Peni Tanoa as Rokotui Naitasiri. In 1877 Serua Province was carved from Rewa Province under a ‘Buli- Roko’ Ratu Kinijoji Gagabokola.
History and ethnology
According to Adolf Brewster,(see Joske's ThumbJoske's Thumb
Joske's Thumb is a precipitous volcanic plug that rises on the horizon to the west of Suva, Fiji.Sir Edmund Hillary was defeated in his first attempts to climb the peak....
), Commissioner Colo East 1884-90, and elaborated by Arthur Capell, the genealogies of the hill tribes tend to go back some eleven or twelve generations from the time of Brewster's research. Basil Thomson
Basil Thomson
Sir Basil Home Thomson, KCB was a British intelligence officer, police officer, prison governor, colonial administrator, and writer.-Early life:...
and Brewster had worked on a basis of thirty years to a generation. So granting it, the founder seems to in each case to have lived about AD 1600.
The Taukei ni Waluvu clan trace their ancestry to Rokowai who founded their tokatoka Natabutale lineage at Nakamarusi around 1600 AD. Rokowai's ancestry through his father Rokovucago high chief of Navunidakua is traced back to Robonowai, the son with mystical powers of the Tui Nalawa in Ra
Ra is the ancient Egyptian sun god. By the Fifth Dynasty he had become a major deity in ancient Egyptian religion, identified primarily with the mid-day sun...
and the Nakauvadra migration. Clan folklore tells that Rokowai, who was the insolent and audacious youngest son in the chiefly household, had to flee the village as his brothers led by Nayacakuru had hatched a plot to harm him. The young chief fled with members of the chiefly clan’s bati, sauturaga, matanivanua and bete who were loyal to him. Their descendants still reside with the Taukei ni Waluvu in Nairukuruku and its older stronghold sister village Taulevu.
The Taukei ni Waluvu as head of Yavusa Siko includes the mataqalis: Siko Natabutale (Nairukuruku), Siko Navunisalusalu of Taulevu village (Matailobau District), Siko Navunidakua of Naqara village (Waima District) and Siko Koroqele of Nakorovatu village (Waima District).
Image: A group of traditionally dressed Matailobau warriors with charcoal blackened faces in three lines grasping their spears and leaning forward on their war clubs. Most are wearing turban like head gear. Behind them are densely thatched village buildings, and two groups of people sitting watching from a distance at Nakorovatu, Matailobau, 1881.
Rokowai's older brothers were Nayacakuru, Rosauturaga and Rovakacodrowai. Rokowai's wife Kororava was from the Vunimoli clan of Waidracia village. Rokowai had five sons :Rokotokalau, Rorairuku, Rotabuwaiwai, Rocaginidaveta( no issue) and Iranaqarikau. Clan legend also narrates, that Rokowai’s manna was manifested when a fire burnt only the thatching of his great bure without destroying its wooden framed structure. The Clans founding ancestor's yavu was thus bestowed the name Nakamarusi or ‘burnt thatching’. Celebrated female author Constance Gordon-Cumming
Constance Gordon-Cumming
Constance Frederica “Eka” Gordon-Cumming was a travel writer and painter. She was born on 26 May 1837 at Altyre, near Forres in Scotland, the 12th child of a wealthy family. Her parents were Sir William Gordon-Cumming, 2nd Baronet, and Elizabeth Maria Cumming. She was the aunt of Sir William...
describes Nakamarusi on her visit to the village stronghold on 27 December 1875, “the village of Nakamerousi [sic] had attracted my especial admiration. It is perched on a steep bank, and looks right along a broad reach of the river to a beautiful mountain range.”
The clan's movements is traced from Navunidakua (district of Waima) to Nakamarusi, then onto the hill features: Taulevu, Ulira and Navaulele respectively, and finally to present Nairukuruku. Rokowai's youngest son Iranaqarikau's sons were : Iranabobo I, Naitege, Tabuadunaki and Rovucago II. Iranaqarikau's wife was Ro Ligatabua from Nasautoka. Their youngest son Rovucago II was installed at Navaulele as Taukei Waiburbure and Vunivalu by the clans of Nabubuco, Navitilevu and Vusovuso.
Navaulele and Ulira were the hill fortifications and pre-Christian villages of the Taukei ni Waluvu, situated just a kilometer due west from present Nairukuruku across the Wainimala river. From these two strategic locations, the clan's influence and power were projected into the Waimaro and Navitilevu tribal heartlands of eastern Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...
. Both these koro ni valu (war villages) were heavily fortified and sat surrounded by ringed dry moats to protect from other marauding and warring hill tribes. The other Siko clan’s fortified village close to Nairukuruku of Taulevu where the yavu (bure foundation) of Natabutale is built, looks east into the Wainibuka and Verata heartlands.
The chiefly clan had moved out of its hill fortification onto the Nairukuruku river plain after the conversion to Christianity by Reverend Frederick Langham of chief Ratu Meli Davetanivalu at Navaulele on September 14, 1862.
As recountered by Reverend Deane, two Nalawa chiefs, Sogonaivi and Naqari who accompanied Rev. Langham played a part in Ratu Meli, the Taukei ni Waluvu's, conversion to Christianity
Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings...
The relocation from Navaulele to the present spectacular Nairukuruku river valley was only possible in post Christian times after belligerent surrounding tribes shunning Christianity
Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings...
and colonial encroachment were subdued and converted.
Taukei ni Waluvu, Roraiova I, son of Rovucago II, in his tribal wars known as the 'Valu ni Lulu', is credited for spreading the clan's power and influence throughout Tholo East, up to Vatusekiyasawa village on the northern coast of Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...
to include an alliance with the Tui Bua
Bua or BUA may refer to:*Bua, Luzon, Philippines*Bua Province, Fiji*Bua *ISO 639:bua, ISO code for the Buriat language*Bua, Varberg Municipality, locality in Varberg Municipality, Sweden...
on Vanua Levu
Vanua Levu
Vanua Levu , formerly known as Sandalwood Island, is the second largest island of Fiji. Located 64 kilometres to the north of the larger Viti Levu, the island has an area of 5,587.1 km² and a population of some 130,000.- Geography :...
. Roraiova's son Roradibi was skilled in the use of musketry firearms that was a marked advantage over traditional hand weapons in these inter tribal skirmishes.
The Taukei ni Waluvu and his subject hill tribes are warriors (bati balavu) foremost to the ancient tribal state of Verata
The Verata goat breed from Vera, Caceres, Spain is used for the production of meat and milk. The Verata Goat has been known to be fairly easy to handle; they are popular in the dairy and meat industries because of that, and the fact that they can adapt well to the different management systems. They...
and later also to the pre-colonial states of Waimaro, Namosi
Namosi is one of Fiji's fourteen Provinces, and one of eight based in Viti Levu, the largest island. Located to the west of Suva, the Province covers 570 square kilometers...
and Bau. With these pre-colonial states the Taukei ni Waluvu has the traditional veibatiki relationship which is still extant today.
Image: Fan and Bamboo War Dance, Nakorovatu, 1881.
Formal photograph of two lines of traditionally dressed men holding circular fans. Many wear turban like head gear, and two have feathery head dresses. All are wearing necklaces or a variety of pendants, some in the form of large circular chest ornaments. Beyond them can be seen people watching, and beyond them the buildings of the village.
Arthur Maurice Hocart
Arthur Maurice Hocart
Arthur Maurice Hocart was an anthropologist best known for his eccentric and often far-seeing works on Polynesia, Melanesia and Sri Lanka.-About the Man:...
the noted anthropologist from 1909-14 did field research into the kinship relationships in the highlands of Colo East and Colo West. He studied the familial relationships of Nairukuruku chief and Taukei ni Waluvu, Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka and the neighbouring chief of Nakorosule, Tui Waimaro and published what is known today as the Principle of Alternate Generations such as the Tako-Lavo relationship of the hill tribes of Viti Levu.
By tribal migration movements and marital linkages the more prominent ancient hill tribes such as the Yavusa: Nasautoka, Navitilevu,Burenitu,Noemalu, Navatusila, Waimaro, Nabubuco, Nabukebuke, Nacobicibici, Dreketi, Rara, Viria and Vuna are traditionally blood linked to the Yavusa Siko of the Taukei ni Waluvu. Hence pre-christian names of renowned Vunivalu’s such as Rovucago of the Noemalu tribe, Robatiratu of the Nabukebuke tribe and Roragoca of the Soloira tribe were all bestowed on generations of Taukei ni Waluvu chiefs known as vaka toka yaca. In pre-Christian days, the name of a chief was sacred and in later generations his name was only bestowed on a close blood relative.
Image: Formally grouped men in traditional dress, most of them shouldering war clubs, and some wearing necklaces. A number also have turban-like hats on their heads. Behind them are Fijian village buildings of dense thatch at Nakorovatu, Matailobau, 1881.
Nairukuruku - totemism, Christianity and political ascendancy
The picturesque village of Nairukuruku, home of the Taukei ni Waluvu in the district of Matailobau, was inhabited around 1872.That year fighting had broken out between the converted Matailobau tribes and the tevoro Lomai Colo tribes causing this re-location from Navaulele."Nairukuruku" - translated means - "an entrance", probably due to its strategic location into the highlands by river and by land. Moreover, the entry and spread of Christianity into the eastern highlands of Viti Levu from this village is well documented.
A contending interpretation of the word "rukuruku" is taken from the native indigenous Naga religious cult with that of bygone ceremonies. The cult of Visina corresponded with that of Baal
Baʿal is a Northwest Semitic title and honorific meaning "master" or "lord" that is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the Levant and Asia Minor, cognate to Akkadian Bēlu...
and Rukuruku with Ashtoreth, the ancient deities signifying the creative and the productive powers of nature - eg ruku (the feminine) and sina (native spear grass) the masculine symbol. Thus the name Nairukuruku has a relationship and significance to the clans creative totemic symbols towards the feminine fertility.
Image:Nairukuruku Village in foreground,on Christmas Day 1875.Looking south-west from Taulevu ridge with Wainimala river flowing from right to left. Highest feature is Nariko peak in left farground. Other features shown are Nacau and Ulira peaks in right mid-ground. Established a few years earlier after re-locating from Navaulele, the village is surrounded by a dry moat. The large bure within the village is the church. Notably two homesteads outside the village to the west are that of the native minister and Ratu Viliame Batiratu's residence by the river named yavu- ni-turaga levu. Artist: Constance Gordon-Cumming (1837–1924).
The chiefly clan's totemic plant and animal, the Vico - native spear grass and the Vo loa - black mud fish is the living heathen symbols to the tribes masculinity and warrior class. Traditionally the Yavusa Siko is bati and protectors of the feminine totemic tribes representing fertility such as the Waimaro clan of the eastern highlands. The Siko Natabutale clan's treasured feminine Radiniwaimaro statuette in Taulevu village attests to this.
According to Methodist history, Reverend Thomas Baker (missionary)
Thomas Baker (missionary)
The Reverend Thomas Baker was a Methodist missionary in Fiji, known as being the last missionary in that country to be killed and eaten, along with seven of his Fijian followers. The incident occurred in the Navosa Highlands of western Viti Levu in July 1867, and the axe used to kill Baker is...
, on his fateful journey spreading the gospel through the hills of Navosa in July 1867, passed through the Taukei ni Waluvu's Christian enclave on the east bank of the Wainimala river. In Methodist folklore, the tabua (whales tooth) sealing the plot to ambush Reverend Baker, had preceded him along the non Christian west bank of the Wainimala river.
Deed of Cession Commissioner Commodore G. J. Goodenough and Reverend Frederick Langham also visited Nairukuruku on 21–22 January 1874 which was then the foremost Christianized village in the upper Wainimala river of Colo East. At Nairukuruku Goodenough makes a proclamation prohibiting white settlers the use of native Fijians especially the belligerent 'Kai Colos' as plantation slave labour. According to Siko Natabutale clan history Ratu Viliame Batiratu representing his uncle the Taukei ni Waluvu, Ratu Meli Davetanivalu who was frail, was part of the Vunivalu of Bau
Vunivalu of Bau
Turaga na Vunivalu ni Bau is the Paramount Chief of the Kubuna Confederacy, loosely translated the title means Warlord of Bau or Root of War. The succession to the title does not follow primogeniture, but the candidate must be a high ranking member of the Tui Kaba clan.-A brief history:The...
, Ratu Seru Cakobau’s entourage to Levuka Ovalau for cession on 10 October 1874.
As a village loyal to the new religion of Christianity and later central government, Nairukuruku was a potential target for attack by non-Christian neighbours resisting Cakobau's interference in their affairs. Nairukuruku became known as ‘na Bau ni Colo’ or ‘the Bau (island) of the highlands’ due to its rise as the seat of political power. It became the call centre for all Colonial
In politics and history, a colony is a territory under the immediate political control of a state. For colonies in antiquity, city-states would often found their own colonies. Some colonies were historically countries, while others were territories without definite statehood from their inception....
visitors into the eastern highlands of Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...

The first Europe
Europe is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally 'divided' from Asia to its east by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting...
an females to visit Nairukuruku and indeed the highlands were writer Constance Gordon-Cumming
Constance Gordon-Cumming
Constance Frederica “Eka” Gordon-Cumming was a travel writer and painter. She was born on 26 May 1837 at Altyre, near Forres in Scotland, the 12th child of a wealthy family. Her parents were Sir William Gordon-Cumming, 2nd Baronet, and Elizabeth Maria Cumming. She was the aunt of Sir William...
and Reverend Fredrick Langham's wife Ann Elizabeth, who had accompanied the minister to the Christian enclave village where they spent Christmas in 1875. Ms Gordon-Cumming mused, “indeed we are the first specimens of the race whom they have seen!” During her three day Christmas stay at Nairukuruku she also captures in her annals, a mass Christian marriage ceremony, a mass native school examination and native life in general that was coming into contact with western civilization. Her water-colour painting of Nairukuruku village and its spectacular surrounds on Christmas Day 1875 is a rare depiction of Viti Levu's eastern highlands landscape.
Image: Constance Frederica Gordon-Cumming.
In November 1979 anthropologist James W. Turner conducted a 17 month field research into Fijian
Fijian may refer to:* Something of, from, or related to the country of Fiji* The Fijian people, persons from Fiji, or of Fijian descent. For more information about the Fijian people, see:** Demographics of Fiji** Culture of Fiji* The Fijian language...
customs and traditions in Nairukuruku village. He published his observations in academic journals titled : ‘True Food and First Fruits: Rituals of Increase in Fiji', 1984, ‘Owners of the Path: Cognatic Kinship Categories in Matailobau, Fiji', 1986, ‘The Sins of the Father: Rank and Succession in a Fijian Chiefdom', 1986, 'The water of life:kava ritual and the logic of sacrifice', 1986, 'Blessed to Give and Receive: Ceremonial Exchange in Fiji', 1987, 'A Sense of Place: Locus and Identity in Matailobau, Fiji', 1988 and 'Rituals, Habitus and Hierarchy in Fiji,’1992.
In 'Rituals, Habitus and Hierarchy in Fiji', Turner studied the Fijian hierarchical system in Nairukuruku through the social interaction where the Yagona ritual is clearly implicated in the reproduction of hierarchy reinforcing the clans status.
With a population of 300, five mataqali’s or clans reside together in Nairukuruku village. They are namely: Siko Natabutale(chiefly clan), Nawaita (warriors), Nabubuco (chief’s elders), Nakorowaqa (heralds), and Navitilevu (warriors).
Cakobau's Christian wars
One of the better known of Cakobau’s Christian conversion wars was at Nasorovakawalu. Both Ratu Cakobau and Ratu Meli were present at Nakorovatu for the final assault on the heathen stronghold across the Wainimala river. Imbued with religious fervour, some 1500 warriors of Matailobau, Naloto, Lomaiviti, Suva, Sabeto NadiNadi
Nadi is the third-largest conurbation in Fiji. It is located on the western side of the main island of Viti Levu, and had a population of 42,284 at the most recent census, in 2007. Nadi is multiracial with many of its inhabitants Indian or Fijian, along with a large transient population of foreign...
and even students of the Methodist Training School, Navuloa Bau laid siege on this last heathen hill fort in the highlands. In May 1873, the stronghold was finally given up after months of siege warfare. Brewster recounts, " Heralds were sent in with strings of Whales' teeth to soro or beg his majesty's pardon and sue humbly for peace." Cakobau accepted the overtures as he thought his army had done enough for honour and glory. A local Matailobau account stated that, Ratu Cakobau had ordered his musketmen perched up trees with Snider rifles to fire volleys simultaneously in support of the final eighth assault. In celebration of this victory the bure that was built for Ratu Cakobau at Nakorovatu was given the yavu name Na- ka- u- kaya (as I ordered).
After this successful siege, in May 1873, a Christianization campaign or Valu ni Lotu was launched across the highlands of Viti Levu by Cakobau's Christian forces from Nakorovatu Matailobau which included the Taukei ni Waluvu's forces.
Ratu Viliame Batiratu, The Colo Lieutenant Governor in Cakobau's Government and later the Buli Matailobau, with his tribal army played a supporting role in Major James Harding's Wainimala pacification campaign of Muaira, Noimalu and Nagonenicolo in 1874. The beligerant tribes of the Lomai Colo led by the Vunivalu of Noemalu, Rovucago, put up stirling resistance but were finally overpowered by well drilled soldiers. The Lomai Colo tribes then sued for peace. Ratu Viliame was to play a prominent role in the administration of Colo East province as the leading Buli or 'Turaga Levu' (Great Chief), from 1874 and resigning from government services in 1896 though remaining on the payroll until 1908.
Image: Ratu Viliame Batiratu Taukei ni Waluvu
and Buli Matailobau with wife Adi Kelera
and niece Roeseta.Most unlike Fijian custom of the day,this is a rare photograph of a nineteenth century Fijian chief taken with his wife. Further more as in European etiquette the chief’s wife is sitting whilst he stood.
The measles epidemic of 1875 raised suspicion within the hill tribes of a foreign conspiracy given that they were still practising old native beliefs and ways. This event could be said to be the second chapter in the clash of cultures between Fijian traditional belief and western contact.
Peace ensued when, on October 28, 1876, Governor Sir Arthur Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Baron Stanmore issued a proclamation pardoning all belligerent hill tribes, bringing to a close the third chapter of the clash of cultures - one of tribal versus colonial rule in the highlands of Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...
Image: Vuravura- Ratu Viliame's great bure, Nakorovatu, 1881. Ms Constance Gordon-Cumming in her description of its interior in December 1875 effused, "Eight large trees form the main pillars,
while upwards of one hundred fine tree-ferns have been sacrificed
to make the small black pillars on either side. The walls are of
double reeds, crossed ; very beautiful patterns of fine sinnet-work
(i.e., coloured string), on the lintels, and hanging curtains of long
As a symbolic token of Batiratu’s suzerainty, a basket of earth from the districts under his rule as Colo Governor prior to Cession from as far as Nailega on the Wainibuka river to Nagone-ni-colo on the Wainimala river, were brought to form the foundation of his great bure Vuravura at Nakorovatu.
Colo East merges with Naitasiri
When the Wainimala campaign of 1874 and the "little war" of 1876 in central Viti Levu were finished, Sir Arthur Gordon thought that the lately subjugated hill tribes, were scarcely fitted then for the rigidity of British Law.He therefore caused an Ordinance to be passed in the Legislative Council of the colony to provide for the jurisdiction of the "lately disturbed districts of Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...
", as the preamble put it.
Image: Sir Arthur Gordon First Governor of Fiji (1875–1880)
For administrative purposes the lately disturbed districts were divided into two provinces- Colo West and Colo East. Colo North was later carved out of these two hill provinces and Ra, Ba and Yasawa provinces in 1893. Colo East was made up of the districts of Nailega, Nasautoka, Lutu, Waima, Matailobau, Soloira, Nadaravakawalu, Muaira, Nagonenicolo, Noemalu and later Nabubuco.
Nairukuruku is the leading village in Matailobau District
Matailobau District
Matailobau District is one of the districts of Naitasiri Province, Fiji. In the past the district consisted of the old tikina's of Nagonenicolo,Matailobau,Waima and Lutu until their separation due to Fijian administration restructure in the 1990s.The old tikina and present district of Matailobau...
. Ratu Viliame Batiratu-the first Buli Matailobau chose to name his district, Matailobau in recognition of the clan who gave shelter to Rokowai - the Siko Natabutale clans founding ancestor who fled the ancestral village of Navunidakua.
The 1881 Gerrard Ansdell expedition of Colo East via the Wainimala and Wainibuka rivers is most revealing of all aspects of life in the hill province as many photographs were taken that is preserved in the Alexander Turnbull Library New Zealand today.
Image: Map of Colo Provinces, Viti Levu, Fiji. Scale: 1:517625
In 1945, due to colonial native administrative restructure initiated by Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna
Lala Sukuna
Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna, KCMG, KBE was a Fijian chief, scholar, soldier, and statesman. He is regarded as the forerunner of the post-independence leadership of Fiji...
, Colo East province with nine tikinas including Matailobau and Vunidawa government station as its centre was merged into Naitasiri
Naitasiri is one of the 14 provinces of Fiji and one of eight based in Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island.-Geography and infrastructure:Naitasiri as a province covers 1,666 square kilometers , the Province occupies the area to the north and east of Suva, the capital...
province. The two Wainibuka tikinas of Colo East-Nailega and Nasautoka were separately joined to Tailevu
Tailevu is one of the 14 provinces of Fiji. One of eight Provinces based in Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island, its 755 square kilometers occupy the south-eastern fringe of the island, along with some central areas. At the 2007 census, the most recent to date, it had a population of 55,692, the...
province. After the provincial merger five districts or tikinas of: Naitasiri, Matailobau, Waimaro Wainimala and Lomaivuna were created. Ratu Isikeli Roraqoca the eldest grand son of Ratu Viliame Robatiratu became the Turaga Buli Matailobau from 1945-62 stationed at Nakorovatu village, Vunidawa. The only reminder of the Colo East hill province at Vunidawa today is the prominent stone memorial to its illustrious son and Taukei ni Waluvu Doctor Ratu Jemesa Bonowai(1866–1937) atop the government station hill.
Image: Andsell expedition at Navuniyasi Village, on Wainimala river, 1881.The Dreketi and Nasautoka clans reside in this Matailobau village.
Methodist Church - Matailobau/Wainimala Division
The conversion to Christianity and allegiance to Baun hegemony came at a price for Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II and his clan.Reverend Wallace Deane in The strange adventures of a whales tooth, gives a detailed account of the tribal skirmishes of the Taukei ni Waluvu from 1862-1874. For amongst belligerent heathen hill tribes, the Taukei ni Waluvu and his warrior people were a major influence in the spread of Christianity and British colonialism in the hills of the main island of Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...
Image: Ratu Jemesa Robonowai(1866–1937), Taukei ni Waluvu, standing third from right. Seated centre cross legged is Ratu Feretariki Lagamu Temesia, grandson of Ratu Seru Cakobau, one of first three graduates of Central Medical School in 1888. Also seated below Ratu Jemesa is Dr W Mcgregor, the head of CMS.
The alliance that Ratu Meli made with Ratu Seru Cakobau, sat oddly with his 'bati' role to Verata and blood links to other hill tribes. However this propelled him and his clan as the leading Colo East entity for Bauan, Christian and colonial domination. Davetanivalu's stronghold village Navaulele then Nairukuruku thus became the seat of the Methodist church divisional superintendent for Matailobau/Wainimala division with a lay persons training centre. Previously the Matailobau division came under the Bau division.
According to Rev. Deane, some of the Christian teachers from coastal villages who laboured spreading the gospel amongst the heathen tribes and paid the ultimate sacrifice for their faith at Navaulele were: Taitusi, from Nairai; Pita from Rewa, Rupeni from Dravo, Nafitalai from Namuka, Solomoni from Nakoroivau, Nemani, from Waikete, and Nasoni, from Buretu. Reverend Setareki Nasilivata of the warrior clan- Nawaita was Nairukuruku's first Methodist minister from 1914-45.
As a glowing credit to the Wesleyan missions life and village advancement at Nairukuruku in 1884, Brewester observed
About four miles further up the Wainimala from Vunidawa was Nairukuruku, the seat of Ratu Jona the native minister in charge of my province. He had a small preparatory school where aspirants for the ministry received their preliminary training. Order and discipline were combined with good native customs and the students whilst being educated, were self supporting, maintained their own food supply and kept their houses neat and tidy. When I got hipped and bored by the life on the station, I would frequently go over to Nairukuruku and spend the day. Sometimes when Naval Officers and others visited me I took them over there to hear the students choir sing Moody and Sankey's hymns. We use to ride over and return by water for the sake of the fun of canoe travelling, shooting the rapids and getting a pot at the ducks. Ratu Jona's wife was an excellent cook, and generally regalled her guests with savory dishes of chicken stewed with yams and shallots.
Image:Nairukuruku School, 1881. Formal school group, the teachers standing at the back, the children sitting in front. Behind them is part of the roof and walls of a large densely thatched building probably the church and community hall( see Nairukuruku painting 1875). The teachers are wearing clothing of white cotton fabric in the form of sulu vaka viti, skirts, short sleaved tops and long sleaved shirts.
Rev Ratu Jona Uluinaceva of Kadavu was native pastor of Matailobau circuit from 1881-1893. He was preceded by Rev Taito Rauluni (1876–1881) and Rev Rusiate Vunivalu (?-1875). Rev Jona Uluinaceva was succeeded by Reverends: Nasoni Tuisinu (1894–1903), Rev Pita Tuidela (1903–06) and Rev Filimone Waqaniveitaqavi (1906-?) respectively. Distinguished graduates of Nairukuruku preparatory school were Taukei ni Waluvu Doctor Ratu Jemesa Robonowai (1866–1937) who was one of the first Fijian native medical practitioners in 1888, Doctor Ratu Jone Roraiova (1904–34) and Doctor Ratu Waisea Radibi (1901–32).
Image: Rev Taito Rauluni and Family, Native Minister at Nairukuruku, 1881.
In 1885, the fiftieth anniversary of Methodism
Methodism is a movement of Protestant Christianity represented by a number of denominations and organizations, claiming a total of approximately seventy million adherents worldwide. The movement traces its roots to John Wesley's evangelistic revival movement within Anglicanism. His younger brother...
in Fiji, a prominent contingent of Australian Methodists visited Nairukuruku to witness first hand the spread of Christianity in the highlands of Fiji. In addition to church festivities, they were treated to a spectacle of native dances and an insight into hill people tribal culture by the Taukei ni Waluvu and Buli Matailobau Ratu Viliame Batiratu.
Cultivation and Viti Kabani
In the 1900s, the surrounding Nairukuruku river plains were cultivated with bananas as the major cash crop. The village banana farmers became exponents of the Viti Kabani movement and the quest by its enigmatic founder Apolosi Ranawai for native indigenous commercial enterprise against the wishes of colonial administrators. Ranawai had founded his Company at Nakorovatu, Matailobau where in 1912, as a carpenter he was building a church. Ratu Esira Rovucago V (1870–1934) of Nairukuruku was the secretary for the Viti Kabani in Colo East at the height of its popularity from 1913-1917. With the demise of the banana industry many villagers left to seek employment in the gold mines of VatukoulaVatukoula
Vatukoula is a gold mining settlement in Fiji, 9 kilometers inland from the Town of Tavua on the island of Viti Levu. It was established in 1934....
and the tourism industry of western Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...
. Today subsistence market farming is the major village income earner with many families having left for urban living.
Chiefly Dualism of Tui and Vunivalu fused in title of Taukei ni Waluvu
Arthur Hocart and Marshall Shalin studied the diarchic relationship between the sacred king known as Tui and the warlord known as Vunivalu in Fijian traditional society. Both Anthropologists examined the chiefly dualism of the Kubuna clan between the Rokotui Bau and the Vunivalu Tui Kaba and the Burebasaga clan between the Rokotui Dreketi and the Vunivalu of Rewa. Christina Toren also examined the distinct antithetical nature of traditional Fijian leadership. In Fijian hierarchical society, the Vunivalu was the war lord and second in chiefly status to the Tui or sacred king. The distinct title Ratu or Ro was the honorific prefix to the names of descendants of the Tui and Vunivalu. Through the martial exploits of the Vunivalu, the extension of a powerful tribe’s authority over other tribes formed the Vanua and Matanitu or pre-colonial state.In the clan of Nabukebuke Namosi however, this dualism is morphed in the paramount chief holding both titles, Tui Namosi and Vunivalu. Robatiratu was the vunivalu at the yavutu of Nabukebuke at Wailase in the Wainimala highlands.
Under the leadership of Ronawaqaliva and his brother Rodrodrolagi, the clan then moved to Nairairaikinabukebuke, Mount Voma where they built a village on the left bank of the Waidina river and called it Namosi. The Vunivalu of the Nabukebuke clan was also installed Tui Namosi at this village.
In the senior division of the Waimaro clan of Soloira, Colo East, the practice of chiefly dualism was also witnessed by Brewster in the 1880s stating, “The head chief at Serea was Roraqoca. He was the Vunivalu or fighting chief of his clan. Associated with him was Tui Waikalou or the Lord of Waikalou.”
Roraiova I of the yavusa Siko Natabutale was renowned for his martial exploits amongst the hill tribes of Colo East. His tribal skirmishes became known as the Valu ni Lulu. The Vanua of Matailobau was formed through the exploits of Roraiova I.
Roraiova I was the son of Rovucago II who was installed with the moniker Taukei Waiburebure and who was the grandson of Rokowai (circa1600 AD) the founder of the Natabutale clan. Rokowai’s father was Rovucago I, chief of the yavutu of Navunidakua. Rokovucago I chiefly lineage is traced to the Tui Nalawa in Ra through his son Robonowai. From about the mid nineteenth century the bestowing of the sacred leadership or Tui of the Siko Natabutale clan was handed down by Rodavetanivalu I of Taulevu to his namesake Ratu Meli Rodavetanivalu II of Navaulele.
Rodavetanivalu I the great grandson of Rokowai at Taulevu fortress on being struck with leprosy had sent for his namesake Davetanivalu II from Navaulele fortress to handover the sacred king title and leadership of the clan. Rodavetanivalu I's father was Robaledrokadroka I also of Taulevu.
After the death of Davetanivalu II in 1875 the two chiefly titles of Tui and Vunivalu has rested within the tokatoka’s of: Nakamarusi, Dakui, Navaulele, Nakacadakui and Vuravura of the matagali turaga –Siko Natabutale. The choice of a hereditary chief to the office of Taukei ni Waluvu was according to male seniority or veitarataravi vaka veitacini. Ones mother’s chiefly status or vasu turaga taukei and the elders advice na nodra rai na qase ni vanua were also taken into account. After the establishment of Christianity, being born within wedlock or luve ni vaka mau became important for a chiefs claim to leadership within most clans.
Furthermore within Siko Natabutale clan tradition,in line with its founding ancestor Rokowai, the younger lineage inherited the ancestral spirit and wisdom or kalougata kei na mana as Tui. This tradition also conforms to the principle of alternate generation as practiced within the hill tribes where a grandchild is a brother to his grandfather (tutua). As evidenced
Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II was the fourth of Roraiova’s I five sons- in descending order-Radibi, Rinabobo II, Rovucago III, Meli Davetanivalu II and Navia (died young).
Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II of Navaulele as sacred king or Taukei Waiburebure (later title changed to Taukei ni Waluvu) is renowned for his conversion to Christianity through Reverend Langham in 1862. He was also alive when Fiji was ceded to Britain and died during the measles epidemic in early 1875. In Ratu Meli’s old age his youngest nephew and later Buli Colo East Ratu Viliame Batiratu was often acting on his behalf with Ratu Cakobau and his government from 1871-1873.
Image:Fijians and some Europeans gathered in an open space in Korovatu village, Matailobau at 'Vaka Misisionary' gathering. Near the front of the image stand a line of men in traditional dress shouldering clubs, preparing to meke (dance). Most of the other people are sitting. Centre left background stands a Fijian bure building.
Rovucago III’s sons were in decending order-Roraiova II, Robaledrokadroka II, Ratu Manasa Davetanivalu III, Ratu Viliame Batiratu and Roragoca. Ratu Manasa and Ratu Viliame Batiratu’s mother was Rokamanalagi from the powerful Navitilevu clan.
Ratu Manasa married Adi Sereana Radinisiko of the Siko clan’s yavutu Navunidakua. Ratu Manasa was killed in the attack of the Muaira clans on his fort at Ulira around 1873. Ratu Manasa had two sons Ratu Jemesa Robonowai II and Ratu Esira Rovucago V (1870–1934) and two daughters Adi Vani Rolikubai and Roeseta Likumotovai. Doctor Ratu Jemesa Robonowai II (1866–1937) Ratu Manasa's eldest son was named after the mythical child god and the ancestor of Rovucago I of Navunidakua. Robonowai I as previously mentioned was the son of the Tui Nalawa from Ra and the great Nakauvadra migration.
Ratu Manasa Davetanivalu III, the third son of Rovucago III, was anointed as Tui and named after Davetanivalu II with his yavu given the name Nakamarusi in honour of the clan’s vu or founding ancestor Rokowai’s great bure foundation. In addition the Nabubuco and Korowaqa clans are qase and tamata ni vale to Nakamarusi.
Decendants of Ratu Manasa Davetanivalu III of Nakamarusi have been known as gone kalou or child god such as the names bestowed on his son Robonowai and his younger son Rokovucago IV’s eldest daughter Adi Lagamu (named after Rev Langham) Lomalagi Lewaturaga who was born in 1903 the year of Reverend Frederick Langham’s death. Rev Langham is revered in Taukei ni Waluvu history as converting Ratu Meli and his clan to Christianity in 1862.
Ratu Samuela Ranarogo (1855–1931) held the Vunivalu title of the clan after Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka II. Ratu Samuela at the time of the Veitarogi Vanua on 2 December 1924 gave sworn testimony of the clans origins. Ratu Samuela died without a male issue. Ratu Jese Ronaitege (1871–1931) a younger brother to Ratu Samuela and his descendants carries on this line. Their residence- Dakui is named after the vunivalu of Bau’s residence on Bau Island. In addition the bati or warrior clan of Nawaita is also gase and tamata ni vale (elders) to Dakui.
With the Siko Natabutale clan of Navaulele-Nairukuruku, the chiefly dualism relationship also became fused in the title of Taukei ni Waluvu. After the death of Ratu Samuela Ranarogo in 1931 as Vunivalu, the title of Vunivalu and Tui became one in the moniker Taukei ni Waluvu. This was due to the turaga vasu i taukei and also vasu levu to Navunidakua, Dr Ratu Jemesa Robonowai, aceding to the title Taukei ni Waluvu.
Title holder
As chief of Matailobau district, the Taukei ni Waluvu, Ratu Meli Koroitamana who replaced his cousin Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka (1933–2005) was traditionally installed on 22 March 2008. He is a retired airport ground staff and sits on Fiji’s Great Council of Chiefs. He is a former Fiji rugby representative of the 1964 tour of UK and France.Ratu Alipate was a pioneering Fijian scholar of the newly established Marist Brothers High School (Fiji)
Marist Brothers High School (Fiji)
Marist Brother's High School is a Roman Catholic all-boys high school situated in Suva, the capital of Fiji. It is a school in the Marist tradition, founded in 1949 by the order of Marist Brothers, which has had a presence in Fiji since 1844. The Catholic Marist education in Fiji is acknowledged...
, Suva in 1949. He was one of the first Fijian students to matriculate in the Senior Cambridge exams in 1952 following his father Dr Ratu Jone Raiova (1904–33) footsteps, who matriculated from Marist St John's college, Cawaci on Ovalau Island in 1922, to the Central Medical School, Suva. Ratu Meli died on 07 Oct 2009 after a short illness.
Images: Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka IV, Taukei ni Waluvu, (1997–2005) as Form III student Marist Brothers High School, Suva, 1949, and the "Rainmaker" at Naitasiri Provincial Council Meeting, Navuso, Naitasiri, December 2000.
The chiefly households of: Nakamarusi, Vuravura, Dakui, Navaulele, Nadawadamana, Nasirivatu, Navakabatiyavu, Nakacadakui, Navunisalusalu and Nacagabuli will decide the next title holder who is usually the oldest male in the Siko Natabutale clan of Nairukuruku village. There is pressure however on the choice of leadership through this exclusive traditional system due to the changes in village life and culture brought about by modernity. As today’s communal quest for development and good governance is realized through a leader’s education and moral integrity.
Past title holders
(in order of succession)Vunivalu Taukei Waiburebure
- Robonowai I (Nalawa)
- Rokovucago I (Navunidakua)
- Nayacakuru (Navunidakua)
- Rokowai I(c.1600 AD Nakamarusi)
- Rokotokalau (Ulira)
- Ronaiteqe (Taulevu)
- Iranabobo I(Ulira)
- Rovucago II (Navaulele)
- Roraiova I,(Valu ni Lulu- Navaulele)
- Robaledrokadroka I, (Taulevu)
- Rodavetanivalu I, (Taulevu)
- Iranabobo II(Ulira)
Vunivalu Vuniduba
- Asaeli Tabuavula
Vunivalu Taukei ni Waluvu
- Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II, Navaulele (?-1875).
- Ratu Jone Roraiova II, (Taukei Nakacadakui)
- Ratu Viliame Robatiratu I(?-1908) (Taukei Vuravura, Buli Colo East, GCC Member)
- Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka II, (Taukei Navaulele)
- Ratu Samu Ranarogo (1855–1931).
- Dr. Ratu Jemesa Robonowai II, NMP, (Taukei Nakamarusi, 1866–1937, GCC Member)
- Ratu Taito Rauluni (1880–1948).
- Ratu Manasa Davetanivalu II,(1893–1944, GCC Member)
- Ratu Isikeli Roraqoca (Buli Matailobau) (1906–62, GCC Member)
- Ratu Anare Roraqoca (1903–74, GCC Member)
- Ratu Joseva Koroitamana (1909–87).
- Ratu Esira Rovucago VI(1911–77).
- Ratu Emosi Vakatawabai (1915–79, GCC Member)
- Ratu Jope Rokowai (1923–97, GCC Member)
- Ratu Alipate Raiova Baledrokadroka IV, (1933–2005, Taukei Nacagabuli, Senator, GCC Member)
- Ratu Meli Ronaiteqe Koroitamana (1935–2009, GCC Member)
Prominent Yavusa Siko Persons
- Ratu Meli Davetanivalu II Taukei ni Waluvu, First Colo Chief converted to Christianity (?-1875).
- Ratu Viliame Batiratu, Buli Matailobau, leading Colo East Chief. GCC member(?-1908).
- Ratu Isikeli Roragoca Davetanivalu, Buli Nalawa, Ra.
- Mr William Scott, European Settler.
- Mr Henry Scott, European Settler.
- Dr. Ratu Jemesa Robonowai, NMP. GCC Member. (1866–1937).
- Dr. Ratu Waisea Radibi, NMP.
- Dr. Ratu Jone Roraiova, MP. (1904–34).
- Ratu Isikeli Roraqoca, Buli Matailobau, GCC Member.
- Ratu Viliame Batiratu, World War II Veteran Soldier.
- Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka III, Vatukoula Mines Union and Naitasiri Community Rep.
- Rev. Setareki Nasilivata, Methodist Minister.
- Semi Nate, 1920-40s Heavyweight Champion Boxer of Fiji and the Pacific, Native Magistrate.
- Inspector Ratu Leone Lautabui,First native gazetted Police Officer.Author of the Sherlock Holmes of Fiji.
- Major Josefa S George, Military Officer, 1FIR Malaya, Company Commander and NLC Officer.
- Colonel Livai Nasilivata, Military Cross, Govt Minister, Senator, Teacher, Army Officer.
- Inoke Nasilivata, Teacher, Nausori Town Councillor.
- Superintendent P. Turaga, Police Officer.
- Sgt Ratu Asesela Rokotulou, World War II, US Silver Star medal.
- Ratu Alipate Baledrokadroka IV, (1933–2005) Accountant, Senator, GCC Member.
- Ratu Meli Koroitamana, Fiji Rugby Rep to UK 1964, GCC Member.
- Adi Kelera Royalotama Nasilivata, (1937–2007) Teacher.
- Ratu Jope Rorinabobo, Head Teacher Vunidawa.
- Ratu Meli Rinakorovatu, ex-Tuirara Matailobau Wainimala division.
- Ratu Emosi Rosakuwai - USP Administrator, Founder Naitasiri Rugby- Suva, Nasinu, Kalabu Zone.
- Adi Lagamu Takiveikata, President Naitasiri Soqosoqo vaka Marama, Businesswomen, Senator.
- Colonel Ratu Jone Baledrokadroka Roraiova, Founding President Naitasiri Rugby Union (1998–2002), GCC Member.
- Ratu Jope Paul Baledrokadroka, Teacher, Kelston Boys High, Auck, NZ.
- Adi Vasiti Baledrokadroka, FIT Senior Lecturer.
- Peniasi Nasilivata - Min of Planning and Finance.
- Setareki Nasilivata - Army Officer.
- Ratu Jemesa Baledrokadroka, Lawyer.
- Ratu Jope Davetanivalu, Dir Min. of Environment.
- Ratu Emosi Davetanivalu, Min. Planning and Finance.
- Adi Vani Nasedra, Teacher.
- Isoa Nasedra, Ast Native Lands Commissioner.
- Eroni Tubuitamana, Teacher.
- Atunaisa Tabua, Ast Roko Naitasiri.
- Adi Kelera Baledrokadroka, Agriculturist.
- Ratu Feretariki Naqaliwai, Teacher.
- Ratu Manasa Davetanivalu, British Army Officer, UK.
- Ratu Levani. Rosovalevu, Nurse.
- Mikaele Aciriciri Turaga, Journalist.
- Akusita. Nasilivata, Teacher.
- Maria Turaga, Radio Announcer.