Talking Turkey (comic)
Talking Turkey was a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 adult comic that was published monthly by Galaxy Publications
Galaxy Publications
Galaxy publications are adult magazine publishers. Their main offices are located in Witham, Essex, England. Their most notable publications include Fiesta, Knave, Ravers DVD and Just18.-See also:* Fiesta* Knave* Brain Damage* Gas...

 from 1991 to 1992.

Talking Turkey was one of many such comics emulating the success of Viz
Viz (comic)
Viz is a popular British comic magazine which has been running since 1979.The comic's style parodies British comics of the post-war period, notably The Beano and The Dandy, but with incongruous language, crude toilet humour, black comedy, surreal humour and either sexual or violent storylines...

, yet departed from the usual crude copycat approach of many of its peers by combining 'classic' underground strips with modern content by recognised cartoon
A cartoon is a form of two-dimensional illustrated visual art. While the specific definition has changed over time, modern usage refers to a typically non-realistic or semi-realistic drawing or painting intended for satire, caricature, or humor, or to the artistic style of such works...

ists. Its sibling publications were the political Brain Damage
Brain Damage (comic)
Brain Damage was a British adult comic that was published monthly by Galaxy Publications and edited by Bill Hampton from 1989 to 1992....

, the deliberate Viz clone Gas
Gas (comic)
Gas was a British adult comic that was published monthly by Galaxy Publications from 1989 to 1991.Gas was one of many such comics emulating the success of Viz, and like many of its peers was a crude copycat of the format Viz pioneered.Initially, many strips were clearly rejected from Viz; many...

, and the surreal Elephant Parts
Elephant Parts (comic)
Elephant Parts was a short-lived British adult comic from the 1990s, similar in tone and content to Gas comic, only with a cruder layout and a wilfully "amateurish" feel overall....


Went to at least issue: Vol. 2 No. 3.

Artists/Strips included:
  • Hunt Emerson
    Hunt Emerson
    Hunt Emerson is a cartoonist living and working in Birmingham, England. He was closely involved with the Birmingham Arts Lab of the mid-to-late 1970s, and with the British underground comics scene of the 1970s and 1980s...

  • Fat Freddy's Cat
    Fat Freddy's Cat
    Fat Freddy's Cat is a fictional orange tomcat nominally belonging to Fat Freddy Freekowtski, one of the Freak Brothers, a trio of hippies who are featured in Gilbert Shelton's underground comix.-History:...

  • Gilbert Shelton
    Gilbert Shelton
    Gilbert Shelton is an American cartoonist and underground comix artist. He is the creator of The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, Fat Freddy's Cat, Wonder Wart-Hog, Philbert Desanex, Not Quite Dead, and the cover art to The Grateful Dead's 1978 album Shakedown Street.He graduated from Lamar High...

  • Rex Splendor
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