Elephant Parts (comic)
Elephant Parts was a short-lived British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 adult comic from the 1990s, similar in tone and content to Gas
Gas (comic)
Gas was a British adult comic that was published monthly by Galaxy Publications from 1989 to 1991.Gas was one of many such comics emulating the success of Viz, and like many of its peers was a crude copycat of the format Viz pioneered.Initially, many strips were clearly rejected from Viz; many...

 comic, only with a cruder layout
Page layout
Page layout is the part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement and style treatment of elements on a page.- History and development :...

 and a wilfully "amateurish" feel overall.

The most notable strip
Comic strip
A comic strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons and captions....

 was Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker
Charlton "Charlie" Brooker is a British journalist, comic writer and broadcaster. His style of humour is savage and profane, with surreal elements and a consistent satirical pessimism...

's Horny Estelle, which told the story of various twenty-something losers and their unrequited love for the title character, a blonde baggage who was allegedly insatiable. Similar in tone to Peter Bagge
Peter Bagge
Peter Bagge is an American cartoonist. He is the creator of Buddy Bradley, Hate, Neat Stuff, Martini Baton, and Sweatshop, Apocalypse Nerd and Other Lives. His stories often use black humor and exaggerated cartooning to dramatize the reduced expectations of middle-class American youth...

's Hate comics and employing similarly exaggerated drawings, the strip was indicative of the level of humour
Humour or humor is the tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement...

 to be found in the magazine
Magazines, periodicals, glossies or serials are publications, generally published on a regular schedule, containing a variety of articles. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by pre-paid magazine subscriptions, or all three...

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