Taiwanese American Foundation
The Taiwanese American Foundation is an organization working in the Taiwanese immigrant community of the US.

Its main activity is a week-long summer camp
Summer camp
Summer camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months in some countries. Children and adolescents who attend summer camp are known as campers....

 for elementary school through college students in the first or second week of August at a college campus in the Midwest. It has four major programs for each of the age groups: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and College (the groups are named Junior, Junior High, Youth, and College respectively). Each year, there is a theme that is cycled every four years: Identity, Communication
Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast...

, Ethics
Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality—that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime, etc.Major branches of ethics include:...

 and Values, and Leadership
Leadership has been described as the “process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task". Other in-depth definitions of leadership have also emerged.-Theories:...

In each program, there are small groups. The number of people in each small group depends on how many people attend that program. Also, there is family group time. A Family Group is a Junior or Junior High small group that is linked with a Youth or the College program (the college group usually has only 5-7 people each year, so they make up a small group). Each year the kids in the Juniors and Junior High programs have "Big Sibs" from the Youth and College programs. Your big sib is in your family group. There are about 6 or 7 big sibs per family group. They usually spend time together and there are also special activities to do with your big sib. On the Wednesday of the week, they have a special water balloon fight with all the TAF campers and counselors.

This year, it was held at Manchester College, from July 25th to August 1st.

The term "Taiwanese American Foundation" is used by multiple organizations; this one seems to be registered under that name.

See also

  • Taiwanese American Foundation of San Diego
    Taiwanese American Foundation of San Diego
    The Taiwanese American Foundation of San Diego is an organization for people of Taiwanese descent in the San Diego, California area.The Taiwanese American Foundation of San Diego was founded in 1996 with the dedication and commitment of the Taiwanese American Community in San Diego...

  • Taiwanese American Foundation of Boston
  • Taiwanese Association of America

External links

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