Table of muscles of the human body: Neck


Muscle |Origin | Insertion | Artery | Nerve | Action |Antagonist
| platysma
Platysma muscle
The platysma is a superficial muscle that overlaps the sternocleidomastoid.It is a broad sheet arising from the fascia covering the upper parts of the pectoralis major and deltoid; its fibers cross the clavicle, and proceed obliquely upward and medially along the side of the neck.The anterior...

inferior clavicle
In human anatomy, the clavicle or collar bone is a long bone of short length that serves as a strut between the scapula and the sternum. It is the only long bone in body that lies horizontally...

 and fascia of chest
mandible  cervical branch of the facial nerve
Cervical branch of the facial nerve
The cervical branch of the facial nerve runs forward beneath the Platysma, and forms a series of arches across the side of the neck over the suprahyoid region....

Draws the corners of the mouth
The mouth is the first portion of the alimentary canal that receives food andsaliva. The oral mucosa is the mucous membrane epithelium lining the inside of the mouth....

 inferiorly and widens it (as in expressions of sadness and fright). Also draws the skin
-Dermis:The dermis is the layer of skin beneath the epidermis that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain. The dermis is tightly connected to the epidermis by a basement membrane. It also harbors many Mechanoreceptors that provide the sense of touch and heat...

 of the neck
The neck is the part of the body, on many terrestrial or secondarily aquatic vertebrates, that distinguishes the head from the torso or trunk. The adjective signifying "of the neck" is cervical .-Boner anatomy: The cervical spine:The cervical portion of the human spine comprises seven boney...

Anatomical terms of location
Standard anatomical terms of location are designations employed in science that deal with the anatomy of animals to avoid ambiguities that might otherwise arise. They are not language-specific, and thus require no translation...

 when teeth are clenched
Masseter muscle
In human anatomy, the masseter is one of the muscles of mastication.In the animal kingdom, it is particularly powerful in herbivores to facilitate chewing of plant matter.-Origin and insertion of the two heads:...

, Temporalis
Temporalis muscle
The temporal muscle is one of the muscles of mastication.-Structure:It arises from the temporal fossa and the deep part of temporal fascia...

| sternocleidomastoid
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
In human anatomy, the sternocleidomastoid muscle , also known as sternomastoid and commonly abbreviated as SCM, is a paired muscle in the superficial layers of the anterior portion of the neck...

manubrium sterni, medial portion of the clavicle
In human anatomy, the clavicle or collar bone is a long bone of short length that serves as a strut between the scapula and the sternum. It is the only long bone in body that lies horizontally...

mastoid process of the temporal bone, superior nuchal line  occipital artery
Occipital artery
The occipital artery arises from the external carotid artery opposite the facial artery, its path is below the posterior belly of digastric to the occipital region. This artery supplies blood to the back of the scalp and sterno-mastoid muscles...

 and the superior thyroid artery
Superior thyroid artery
The superior thyroid artery arises from the external carotid artery just below the level of the greater cornu of the hyoid bone and ends in the thyroid gland.-Relations:...

motor: accessory nerve
Accessory nerve
In anatomy, the accessory nerve is a nerve that controls specific muscles of the shoulder and neck. As part of it was formerly believed to originate in the brain, it is considered a cranial nerve...

sensory: cervical plexus
Cervical plexus
The cervical plexus is a plexus of the ventral rami of the first four cervical spinal nerves which are located from C1 to C4 cervical segment in the neck. They are located laterally to the transverse processes between prevertebral muscles from the medial side and vertebral from lateral side...

Acting alone, tilts head to its own side and rotates it so the face is turned towards the opposite side.
Acting together, flexes the neck, raises the sternum and assists in forced inspiration.

Suprahyoid muscles
The term suprahyoid refers to the region above the hyoid bone in the neck. The suprahyoid muscles include digastric, stylohyoid, geniohyoid, and mylohyoid...

Muscle |Origin | Insertion | Artery | Nerve | Action |Antagonist
| digastric
Digastric muscle
The digastric muscle is a small muscle located under the jaw. so digastric muscles are muscle fibers in ligament of treitz ,omohyoid , occipitofrontalis....

anterior belly - digastric fossa (mandible); posterior belly - mastoid process
Mastoid process
The mastoid process is a conical prominence projecting from the undersurface of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone. It is located just behind the external acoustic meatus, and lateral to the styloid process...

 of temporal bone
Temporal bone
The temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull, and lateral to the temporal lobes of the cerebrum.The temporal bone supports that part of the face known as the temple.-Parts:The temporal bone consists of four parts:* Squama temporalis...

Intermediate tendon (hyoid bone
Hyoid bone
The hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. At rest, it lies at the level of the base of the mandible in the front and the third cervical vertebra behind.Unlike other bones, the hyoid is only distantly...

anterior belly - mandibular division of the trigeminal (CN V) via the mylohyoid nerve
Mylohyoid nerve
The mylohyoid nerve is a nerve that innervates the mylohyoid muscle and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.-Structure:...

; posterior belly - facial nerve
Facial nerve
The facial nerve is the seventh of twelve paired cranial nerves. It emerges from the brainstem between the pons and the medulla, and controls the muscles of facial expression, and functions in the conveyance of taste sensations from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and oral cavity...

Opens the jaw when the masseter and the temporalis are relaxed. >-valign="top"
| stylohyoid
Stylohyoid muscle
The stylohyoid muscle is a slender muscle, lying anterior, and superior of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle. It shares this muscle's innervation by the facial nerve, and functions to draw the hyoid bone backwards and elevate the tongue....

styloid process (temporal)
Styloid process (temporal)
The styloid process is a pointed piece of bone that extends down from the human skull, just below the ear.-Structure:The styloid process is a slender pointed piece of bone just below the ear...

greater cornu
Greater cornu
The greater cornua of the hyoid bone project backward from the lateral borders of the body; they are flattened from above downward and diminish in size from before backward; each ends in a tubercle to which is fixed the lateral hyothyroid ligament.The upper surface is rough close to its lateral...

 of hyoid bone
Hyoid bone
The hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. At rest, it lies at the level of the base of the mandible in the front and the third cervical vertebra behind.Unlike other bones, the hyoid is only distantly...

facial nerve
Facial nerve
The facial nerve is the seventh of twelve paired cranial nerves. It emerges from the brainstem between the pons and the medulla, and controls the muscles of facial expression, and functions in the conveyance of taste sensations from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and oral cavity...

Elevate the hyoid during swallowing >-valign="top"
| mylohyoid
Mylohyoid muscle
The mylohyoid muscle is a muscle running from the mandible to the hyoid bone, forming the floor of the oral cavity. It is named for its two attachments, with the prefix "mylo" coming from the Greek word for "molar". These muscles are mesodermal in origin...

mylohyoid line
Mylohyoid line
Extending upward and backward on either side from the lower part of the symphysis of the mandible is the mylohyoid line, which is the origin of the mylohyoid muscle; the posterior part of this line, near the alveolar margin, gives attachment to a small part of the Constrictor pharyngis superior,...

median raphé
Pharyngeal raphe
The Pharyngeal raphe is a raphe that serves as the origin and insertion for several of the pharyngeal constrictors .-External links:*...

mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery
Mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery
As the inferior alveolar artery enters the mandibular foramen, it gives off a mylohyoid branch which runs in the mylohyoid groove, and supplies the mylohyoid muscle....

mylohyoid nerve
Mylohyoid nerve
The mylohyoid nerve is a nerve that innervates the mylohyoid muscle and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.-Structure:...

, from inferior alveolar branch of mandibular nerve [V3
Inferior alveolar nerve
The inferior alveolar nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve, which is itself the third branch of the trigeminal nerve .-Path:...

Raises oral cavity floor, elevates hyoid, depresses
Depression (kinesiology)
Depression, in kinesiology, is the anatomical term of motion for movement in an inferior direction.It is the opposite of elevation.This term is often applied to the shoulders Depression, in kinesiology, is the anatomical term of motion for movement in an inferior direction.It is the opposite of...

| geniohyoid
Geniohyoid muscle
The Geniohyoid muscle is a narrow muscle situated superior to the medial border of the mylohyoid muscle. It is named for its passage from the chin to the hyoid bone.-Origin and insertion:...

symphysis menti
Symphysis menti
The external surface of the mandible is marked in the median line by a faint ridge, indicating the symphysis menti, mandibular symphysis, or line of junction of the two pieces of which the bone is composed at an early period of life....

hyoid bone
Hyoid bone
The hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. At rest, it lies at the level of the base of the mandible in the front and the third cervical vertebra behind.Unlike other bones, the hyoid is only distantly...

Cervical spinal nerve 1
The cervical spinal nerve 1 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 1 .Muscles innervated by this nerve are:*Geniohyoid muscle- through Hypoglossal nerve...

 via hypoglossal nerve
Hypoglossal nerve
The hypoglossal nerve is the twelfth cranial nerve , leading to the tongue. The nerve arises from the hypoglossal nucleus and emerges from the medulla oblongata in the preolivary sulcus separating the olive and the pyramid. It then passes through the hypoglossal canal...

carry hyoid bone and the tongue upward during deglutition
Swallowing, known scientifically as deglutition, is the process in the human or animal body that makes something pass from the mouth, to the pharynx, and into the esophagus, while shutting the epiglottis. If this fails and the object goes through the trachea, then choking or pulmonary aspiration...



Muscle |Origin | Insertion | Artery | Nerve | Action |Antagonist
| sternohyoid
Sternohyoid muscle
The sternohyoid muscle is a thin, narrow muscle attaching the hyoid bone to the sternum, one of the paired strap muscles of the infrahyoid muscles serving to depress the hyoid bone...

The manubrium or manubrium sterni is the broad, upper part of the sternum. Located ventrally with a quadrangular shape, wider superiorly and narrower inferiorly, it articulates with the clavicles and the first two ribs.-Borders:The superior border is the thickest and presents at its center the...

 of sternum 
hyoid bone
Hyoid bone
The hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. At rest, it lies at the level of the base of the mandible in the front and the third cervical vertebra behind.Unlike other bones, the hyoid is only distantly...

ansa cervicalis
Ansa cervicalis
The ansa cervicalis is a loop of nerves that are part of the cervical plexus. It lies superficial to the internal jugular vein in the carotid sheath....

Depression (kinesiology)
Depression, in kinesiology, is the anatomical term of motion for movement in an inferior direction.It is the opposite of elevation.This term is often applied to the shoulders Depression, in kinesiology, is the anatomical term of motion for movement in an inferior direction.It is the opposite of...

 hyoid bone
| sternothyroid
Sternothyroid muscle
The Sternothyreoideus is shorter and wider than the Sternohyoideus, beneath which it is situated.It arises from the posterior surface of the manubrium sterni, below the origin of the Sternohyoideus, and from the edge of the cartilage of the first rib, and sometimes that of the second rib, it is...

The manubrium or manubrium sterni is the broad, upper part of the sternum. Located ventrally with a quadrangular shape, wider superiorly and narrower inferiorly, it articulates with the clavicles and the first two ribs.-Borders:The superior border is the thickest and presents at its center the...

thyroid cartilage
Thyroid cartilage
The thyroid cartilage is the largest of the nine cartilages that make up the laryngeal skeleton, the cartilage structure in and around the trachea that contains the larynx....

ansa cervicalis
Ansa cervicalis
The ansa cervicalis is a loop of nerves that are part of the cervical plexus. It lies superficial to the internal jugular vein in the carotid sheath....

Elevates larynx, may slightly depress hyoid bone >-valign="top"
| thyrohyoid
Thyrohyoid muscle
The Thyrohyoid muscle is a small, quadrilateral muscle appearing like an upward continuation of the Sternothyreoideus. It belongs to the infrahyoid muscles group....

thyroid cartilage
Thyroid cartilage
The thyroid cartilage is the largest of the nine cartilages that make up the laryngeal skeleton, the cartilage structure in and around the trachea that contains the larynx....

hyoid bone
Hyoid bone
The hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. At rest, it lies at the level of the base of the mandible in the front and the third cervical vertebra behind.Unlike other bones, the hyoid is only distantly...

first cervical nerve
Cervical nerves
The cervical nerves are the spinal nerves from the cervical vertebrae.Although there are seven cervical vertebrae , there are eight cervical nerves . All nerves except C8 emerge above their corresponding vertebrae, while the C8 nerve emerges below the C7 vertebra...

Depression (kinesiology)
Depression, in kinesiology, is the anatomical term of motion for movement in an inferior direction.It is the opposite of elevation.This term is often applied to the shoulders Depression, in kinesiology, is the anatomical term of motion for movement in an inferior direction.It is the opposite of...

 hyoid bone
| omohyoid
Omohyoid muscle
The omohyoid muscle is a muscle at the front of the neck that consists of two bellies separated by an intermediate tendon. It belongs to the group of infrahyoid muscles...

upper border of the scapula  hyoid bone
Hyoid bone
The hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. At rest, it lies at the level of the base of the mandible in the front and the third cervical vertebra behind.Unlike other bones, the hyoid is only distantly...

ansa cervicalis
Ansa cervicalis
The ansa cervicalis is a loop of nerves that are part of the cervical plexus. It lies superficial to the internal jugular vein in the carotid sheath....

Depresses the larynx and hyoid bone. Carries hyoid bone backward and to the side >-valign="top"


Muscle |Origin | Insertion | Artery | Nerve | Action |Antagonist
| longus colli
Longus colli muscle
The Longus colli muscle is a muscle of the human body.The Longus colli is situated on the anterior surface of the vertebral column, between the atlas and the third thoracic vertebra....

Transverse processes of C-3 - C-6 Inferior surface of the occipital bone
Occipital bone
The occipital bone, a saucer-shaped membrane bone situated at the back and lower part of the cranium, is trapezoidal in shape and curved on itself...

Cervical spinal nerve 2
The cervical spinal nerve 2 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 2 ....

, C3
Cervical spinal nerve 3
The cervical spinal nerve 3 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 3 ....

, C4
Cervical spinal nerve 4
The cervical spinal nerve 4 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 4 .Its control of the thoracic diaphragm has inspired a medical mnemonic: "Cut C4, breathe no more."...

, C5
Cervical spinal nerve 5
The cervical spinal nerve 5 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 5 ....

, C6
Cervical spinal nerve 6
The cervical spinal nerve 6 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 6 ....

Flexes the neck and head >-valign="top"
| longus capitis
Longus capitis muscle
The longus capitis muscle , broad and thick above, narrow below, arises by four tendinous slips, from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebræ, and ascends, converging toward its fellow of the opposite side, to be inserted into the...

anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae
Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

Basilar artery
In human anatomy, the basilar artery is one of the arteries that supplies the brain with oxygen-rich blood.The two vertebral arteries and the basilar artery are sometimes together called the vertebrobasilar system, which supplies blood to the posterior part of circle of Willis and anastomoses with...

 part of the occipital bone
Occipital bone
The occipital bone, a saucer-shaped membrane bone situated at the back and lower part of the cranium, is trapezoidal in shape and curved on itself...

Cervical spinal nerve 1
The cervical spinal nerve 1 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 1 .Muscles innervated by this nerve are:*Geniohyoid muscle- through Hypoglossal nerve...

, C2
Cervical spinal nerve 2
The cervical spinal nerve 2 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 2 ....

, C3
Cervical spinal nerve 3
The cervical spinal nerve 3 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 3 ....

Cervical spinal nerve 4
The cervical spinal nerve 4 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 4 .Its control of the thoracic diaphragm has inspired a medical mnemonic: "Cut C4, breathe no more."...

In anatomy, flexion is a position that is made possible by the joint angle decreasing. The skeletal and muscular systems work together to move the joint into a "flexed" position. For example the elbow is flexed when the hand is brought closer to the shoulder...

 of neck
The neck is the part of the body, on many terrestrial or secondarily aquatic vertebrates, that distinguishes the head from the torso or trunk. The adjective signifying "of the neck" is cervical .-Boner anatomy: The cervical spine:The cervical portion of the human spine comprises seven boney...

 at atlanto-occipital joint
Atlanto-occipital joint
The Atlanto-occipital joint consists of a pair of condyloid joints. The atlanto-occipital joint is a synovial joint.-Ligaments:The ligaments connecting the bones are:* Two Articular capsules...

| rectus capitis anterior
Rectus capitis anterior muscle
The rectus capitis anterior is a short, flat muscle, situated immediately behind the upper part of the Longus capitis....

Atlas (anatomy)
In anatomy, the atlas is the most superior cervical vertebra of the spine.It is named for the Atlas of Greek mythology, because it supports the globe of the head....

occipital bone
Occipital bone
The occipital bone, a saucer-shaped membrane bone situated at the back and lower part of the cranium, is trapezoidal in shape and curved on itself...

Cervical spinal nerve 1
The cervical spinal nerve 1 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 1 .Muscles innervated by this nerve are:*Geniohyoid muscle- through Hypoglossal nerve...

In anatomy, flexion is a position that is made possible by the joint angle decreasing. The skeletal and muscular systems work together to move the joint into a "flexed" position. For example the elbow is flexed when the hand is brought closer to the shoulder...

 of neck
The neck is the part of the body, on many terrestrial or secondarily aquatic vertebrates, that distinguishes the head from the torso or trunk. The adjective signifying "of the neck" is cervical .-Boner anatomy: The cervical spine:The cervical portion of the human spine comprises seven boney...

 at atlanto-occipital joint
Atlanto-occipital joint
The Atlanto-occipital joint consists of a pair of condyloid joints. The atlanto-occipital joint is a synovial joint.-Ligaments:The ligaments connecting the bones are:* Two Articular capsules...

| rectus capitis lateralis
Rectus capitis lateralis muscle
The Rectus capitis lateralis, a short, flat muscle, arises from the upper surface of the transverse process of the atlas, and is inserted into the under surface of the jugular process of the occipital bone.-See also:* atlanto-occipital joint...

upper surface of the transverse process of the atlas
Atlas (anatomy)
In anatomy, the atlas is the most superior cervical vertebra of the spine.It is named for the Atlas of Greek mythology, because it supports the globe of the head....

under surface of the jugular process
Jugular process
In the lateral part of the occipital bone, extending lateralward from the posterior half of the condyle is a quadrilateral plate of bone, the jugular process, excavated in front by the jugular notch, which, in the articulated skull, forms the posterior part of the jugular foramen.It serves as the...

 of the occipital bone
Occipital bone
The occipital bone, a saucer-shaped membrane bone situated at the back and lower part of the cranium, is trapezoidal in shape and curved on itself...

Cervical spinal nerve 1
The cervical spinal nerve 1 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 1 .Muscles innervated by this nerve are:*Geniohyoid muscle- through Hypoglossal nerve...



Muscle |Origin | Insertion | Artery | Nerve | Action |Antagonist
| scalene muscles
Scalene muscles
The scalene muscles are a group of three pairs of muscles in the lateral neck, namely the scalenus anterior, scalenus medius, and scalenus posterior.They are innervated by the spinal nerves C4-C6....

cervical vertebrae
Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

first and second ribs  ascending cervical artery
Ascending cervical artery
The ascending cervical artery is a small branch which arises from the inferior thyroid artery as that vessel is passing behind the carotid sheath; it runs up on the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebræ in the interval between the Scalenus anterior and Longus...

 (branch of inferior thyroid artery
Inferior thyroid artery
The inferior thyroid artery arrises from the thyrocervical trunk and passes upward, in front of the vertebral artery and Longus colli, then turns medially behind the carotid sheath and its contents, and also behind the sympathetic trunk, the middle cervical ganglion resting upon the...

cervical nerves
Cervical nerves
The cervical nerves are the spinal nerves from the cervical vertebrae.Although there are seven cervical vertebrae , there are eight cervical nerves . All nerves except C8 emerge above their corresponding vertebrae, while the C8 nerve emerges below the C7 vertebra...

Cervical spinal nerve 3
The cervical spinal nerve 3 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 3 ....

, C4
Cervical spinal nerve 4
The cervical spinal nerve 4 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 4 .Its control of the thoracic diaphragm has inspired a medical mnemonic: "Cut C4, breathe no more."...

, C5
Cervical spinal nerve 5
The cervical spinal nerve 5 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 5 ....

, C6
Cervical spinal nerve 6
The cervical spinal nerve 6 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 6 ....

, C7
Cervical spinal nerve 7
The cervical spinal nerve 7 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 7 ....

elevation of ribs I&II >-valign="top"
| anterior
Scalenus anterior
The Scalenus anterior , also known as anterior scalene muscle, lies deeply at the side of the neck, behind the Sternocleidomastoideus.-Anatomy:...

Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

first rib
First rib
The first rib is the most curved and usually the shortest of all the ribs; it is broad and flat, its surfaces looking upward and downward, and its borders inward and outward....

ascending cervical artery
Ascending cervical artery
The ascending cervical artery is a small branch which arises from the inferior thyroid artery as that vessel is passing behind the carotid sheath; it runs up on the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebræ in the interval between the Scalenus anterior and Longus...

 (branch of inferior thyroid artery
Inferior thyroid artery
The inferior thyroid artery arrises from the thyrocervical trunk and passes upward, in front of the vertebral artery and Longus colli, then turns medially behind the carotid sheath and its contents, and also behind the sympathetic trunk, the middle cervical ganglion resting upon the...

ventral ramus
Ventral ramus
The ventral ramus supply the antero-lateral parts of the trunk, and the limbs; they are for the most part larger than the posterior divisions....

 of C5
Cervical spinal nerve 5
The cervical spinal nerve 5 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 5 ....

, C6
Cervical spinal nerve 6
The cervical spinal nerve 6 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 6 ....

When the neck is fixed, elevates the first rib to aid in breathing or when the rib is fixed, bends the neck forward and sideways and rotates it to the opposite side >-valign="top"
| medius
Scalenus medius
The Scalenus medius, the largest and longest of the three scalene muscles, arises from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the lower six cervical vertebræ. It descendes along the side of the vertebral column to insert by a broad attachment into the upper surface of the first...

Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

first rib
First rib
The first rib is the most curved and usually the shortest of all the ribs; it is broad and flat, its surfaces looking upward and downward, and its borders inward and outward....

ascending cervical artery
Ascending cervical artery
The ascending cervical artery is a small branch which arises from the inferior thyroid artery as that vessel is passing behind the carotid sheath; it runs up on the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebræ in the interval between the Scalenus anterior and Longus...

 (branch of inferior thyroid artery
Inferior thyroid artery
The inferior thyroid artery arrises from the thyrocervical trunk and passes upward, in front of the vertebral artery and Longus colli, then turns medially behind the carotid sheath and its contents, and also behind the sympathetic trunk, the middle cervical ganglion resting upon the...

ventral rami of the third to eighth cervical spinal nerves Elevate 1st rib, rotate the neck to the opposite side >-valign="top"
| posterior
Scalenus posterior
The Scalenus posterior , the smallest and most deeply seated of the three Scaleni, arises, by two or three separate tendons, from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the lower two or three cervical vertebræ, and is inserted by a thin tendon into the outer surface of the second...

transverse processes of C4
Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

 - C6
Cervical vertebrae
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also...

2nd rib ascending cervical artery
Ascending cervical artery
The ascending cervical artery is a small branch which arises from the inferior thyroid artery as that vessel is passing behind the carotid sheath; it runs up on the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebræ in the interval between the Scalenus anterior and Longus...

, superficial cervical artery 
Cervical spinal nerve 6
The cervical spinal nerve 6 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 6 ....

, C7
Cervical spinal nerve 7
The cervical spinal nerve 7 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment..It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 7 ....

, C8
Cervical spinal nerve 8
The cervical spinal nerve 8 is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment.It originates from the spinal column from below the cervical vertebra 7 .- Innervation :...

Elevate 2nd rib, tilt the neck to the same side
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