Stria medullaris
The stria medullaris, also known as stria medullaris thalami, is a fiber bundle containing efferent
Efferent nerve
In the nervous system, efferent nerves, otherwise known as motor or effector neurons, carry nerve impulses away from the central nervous system to effectors such as muscles or glands...

 fibers from the septal nuclei
Septal nuclei
The septal area are structures that lie below the rostrum of corpus callosum in front of lamina terminalis , composed of medium-size neurons grouped into medial, lateral, and posterior groups...

, lateral preoptico-hypothalamic region, and anterior thalamic nuclei to the habenula
In neuroanatomy, habenula originally denoted the stalk of the pineal gland , but gradually came to refer to a neighboring group of nerve cells with which the pineal gland was believed to be associated, the habenular nucleus...

. It forms a horizontal ridge on the medial surface of the thalamus
The thalamus is a midline paired symmetrical structure within the brains of vertebrates, including humans. It is situated between the cerebral cortex and midbrain, both in terms of location and neurological connections...


It projects to the habenular nuclei
Habenular nuclei
The habenular nuclei comprise a small group of nuclei that are part of the epithalamus of the diencephalon, situated at the posterior end of the thalamus, on its upper surface.The habenular nuclei are typically divided into:* lateral habenular nucleus...


It is considered part of the epithalamus
The epithalamus is a dorsal posterior segment of the diencephalon which includes the habenula, the stria medullaris and the pineal body...

 in NeuroNames
NeuroNames is an integrated nomenclature for structures in the brain and spinal cord of the four species most studied by neuroscientists: human, macaque, rat and mouse. It offers a standard, controlled vocabulary of common names for structures, which is suitable for unambiguous neuroanatomical...

, but part of the thalamus
The thalamus is a midline paired symmetrical structure within the brains of vertebrates, including humans. It is situated between the cerebral cortex and midbrain, both in terms of location and neurological connections...

 in Terminologia Anatomica
Terminologia Anatomica
Terminologia Anatomica is the international standard on human anatomic terminology. It was developed by the Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology and the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists and was released in 1998. It supersedes the previous standard, Nomina...

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