Stewart Tele Enterprises
Stewart Tele Enterprises was an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 major game show production company formed by Bob Stewart in 1964 originally based in New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...



Stewart found a job and started creating game show
Game show
A game show is a type of radio or television program in which members of the public, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or solving puzzles usually for money and/or prizes...

s for Goodson
Mark Goodson
Mark Goodson was an American television producer who specialized in game shows.-Life and early career:...

Bill Todman
William S. "Bill" Todman was an American television producer born in New York City. He produced many of television's longest running shows with business partner Mark Goodson.-Early life:...

 Productions in 1956. One of the first game shows he created was The Price is Right aired on NBC
The National Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network and former radio network headquartered in the GE Building in New York City's Rockefeller Center with additional major offices near Los Angeles and in Chicago...

 and was hosted by Bill Cullen
Bill Cullen
William Lawrence Francis "Bill" Cullen was an American radio and television personality whose career spanned five decades...

. The second game show Stewart created was To Tell the Truth
To Tell the Truth
To Tell the Truth is an American television panel game show created by Bob Stewart and produced by Goodson-Todman Productions that has aired in various forms since 1956 both on networks and in syndication...

 the same year. The third was Password in 1961. In 1964, Stewart left Goodson-Todman and formed his production company Bob Stewart Productions.

His first production for his independent company was the game show Eye Guess
Eye Guess
Eye Guess is an American game show that ran from January 3, 1966 to September 26, 1969 on NBC in which two contestants tried to answer questions by remembering the answers hidden on a board , with the winner playing for various prizes including a new car.This was the first game show by Bob Stewart...

 that aired in 1966 and was co-produced by Filmways and lasted until 1969. In 1973, he created the successful Pyramid game show series starting with The $10,000 Pyramid
Pyramid (game show)
Pyramid is an American television game show which has aired several versions. The original series, The $10,000 Pyramid, debuted March 26, 1973 and spawned seven subsequent Pyramid series...

 with his son Sande Stewart who joined his father the same year and produced the series and also formed another production company Basada, Inc., which was named after his sons: Barry, Sande, and David Stewart. As years went by, the series changed its name from The $10,000 Pyramid all the way to The $100,000 Pyramid.

New Location

In 1978, Bob Stewart Productions was relocated to Los Angeles
Los Ángeles
Los Ángeles is the capital of the province of Biobío, in the commune of the same name, in Region VIII , in the center-south of Chile. It is located between the Laja and Biobío rivers. The population is 123,445 inhabitants...

, California
California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state, and the third-largest by land area...

, with its first syndicated
Television syndication
In broadcasting, syndication is the sale of the right to broadcast radio shows and television shows by multiple radio stations and television stations, without going through a broadcast network, though the process of syndication may conjure up structures like those of a network itself, by its very...

 program at its new location, The Love Experts
The Love Experts
The Love Experts was a show that was part talk show and part game show that ran from September 11, 1978 to September 7, 1979. It was hosted by Bill Cullen and Jack Clark was the announcer. The show was created by Bob Stewart...

. Programs already on air in the meantime were still taped in New York, mainly The $20,000 Pyramid and Pass the Buck
Pass the Buck (game show)
Pass the Buck is a game show that aired on CBS television's daytime lineup from April 3 to June 30, 1978. The series was hosted by Bill Cullen and was created by Bob Stewart. Bob Clayton was the announcer.-Gameplay:...

. In 1982, Stewart revived The $25,000 Pyramid, but to keep the name and the game show confused with Cullen's version, the format was renamed as The New $25,000 Pyramid with Dick Clark as host. The show was taped at CBS Television City
CBS Television City
CBS Television City is a television studio complex located in the Fairfax District of Los Angeles at 7800 Beverly Boulevard, at the corner of North Fairfax Avenue...

 in Hollywood, California. The same year, Bob and his son Sande created the unsold game show Twisters. It would be the first game show credited by Bob Stewart & Sande Stewart Productions (which would officially exist starting in 1987). Another game show was Go
Go (game show)
Go is an American television game show created by Bob Stewart and aired on NBC from October 3, 1983 to January 20, 1984. The show featured two teams, each composed of four contestants and a celebrity. The teams had to construct questions one word at a time to convey a word or phrase to their...

, that was based on the bonus round of Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction (game show)
Chain Reaction is an American game show created by Bob Stewart, in which players compete to form chains composed of two-word phrases.The show aired three separate runs: Bill Cullen hosted the original series on NBC from January 14 to June 20, 1980...

 produced alongside with his son, Sande one year later. In 1985, Bob Stewart formed another production company called Bob Stewart Cable, Inc. for game show programs produced for cable. There were only two game shows and were taped in two Canadian
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

 cities and produced for the USA Network
USA Network
USA Network is an American cable television channel launched in 1971. Once a minor player in basic cable, the network has steadily gained popularity because of breakout hits like Monk, Psych, Burn Notice, Royal Pains, Covert Affairs, White Collar, Monday Night RAW, Suits, and reruns of the various...

. The first game show was Jackpot!
Jackpot (game show)
Jackpot! is a television game show seen in three different runs between 1974 and 1990. Geoff Edwards hosted the original version of this Bob Stewart production from January 7, 1974 until September 26, 1975 on NBC. A second version, produced in Canada, aired from September 30, 1985 to December 30,...

, that was revived from its 1974 incarnation and was taped in Toronto
Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. A relatively modern city, Toronto's history dates back to the late-18th century, when its land was first purchased by the British monarchy from...

, Ontario
Ontario is a province of Canada, located in east-central Canada. It is Canada's most populous province and second largest in total area. It is home to the nation's most populous city, Toronto, and the nation's capital, Ottawa....

. The other was Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction (game show)
Chain Reaction is an American game show created by Bob Stewart, in which players compete to form chains composed of two-word phrases.The show aired three separate runs: Bill Cullen hosted the original series on NBC from January 14 to June 20, 1980...

 and was revived from its 1980 incarnation in 1986 and taped in Montreal
Montreal is a city in Canada. It is the largest city in the province of Quebec, the second-largest city in Canada and the seventh largest in North America...

. By 1987, Bob Stewart semi-retired and his son took over operations. In 1990, the company was renamed again as Stewart Tele Enterprises. Under the new name, the cable production company was renamed as Stewart Cable TV, Inc. and The $100,000 Pyramid was revived in 1991 hosted by John Davidson
John Davidson (entertainer)
John Hamilton Davidson, Sr. is an American singer, actor and game show host known for hosting That's Incredible!, Time Machine, and Hollywood Squares in the 1980s, and a revival of The $100,000 Pyramid in 1991....

 and was canceled in 1992 after its second season and Bob Stewart fully retired the same year.


In 1994, Bob Stewart sold his company to Sony Corporation
Sony Corporation of America
Sony Corporation of America , based in New York, is the United States subsidiary of Japan's Sony Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo. It is the umbrella company under which all Sony companies operate in the United States....

. Sande in the meantime, went ahead and created and produced more game shows on his own independent company Sande Stewart Television. A majority of Bob Stewart's game shows Sony owns has been aired on GSN
Game Show Network
The Game Show Network is an American cable television and direct broadcast satellite channel dedicated to game shows and casino game shows. The channel was launched on December 1, 1994. Its current slogan is "The World Needs More Winners"...

. Two of Bob Stewart's game show formats have been revived into new incarnations. They were Pyramid
Pyramid (game show)
Pyramid is an American television game show which has aired several versions. The original series, The $10,000 Pyramid, debuted March 26, 1973 and spawned seven subsequent Pyramid series...

 and was hosted by Donny Osmond
Donny Osmond
Donald Clark "Donny" Osmond is an American singer, musician, actor, dancer, radio personality, and former teen idol. Osmond has also been a talk and game show host, record producer and author. In the mid 1960s, he and four of his elder brothers gained fame as the Osmond Brothers on the long...

 in 2002 for syndication and Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction (game show)
Chain Reaction is an American game show created by Bob Stewart, in which players compete to form chains composed of two-word phrases.The show aired three separate runs: Bill Cullen hosted the original series on NBC from January 14 to June 20, 1980...

 in 2005 produced by British television producer Michael Davies
Michael Davies (television producer)
Michael Davies is a British producer of television game shows in the United States. As president and CEO of Embassy Row, a New York-based television production company that is a unit of Sony Pictures Television, he was the executive producer of the U.S. version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire...

' production company Embassy Row
Embassy Row (television)
Note: This company is not to be confused with Embassy Communications, which is now known as ELP Communications. However, both companies are owned by SPT....

 in association with and distributed by Sony Pictures Television
Sony Pictures Television
Sony Pictures Television, Inc. is an American and global television production/distribution subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment. In turn, the latter is part of the Japanese conglomerate Sony.-Background:...

 aired on GSN and was hosted by Dylan Lane
Dylan Lane
Dylan Lane is an American television game show host. Although he was born in Tyrone, he was raised in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Huntingdon Area High School in Huntingdon....

. Ironically, Embassy Row would be acquired by Sony Pictures
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. is the television and film production/distribution unit of Japanese multinational technology and media conglomerate Sony...

 in January 2009.


Recently said was Bob Stewart’s son Sande Stewart, who joined the company in 1973.

One long time employee for Stewart Tele Enterprises is Jeopardy!
Griffin's first conception of the game used a board comprising ten categories with ten clues each, but after finding that this board could not be shown on camera easily, he reduced it to two rounds of thirty clues each, with five clues in each of six categories...

 game show announcer Johnny Gilbert
Johnny Gilbert
John L. "Johnny" Gilbert III is an American show business personality who has worked mainly on television game shows. Originally a nightclub singer and entertainer, he has hosted and announced a number of game shows from various eras, dating as far back as the 1950s...

, who would serve his announcement duties on the 1980 incarnation of Chain Reaction, The (New) $25,000 Pyramid, Double Talk
Double Talk
Double Talk is an American game show that aired on the ABC network in 1986. Henry Polic II hosted this word game created by Bob Stewart, which contained elements of the previous Stewart-produced game show Shoot For the Stars...

, and both 1985 and 1991 incarnations of The $100,000 Pyramid. He was also an announcer at Barry & Enright Productions
Barry & Enright Productions
Barry & Enright Productions , was a United States television production company that was formed in 1947 by Jack Barry and Dan Enright.-History:Jack Barry and Dan Enright first met at radio station WOR in New York, where...

 and Merv Griffin Enterprises
Merv Griffin Enterprises
Merv Griffin Enterprises was a television production company founded by Merv Griffin, in business from 1964 to 1994.-History:The company was first established as Merv Griffin Productions in 1964 and Griffin's first production was Jeopardy! In 1965, his talk show The Merv Griffin Show returned to...

. Charlie O'Donnell
Charlie O'Donnell
Charles John "Charlie" O'Donnell was an American radio and television announcer, primarily known for his work on game shows...

, Dean Goss
Dean Goss
Dean Goss is an American disc jockey who has also had several announcer roles on television game shows. As a disc jockey, he has been employed by several radio stations in California, including KCBQ San Diego from 1976 to 1979 and KFRC 99.7 in San Francisco...

, Bob Clayton
Bob Clayton
Bob Clayton was an American television game show announcer and host of several shows...

, and Bob Hilton
Bob Hilton
Robert "Bob" Wesley Hilton is an American television game show personality. He hosted The Guinness Game, a revival of Truth or Consequences and the 1990 revival of Let's Make a Deal, and announced on several other shows....

 were also fill-ins for Pyramid eventually. The above mentions were also employees for Stewart.

Another is Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune (U.S. game show)
Wheel of Fortune is an American television game show created by Merv Griffin, which premiered in 1975. Contestants compete to solve word puzzles, similar to those used in Hangman, to win cash and prizes determined by spinning a large wheel. The title refers to the show's giant carnival wheel that...

 announcer Jack Clark who has served his duties on The $10,000 Pyramid and The New $25,000 Pyramid until 1985. He was also an announcer for the short-lived game show/talk show The Love Experts
The Love Experts
The Love Experts was a show that was part talk show and part game show that ran from September 11, 1978 to September 7, 1979. It was hosted by Bill Cullen and Jack Clark was the announcer. The show was created by Bob Stewart...

 and the unsold game show pilot The Riddlers.

Dick Clark was another long time employee that was the host of all except two Pyramid incarnations from 1973-1988. One of the other long time employee was a close friend to Bob Stewart; Bill Cullen
Bill Cullen
William Lawrence Francis "Bill" Cullen was an American radio and television personality whose career spanned five decades...

, who has hosted the syndicated version of The $25,000 Pyramid among other series: Pass the Buck
Pass the Buck (game show)
Pass the Buck is a game show that aired on CBS television's daytime lineup from April 3 to June 30, 1978. The series was hosted by Bill Cullen and was created by Bob Stewart. Bob Clayton was the announcer.-Gameplay:...

, Blankety Blanks
Blankety Blanks (US game show)
Blankety Blanks is an American game show that aired on ABC from April 21 to June 27, 1975. This Bob Stewart Production starred Bill Cullen as its host with Bob Clayton announcing.-Gameplay:...

, Winning Streak (US game show)
Winning Streak (US game show)
Winning Streak is an American television game show hosted by Bill Cullen and announced by Don Pardo. It aired daily on NBC from July 1, 1974 to January 3, 1975 and was produced at the NBC Studios in New York's Rockefeller Plaza.-Gameplay:...

, Eye Guess
Eye Guess
Eye Guess is an American game show that ran from January 3, 1966 to September 26, 1969 on NBC in which two contestants tried to answer questions by remembering the answers hidden on a board , with the winner playing for various prizes including a new car.This was the first game show by Bob Stewart...

, Three on a Match
Three on a Match (game show)
Three on a Match was an American television game show created by Bob Stewart that ran on NBC from August 2, 1971 to June 28, 1974 on its daytime schedule...

, The Love Experts
The Love Experts
The Love Experts was a show that was part talk show and part game show that ran from September 11, 1978 to September 7, 1979. It was hosted by Bill Cullen and Jack Clark was the announcer. The show was created by Bob Stewart...

, and the 1980 version of Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction (game show)
Chain Reaction is an American game show created by Bob Stewart, in which players compete to form chains composed of two-word phrases.The show aired three separate runs: Bill Cullen hosted the original series on NBC from January 14 to June 20, 1980...


Ann Marie Schmitt who was the producer of most of the Bob Stewart series. Another member of the production staff was Erin Perry, who is the daughter of game show host Jim Perry.

The Library

Sony Pictures Entertainment owns almost the entire Bob Stewart library. There are exceptions of three Pyramid incarnations SPE does not own. First, The $25,000 Pyramid hosted by Bill Cullen, was distributed by Viacom Enterprises
Viacom Enterprises
Viacom Enterprises was a television distribution company formed in 1971 as the successor to CBS Enterprises, and spun off in 1973 due to now-repealed FCC bylaws prohibiting networks from syndicating their own shows....

 and is currently held by CBS Television Distribution
CBS Television Distribution
CBS Television Distribution is a global television distribution company, formed from the merger of CBS Corporation's two domestic television distribution arms CBS Paramount Domestic Television and King World Productions, including its home entertainment arm CBS Home Entertainment...

. Second, The $50,000 Pyramid was distributed by CPM, Inc. Currently there is no status on who owns that incarnation. Finally, The $100,000 Pyramid hosted by John Davidson
John Davidson (entertainer)
John Hamilton Davidson, Sr. is an American singer, actor and game show host known for hosting That's Incredible!, Time Machine, and Hollywood Squares in the 1980s, and a revival of The $100,000 Pyramid in 1991....

 was distributed by Orbis Communications and produced in association with Carolco Television
Carolco Pictures
Carolco Pictures, Inc., Carolco International N.V., or Anabasis Investments was an American independent film production company that, within a decade, went from producing such blockbuster successes as Terminator 2: Judgment Day and the first three movies of the Rambo series to being bankrupted by...

 in its first season, and distributed by Multimedia Entertainment
Multimedia Entertainment
Multimedia Entertainment was an American television production/distribution company originally formed in 1968.-History:...

 in its second season. This incarnation is held by StudioCanal
StudioCanal is a French-based production and distribution company that owns the third-largest film library in the world...

, with CBS Television Distribution owning the US TV rights. However, Sony Pictures owns the formatting rights.

CBS Television Distribution also owns The Love Experts.

Many of the game show tapes have been destroyed due to network practices. Others have fallen into the public domain
Public domain
Works are in the public domain if the intellectual property rights have expired, if the intellectual property rights are forfeited, or if they are not covered by intellectual property rights at all...

 and others through the game show trading circuit.

Created by Bob Stewart for Goodson-Todman

These are the titles created by Stewart for Goodson-Todman that are now owned by FremantleMedia
FremantleMedia, Ltd. is the content and production division of Bertelsmann's RTL Group, Europe's second largest TV, radio, and production company...

  • The Price is Right: (1956–1965) (Stewart producer)
  • To Tell the Truth
    To Tell the Truth
    To Tell the Truth is an American television panel game show created by Bob Stewart and produced by Goodson-Todman Productions that has aired in various forms since 1956 both on networks and in syndication...

    : (1956–1968) (Stewart exec. producer 1956-1965)
  • Password: (1961–1967) (Stewart exec. producer 1961-1965)

Created by Bob Stewart for Bob Stewart Productions/Stewart Tele Enterprises

These are the titles created by Stewart for his company that are now owned by Sony Pictures Television
  • Eye Guess
    Eye Guess
    Eye Guess is an American game show that ran from January 3, 1966 to September 26, 1969 on NBC in which two contestants tried to answer questions by remembering the answers hidden on a board , with the winner playing for various prizes including a new car.This was the first game show by Bob Stewart...

    : (1966–1969) (co-produced by Filmways)
  • The Face Is Familiar
    The Face Is Familiar
    The Face Is Familiar is an American game show which aired in color on CBS from May 7 to September 3, 1966. The show was hosted by Jack Whitaker and featured celebrity guests including Bob Crane, Dick Van Patten, Mel Brooks and June Lockhart....

    : (1966) (co-produced by Filmways)
  • Personality
    Personality (TV series)
    Personality is an American game show produced by Bob Stewart and hosted by Larry Blyden which ran on NBC from July 3, 1967 to September 26, 1969 at 11:00 AM, EST.-Gameplay:...

    : (1967–1969) (co-produced by Filmways)
  • Celebrity Doubletalk: (1967 unsold pilot) (co-produced by Filmways)
  • You're Putting Me On
    You're Putting Me On
    You're Putting Me On! was a short-lived Bob Stewart NBC game show in which celebrities tried to communicate the identities of famous people through odd and interesting clues...

    : (1969) (co-produced by Filmways)
  • Second Guessers: (1970 unsold pilot)
  • Three on a Match
    Three on a Match (game show)
    Three on a Match was an American television game show created by Bob Stewart that ran on NBC from August 2, 1971 to June 28, 1974 on its daytime schedule...

    : (1971–1974)
  • Says Who?: (1971 unsold pilot)
  • Monday Night Quarterback: (1971 unsold pilot)
  • The $10,000 Sweep: (1972 unsold pilot)
  • Pyramid
    Pyramid (game show)
    Pyramid is an American television game show which has aired several versions. The original series, The $10,000 Pyramid, debuted March 26, 1973 and spawned seven subsequent Pyramid series...

     (From The $10,000 Pyramid to The $100,000 Pyramid excepting The $50,000 Pyramid, Cullen's The $25,000 Pyramid, and Davidson's The $100,000 Pyramid): (1973–1980, 1982–1988, and 1985–1988)
  • Jackpot!
    Jackpot (game show)
    Jackpot! is a television game show seen in three different runs between 1974 and 1990. Geoff Edwards hosted the original version of this Bob Stewart production from January 7, 1974 until September 26, 1975 on NBC. A second version, produced in Canada, aired from September 30, 1985 to December 30,...

    : (1974–1975, co-produced by Global Television and USA Network 1985-1988, and co-produced by Sande Stewart and Reeves Entertainment Group 1989-1990)
  • Winning Streak
    Winning Streak (US game show)
    Winning Streak is an American television game show hosted by Bill Cullen and announced by Don Pardo. It aired daily on NBC from July 1, 1974 to January 3, 1975 and was produced at the NBC Studios in New York's Rockefeller Plaza.-Gameplay:...

    : (1974–1975)
  • Blankety Blanks
    Blankety Blanks (US game show)
    Blankety Blanks is an American game show that aired on ABC from April 21 to June 27, 1975. This Bob Stewart Production starred Bill Cullen as its host with Bob Clayton announcing.-Gameplay:...

    : (1975)
  • Caught in the Act: (1975 unsold pilot)
  • The Finish Line: (1975 unsold pilot)
  • Get Rich Quick: (1977 unsold pilot)
  • Shoot for the Stars
    Shoot For The Stars
    Shoot for the Stars is a game show created and produced by Bob Stewart, and aired on the NBC television network. The show aired from January 3 to September 30, 1977, and was produced in New York City...

    : (1977) (a.k.a. Shoot the Works)
  • Pass the Buck
    Pass the Buck (game show)
    Pass the Buck is a game show that aired on CBS television's daytime lineup from April 3 to June 30, 1978. The series was hosted by Bill Cullen and was created by Bob Stewart. Bob Clayton was the announcer.-Gameplay:...

    : (1978–1979)
  • The Riddlers: (1978 unsold pilot)
  • Caught in the Act: (1979 unsold pilot)
  • Punch Lines: (1979 unsold pilot)
  • Chain Reaction
    Chain Reaction (game show)
    Chain Reaction is an American game show created by Bob Stewart, in which players compete to form chains composed of two-word phrases.The show aired three separate runs: Bill Cullen hosted the original series on NBC from January 14 to June 20, 1980...

    : (1980) The New Chain Reaction (co-produced by Champlain Productions and USA Network 1986, co-produced by Sande Stewart with Champlain Productions and USA Network 1987-1991)
  • Strictly Confidential: (1980 unsold pilot)
  • Twisters: (1982 unsold pilot) (co-produced by Sande Stewart)
  • Famous Last Words: (1983 unsold pilot)
  • Go
    Go (game show)
    Go is an American television game show created by Bob Stewart and aired on NBC from October 3, 1983 to January 20, 1984. The show featured two teams, each composed of four contestants and a celebrity. The teams had to construct questions one word at a time to convey a word or phrase to their...

    : (1983–1984) (co-produced by Sande Stewart)
  • $50,000 a Minute: (1985 unsold pilot)
  • Double Talk
    Double Talk
    Double Talk is an American game show that aired on the ABC network in 1986. Henry Polic II hosted this word game created by Bob Stewart, which contained elements of the previous Stewart-produced game show Shoot For the Stars...

    : (1986) (A revival of Shoot for the Stars)
  • Money in the Blank: (1987 unsold pilot)
  • Eye Q: (1988 unsold pilot)
  • The Finish Line: (1990 unsold pilot)

Titles owned by CBS Corporation

  • Bill Cullen's The $25,000 Pyramid: (1974–1979) (syndicated by Viacom Enterprises)
  • The Love Experts
    The Love Experts
    The Love Experts was a show that was part talk show and part game show that ran from September 11, 1978 to September 7, 1979. It was hosted by Bill Cullen and Jack Clark was the announcer. The show was created by Bob Stewart...

    : (1978–1979) (syndicated by Viacom Enterprises)
  • John Davidson's The $100,000 Pyramid: (1991) (distribution rights only, ancillary rights are with StudioCanal)

Past company names

  • Bob Stewart Productions (original name of the production company)
  • Bob Stewart & Sande Stewart Productions (1982–1984 and 1987–1991)
  • Bob Stewart Cable (for cable broadcast productions), renamed as Stewart Cable TV, Inc. in 1990
  • Basada, Inc. (was used as the copyright production for the Pyramid incarnations, Go, Double Talk, and the Money in the Blank unsold pilot)

External links

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