Stan Veit
Stan Veit was an entrepreneur and publisher who played an important role in the early days of the personal computer industry in the United States. He ran "Computer Mart," the first computer store in New York City, was the personal computer editor of Popular Electronics
Popular Electronics
Popular Electronics was an American magazine started by Ziff-Davis Publishing in October 1954 for electronics hobbyists and experimenters. It soon became the "World's Largest-Selling Electronics Magazine". The circulation was 240,151 in April 1957 and 400,000 by 1963. Ziff-Davis published Popular...

 Magazine, and then Editor-in-Chief of Computer Shopper
Computer Shopper (US magazine)
Computer Shopper was a monthly consumer computer magazine published by SX2 Media Labs, it ceased publication in April 2009.The publisher continues to run, a related website.- Web Site :...

. He published his reminiscences about the early history of the personal computer industry in a 1993 book called Stan Veit's History of the Personal Computer.

Veit studied at Brooklyn Polytech, RCA Institutes, Hofstra College, and received a bachelors degree in education from New School University. He served in the U.S Air Force in World War II. He then worked as a technical writer for a number of defense contractors.

In 1976 he opened Computer Mart of New York. This was one of the first computer stores in the world. It sold computers from Imsai
IMS Associates, Inc.
IMS Associates, Inc., or IMSAI, was a microcomputer company, responsible for one of the earliest successes in personal computing, the IMSAI 8080. The company was founded in 1973 by William Millard and was based in San Leandro, California. Their first product launch was the IMSAI 8080 in 1975. One...

, Sphere Computers
Sphere 1
The Sphere I was a personal computer completed in 1975 by Michael Donald Wise of Sphere Corporation, of Bountiful, Utah. The Sphere I featured a Motorola 6800 CPU, onboard ROM, Monitor, 4 KB of RAM, and a keyboard with a numeric keypad. Sphere I. The Sphere I was among the earliest microcomputers...

, South West Technical Products
The U.S. company SWTPC started in 1964 as DEMCO . It was incorporated in 1967 as Southwest Technical Products Corporation of San Antonio, Texas...

, and Apple Computer
Apple Computer
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad...

, among others. It was in fact only the third Apple dealer appointed by Steve Jobs. Between 1976 and 1979, he was involved with most of the pioneers in the computer industry, including Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
Steven Paul Jobs was an American businessman and inventor widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc...

, Charles Tandy, and Les Solomon, with whom he co-authored the book Getting Involved With Your Own Computer.

Veit then became a writer and editor, publishing Using Microcomputers In Business, The Peripherals Book, and articles for Personal Computing and Byte magazines. In 1980, he became the Computer Editor of Popular Electronics Magazine and later Technical Editor of Computers & Electronics magazine for Ziff Davis. He also became Sysop of Ziff Davis' first online magazine on CompuServe
CompuServe was the first major commercial online service in the United States. It dominated the field during the 1980s and remained a major player through the mid-1990s, when it was sidelined by the rise of services such as AOL with monthly subscriptions rather than hourly rates...


In 1983 he become the founding Editor-In-Chief of Computer Shopper magazine and later Editor-In-Chief and Publisher.

After retiring, he ran a website about the early history of personal computers at Obituary at
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