Spaceopoly, a simplified version of Solarquest
Solarquest is a space-age real estate trading game published in 1985. Patterned after Monopoly, the game replaces pewter tokens with rocketships and hotels with metallic fuel stations. Players travel around the sun acquiring monopolies and fending off attacks...

, was first published in 1997 by Valen Brost Game Co.

Your mission in this Monopoly
Monopoly (game)
Marvin Gardens, the leading yellow property on the board shown, is actually a misspelling of the original location name, Marven Gardens. The misspelling was said to be introduced by Charles Todd and passed on when his home-made Monopoly board was copied by Charles Darrow and thence to Parker...

-like game is to build monopolies within the planet systems and complete a special assignment while avoiding bankruptcy and the many perils of space travel.

Despite the name, Spaceopoly does not use the traditional Monopoly board setup. Rather, the board represents the solar system, including the gravitational pull of the various planets.
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