Software quality control
Software Quality Control is the set of procedures used by organizations to ensure that a software product will meet its quality goals at the best value to the customer, and to continually improve the organization’s ability to produce software products in the future.

Software quality control refers to specified functional requirements as well as non-functional requirements such as supportability, performance and usability. It also refers to the ability for software to perform well in unforeseeable scenarios and to keep a relatively low defect rate.

These specified procedures and outlined requirements leads to the idea of Verification and Validation and software testing.

It is distinct from software quality assurance
Quality Assurance
Quality assurance, or QA for short, is the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service or facility to maximize the probability that minimum standards of quality are being attained by the production process...

 which includes audits of the quality management system against a standard. Whereas software quality control is a control of products, software quality assurance is a control of processes.

Software Control Methods

  • Rome laboratory Software framework
  • Goal Question Metric Paradigm
  • Risk Management Model
  • The Plan-Do-Check-Action Model of Quality Control
  • Total Software Quality Control
  • Spiral Model Of Software Developments

Verification and Validation of Methods

  • Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
  • Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)
  • Requirements Verification Matrix
  • Software Quality Assurance


  • Unit testing
  • Functional testing
    Functional testing
    Functional testing is a type of black box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test. Functions are tested by feeding them input and examining the output, and internal program structure is rarely considered .Functional testing differs from system...

  • Integration testing
    Integration testing
    Integration testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before validation testing...

  • System testing
    System testing
    System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or...

  • Usability testing
    Usability testing
    Usability testing is a technique used in user-centered interaction design to evaluate a product by testing it on users. This can be seen as an irreplaceable usability practice, since it gives direct input on how real users use the system...

  • Performance testing
    Performance testing
    In software engineering, performance testing is in general testing performed to determine how a system performs in terms of responsiveness and stability under a particular workload...

  • Load testing
    Load testing
    Load testing is the process of putting demand on a system or device and measuring its response. Load testing is performed to determine a system’s behavior under both normal and anticipated peak load conditions. It helps to identify the maximum operating capacity of an application as well as any...

  • Installation testing
    Installation testing
    Implementation testing installation testing is a kind of quality assurance work in the software industry that focuses on what customers will need to do to install and set up the new software successfully...

  • Regression testing
    Regression testing
    Regression testing is any type of software testing that seeks to uncover new errors, or regressions, in existing functionality after changes have been made to a system, such as functional enhancements, patches or configuration changes....

See also

  • Software quality management
    Software quality management
    - Definitions : The aim of Software Quality Management is to manage the quality of software and of its development process. A quality product is one which meets its requirements and satisfies the user...

  • Software quality assurance
    Software quality assurance
    Software quality assurance consists of a means of monitoring the software engineering processes and methods used to ensure quality. The methods by which this is accomplished are many and varied, and may include ensuring conformance to one or more standards, such as ISO 9000 or a model such as...

External links

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