Smalleyed rabbitfish
The Smalleyed rabbitfish (Hydrolagus affinis) is a species of fish in the Chimaeridae
The Chimaeridae, or shortnose chimaeras are a family of cartilaginous fish.They resemble other chimaeras in general form and habits, but have a short, rounded, snout, without the modifications found in related families. Many species have a long tapering tail, given them an alternative name of ratfish...

 family. It has very wide distribution almost everywhere in northern Atlantic in depths from 300 to 2,410 metres, being most common below 1,000 metres. Its total length ranges from 32 to 147 cm. It has a short nose with a blunt tip. The small mouth is located on the lower part of the head and has thick lips. Its back slopes gradually and ends to a fine tail.
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