Jim Dunn (writer)
Jim Dunn is a television writer and producer
Television producer
The primary role of a television Producer is to allow all aspects of video production, ranging from show idea development and cast hiring to shoot supervision and fact-checking...

 best known for working on shows such as The Dead Zone
The Dead Zone (TV series)
The Dead Zone, aka Stephen King's Dead Zone is an American-Canadian science fiction/suspense series starring Anthony Michael Hall as Johnny Smith, who discovers he has developed psychic abilities after a coma...

and the Shrek the Third video game
Shrek the Third (video game)
Shrek The Third is an action video game based on the 2007 DreamWorks Animation animated film of the same name, developed by 7 Studios, Gameloft, Amaze Entertainment and Vicarious Visions. The game was published by Activision on May 14, 2007 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, Wii, PC, Nintendo DS, and...

. He frequently collaborates with his writing partner Sam Ernst
Sam Ernst
Sam Ernst is a television writer and producer best known for working on shows such as The Dead Zone and the Shrek the Third video game. He frequently collaborates with his writing partner Jim Dunn. In 2010, he and Dunn co-created the Syfy supernatural drama series Haven, based upon the Stephen King...

. In 2010, he and Ernst co-created the Syfy
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...

 supernatural drama series Haven
Haven (TV series)
Haven is a supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an American/Canadian co-production. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy...

, based upon the Stephen King
Stephen King
Stephen Edwin King is an American author of contemporary horror, suspense, science fiction and fantasy fiction. His books have sold more than 350 million copies and have been adapted into a number of feature films, television movies and comic books...

 short story "The Colorado Kid
The Colorado Kid
The Colorado Kid is a mystery novel written by Stephen King for the Hard Case Crime imprint, published in 2005. The book was issued in one paperback-only edition by the specialty crime and mystery publishing house. The third-person narrative concerns the investigation of the body of an...

". Since April, 2005 he and Ernst have co-run a podcast
A podcast is a series of digital media files that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication...

 website called "Sam and Jim Go to Hollywood", where they chronicle their experiences in Hollywood.


Dunn co-wrote a film entitled "Myron's Movie" in 2004. Directed by Maggie Soboil, the film premiered at the 2004 Fargo Film Festival and won the festival's Best Narrative Feature award.

External links

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