Singletrack Magazine
Singletrack is a UK
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 based mountain biking
Mountain biking
Mountain biking is a sport which consists of riding bicycles off-road, often over rough terrain, using specially adapted mountain bikes. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain.Mountain biking can...

 magazine and web site. The magazine is aimed at more mature mountain bikers and intended to provided a counterpoint to magazines such as MBUK
Mountain Biking UK is a British mountain biking magazine. It is published by Future Publishing and is currently the UK's best-selling mountain bike magazine, with a circulation of 45,000 and an estimated readership of over 120,000. MBUK was established in 1988 by Tym Manley who remained editor at...

 which are aimed at a younger audience.

Singletrack was founded in 2001 by Chipps Chippendale
Chipps Chippendale
Chipps Chippendale is a mountain biking journalist in the UK. After a stint as a bicycle messenger his journalistic career started in 1994 with UK magazine MTB Pro which he worked on for five years...

, Mark Alker and Shaun Murray. The magazine is published eight times a year in both print and a variety of digital formats. In 2011 Singletrack published its first eBook - a collection of the previously published columns of Mike Ferrentino.

Singletrack grew from an earlier web site, GoFar, an acronym for 'Get Out For A Ride', which ran from 1998 to 2001 and was founded by Matt Wenham along with many contributors from the uk.rec.cycling Usenet
Usenet is a worldwide distributed Internet discussion system. It developed from the general purpose UUCP architecture of the same name.Duke University graduate students Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis conceived the idea in 1979 and it was established in 1980...

 newsgroup including Shaun Murray, Callum Wilson, Tony Raven, Russell Pinder, Myra VanInwegen and others, and from outside Usenet, Mark Alker, Carvel Lonsdale and many more. GoFar was largely a reaction to the death of the Future Publishing magazine 'Mountainbike World' on which Chipps Chippendale
Chipps Chippendale
Chipps Chippendale is a mountain biking journalist in the UK. After a stint as a bicycle messenger his journalistic career started in 1994 with UK magazine MTB Pro which he worked on for five years...

 once worked.

Singletrack magazine won the Best Cycling Magazine award in 2009 and 2010 - Awarded by Bikebiz trade magazine. Singletrack magazine was also nominated in the Northern Sports Awards, Best Website category.

Singletrack is based in Todmorden
Todmorden is a market town and civil parish, located 17 miles from Manchester, within the Metropolitan Borough of Calderdale, in West Yorkshire, England. It forms part of the Upper Calder Valley and has a total population of 14,941....

, West Yorkshire
West Yorkshire
West Yorkshire is a metropolitan county within the Yorkshire and the Humber region of England with a population of 2.2 million. West Yorkshire came into existence as a metropolitan county in 1974 after the passage of the Local Government Act 1972....

, UK
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

External links

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