Sighing Peak
Sighing Peak is a prominent, isolated, rocky peak
Summit (topography)
In topography, a summit is a point on a surface that is higher in elevation than all points immediately adjacent to it. Mathematically, a summit is a local maximum in elevation...

, 640 m, at the south side of the entrance to Stonehouse Bay
Stonehouse Bay
Stonehouse Bay is a bay in Antarctica on the west side of Laubeuf Fjord, indenting the east coast of Adelaide Island between Hunt Peak and Sighing Peak. The bay is 5 nautical miles wide. It was first sighted and surveyed in January 1909 by the French Antarctic Expedition under Jean-Baptiste Charcot...

 on the east side of Adelaide Island
Adelaide Island
Adelaide Island or Isla Adelaida or Isla Belgrano is a large, mainly ice-covered island, long and wide, lying at the north side of Marguerite Bay off the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. The island lies within the Argentine, British and Chilean Antarctic claims, at .Adelaide Island was...

, Antarctica. It was first sighted and surveyed in 1909 by the French Antarctic Expedition
French Antarctic Expedition
French Antarctic Expedition refers to several French expeditions in Antarctica.-First expedition:Yves-Joseph de Kerguelen-Trémarec was a French explorer....

 under Jean-Baptiste Charcot. It was resurveyed in 1948 by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS) and so named by them because of the persistent sighing of wind from the summit of this peak, even when apparently calm at sea level.
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