-born feminist
. She was a central figure in the early development of radical feminism
, having been a founding member of the New York Radical Women
, Redstockings
, and New York Radical Feminists
. In 1970, she authored The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution, an important and widely influential feminist text.
Firestone was born in Ottawa
, Canada
, and raised in an orthodox Jewish family, in Saint Louis, Missouri.
In the radical feminist view, the new feminism is not just the revival of a serious political movement for social equality. It is the second wave of the most important revolution in history.
Freudianism has become, with its confessionals and penance, its proselytes and converts, with the millions spent on its upkeep, our modern Church.
Power, however it has evolved, whatever its origins, will not be given up without a struggle.
The end goal of the feminist revolution is the elimination of the sex distinction itself.
Pregnancy is barbaric, and childbirth hurts... like shitting a pumpkin.