Shinya Fukumatsu
is a Japanese voice actor
from Tokyo
Prefecture. He is affiliated with Mausu Promotion
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
from Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
Prefecture. He is affiliated with Mausu Promotion
Mausu Promotion
, formerly known as Ezaki Productions, is a Japanese talent management agency representing a fair number of prolific voice actors.-Mausu Promotion-influenced works:*Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand*Eureka Seven*Heartwork ~Symphony Of Destruction~...
Television animation
- Air GearAir Gearis a shōnen manga written and illustrated by Ito "Oh Great" Ōgure. Air Gear revolves around the life of Itsuki Minami "Ikki", also known as "Baby Face", "Lil Crow", and his friends. The story follows their use of Air Treks, an in-universe invention derived from inline skates...
(Senior Gunz student) - Black CatBlack Cat (manga)is a Japanese Shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Yabuki. It was originally serialized in Japan in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump. It was later collected in twenty tankōbon volumes from January 11, 2001 to October 9, 2004. The series was adapted into a twenty-four episode anime...
(Durham Glaster) - Devil May Cry (Akuma)
- Digimon Data Squad (Baronmon)
- Eureka SevenEureka SevenEureka Seven, known in Japan as , is a mecha anime TV series by Bones. Eureka Seven tells the story of Renton Thurston and the outlaw group Gekkostate, his relationship with the enigmatic mecha pilot Eureka, and the mystery of the Coralians....
(Caster, Shop assistant A) - GintamaGintama, also known as Gintama, is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi and serialized, beginning on December 8, 2003, in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump...
(Yashichi) - Glass no Kantai - La Legende du vent de l'universGlass no Kantai - La Legende du vent de l'univers, subtitled La Legende du Vent de l'Univers , is an anime TV series, co-animated by Satelight and Gonzo and produced by Sony Pictures Entertainment, Asahi Broadcasting Corporation , GDH and Sotsu Agency, which first aired in Japan on Asahi Broadcasting Corporation from April 4, 2006 and September...
(Commander, bride's father) - Jyu Oh SeiJyu Oh Seiis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Natsumi Itsuki. An 11-episode anime adaptation was animated by Bones and premiered April 13, 2006 in Japan as part of Fuji TV's Noitamina programming block....
(Ochre Ring’s Second, soldier) - Mobile Suit Gundam 00Mobile Suit Gundam 00is an anime TV series, the eleventh incarnation of Sunrise's long-running Gundam franchise consisting of two seasons. It is directed by Seiji Mizushima and written by Yōsuke Kuroda, and features character designs by Yun Kōga. The twenty-five episode season was officially announced by Sunrise...
(Laguna Harvey, Rasa Massoud Rachmadi) - NanaNana (manga)is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Ai Yazawa, serialized in Cookie published by Shueisha. The manga derives its title from the name of the two main characters, both of whom are called Nana. Nana Komatsu is a small town girl who goes to Tokyo to follow her boyfriend and...
(Shopkeeper) - Oh! Edo RocketOh! Edo Rocketis a stage play written for the Gekidan Shinkansen theater troupe by Kazuki Nakashima. It was adapted into a TV anime series in April 2007, directed by Seiji Mizushima and produced by Studio Madhouse...
(Rokubei) - Ouran High School Host ClubOuran High School Host Clubis a manga series by Bisco Hatori, serialized in Hakusensha's LaLa magazine since August 5, 2003. The series follows Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship student at Ouran High School, and the other members of the popular host club. The romantic comedy focuses on the relationships within and without the...
(Sake store owner) - Rakugo Tennyo OyuiRakugo Tennyo Oyuiis a 12 episode anime television series directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto and produced by TNK.-Plot:The story revolves around Tsukishima Yui and 5 other girls that were summoned into the Edo period by the power of mysterious stones. Each one of them became celestial nymphs and obtained different...
(Tokubei, ghost, tile block print-monger) - Tactical RoarTactical Roaris a Japanese anime television series set in a not-too-distant future. The series is around all-female crew of the commercial Warship, the Pascal Magi. The series is mix of serious combat, political intrigue, light romance, and comedy. A classic story of the underdogs trying prove their worth...
(Committee chairman) - The ThirdThe Thirdis a novel, manga, and anime series by and illustrated by . The anime series goes under the name . According to the recent New York Comic Convention; The Third has been licensed by Kadokawa Pictures U.S.A and is distributed by Nozomi Entertainment for U.S release...
(Council committee member, arms quotient) - TokkoTokko (manga)is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Tohru Fujisawa. An anime series directed by Masashi Abe, animated by AIC Spirits and Group Tac and based on the manga first aired in Japan on April 15, 2006 and ran for 13 episodes. The anime series has been licensed in the United States by Manga...
(Principal) - Yes! PreCure 5Yes! PreCure 5is the fourth and fifth Pretty Cure anime series by Toei Animation, comprising the original series and its sequel, , or simply GoGo! . The 5 in the title refers to the fact that this Pretty Cure team has five members...
(Ushi) - Yomigaeru Sora - Rescue WingsYomigaeru Sora - Rescue Wingsis a Japanese anime series produced by J.C. STAFF which aired on TV Tokyo in 2006. The main character is 2nd Lieutenant Uchida Kazuhiro, a helicopter pilot in a search and rescue wing of the Japan Air Self Defense Force . A live-action movie adaptation was produced in 2008, with the original...
(Ogata, Tetsuji Tomioka)
Video games
- Crash Boom Bang!Crash Boom Bang!Crash Boom Bang! is a party game developed by Dimps and published by Sierra Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. It was released in Japan on July 20, 2006, in North America on October 10, 2006, in Europe on October 27, 2006, and in Australia on November 2, 2006...
(Crunch Bandicoot) - Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed NinjaIzuna: Legend of the Unemployed NinjaIzuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja, known in Japan as and in Europe as Izuna: The Legend of the Ninja, is a Nintendo DS roguelike game by Success and published by Atlus USA in the United States, and by 505 Games in Europe.-Story:...
(Shūchi) - RoutesRoutes (visual novel)is an eroge game originally produced by Leaf for the PC. It was the fourth volume in the Leaf Visual Novel Series, and was released in 2003, six years after the third, To Heart...
(Nagase Genjirō) - Sonic Rush AdventureSonic Rush Adventureis a 2007 Sonic the Hedgehog platform game for the Nintendo DS videogame handheld, developed by Dimps and Sonic Team, published by Sega. Sonic the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat return as playable characters, alongside a new, slightly hotheaded female raccoon named Marine the Raccoon...
(Captain Whisker) - Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' TreasureZack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' TreasureZack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure, known as in Japan, is an adventure/puzzle video game published and developed by Capcom for the Wii video game console. It was first released in North America on October 23, 2007, and was later released in Japan, PAL regions, and as one of eight Wii launch...
Dubbing roles
- ERER (TV series)ER is an American medical drama television series created by novelist Michael Crichton that aired on NBC from September 19, 1994 to April 2, 2009. It was produced by Constant c Productions and Amblin Entertainment, in association with Warner Bros. Television...
(Yates (T'Shaun Barrett)) - Code LyokoCode LyokoCode Lyoko is a French animated television series created by Thomas Romain and Tania Palumbo. The series centers on boarding school students Jeremie, Ulrich, Yumi, and Odd who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to fight against multi-agent computer program XANA with Aelita, a being originally...
(Jim Moralés)