Sayuri Yahagi
is a Japanese
voice actress
from Tokyo
, Japan
. She has also been the narrator of Animax
since October 2007.
Japanese people
The are an ethnic group originating in the Japanese archipelago and are the predominant ethnic group of Japan. Worldwide, approximately 130 million people are of Japanese descent; of these, approximately 127 million are residents of Japan. People of Japanese ancestry who live in other countries...
voice actress
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
from Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
, Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
. She has also been the narrator of Animax
is a Japanese anime satellite television network, dedicated to broadcasting anime programming. A subsidiary of Japanese media conglomerate Sony, it is headquartered in in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, with its co-founders and shareholders including Sony Pictures Entertainment and the noted anime studios...
since October 2007.
- Asu no Yoichi!Asu no Yoichi!is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yū Minamoto. It has been serialized in Monthly Shōnen Champion since October 2006 with last volume to be released on March 8, 2011. The manga is licensed and released in Chinese by Sharp Point Press...
- Sakon Saginomiya - Asura Cryin'Asura Cryin'is a Japanese light novel series by Gakuto Mikumo, with illustrations by Nao Watanuki. The novel series began on July 10, 2005, with fourteen volumes currently published by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint...
- Ania Fortuna - Bakugan Battle BrawlersBakugan Battle Brawlersis a Japanese action adventure anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment and Japan Vistec under the direction of Mitsuo Hashimoto. The story centers on the lives of creatures called Bakugan and the battle brawlers who possess them...
- Ai (ep 9) - BakumanBakumanBakuman, stylized as , is a shōnen manga written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata, the same creative team responsible for Death Note...
- Kaya Miyoshi - Bakuman 2BakumanBakuman, stylized as , is a shōnen manga written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata, the same creative team responsible for Death Note...
- Kaya Miyoshi - Busou Renkin - Hanaka Busujima
- Chu-Bra!!Chu-Bra!!is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Japanese manga author Yumi Nakata. The manga was first serialized in the Japanese seinen manga magazine Comic High! on January 22, 2007, and is published by Futabasha. An anime adaptation began airing on January 4, 2010 in Japan...
- Haruka Shiraishi - Fight Ippatsu! Jūden-chan!!Fight Ippatsu! Jūden-chan!!is a manga series by Bow Ditama, which is also adopted into a television anime series of the same name that began airing on the liberal AT-X network in Japan from June 25, 2009. It features anthropomorphized characters representing aspects of charging electrical equipment...
- Iono - Ga-Rei -Zero- - Mami Izumi
- Guin SagaGuin Sagais the title of a best-selling heroic fantasy novel series by the Japanese author Kaoru Kurimoto, in continuous publication since 1979. A record 100 volumes were originally planned, but the final total stands at 130 volumes, the last four published posthumously, with 21 side-story novels...
- Suni - Gurren Lagann - Girl (ep 1)
- Hayate the Combat ButlerHayate the Combat Butleris a Japanese manga series, written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata, about a boy who starts a new job as a butler and the events he experiences with his employer. Shogakukan have released 29 volumes in Japan. The English edition of the series has been licensed by Viz Media for distribution in North...
- Izumi Segawa - Ikoku Meiro no CroiséeCroisée in a Foreign Labyrinth, also titled in French as La Croisée dans un Labyrinthe Étranger, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hinata Takeda about a young Japanese girl named Yune who finds herself in late-19th century Paris...
- Camille Blanche - LilpriLilpriHime Chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri , also known as Lilpri, is a Japanese shōjo anime directed by Makoto Moriwaki. The anime was adapted from the Sega arcade game of the same name.-Plot:...
- Lili (ep 17) - Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae - Katase Ririka (ep 5)
- KanonKanonis a Japanese visual novel developed by Key and originally released as an adult game on June 4, 1999, playable on a Microsoft Windows PC. An all ages version for the PC was released in January 2000, and was later ported to the Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable...
- Shiori's Classmate - KarinKarin (manga)Chibi Vampire, originally released in Japan as , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuna Kagesaki. The story is about an unusual vampire girl, who instead of drinking blood must inject it into others because she produces too much...
- Karin Maaka (debut) - Kenkō Zenrakei Suieibu UmishōKenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umishois a manga series written and illustrated by Mitsuru Hattori, which has been serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine from issue 33 of 2005 to issue 21-22 of 2008...
- Maaya Nanako - Kishin Taisen Gigantic FormulaKishin Taisen Gigantic Formula, also known as Apo Mekhanes Theos Gigantic Formula, is a Japanese anime series that aired in Japan. The show was first aired April 4, 2007 by TV Tokyo, and ended its run on September 26, 2007. A manga adaptation by Shōhei Oka was serialized concurrently in Dengeki Daioh.-Overview:The series is set...
- Utsumi Amano - KuroshitsujiKuroshitsujiis a manga written and illustrated by Yana Toboso. Since its debut on September 16, 2006, it has been serialized in Square Enix's shōnen manga magazine Monthly GFantasy....
- Ran Mao - Kyōran Kazoku NikkiKyoran Kazoku Nikkiis a light novel series by Akira, with illustrations by x6suke. A 26 part anime adaptation was broadcast in 2008.- Plot summary :...
- Kyupi Do (ep 24-25) - MM!MM!is a Japanese light novel series by Akinari Matsuno, with illustrations by QP:flapper. Twelve novels were published by Media Factory under their MF Bunko J imprint between February 2007 and September 2010, including two side story volumes. The author died on April 18, 2011, leaving the series...
- Noa Hiiragi - Maken-Ki!Maken-ki!is a Japanese manga series by . It is currently serialized in Dragon Age Pure, published by Fujimi Shobo. The official website of Fujimi Shobo's Monthly Dragon Age magazine has revealed that an anime adaptation of Hiromitsu Takeda's Maken-ki! manga is in the works.- Plot :Takeru Ohyama, a young...
- Kodama Himegami - Motto To Love-Ru - Haruna Sairenji
- Net Ghost PiPoPaNet Ghost PiPoPais a Japanese anime series by Studio Hibari. It premiered on TV Tokyo on April 6, 2008. A manga version is also serialized in Kerokero Ace. It is also released in America in subbed form from December 2008 on Crunchyroll as Web Ghost PiPoPa....
- Hikaru Sofue - Nodame Cantabile: Paris - Puririn (ep 1)
- Noramimi - Yocchan (ep 6)
- Occult AcademyOccult Academyis a Japanese anime television series produced by A-1 Pictures and Aniplex and directed by Tomohiko Itō. The 13-episode anime premiered in Japan on the TV Tokyo television network on July 6, 2010. Occult Academy is the third project of Anime no Chikara. It was shown by Crunchyroll an hour after the...
- Fumiaki Uchida (young) - Otogi-Jūshi AkazukinOtogi-Jushi Akazukinis an anime OVA as well as an anime television series.-Story:Long, long ago, there existed a world of magic and science. But having both powers was making people conceited and lazy. So God split the world in to the world of science, Elde, and the world of magic, Phandavale. One day in Fandavale, a...
- Gretel - Over DriveOver Drive (manga)is a manga series by Yasuda Tsuyoshi that has appeared in the Japanese Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 2005 until 2008. An anime adaptation began airing on 3 April 2007 and is produced by studio XEBEC...
- Kaho Asahi - Pocket Monsters: Diamond & Pearl - Aki (ep 62)
- PotemayoPotemayois a Japanese four-panel comic strip by Haruka Ogataya. The manga was first serialized in the four-panel manga magazine Moeyon in July 2004. In October 2005, the manga moved to the Japanese seinen manga magazine Comic High! and continued until January 2011...
- Eiko Hanabusa - Rosario + VampireRosario + Vampire, often shortened to , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihisa Ikeda. The story revolves around Tsukune Aono, a boy who accidentally gets enrolled in a school inhabited by monsters and demons. He quickly befriends Moka Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with...
- Waitress (ep 11) - Rosario + Vampire Capu2 - Tonko Oniyama
- School Rumble NigakkiSchool Rumbleis a Japanese Shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Jin Kobayashi. First serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine from October 22, 2002 to July 23, 2008, all 345 chapters were later collected in 22 tankōbon volumes by Kodansha. Shōnen Magazine Special published a sequel, School Rumble Z,...
- Mio Tennouji - SekireiSekireiis a Japanese manga series by Sakurako Gokurakuin. The manga began serialization in the seinen magazine Young Gangan published by Square Enix in December 2004 and the first tankōbon was released on June 25, 2005, with ten volumes available in Japan as of June 25, 2010...
- Mitsuha (No.38) - Seitokai YakuindomoSeitokai Yakuindomois a shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Tozen Ujiie. The series premiered in the June 2007 issue of Magazine Special magazine and is ongoing. Chapters are collected and published in collected volumes by Kodansha, with five volumes released as of October 2011 in Japan...
- Suzu Hagimura - Shattered Angels(Kyōshirō to Towa no SoraKyoshiro to Towa no Sorais the title of a Japanese manga created by Kaishaku which was first serialized in the Japanese shōnen manga magazine Monthly Dragon Age in May 2006. An anime adapted from the manga aired in Japan between January 5 and March 23, 2007; it contained twelve episodes...
) - Kuu Shiratori - Shugo Chara!Shugo Chara!, also known as My Guardian Characters, is a Japanese shōjo manga series created by the manga author duo, Peach-Pit. The story centers on elementary school girl Amu Hinamori, whose popular exterior, referred to as "cool and spicy" by her classmates, contrasts with her introverted personality...
- Mashiro Rima - Shugo Chara!! Doki— - Mashiro Rima
- SoftenniSoftenniis a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Ryō Azuchi. Beginning serialization in Mag Garden's Comic Blade in 2008, Softenni consists of five volumes as of 2011...
- Elizabeth Warren - SolaSolaSola is a municipality in Rogaland county, Norway. It is part of the region of Jæren. The old municipality of Håland was divided into Sola and Madla in 1930....
- Chisato Mizuguchi - Sora Kake GirlSora Kake Girl, is a Japanese anime television series, created and produced by Sunrise. Based on the original concept by the Sunrise animation staff, the series is directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Jukki Hanada, overseeing a team of animators noted for their previous work on My-HiME and My-Otome.The...
- Erika - To Love-RuTo Love-Ruis a Japanese manga series written by Saki Hasemi, and illustrated by Kentaro Yabuki, creator of Black Cat. The manga was serialized in Shueisha's manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between April 24, 2006 and August 31, 2009; 18 tankōbon volumes have been published in Japan...
- Haruna Sairenji - Tokimeki Memorial Only LoveTokimeki Memorial Only Loveis a Japanese anime series produced by Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd., based on Konami's popular Tokimeki Memorial dating simulation series, specifically Tokimeki Memorial Online. It premiered October 3, 2006 across Japan on TV Tokyo. The anime series ended its run on March 27, 2007 with 25...
- Yūka Fujikawa - Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō: TōTokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tois a Japanese anime series, which premiered in Japan on the anime satellite TV network Animax. A large part of the Tokyo Majin Gakuen Franchise, it is loosely based on a series of Japan-only video games, and is directed by Shinji Ishihara....
- Kyoko Toono - TytaniaTytaniais a Japanese novel series written by Yoshiki Tanaka that has not been concluded yet, with the latest volume being released in 1991. It has been adapted into an animated television series directed by Noboru Ishiguro. It premiered on NHK's BS-2 satellite channel on October 9, 2008...
- Lira Florenz - Venus Versus VirusVenus Versus Virusis a Japanese manga series created by Atsushi Suzumi which was first serialized on June 27, 2005 in MediaWorks' shōnen manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao!...
- Tsukuyo (ep 3) - Wan Wan Celeb Soreyuke! TetsunoshinWan Wan Celeb Soreyuke! Tetsunoshinis a 51-episode anime produced by Studio Comet. Despite the title, The main character is not a poodle but probably a Bichon Frisé/Labrador mix instead.- Synopsis :...
- Audrey - Yumeiro PatissiereYumeiro Patissiereis a shōjo manga and anime series by Natsumi Matsumoto. It began serialization on September 3, 2008, in the October 2008 issue of Ribon. The individual chapters have been collected into nine tankōbon volumes by Shueisha as of May 2011. The series ended on June 3, 2011, and is expected to be 10...
- Miya Koshiro, Marron - Yutani Complex - Mei-Lien Li
- Hayate the Combat ButlerHayate the Combat Butleris a Japanese manga series, written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata, about a boy who starts a new job as a butler and the events he experiences with his employer. Shogakukan have released 29 volumes in Japan. The English edition of the series has been licensed by Viz Media for distribution in North...
- Izumi Segawa - Indian SummerIndian summerAn Indian summer is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs in the autumn. It refers to a period of considerably above normal temperatures, accompanied by dry and hazy conditions, usually after there has been a killing frost...
- Ran Midō - Otogi-Jushi AkazukinOtogi-Jushi Akazukinis an anime OVA as well as an anime television series.-Story:Long, long ago, there existed a world of magic and science. But having both powers was making people conceited and lazy. So God split the world in to the world of science, Elde, and the world of magic, Phandavale. One day in Fandavale, a...
- Gretel - To Love-RuTo Love-Ruis a Japanese manga series written by Saki Hasemi, and illustrated by Kentaro Yabuki, creator of Black Cat. The manga was serialized in Shueisha's manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between April 24, 2006 and August 31, 2009; 18 tankōbon volumes have been published in Japan...
- Haruna Sairenji - YotsunohaYotsunohais a Japanese visual novel developed by Haikuo Soft, and was originally released as an erotic game on January 27, 2006 for the PC as a limited edition containing a set of three CD-ROMs in Japan, followed by the regular edition, released on September 1, 2006 as a DVD for the PC...
- Arisa Yuki
Dubbing roles
- The BatmanThe Batman (TV series)The Batman is an American animated television series produced by Warner Bros. Animation based on the DC Comics superhero Batman. It ran from 2004 to 2008, on the Saturday morning television block Kids' WB...
- Harley QuinnHarley QuinnHarley Quinn was first introduced as a villain on September 11, 1992, in the animated series Batman: The Animated Series, later adapted into DC Comics' Batman comic books. As suggested by her name , she is clad in the manner of a traditional harlequin jester... - Total Drama series - Courtney