Satsuki Yukino
Satsuki Yukino (previously 雪乃 五月), real name Yuki Inoue (井上 由起 Inoue Yuki) (May 25, 1970 - ), is a popular Japanese
voice actress
from Ōtsu, Shiga
. Yukino is also a singer as part of the Hinata Girls. She is a member of Ken Production
Yukino's most well-known voice roles include Kagome Higurashi in Inuyasha
, Mutsumi Otohime in Love Hina
, Yoruichi Shihouin in Bleach
, Kaname Chidori
in all the Full Metal Panic series, Mion and Shion Sonozaki in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
, Milly Thompson in Trigun
and Kira Yukyou in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
(Dub roles)
Japanese people
The are an ethnic group originating in the Japanese archipelago and are the predominant ethnic group of Japan. Worldwide, approximately 130 million people are of Japanese descent; of these, approximately 127 million are residents of Japan. People of Japanese ancestry who live in other countries...
voice actress
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
from Ōtsu, Shiga
Otsu, Shiga
is the capital city of Shiga, Japan. The city was founded on October 1, 1898. As of October 1, 2010, the city has an estimated population of 338,629 with an average age of 40.7 years and a population density of 905.28 persons per km²...
. Yukino is also a singer as part of the Hinata Girls. She is a member of Ken Production
Ken Production
Ken Production is a Japanese voice talent management agency founded by veteran voice actors Kenji Utsumi on June 1, 1984.-Represented voice actors:*Ayumi Fujimura*Kei Hayami*Akiko Hiramatsu*Hyo-sei*Minoru Inaba...
Yukino's most well-known voice roles include Kagome Higurashi in Inuyasha
, also known as , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi. It premiered in Weekly Shōnen Sunday on November 13, 1996 and concluded on June 18, 2008...
, Mutsumi Otohime in Love Hina
Love Hina
is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ken Akamatsu. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine by Kodansha from October 21, 1998 to October 31, 2001 and was published in 14 tankōbon volumes by Kodansha. The series tells the story of Keitaro Urashima and his attempts to...
, Yoruichi Shihouin in Bleach
Bleach (manga)
is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Noriaki "Tite" Kubo. Bleach follows the adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki after he obtains the powers of a —a death personification similar to the Grim Reaper—from another Soul Reaper, Rukia Kuchiki...
, Kaname Chidori
Kaname Chidori
is a fictional character and the female protagonist of the light novel, manga, and anime series Full Metal Panic!. She was voiced by Satsuki Yukino in the original Japanese anime and by Luci Christian in the English dubs by ADV Films and FUNimation Entertainment.-Overview:At first glance, Kaname...
in all the Full Metal Panic series, Mion and Shion Sonozaki in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
, known simply as When They Cry for the North American release of the anime adaptation, is a Japanese murder mystery dōjin soft sound novel series produced by 07th Expansion. The games are built on the NScripter game engine and are playable on Microsoft Windows PCs...
, Milly Thompson in Trigun
is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Nightow, published from 1996 to 2008 and spanning 17 collected volumes....
and Kira Yukyou in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
is a Yu-Gi-Oh! series which aired in Japan between April 2, 2008 and March 30, 2011, following the previous series, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, and was succeeded by Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, on April 11, 2011...
Television (anime)
- 009-1009-1is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shotaro Ishinomori. The manga was serialized in the Futabasha publication Weekly Manga Action from 1967 to 1970, then returned briefly in 1974. The story concerns Miléne Hoffman , a female cyborg who works as a secret agent...
(2006) - Vanessa Ibert/009-3 - Ai Yori AoshiAi Yori Aoshiis a Japanese seinen manga written and illustrated by Kou Fumizuki and serialized from 1998 to 2005 in Hakusensha's Young Animal. It is a love story between two characters who haven't seen each other in years but were once childhood friends....
(2002) - Tina Foster - Angelic LayerAngelic Layeris a manga series released by Clamp. The manga is published in Japan by Kadokawa Shoten, and in English originally by Tokyopop, but has since been re-licensed by Dark Horse Comics. It is the group's first work to use a quite different art style unseen in any other CLAMP series, which uses a more...
(2001) - Tamayo Kizaki - Black LagoonBlack Lagoonis a manga series written and illustrated by Rei Hiroe, and published in Shogakukan's Sunday GX since 2002. An animated television series based on the manga aired in Japan from April 8, 2006, to June 24, 2006, totaling twelve episodes. A second season, subtitled "The Second Barrage", ran for twelve...
: Roberta's Blood Trail (2010) - Fabiola Iglesias - BleachBleach (manga)is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Noriaki "Tite" Kubo. Bleach follows the adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki after he obtains the powers of a —a death personification similar to the Grim Reaper—from another Soul Reaper, Rukia Kuchiki...
(2004) - Yoruichi Shihōin (human form) - Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no GikyokuBlue Dropis a Japanese science fiction yuri manga created by Akihito Yoshitomi. It comprises five chapters that were serialized in the shōnen manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao! from June 2004 to December 2005, and later collected into a single volume...
(2007) - Michiko Kōzuki - Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040is a Japanese anime series produced by Anime International Company and funded by ADV Films. A retelling of the 1987 original video animation Bubblegum Crisis, the series premiered on TV Tokyo on October 8, 1998 where it ran for 26 episodes until its conclusion on March 31, 1999...
(1998) - Sylia Stingray - Captain Tsubasa Road to Dream (2002) - Misaki Taro (child)
- Chibi Maruko-chanChibi Maruko-chanis a shōjo manga series by Momoko Sakura, later adapted into an anime TV series by Nippon Animation, which originally aired on Fuji Television from January 7, 1990 to September 27, 1992. The series depicts the simple, everyday life of a little girl nicknamed Maruko and her family in suburban...
(1990) - Rie-chan - Clannad (2007) - Misae Sagara
- ClaymoreClaymore (manga)is a dark fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Norihiro Yagi. The series initially premiered in the now defunct Monthly Shōnen Jump in the May 2001 issue. When the magazine was canceled in June 2007, the series was temporarily moved to Weekly Shōnen Jump where it was still published...
(2007) - Rafaela - Chūka Ichiban! - Mei LiMei LiMei Li is a book by Thomas Handforth. Released by Doubleday, it was the recipient of the Caldecott Medal for illustration in 1939....
- Cosmo Warrior ZeroCosmo Warrior Zerois a science fiction OVA series.-Plot:The long war between the planet Earth and the machine men is finally over, resulting in a peace that is more a victory for the machine men than the Earth. Warrius Zero lost his family in the war to the machinemen but despite this he still is a member of the...
(2001) - Maetel - Cyborg 009Cyborg 009is a manga created by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was serialized in many different magazines, including Monthly Shōnen King, Weekly Shōnen Magazine, Shōnen Big Comic, COM, Shōjo Comic, Weekly Shōnen Sunday, Monthly Shōnen Jump and Monthly Comic Nora in Japan...
(2001) - Cyborg 003/Françoise Arnoul - Deltora QuestDeltora Quest (anime)is a Japanese anime series based on the series of children's books of the same name, written by Australian author Emily Rodda. It was announced by Rodda herself at Sydney's Book Council of Australia Conference and at an ABC Kids convention. The series was produced by Genco and SKY Perfect Well Think...
(2007) - Lief's Mother - Detective School QDetective School Qis a manga series, written by Tadashi Agi and illustrated by Fumiya Satō, originally serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine between 2001 and 2005, spanning 22-tankōbon volumes...
(2003) - Sakurako Yukihira - D.Gray-manD.Gray-manis an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Katsura Hoshino. The series tells the story of a boy named Allen Walker, a member of an organization of Exorcists who makes use of an ancient substance called Innocence to combat the Millennium Earl and his demonic army of akuma...
(2006) - Moore Heese - D.N.AngelD.N.Angelis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yukiru Sugisaki. The ongoing manga premiered in Japan in the Kadokawa Shoten shōjo magazine Monthly Asuka in November 1997. The series went on an extended hiatus after the August 2005 issue, returning in the April 2008 issue...
(2003) - Freedert - Duel Master (2002) - Mom Kirifuda
- Excel SagaExcel Sagais a manga series written and illustrated by Rikdo Koshi. It has been serialized in Young King OURs since 1996, with individual chapters collected and published in tankōbon volumes by Shōnen Gahosha. The series follows the attempts of Across, a "secret ideological organization", to conquer the city...
(1999) - Ropponmatsu 2nd (child) - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009) - Rose
- Full Metal Panic!Full Metal Panic!is an ongoing series of light novels written by Shoji Gatoh and illustrated by Shiki Douji. The series follows Sousuke Sagara, a member of the covert anti-terrorist private military organization known as Mithril, tasked with protecting Kaname Chidori, a spirited Japanese high school girl.Individual...
all 3 seasons (2002, 2003, 2005) - Kaname ChidoriKaname Chidoriis a fictional character and the female protagonist of the light novel, manga, and anime series Full Metal Panic!. She was voiced by Satsuki Yukino in the original Japanese anime and by Luci Christian in the English dubs by ADV Films and FUNimation Entertainment.-Overview:At first glance, Kaname... - Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden (2006) - Takiko Okuda
- Gallery FakeGallery Fakeis a Japanese manga by Fujihiko Hosono. In 1996, it received the Shogakukan Manga Award.-Story:On a wharf on Tokyo Bay is a small gallery named Gallery Fake. The owner of the gallery, , was once a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York...
(2005) - Sayoko Mitamura - Generator GawlGenerator Gawlis a 1998 12-part anime series. The story is set in 2007, when Professor Takuma Nekasa uncovers a gene code that will unlock the human body's greatest mystery and expose mankind to its greatest threat. As a result, Gawl, Koji, and Ryo—three young scientists from a future period—have traveled back...
(1998) - MasamiMasami-People:*Masami Akita, Noise musician*Masami Anno, Japanese singer*Masami Kikuchi, voice actor*Masami Kurumada, Japanese manga artist responsible for Saint Seiya*Masami Nagasawa, tv drama and movie actress*Masami Ōbari, anime character designer and director... - GenshikenGenshikenis a manga series by Shimoku Kio about a college club for otaku and the lifestyle its members pursue. The title is a shortening of the club's official name, , or "The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture". The series has also been adapted into an anime directed by Tsutomu Mizushima...
(2004) - Saki Kasukabe - GetBackersGetBackersis a manga series written by Tadashi Agi and illustrated by Rando Ayamine. The series was serialized and is published by Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 1999 until 2007, totaling 39 volumes. The plot follows the "GetBackers", a group that retrieves anything that was lost...
(2002) - Kaoru Ujiie - GintamaGintama, also known as Gintama, is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi and serialized, beginning on December 8, 2003, in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump...
(2006) - Shimura Otae, Yocchan - Gun X SwordGun X Sword, is a Japanese animated television series produced by AIC A.S.T.A. The series is directed by Gorō Taniguchi and written by Hideyuki Kurata.The story is set on the "Planet of Endless Illusion", a place where rogues of all sorts gather. The protagonist, Van, travels the world searching for a man...
(2005) - Yukiko Steavens - Hell Girl - Ayaka Kurenai
- HeromanHeromanis a manga and anime produced by Bones and created by Marvel's Stan Lee. The manga is published in Monthly Shōnen Gangan and began serialization in September 2009, while the anime series premiered on April 1, 2010, on TV Tokyo and related stations...
(2010) - Catherine Mae Jones - High School GirlsHigh School Girlsis a comedy manga series, created by Towa Oshima, which was originally serialized in Futabasha's Weekly Manga Action magazine from 2001, and then subsequently Comic High! from 2004....
(2006) - Akari Kouda - Higurashi no Naku Koro niHigurashi no Naku Koro ni, known simply as When They Cry for the North American release of the anime adaptation, is a Japanese murder mystery dōjin soft sound novel series produced by 07th Expansion. The games are built on the NScripter game engine and are playable on Microsoft Windows PCs...
(2006) & Kai (2007) - Mion Sonozaki and Shion Sonozaki - HitohiraHitohirais a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Izumi Kirihara. The story revolves around a shy girl named Mugi Asai who is unsure of what club to join in her school, but before she knows it she gets dragged into the Drama Research Society and becomes a member...
(2007) - Mirei Sakaki - Hikaru no GoHikaru no Gois a manga series, a coming of age story based on the board game Go written by Yumi Hotta and illustrated by Takeshi Obata with an anime adaptation. The production of the series' Go games was supervised by Go professional Yukari Umezawa...
(2002) - Ichikawa-san - InuYashaInuYasha, also known as , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi. It premiered in Weekly Shōnen Sunday on November 13, 1996 and concluded on June 18, 2008...
(2000) - Kagome Higurashi - InuYasha: Kanketsu-henInuYasha, also known as , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi. It premiered in Weekly Shōnen Sunday on November 13, 1996 and concluded on June 18, 2008...
(2009) - Kagome Higurashi - Jinki:EXTENDJinki:EXTENDis a 13-episode mecha anime series that aired on TV Asahi in 2005 as well as a currently running manga series. It takes place in two parts, in Venezuela during 1988 , and in Tokyo, Japan in 1991 The story revolves around two girls who end up piloting giant humanoid robots called "Jinki" and the...
(2005) - Shizuka Tsuzaki - The Law of UekiThe Law of Uekiis a Japanese manga series by Tsubasa Fukuchi. It was first serialised in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday in 2002 and ended in 2005. Sixteen tankōbon volumes was compiled and published by Shogakukan. An anime adaptation was first broadcast on TV Tokyo on April 4, 2005, ended with 51...
(2004) - Marilyn Cary - Love HinaLove Hinais a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ken Akamatsu. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine by Kodansha from October 21, 1998 to October 31, 2001 and was published in 14 tankōbon volumes by Kodansha. The series tells the story of Keitaro Urashima and his attempts to...
(2000) - Mutsumi Otohime - Love Hina Again (2002) - Mutsumi Otohime
- MadlaxMADLAXis a 26-episode Japanese anime television series produced in 2004 by the Bee Train animation studio. Kōichi Mashimo directed Madlax and the soundtrack was composed by Yuki Kajiura...
(2004) - Vanessa Rene - Maetel LegendMaetel Legendis a 2000 anime OVA based on characters created by Leiji Matsumoto, about how the planet La Maetelle becomes the planet Andromeda, or "Planet Maetel," the mechanized world....
(2000) - Maetel (age 15) - Natsume Yūjin ChōNatsume Yujin Chois a Japanese fantasy manga series by Yuki Midorikawa. It began serialization by Hakusensha in the shōjo manga magazine LaLa DX in 2005, before switching to LaLa in 2008. Chapters have been collected in nine bound volumes...
(2008, 2009) - HiiragiHiiragiis Do As Infinity's seventeenth single, released in 2003. It was used as the drama Koibumi: Watashitachi ga Aishite Otoko.-Track listing:# # # # -Chart positions:-External links:* at Avex Network* at Oricon... - Narutaru (2003) - Hoshimaru
- Pani Poni Dash!Pani Poni Dash!, also known as through its anime adaptation , is a Japanese manga series that uses parody, frequently referencing Japanese and American pop-culture in many ways...
(2005) - Rei Tachibana - PlanetesPlanetesis a Japanese hard science fiction manga by Makoto Yukimura. It was adapted as a 26-episode television anime by Sunrise, which was broadcast on NHK from October 2003 through April 2004...
(2003) - Ai Tanabe - PokémonPokémon (anime), abbreviated from , is a children's TV anime series, which has since been adapted for the North and South American, Australian and European television markets...
(1997) - Inko- Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl (2008) - Hikari's Buneary, Pokédex (Sinnoh) (instead of Tomoko KawakamiTomoko Kawakamiwas a Japanese voice actress from Tokyo. Having graduated from the Toho Gakuen School of Music, Kawakami was affiliated with Production Baobab at the time of her death.-Career:...
- Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl (2008) - Hikari's Buneary, Pokédex (Sinnoh) (instead of Tomoko Kawakami
- PrétearPrétear, also called Prétear - The New Legend of Snow White, is a manga series written by Junichi Sato and illustrated by Kaori Naruse. Spanning four volumes, the manga series was originally published in Japan by Kadokawa Shoten from May 2000 through July 2001...
(2001) - Mayune Awayuki - R.O.D the TVR.O.D the TVR.O.D -THE TV- is a 26-episode TV anime series, animated by J.C.Staff and produced by Aniplex, directed by Koji Masunari and scripted by Hideyuki Kurata, about the adventures of three paper-manipulating sisters, Michelle, Maggie and Anita, who become the bodyguards of Nenene Sumiregawa, a famous...
(2003) - Nenene Sumiregawa - Rosario + VampireRosario + Vampire, often shortened to , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihisa Ikeda. The story revolves around Tsukune Aono, a boy who accidentally gets enrolled in a school inhabited by monsters and demons. He quickly befriends Moka Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with...
(2008) - Tamao Ichinose - Rosario + Vampire Capu2 (2008) - Tamao Ichinose
- Real Bout High School (2001) - Azumi Kiribayashi
- The Sacred Blacksmith (2009) - Evadne
- Sgt. FrogSgt. FrogSgt. Frog, known in Japan as , is a manga series by Mine Yoshizaki. It was later serialized into a TV anime series directed by Junichi Sato. Both the anime and manga are comedies that follow the attempts of a platoon of frog-like alien invaders to conquer Earth...
(2006) - Pururu - Starship Girl Yamamoto YohkoStarship Girl Yamamoto Yohkois a sci-fi anime series based on novels by Shoji Takashi. There have been two 3-episode OVAs from J.C.Staff. The series was released in the United States by The Right Stuf International on DVD in 2003...
(TV) (1999) - Momiji Kagariya - TrigunTrigunis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Nightow, published from 1996 to 2008 and spanning 17 collected volumes....
(1998) - Milly Thompson - Ultra Maniac OAVUltra Maniacis a manga series written by Wataru Yoshizumi. The romantic comedy series features 8th grader Ayu Tateishi, a tennis club member, and her transfer student friend, Nina Sakura, who is actually a trainee witch from the magical kingdom. It premiered in Shueisha's Ribon manga magazine in February 2001...
(2002) - Ayu Tateishi - Virgin Fleet (1998) - Satsuki Yukimizawa
- X/1999 (2001) - Hokuto Sumeragi
- Zatch Bell!Zatch Bell!Zatch Bell!, known in Japan as is a shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Raiku. It was published in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday...
(2003) - Yuuta Akiyama
Anime CDs
- Kagome Higurashi singing たったひとつの約束- Just One Promise (Tatta Hitotsu no Yakusoku)
- Inuyasha with Kagome Higurashi in 蒼き野生を抱いて- Embrace the Untamed Wilderness (Aoki Yasei o Daite)
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Meakashi-hen - "you" and "thanks"
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - "with 'you' -絆-"
- Ai Yori Aoshi - Tina Foster
- ANUBIS ~Z.O.E~Zone of the Enders: The 2nd RunnerZone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, known in Japan as , is a video game that was developed and published by Konami for the PlayStation 2 in 2003. The sequel to Zone of the Enders, the game was produced by, and is closely associated with Hideo Kojima. The game is based around mecha combat...
(2003) - Ken Marinaris - Bleach: Blade Battlers - Yoruichi Shihōin
- Blue Blaster - Elsass Lothringen
- Higurashi DaybreakHigurashi Daybreakis a Japanese dōjin third person shooter developed by Twilight Frontier, first released on August 13, 2006 and is based on the popular visual novel Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. The game is Twilight Frontier's first attempt in making a 3D game...
(2006) - Mion and Shion Sonozaki - InuYasha video games - Kagome Higurashi
- Mobile Suit GundamMobile Suit Gundamis a televised anime series, created by Sunrise. Created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, it premiered in Japan on Nagoya Broadcasting Network on April 7, 1979, and lasted until January 26, 1980, spanning 43 episodes...
side story: The Blue Destiny - EXAM System AI/Marion Welch - Rumble Roses XXRumble Roses XXRumble Roses XX is a female Wrestling game that was developed by YUKE's Future Media Creators and Konami for the Xbox 360 and is the sequel to the PlayStation 2 game, Rumble Roses...
- Miss Spencer / Mistress Spencer - Tales of Destiny 2Tales of Destiny 2is the fourth mothership title in Namco's popular Tales RPG series, a true sequel to Tales of Destiny that takes place in the same fictional world...
- RimulRimulRimul is a farm in the municipality of Melhus in Sør-Trøndelag county, Norway. It is the scene of the murder of Håkon Sigurdsson by his slave Tormod Kark , as described in the Saga of king Olav Tryggvason in Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla.-Location:There is still a farm named Romol in the western... - Tales of the AbyssTales of the Abyssis a console role-playing game developed by Namco Tales Studio and published by Namco in Japan and Namco Bandai Games in North America. Tales of the Abyss's characteristic genre name is The Meaning Of Birth RPG . It is the eighth mothership title in the Tales series, and was released for the...
- Arietta - Tenchu: Fatal ShadowsTenchu: Fatal ShadowsTenchu: Fatal Shadows , is a stealth game developed by K2 LLC and published by From Software in Japan and Sega in North America and Europe for the PlayStation 2 in 2004.- Plot :...
- Rin - Wrestle Angels Survivor - Mimi Yoshihara
(Dub roles)
- Mirror's EdgeMirror's EdgeMirror's Edge is a single-player first person action-adventure video game developed by EA Digital Illusions CE and published by Electronic Arts. The game was announced on July 10, 2007, and was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in November 2008. A Microsoft Windows version was released...
- Celeste
Drama CDs
- 7 Seeds7 Seedsis a Japanese science fiction manga series written and illustrated Yumi Tamura. It has been published by Shogakukan since 2001, first in Betsucomi then in Flowers...
(2003) - Hana Suguruno - Cyborg 009 Drama CD: Love Stories - Francoise Arnoul
- Hayate Cross BladeHayate cross bladeis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shizuru Hayashiya. The series is set is an all girls' school with sword-fighting at the center of the story. Originally published by ASCII Media Works, the manga started serialization in the shōnen magazine Dengeki Daioh on November 21, 2003 and...
- Ayana Mudou - Inuyasha Jigoku de Matteita Shichinintai - Kagome Higurashi