Sarishabari Upazila
Sarishabari is an Upazila of Jamalpur District
in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh
, Sarishabari has a population of 289,106. Males constitute 51.66% of the population, and females 48.34%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 148,197. Sarishabari has an average literacy rate of 24.4% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate.
There is a urea fertilizer factory named Jamuna Fertilizer Co. Ltd which is the largest fertilizer factory in the country. It produces granular urea fertilizer. And some jute mills are here. Alhaz Jute Mill and Popular Jute Mill are notable.There Is Bausi Bazar,Faijmore Bazar,Gabtuli Bazar,Shimla Bazar,Sanikuir Hut are notable also.
Educational Institutions:
Jamalpur District
Jamalpur is a district in Dhaka Division, Bangladesh. The main Jamalpur town consists of 12 wards and 80 mahallas. The municipality was established in 1869. The area of the town is 53.28 km². The town has a population of 116754; male 51.06%, female 48.94%. Density of population is 2191 per...
in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh , officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh is a sovereign state located in South Asia. It is bordered by India on all sides except for a small border with Burma to the far southeast and by the Bay of Bengal to the south...
Sarishabari is located at 24.7417°N 89.8333°E. It has 58,254 households and total area 263.48 km².Demographics
As of the 1991 Bangladesh census1991 Bangladesh census
In 1991, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, conducted a national census in Bangladesh. They recorded data from all of the districts and upazilas and main cities in Bangladesh including statistical data on population size, households, sex and age distribution, marital status, economically active...
, Sarishabari has a population of 289,106. Males constitute 51.66% of the population, and females 48.34%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 148,197. Sarishabari has an average literacy rate of 24.4% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate.
Sarishabari has 1 municipality, 8 Unions, 173 Mauzas/Mahallas, and 179 villages.There is a urea fertilizer factory named Jamuna Fertilizer Co. Ltd which is the largest fertilizer factory in the country. It produces granular urea fertilizer. And some jute mills are here. Alhaz Jute Mill and Popular Jute Mill are notable.There Is Bausi Bazar,Faijmore Bazar,Gabtuli Bazar,Shimla Bazar,Sanikuir Hut are notable also.
See also
- Upazilas of BangladeshUpazilas of Bangladesh||The districts of Bangladesh are divided into subdistricts called Upazila Parishad , or Thana . Upazilas are similar to the county subdivisions found in some Western countries....
- Districts of BangladeshDistricts of BangladeshThe divisions of Bangladesh are divided into 64 districts, or zila . The districts are further subdivided into 493 sub-districts, or upazila ....
- Divisions of BangladeshDivisions of Bangladesh||Bangladesh is divided into seven major administrative regions called divisions . Each division is named after the major city within its jurisdiction that serves as the administrative capital of that division:...
Educational Institutions:
- Sarishabari RUT High School
- Sarishabari Mahmuda Salam Girl's College
- Pogal Digha College,Tarakandi.
- Pogal Digha High School,Tarakandi.
- Pogal Digha Kinder Garten, Tarakandi.
- RUT College Sarishabari.
- Aramnagar Aliya Madrasa.
- RDM PIlot High School
- Pingna High School
- Bausi Bangali High School.
- Salema Khatun Girls School.
- Bausi Ponchopir Primary School .
- Bausi Gogaria Primary School.
- Bausi Primary school.
- Sarishabari R.U.T College .
- Sarishabari R .D M. High School.
- Vatara High School .
- Bausi Bangali Primary School.
- Sengua High School, Sengua
- FaijMore Dakhil Madrasha(Founded by Maulana Abdul Jabber Khan).
- Chandanpur Primary School.
- Phuldah Primary School.
- Bari Patal Primary School
- Bari Patal High School