Samantha Tajik
Samantha Tajik is a Canadian-Iranian model
Model (person)
A model , sometimes called a mannequin, is a person who is employed to display, advertise and promote commercial products or to serve as a subject of works of art....

 and beauty queen
Beauty Queen
"Beauty Queen" is the second song from Roxy Music's second album, For Your Pleasure. The lyrics refer to Ferry's girlfriend, Valerie Leon, one-time UK beauty queen, B-movie actress and model working in the Newcastle area, circa 1973.-Musicians:...

 who was crowned Miss Universe Canada
Miss Universe Canada
-External links:*...


Hypocrisy is the necessary burden of villainy; affectation, part of the chosen trappings of folly! the one completes a villain, the other only finishes a fop. Contempt is the proper punishment of affectation, and detestation the just consequence of hypocrisy.

Samuel Johnson, p. 335.

When you see a man with a great deal of religion displayed in his shop window, you may depend upon it he keeps a very small stock of it within.

Charles Spurgeon, p. 335.

In sermon style he bought,And sold, and lied; and salutations madeIn Scripture terms. He prayed by quantity,And with his repetitions long and loud,All knees were weary.

Robert Pollock, p. 335.

Hypocrisy is a sort of homage that vice pays to virtue.

François de La Rochefoucauld, p. 336.

If you think that you can sin, and then by cries avert the consequences of sin, you insult God's character.

Frederick William Robertson, p. 336.

Men turn their faces to hell, and hope to get to heaven; why don't they walk into the horsepond, and hope to be dry?

Charles Spurgeon, p. 336.

Hypocrites do the devil's drudgery in Christ's livery.

Matthew Henry, p. 336.

Woe unto thee if after all thy profession thou shouldst be found under the power of ignorance, lost in formality, drowned in earthly-mindedness, envenomed with malice, exalted in an opinion of thine own righteousness, leavened with hypocrisy and carnal ends in God's service.

Joseph Alleine, p. 336.

No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, p. 336.
