Salon Recreativo
Salon Recreativo is an album by Kult
Kult (band)
-History:Kult was formed in 1982 from Kazik Staszewski’s previous band, Novelty Poland.In July 1982 the band performed at its first concert at the Remont Club in Warsaw....

, released on October 1, 2001. The first edition of Salon Recreativo was released with the bonus CD
Compact Disc
The Compact Disc is an optical disc used to store digital data. It was originally developed to store and playback sound recordings exclusively, but later expanded to encompass data storage , write-once audio and data storage , rewritable media , Video Compact Discs , Super Video Compact Discs ,...


Track listing

  • all tracks by Kult
    Kult (band)
    -History:Kult was formed in 1982 from Kazik Staszewski’s previous band, Novelty Poland.In July 1982 the band performed at its first concert at the Remont Club in Warsaw....

     (music) and Kazik Staszewski
    Kazik Staszewski
    Kazik Staszewski is a Polish lead singer, songwriter, and leader of the band Kult.Kazik founded Kult in 1982. Their latest album, Hurra, was released in September 2009....

     (lyrics) except where noted.

CD one

  1. "Dla Twojej miłości" – 5:07 ("For Your Love")
  2. "Twójmój czas" – 3:46 ("Yourmy Time")
  3. "Brooklyńska Rada Żydów" – 5:35 ("The Jews' Council of Brooklyn")
  4. "Łączmy się w pary, kochajmy się" – 4:24 ("Let's Pair Up, Love Each Other")
  5. "Najbardziej chciany bandyta w Polsce" – 4:13 ("The Most Wanted Bandit in Poland")
  6. "Pełniej" – 3:41 ("More Fully")
  7. "Piotr Pielgrzym" – 5:23 ("Peter the Pilgrim")
  8. "Henryk Wujek" – 2:59
  9. "Forum internetowe" – 4:37 ("Internet Forum")
  10. "With a Little Help from My Friends
    With a Little Help from My Friends
    -Joe Cocker version:Joe Cocker's version was a radical re-arrangement of the original, in a slower, 6/8 meter, using different chords in the middle eight, and a lengthy instrumental introduction...

    " (Lennon/McCartney
    The Lennon–McCartney songwriting partnership is one of the best-known and most successful musical collaborations in history...

    ) – 2:35
  11. "Dokąd uciekasz?" – 4:21 ("Where Are You Running to?")
  12. "Uwiąd starczy" – 5:04 ("Senile Decay")
  13. "Ogrodzenie" – 4:46 ("Hedge")
  14. "Sen Bruna S." – 5:03 ("The Dream of Bruno S.")
  15. "Ze mną się bracie nie napijesz?" – 5:25 ("Won't You Have a Drink With Me, Brother?")
  16. "Amulet" – 6:20 ("Amulet")

CD 2 (bonus)

  1. "To nie jest wasz dom - nasz on!" – 4:05 ("This Isn't Your Home - It's Ours!")
  2. "Großßtanz" – 10:18 ("The Great Dance")
  3. "Konsument" – 4:01 ("The Consumer")
  4. "Radio Tirana" – 3:54 ("Radio Tirana")
  5. "Wódka" – 5:06 ("Vodka")
  6. "Artyści niezależni" – 3:10 ("Independent Artists")
  7. "Generał Ferreira" – 5:16 ("General Ferreira")
  8. "Złodzieje w Wejherowie" – 4:40 ("Thieves in Wejherowo
    Wejherowo is a town in Gdańsk Pomerania, northern Poland, with 47,435 inhabitants . It has been the capital of Wejherowo County in Pomeranian Voivodeship since 1999; previously, it was a town in Gdańsk Voivodeship .-History:...

  9. "Wanilia" – 3:21 ("Vanilla")
  10. "Amulet (Kazik's version)" – 6:10
  11. "Forum (Kazik's version)" – 4:41
  12. "Najbardziej chciany bandyta w Polsce (Kazik's version)" – 4:14
  13. "Salon Recreativo" – 4:25
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