Rya Kihlstedt
Rya Kihlstedt is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...


Kihlstedt was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Lancaster is a city in the south-central part of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is the county seat of Lancaster County and one of the older inland cities in the United States, . With a population of 59,322, it ranks eighth in population among Pennsylvania's cities...

 and is a 1991 graduate of Skidmore College
Skidmore College
Skidmore College is a private, independent, liberal arts college with an enrollment of approximately 2,500 students. The college is located in the town of Saratoga Springs, New York State....

 in Theatre Arts
Theatre is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place. The performers may communicate this experience to the audience through combinations of gesture, speech, song, music or dance...


She is also of Swedish descent. She has two children (Ava Emanuelle born 1999, and Giovanni born 2001) with her actor husband Gil Bellows
Gil Bellows
Gil Bellows is a Canadian film and television actor. He is best known for the roles of Tommy Williams in The Shawshank Redemption, Billy Thomas in the television series Ally McBeal and as CIA agent Matt Callan in the television series The Agency.-Early life:Bellows was born in Vancouver, British...


She is the sister of Oakland-based violinist, Carla Kihlstedt
Carla Kihlstedt
Carla Kihlstedt is an American violinist, vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist from Lancaster, Pennsylvania currently living in Oakland, California....



Year Title Role Notes
1993 Arctic Blue
Arctic Blue
Arctic Blue is a 1993 action-adventure-thriller.-Plot:Eric Desmond is an amateur marshal in the wilderness of Alaska who has to deal with a homicidal trapper Ben Corbett , his fellow trappers and a greedy politician.-Cast:...

Anne Marie
1997 Hudson River Blues
Hudson River Blues
Hudson River Blues was a 1997 independent film. "The film tells the story of a two-career couple and how they deal with the wife's urge to become a high-powered lawyer and the husband's desire to change jobs and become an environmentalist caring for the Hudson River."...

1997 Home Alone 3
Home Alone 3
Home Alone 3 is a 1997 family comedy film written and produced by John Hughes. It is the third film in the Home Alone series and the first not to feature actor Macaulay Culkin or director Chris Columbus. The film is directed by Raja Gosnell, who served as the editor of both original films, and...

Alice Ribbons
1998 Deep Impact
Deep Impact (film)
Deep Impact is a 1998 science-fiction disaster-drama film released by Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks in the United States on May 8, 1998. The film was directed by Mimi Leder and stars Robert Duvall, Elijah Wood, Téa Leoni, and Morgan Freeman...

1998 Jaded
Jaded (film)
-Plot:Megan , is found naked and lying unconscious on a beach. It is presumed that Megan was raped and a local detective begins investigating. As the investigation continues, it is discovered that Megan was raped by two women. This presents the local authorities with the legal dilemma of which...

Patricia 'Pat' Long
1999 Frontline Catherine
1999 Say You'll Be Mine Katherine
2009 Women in Trouble
Women in Trouble
Women in Trouble is a 2009 American comedy film, written and directed by Sebastian Gutierrez, and starring a cast consisting of Carla Gugino, Adrianne Palicki, Marley Shelton, Connie Britton and Emmanuelle Chriqui.-Plot:...

2010 Elektra Luxx
Elektra Luxx
Elektra Luxx is a 2010 comedy film directed and written by Sebastian Gutierrez featuring Carla Gugino. The film is a sequel to the ensemble comedy, Women in Trouble. The film premiered at the South by Southwest Film Festival 2010, and was released to the rest of the country on March 11, 2011...

Rita (uncredited)
2012 Three Days in Havana Seanna Post-production

Year Title Role Notes
1993 TriBeCa
TriBeCa (TV series)
TriBeCa was a television drama anthology series created by David J. Burke and co-produced with Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal for TriBeCa Productions in 1993 that aired on the Fox Network...

Leah Woodward Episode: "The Loft"
1994 Arleen TV movie
1994 seaQuest DSV
SeaQuest DSV
seaQuest DSV is an American science fiction television series created by Rockne S. O'Bannon. It originally aired on NBC between 1993 and 1996. In its final season, it was renamed seaQuest 2032. Set in "the near future", seaQuest mixes high drama with realistic scientific fiction...

Jessie Episode: "Greed for a Pirate's Dream"
1994 Heaven & Hell: North & South, Book III Willa TV miniseries
1995 Lizzy Elmsworth TV miniseries
1995 Alchemy Louisa TV movie
1996 Swift Justice
Swift Justice
Swift Justice is an American television series which aired on UPN from March 13, 1996 to July 31, 1996.The series starred James McCaffrey as a former NYPD detective and Navy SEAL, who after getting kicked off the force, handles cases the police can't by becoming a private eye.-Cast:* James...

Diane Rivers Episode: "Retribution"
1996 Early Edition
Early Edition
Early Edition is an American television series that aired on CBS from September 28, 1996 to May 27, 2000. Set in the city of Chicago, Illinois, it follows the adventures of a man who mysteriously receives each Chicago Sun-Times newspaper the day before it is actually published, and who uses this...

Marcia Roberts Hobson 3 episodes
1998 Brave New World
Brave New World (film)
Brave New World is a 1998 television movie loosely based on Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World. The film stars Peter Gallagher and Leonard Nimoy...

Lenina Crowne TV movie
2001 She Creature
She Creature
She Creature is a 2001 television film starring Rufus Sewell, Carla Gugino and Rya Kihlstedt and directed by Sebastian Gutierrez . It is the first in a series of films made for Cinemax paying tribute to the films of American International Pictures...

Mermaid TV movie
2010 Covert Affairs
Covert Affairs
Covert Affairs is a USA Network television series starring Piper Perabo and Christopher Gorham. The one-hour drama premiered on Tuesday, July 13, 2010. The show concluded its first season on September 14, 2010 and was renewed for a second season on August 19, 2010. The second season began airing on...

Helen Newman Episode: "Walter's Walk"
2010 Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds is an American police procedural drama that premiered September 22, 2005, on CBS. The series follows a team of profilers from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit based in Quantico, Virginia. The BAU is part of the FBI National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime...

Patty Joyce Episode: "JJ"
2011 NCIS
NCIS (TV series)
NCIS, formerly known as NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service, is an American police procedural drama television series revolving around a fictional team of special agents from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which conducts criminal investigations involving the U.S...

Linda Idleton Episode: "Sins of the Father"
2011 Dexter
Dexter (TV series)
Dexter is an American television drama series, which debuted on Showtime on October 1, 2006. The sixth season premiered on October 2, 2011. The series centers on Dexter Morgan , a bloodstain pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department who moonlights as a serial killer...

Dr. Michelle Ross Recurring role
2011 Connie Banks the Actor Karen TV movie, completed

External links

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