Rossinver or Rosinver is a village in north County Leitrim
County Leitrim
County Leitrim is a county in Ireland. It is located in the West Region and is also part of the province of Connacht. It is named after the village of Leitrim. Leitrim County Council is the local authority for the county...

, Ireland
Republic of Ireland
Ireland , described as the Republic of Ireland , is a sovereign state in Europe occupying approximately five-sixths of the island of the same name. Its capital is Dublin. Ireland, which had a population of 4.58 million in 2011, is a constitutional republic governed as a parliamentary democracy,...

. The village is at the southern shore of Lough Melvin
Lough Melvin
Lough Melvin is a lake which is internationally renowned for its unique range of plants and animals. It is located in the northwest of Ireland on the border between County Leitrim and County Fermanagh ....

 at the jumction of the R281 and R282 regional road
Regional road
A regional road in Ireland is a class of road not forming a major route , but nevertheless forming a link in the national route network. There are over 11,600 kilometres of regional roads. Regional roads are numbered with three digit route numbers, prefixed by "R" A regional road in Ireland is a...

The lake is home to two unusual species of trout
Trout is the name for a number of species of freshwater and saltwater fish belonging to the Salmoninae subfamily of the family Salmonidae. Salmon belong to the same family as trout. Most salmon species spend almost all their lives in salt water...

 - the Gillaroo
Gillaroo , is the name of a species of trout which eats primarily snails and is only proven to inhabit Lough Melvin in Ireland.Gillaroo is derived from the Irish for Red Fellow ; this is due to the fish's distinctive colouring. It has a bright, buttery golden colour in its flanks with bright...

and the Sonaghan - as well as the common Brown Trout
Brown trout
The brown trout and the sea trout are fish of the same species....

. There is a fishery at Eden Quay and boats and gillies are available locally. There are some excellent walks in the area, in particular the mile long river walk to Fowley's Falls on the Glenaniff River which follows a series of waterfalls.
The Organic Centre is a haven for organic farming and gardening enthusiast and is well worth a visit.
A 9th Century Grave slab lies in Rossinver Church yard and Lisdarush Iron Age Fort is nearby.


  • MacClancy Castle (ruin); survivors of shipwrecked sailors from the Spanish Armada
    Spanish Armada
    This article refers to the Battle of Gravelines, for the modern navy of Spain, see Spanish NavyThe Spanish Armada was the Spanish fleet that sailed against England under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia in 1588, with the intention of overthrowing Elizabeth I of England to stop English...

     took refuge in this castle on Lough Melvin in 1588. There is a plaque at the lakeside.

See also

  • List of towns and villages in Ireland
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