Rose Levy Beranbaum
Rose Levy Beranbaum is an award-winning American baker and cookbook
A cookbook is a kitchen reference that typically contains a collection of recipes. Modern versions may also include colorful illustrations and advice on purchasing quality ingredients or making substitutions...

 author. She also has started blogging.

In an interview that covered the things that influenced her career, Beranbaum noted that she was heavily influenced by Julia Child
Julia Child
Julia Child was an American chef, author, and television personality. She is recognized for introducing French cuisine to the American public with her debut cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and her subsequent television programs, the most notable of which was The French Chef, which...

 and James Beard
James Beard
James Andrew Beard was an American chef and food writer. The central figure in the story of the establishment of a gourmet American food identity, Beard was an eccentric personality who brought French cooking to the American middle and upper classes in the 1950s...


Books by Rose Levy Beranbaum

  • Rose's Heavenly Cakes
  • The Cake Bible
  • The Bread Bible
  • The Pie and Pastry Bible
  • Rose's Christmas Cookies
  • Rose's Melting Pot: A Cooking Tour of America's Ethnic Celebrations
  • Rose's Celebrations
  • A Passion for Chocolate
  • What Do Women REALLY Want? Chocolate! by Donna L. Barstow, Intro by Rose Levy Beranbaum

External links

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