Ron Rubin (voice actor)
Ron Rubin is a veteran voice actor whose voice is most easily recognized as that of Artemis from the English
translation of Sailor Moon
, Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show and Palmerstown U.S.A. as well as the executive in charge of the Canadian documentary series The American Experience.
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...
translation of Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon, known as , is a media franchise created by manga artist Naoko Takeuchi. Fred Patten credits Takeuchi with popularizing the concept of a team of magical girls, and Paul Gravett credits the series with "revitalizing" the magical-girl genre itself...
Rubin also worked as a writer for FameFame (1982 TV series)
Fame is an American television series originally produced between 1982 and 1987. The show was based on the 1980 motion picture of the same name. Using a mixture of drama and music, it followed the lives of the students and faculty at the New York City High School for the Performing Arts. Although...
, Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show and Palmerstown U.S.A. as well as the executive in charge of the Canadian documentary series The American Experience.
- Artemis in the English version of Sailor MoonSailor MoonSailor Moon, known as , is a media franchise created by manga artist Naoko Takeuchi. Fred Patten credits Takeuchi with popularizing the concept of a team of magical girls, and Paul Gravett credits the series with "revitalizing" the magical-girl genre itself...
- Messy Bear in 2005's The Care Bears' Big Wish MovieThe Care Bears' Big Wish MovieThe Care Bears' Big Wish Movie is a 2005 children's animated feature, produced by Nelvana Limited and released by Lions Gate Home Entertainment. Directed by Larry Jacobs and Ron Pitts, and written by Jeffrey Alan Schechter, the film is a follow-up to the Care Bears' previous efforts in 2004's...
- Dr. Badvibes in the popular 1980s cartoon C.O.P.S.C.O.P.S.C.O.P.S. is an American animated television series released by DIC Entertainment and Celebrity Home Entertainment...
- Ttark on the PBS show Kratt's Creatures
- Germs Pondscum in BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice (TV series)Beetlejuice is an American-Canadian animated television series which ran from September 9, 1989 to May 7, 1992 on ABC and, later on, on Fox. Loosely based on the 1988 homonymous film of the same name, it was developed and executive-produced by the film's director, Tim Burton...
- Carey Mahoney in the animated Police AcademyPolice Academy (TV series)Police Academy, also known as Police Academy: The Animated Series, is a 1988 American animated television series based on the Police Academy series of films. The show was produced by Ruby-Spears Productions for Warner Bros. Television. It aired on Saturday mornings and lasted two seasons for a...
series - various characters in ArthurArthur (TV series)Arthur is an American/Canadian animated educational television series for children, created by Cookie Jar Group and WGBH for the Public Broadcasting Service...
, Angela AnacondaAngela AnacondaAngela Anaconda is a Canadian cutout animation television series that aired on the channels Teletoon and Fox Family. It centers on the adventures of an eight-year-old girl named Angela who lives in the fictional town of Tapwater Springs, has wacky brothers, weird friends, and hates a snobbish...
, Ned's NewtNed's NewtNed's Newt is a Canadian/German cartoon series produced by Nelvana and TMO Film GmbH. The program aired from 1993 to 1996 in Germany, and on Teletoon from 1997 to 1998 in Canada. In the United States, the program aired on Fox Kids from 1998 to 1999, and was later rerun on Fox Family Channel...
, Rolie Polie OlieRolie Polie OlieRolie Polie Olie is a children's television series produced by Nelvana and created by William Joyce. The show centers on a little boy who is composed of several spheres and other three-dimensional geometric shapes...
, ProStarsProStarsProStars was a Saturday morning cartoon show produced by DiC that aired on NBC from September 14 to December 7, 1991.-Synopsis:Originally intended to air on ESPN, the show centers on Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson and Wayne Gretzky fighting crime and helping children, often protecting the environment...
, Free WillyFree Willy (TV series)For the 1954-1955 CBS situation comedy starring June Havoc, see Willy.Free Willy is an animated television series, inspired by the 1993 film of the same name....
, AnatoleAnatole (TV series)Anatole is an animated children's television series based on the Anatole book series by Eve Titus. The series tells the story of Anatole, a mouse who lives in Paris. He works as a night watchman in a cheese factory. He has a wife, Doucette and a family of six little mice. It originally aired in...
, The Rosey and Buddy Show, CommittedCommitted (TV series)Committed is a Canadian animated television series that aired on CTV, beginning in 2001. It is currently airing on YTV.It was based on an American comic strip of the same name by Michael Fry, better known for Over the Hedge....
, Little BearLittle Bear (TV series)Maurice Sendak's Little Bear is a Canadian children's television series starring a Little Bear voiced by Kristin Fairlie. Originally produced by Nelvana for Nickelodeon, it currently airs on Treehouse TV in Canada and Nick Jr. in the United States. A direct-to-video full-length feature film was...
, Tales from the CryptkeeperTales from the CryptkeeperTales from the Cryptkeeper is an animated series aimed at children made byNelvana Limited, PeaceArch Entertainment, kaBOOM! Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television Animation. It was shown on TVO and ABC,and is still shown near Halloween on Teletoon. It was based on the live-action television...
, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Mischief City, HammermanHammermanHammerman is a Saturday morning cartoon, produced by DIC Entertainment and starring pop rapper MC Hammer, which aired for thirteen episodes on ABC.-Synopsis:...
, RoboroachRoboroachRoboroach is a Canadian animated television series, which ran on Teletoon in Canada and Jetix in Europe. It follows the story of a cockroach named Rube and his brother Reg. While scavenging for food, as seen in the introduction film, Rube is caught and experimented on...
, Clifford's Fun with Letters, Ace Ventura: Pet DetectiveAce Ventura: Pet Detective (TV series)Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is an animated television series based on the film of the same name. The series was produced by Morgan Creek Productions and Nelvana for Warner Bros. Studios. It aired for two seasons from 1995 to 1997 on CBS...
, AlfTalesAlfTalesALF Tales is an animated American series that ran on the NBC television network on Saturdays from August 1988 to December 1989. The show was a spinoff from the series ALF: The Animated Series. The show had characters from that series play various characters from fairy tales...
, Highlander: The Animated SeriesHighlander: The Animated SeriesHighlander: The Animated Series is a Canadian-French animated television series which premiered on September 18, 1994. It is a loose spinoff of the cult classic 1986 film of the same name. The series was produced by Gaumont Multimedia with the worldwide distribution rights owned by Bohbot...
, Dog CityDog CityDog City is a television series that was produced by Nelvana Limited and Jim Henson Productions and aired on FOX from September 26, 1992 to January 28, 1995, and in Canada on Global in 1993, then on Teletoon until 2000. The show contained both animation by Nelvana, and puppetry by Jim Henson...
, Knights of Zodiac, Marvin the Tap-Dancing HorseMarvin the Tap-Dancing HorseMarvin The Tap-Dancing Horse is a Canadian animated television show produced by Nelvana. It tells the stories of a young horse named Marvin who is part of a carnival. Among the Executive Producers are Michael Paraskevas and Betty Paraskevas, creators of Maggie and the Ferocious Beast who also...
, CorduroyCorduroyCorduroy is a textile composed of twisted fibers that, when woven, lie parallel to one another to form the cloth's distinct pattern, a "cord." Modern corduroy is most commonly composed of tufted cords, sometimes exhibiting a channel between the tufts...
, RedwallRedwall (TV series)Redwall is a television series made by Canada-based Nelvana and France-based Alphanim and is based on the Redwall novels by Brian Jacques. The series currently spans three seasons, the first based on the first book Redwall, the second on Mattimeo and the third on Martin the Warrior...
, Bad DogBad Dog (TV series)Bad Dog was an animated cartoon that aired on FOX Family and Teletoon in 1998. The cartoon focused on the Potanski family and their dog Berkeley. The show's gimmick was that, whenever Berkeley was told that he was a bad dog, he would freeze and pretend to be dead until someone told him he was a...
, DinosaucersDinosaucersDinosaucers Dinosaucers Dinosaucers (known in Japan as: is an animated television series co-produced in the United States, Canada and Japan. It was created by DIC Entertainment and Madhouse which has done the overseas animation and in association with Ellipse Programmé and Nelvana. This animated...
, Timothy Goes to SchoolTimothy Goes to SchoolTimothy Goes to School is a cartoon series based on the books by Rosemary Wells.It features a young raccoon, Timothy, who attends a fictional primary school kindergarten. The series aired on PBS Kids as part of the PBS Kids Bookworm Bunch from 2000 until 2004. It was later broadcast on Discovery...
, The Neverending StoryThe Neverending Story (TV series)The Neverending Story: The Animated Adventures of Bastian Balthazar Bux is an animated television series, produced by CineVox , Ellipse , and Nelvana , aired for one season on HBO, ran for 26 episodes, and loosely based on Michael Ende's book, The Neverending Story .In the animated series, the...
, Bob and MargaretBob and MargaretBob and Margaret was a Canadian/UK animated television series that was also shown in the United States and all over the world. The series was produced by Nelvana, a Toronto animation studio, and created by Canadian David Fine and Brit Alison Snowden...
, Blazing DragonsBlazing DragonsBlazing Dragons is the title of a popular British cartoon series, the brainchild of Monty Python's Terry Jones. A coinciding graphic adventure video game was released for the original PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1996 by Crystal Dynamics...
, Freaky StoriesFreaky StoriesFreaky Stories is a Canadian television series, which was originally broadcasted by YTV in English and Canal Famille in French...
, RupertRupert (TV series)Rupert is an animated television series based on the Mary Tourtel character Rupert Bear, produced by Nelvana, Ellipse Programmé and TVS for the first season, with Scottish Television taken over control when TVS closed. Aired from 1991 to 1997 with 65 half-hour episodes produced. It was broadcast...
, Card Captors, BracefaceBracefaceBraceface is a Canadian animated series that aired on Teletoon in Canada, and on Disney Channel and ABC Family in the United States. Then Noggin's pre-teen programming block, The N, aired Braceface in reruns from May 2002 to April 2004. It moved in reruns on CBS as part of its KOL Secret Slumber...
, Jacob Two-TwoJacob Two-Two (TV series)Jacob Two-Two is a Canadian animated TV series based on a trilogy of books written by Mordecai Richler that first aired on Canadian children's channel YTV and aired on the French Canadian VRAK.TV as Jacob Jacob and in Spanish on Telemundo as Jacobo Dos Dos. It was produced by Nelvana; before being...
, RedwallRedwall (TV series)Redwall is a television series made by Canada-based Nelvana and France-based Alphanim and is based on the Redwall novels by Brian Jacques. The series currently spans three seasons, the first based on the first book Redwall, the second on Mattimeo and the third on Martin the Warrior...
, Cadillacs and DinosaursCadillacs and Dinosaurs (TV series)Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is an American Saturday morning animated television series which aired on CBS Kids in the United States from 1993 to 1994. Based on the comic book of the same name by Mark Schultz, the show was created by screenwriter Steven E...
, WildC.A.T.S., Sam and Max: Freelance Police, Rescue HeroesRescue HeroesRescue Heroes is a line of toys from Fisher-Price that was introduced in 1997. Rescue Heroes depicts various rescue personnel and their equipment. In 1999, an animated television series titled Rescue Heroes was released and was based on the figurines...
, BabarBabar (TV series)Babar is an animated television series produced in Canada by Nelvana Limited and The Clifford Ross Company. It premiered in 1989 on CBC and HBO, subsequently was rerun on HBO Family and Qubo. The series is based on Jean de Brunhoff's original Babar books, and was Nelvana's first international...
, PelswickPelswickPelswick is an animated television series produced by Nelvana for CBC Television in Canada and the Nickelodeon cable channel in the United States. The series is about a teenage boy who uses a wheelchair, emphasized how he lived a normal life and was based on the books created by John Callahan. It...
, Hello Kitty and Friends, Little People: Big Discoveries, Hippo Tub Company, Beyblade, Watership DownWatership Down (TV series)Watership Down is an animated television series, adapted from the novel of the same name by Richard Adams. It was a co-production of Alltime Entertainment of the United Kingdom and Decode Entertainment of Canada, and produced by Martin Rosen, the director of the 1978 feature film...
, Traffix, Dex Hamilton: Alien EntomologistDex Hamilton: Alien EntomologistDex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist is a children's animated television program that is an international co-production between March Entertainment and SLR Productions in Canada and Australia. The series first screened on Network Ten in 2008 and is designed for kids aged 6 and older...
, PecolaPecolaPecola is a Japanese 3-D Anime series that was computer-generated in Canada, with cube-shaped anthropomorphic animals in a place called Cube Town. It is based on a series of children's picture books by Naomi Iwata. The show stars Pecola, a curious and hyperactive penguin that tries to help the...
, ALF: The Animated SeriesAlf: The Animated SeriesALF: The Animated Series was an animated cartoon spin-off based on the live-action Sitcom series ALF. It premiered on September 26, 1987 and ran for 26 episodes.-Synopsis:...
, Bakugan Battle BrawlersBakugan Battle Brawlersis a Japanese action adventure anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment and Japan Vistec under the direction of Mitsuo Hashimoto. The story centers on the lives of creatures called Bakugan and the battle brawlers who possess them...
, Mini-Man, Stories From My Childhood, George ShrinksGeorge ShrinksGeorge Shrinks is a Canadian animated television series. It is based on the children's book by William Joyce, produced in China by Jade Animation and in Canada by Nelvana, in association with Public Broadcasting Service . It tells the story of a ten-year-old boy named George who, for unexplained...
, The Berenstain BearsThe Berenstain Bears (2003 TV series)The Berenstain Bears is a 2003 animated television series based on Stan and Jan Berenstain's children's book series of the same name. Although most of the earlier episodes in the series were based on the book series, later episodes were not based on any of the books.-Sypnosis:The series follows...
, GrossologyGrossology (TV series)Grossology is a Canadian animated television series produced by Nelvana, and based loosely on the non-fictional children’s book series of the same name by Sylvia Branzei. It debuted on the YTV network in Canada on September 29, 2006, and was first shown on Discovery Kids in the United States on...
, Maggie and the Ferocious BeastMaggie and the Ferocious BeastMaggie and the Ferocious Beast is an animated TV series based on the books by Michael Paraskevas and his mother Betty. It currently airs on the American Channel Nick Jr.....
, Little Rosey, Jayce and the Wheeled WarriorsJayce and the Wheeled WarriorsJayce and the Wheeled Warriors is a French/North American animated TV show which first aired on September 16, 1985. It was produced by DIC Entertainment , and animated by Japanese animation studios Sunrise, Shaft, Studio Giants, Studio Look and Swan Production...
, Beverly Hills TeensBeverly Hills TeensBeverly Hills Teens is an animated children's television program which debuted in 1987, animated by DiC Entertainment. The namesake teenagers have exaggerated wealth, and face stereotypical teenage concerns. They represent a variety of European backgrounds. There are sixty-five episodes all in one...
, Maxie's WorldMaxie's WorldMaxie's World is an animated cartoon series about a teenage girl named Maxie in Surfside High School in California. Maxie was a straight A student who produced and hosted her own TV show part time...
, Flash Gordon, Don Martin's MAD MagazineMad (magazine)Mad is an American humor magazine founded by editor Harvey Kurtzman and publisher William Gaines in 1952. Launched as a comic book before it became a magazine, it was widely imitated and influential, impacting not only satirical media but the entire cultural landscape of the 20th century.The last...
, Silver Surfer, Starcom: The U.S. Space Force, Moville MysteriesMoville MysteriesMoville Mysteries is a Canadian animated TV series starring Frankie Muniz as Moville. The plot is about moville and his friends stumbling into peculiar supernatural mysteries and occasionally have twist endings. The show is on YTV in Canada and Jetix in Latin America...
, KingKing (TV series)King is a Canadian television series on Family, also aired on Nicktoons TV in the UK from 4 March 2006, and showing on POP! on March 12, 2007.-Plot:...
, The Count of Monte CristoThe Count of Monte CristoThe Count of Monte Cristo is an adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas. It is often considered to be, along with The Three Musketeers, Dumas's most popular work. He completed the work in 1844...
, Quads!John Callahan's Quads!John Callahan's Quads! is a Canada-Australia co-production cartoon, based upon work of John Callahan. The show aired on Canada's Teletoon, on Australia's SBS, and in Latin America on Adult Swim...
, MedabotsMedabotsMedabots, known in Japan as , is a role-playing video game franchise developed by Natsume and published by Imagineer in Japan in 1997. The video game franchise was later adapted into a Japanese anime television series produced by Bee Train. Spanning 52 episodes, the series originally aired on TV...
, BirdzBirdzBirdz is an animated television series produced by Canada's Nelvana studio, and Scottish Television . The show was first broadcast in 1998 on CBS...
, FranklinFranklin (TV series)Franklin is a Canadian animated television series, based on the Franklin the Turtle books by Brenda Clark and Paulette Bourgeois. The television series was named after its main character, Franklin the Turtle...
, EckhartEckhart-People with the surname Eckhart:* Aaron Eckhart, an American film actor* Johann Georg von Eckhart, historian* Meister Eckhart, a German theologian and philosopher-Other:* Eckhart Tolle is a German-born writer and public speaker living in Canada....
, My Dad the Rock StarMy Dad the Rock StarMy Dad the Rock Star is an animated television series created by Gene Simmons of KISS fame, and produced by Canadian company Nelvana for the Canadian based channel Teletoon...
, UndergradsUndergradsUndergrads is an animated television series centered on the lives of four college undergraduate freshmen. Originally broadcast on MTV during 2001, only thirteen episodes were created. It has since been shown on Comedy Central in the United States, Teletoon in Canada, and Trouble in the United Kingdom...
, Girlstuff/BoystuffGirlstuff/BoystuffGirlstuff/Boystuff is a Canadian animated television series that first aired on BKN in 2002. It currently airs on the Australian free-to-air digital television channel ABC2 as part of the ABC Rollercoaster lineup...
, Power StonePower StonePower Stone is a fully 3D arena fighting game series made by Capcom. Power Stone was initially released on the Sega NAOMI hardware and later ported to the Dreamcast...
, 6teen6teen6teen is a Canadian animated sitcom, which premiered in Canada in 2004 on Teletoon. In the USA, 6teen first premiered on Nickelodeon on December 18, 2005 and was removed from the schedule on May 13, 2006 before being removed completely in 2007 before the series' run could be completed. 6teen was...
, CyberchaseCyberchaseCyberchase is an American educational television series for children age 6-12, that teaches children discrete mathematics. The show airs on Public Broadcasting Service and PBS Kids GO! in the United States. Seasons one through five were produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana...
, The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! is an American television series based upon Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2 video games. It was originally broadcast via first-run syndication to mostly independent or Fox television stations from September 4, 1989, to December 1, 1989, with...
, The Magic School BusThe Magic School Bus (TV series)The Magic School Bus is an American Saturday morning animated television series based on the book series of the same name by Joanna Cole. It is notable for its use of celebrity talent and combining entertainment with an educational show, according to an article in Animation World Magazine by...
, Mythic Warriors: Guardians of the Legend, Blaster's Universe, Mr Men and Little Miss, Pippi Longstocking, My Pet MonsterMy Pet MonsterMy Pet Monster is a plush doll first produced by American Greetings in 1986. As one of the few plush dolls marketed to boys at the time, My Pet Monster would prove popular throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s. The doll has blue fur, horns, and a fanged smile and is recognizable by its orange...
, The Adventures of TintinThe Adventures of Tintin (TV series)The Adventures of Tintin is an animated television series based on The Adventures of Tintin, a series of books by Hergé. It debuted in 1991, and 39 half-hour episodes were produced over the course of three seasons...
, UltraforceUltraforce (comics)The Ultraforce is a fictional superhero group that appears in comic books published by Malibu, and later Marvel, as well as an animated series produced by DIC. Their purpose was to protect the public and keep other Ultras from getting out of line...
, Slam DunkSlam Dunk (manga)is a sports-themed manga series written by Takehiko Inoue about a basketball team from Shōhoku High School. It was first serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in Japan from 1990 to 1996 and had also been adapted into an anime series by Toei Animation which had been broadcast worldwide,...
, Power StonePower StonePower Stone is a fully 3D arena fighting game series made by Capcom. Power Stone was initially released on the Sega NAOMI hardware and later ported to the Dreamcast...
, Jane and the DragonJane and the DragonJane and the Dragon is a series of children's books written and illustrated by Martin Baynton. The three books are "Jane and the Dragon" ; "The Dragon's Purpose" ; and "Jane and the Magician" ....
, WaysideWayside (TV series)Wayside is a Canadian animated television series created by Louis Sachar, developed and written by John Derevlany for Canadian television channel Teletoon. The series centers on Todd, a transfer student who attends Wayside, an offbeat educational institution based on Sachar's upbringing...
, Little ShopLittle ShopLittle Shop is a 1991 animated television series about a teenager and a giant talking plant that eats everything in sight. Little Shop was based on the off-broadway musical Little Shop of Horrors, which was based on the 1960 Roger Corman film The Little Shop of Horrors...
, The New ArchiesThe New ArchiesThe New Archies was a children's television cartoon, based upon the long-running Archie comic books and characters. The series, produced by DiC Entertainment and originally airing on NBC, reimagined Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, and the other teenage...
, Sylvanian FamiliesSylvanian Familiesis the name of a line of video games and anthropomorphic collectible toy flocked plastic figures, created by the Japanese company Epoch in 1985 and distributed worldwide by a number of companies...
, Interlude, Air MasterAir Masteris a seinen manga created by Yokusaru Shibata and serialized in Hakusensha's Young Animal. The story focuses on Maki Aikawa, an ex-gymnast turned street fighter. A 27-episode anime adaptation was produced by Toei Animation. The manga ended in 2006 after a 28 volume run.Geneon had signed an...
, Noddy, Growing Up CreepieGrowing Up CreepieGrowing Up Creepie was an animated television series made in the USA by Mike Young Productions and produced by Discovery Kids. In other countries the series was simply titled Creepie.- Premise :...
, The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 is an American animated television series based on the video game Super Mario Bros. 3. It aired on NBC with Captain N: The Game Master in a programming block titled Captain N & The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 from September 8, 1990 through December 1,...
, Monster by MistakeMonster by MistakeMonster by Mistake is a Canadian computer-animated television program aired on YTV. The story deals with an eight-year-old boy named Warren Patterson and his older sister Tracy, as they deal with bullies, ghosts, magic and an irate sorcerer.-Synopsis:...
, Puppets Who KillPuppets Who KillPuppets Who Kill is a Canadian television comedy programme co-produced by The Comedy Network. It premiered in Canada on the Comedy Network in 2002, and in Australia on The Comedy Channel in 2004....
, The Dumb Bunnies, PandalianPandalianPandalian is a multinational developed animated series, with characters created by the Taiwanese company named TVbean, animation produced by Fuji Creative Corporation and Planet Inc. in Japan, with Nelvana and FUNimation jointly control sales, distribution and merchandising rights outside of Asia...
, What It's Like Being AloneWhat It's Like Being AloneWhat It's Like Being Alone is a Canadian television program which aired on CBC Television in 2006. It is a black comedy created by Brad Peyton, and combines clay animation with voice work by Stacey DePass, Adam Reid, Dwayne Hill, Julie Lemieux, Peter Cugno, and Andrew Sabiston.Having debuted on...
, Delilah and JuliusDelilah and JuliusDelilah and Julius is a Canadian animated series which is targeted at children and young teens and is animated using Macromedia Flash technology...
, Iggy ArbuckleIggy ArbuckleIggy Arbuckle is a Canadian animated series that premiered in Canada on Teletoon in June 2007. Based on a comic strip from National Geographic Kids, the show is created by Guy Vasilovich, and focuses about a pig who happens to be a forest ranger, known in the series as a "Pig Ranger"...
, Chilly BeachChilly BeachChilly Beach is a Canadian animated series, which airs on CBC Television in Canada and The Comedy Channel in Australia. The series is a comedic depiction of life in the fictional Canadian town of Chilly Beach, described by the producers as "a bunch of Canadians doing the stuff that Canadians do,...
, Miss Spider's Sunny Patch FriendsMiss Spider's Sunny Patch FriendsMiss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends is an animated program based on the children's books by David Kirk, which airs on Nick Jr. in the United States, on Treehouse TV in Canada, and on Discovery Kids in Brazil...
, Toot and Puddle, Super Why!Super Why!Super Why! or The Reading Adventures of Super Why! is a CGI animated show developed by Angela C. Santomero and Samantha Freeman Alpert. The TV series is produced by New York City-based Out of the Blue Enterprises and Toronto-based DHX Media through its Decode Entertainment division. The show...
, The Future is WildThe Future is WildThe Future Is Wild was a 2002 seven-part documentary television miniseries. Based on research and interviews with several scientists, the miniseries shows how life could evolve in the future if Homo sapiens became extinct; the Discovery Channel broadcast changed this outlook by stating the human...
, Magi-NationMagi-Nation (TV series)Magi-Nation is an animated television series based on the card game Magi Nation Duel. The show premiered in Canada on September 8, 2007 on CBC Television and on September 22, 2007 in the U.S. on Kids' WB. A series of DVDs are set to be released on October 21, 2008 through January 6, 2009. The...
, Captain FlamingoCaptain FlamingoCaptain Flamingo is a Canadian animated television series, which chronicles the adventures of the protagonist and main character Milo Powell Captain Flamingo is a Canadian animated television series, which chronicles the adventures of the protagonist and main character Milo Powell Captain Flamingo...
, Anne of Green GablesAnne of Green Gables: The Animated SeriesAnne: The Animated Series is a half-hour animated television show produced by Sullivan Entertainment and created by writer/director/producer Kevin Sullivan. The series was developed for PBS and each episode contained an educational aspect. An issue or problem was woven into each show for one or...
, WilburWilbur (TV series)Wilbur was a TV show on Discovery Kids and Ready Set Learn on TLC. Produced in San Diego, California by EKA Productions, the series debuted April 16, 2007....
, Bedtime Primetime Classics, The Wumblers, Spider RidersSpider Ridersis a series of science fiction novels first published in December 2004, published by Newmarket Press written by Tedd Anasti, Patsy Cameron-Anasti and Stephen D. Sullivan . The stories became the basis of the animated television series produced by Cookie Jar Entertainment of Canada and Bee Train of...
, Miss BGMiss BGMiss BG is a 3-D animated series based on the Gudule et les bébés French children's book series published by Hachette-Jeunesse, authored by Fanny Joly and illustrated by Roser Capdevila. It is a joint Canadian/French production and is distributed by Breakthrough Animation...
, Busytown MysteriesBusytown MysteriesBusytown Mysteries, also known as Hurray for Huckle!, is a Canadian animated television series created by Cookie Jar Entertainment. Currently the series airs in Canada as part of the Kids' CBC block on CBC Television, in the United Kingdom on the Tiny Pop channel and in the United States as part of...
, Ruby GloomRuby GloomRuby Gloom is an animated television show based on an apparel franchise. The show is produced by Nelvana and began airing on October 13, 2006 in Canada on the network YTV...
, Funpak, Gerald McBoing Boing, Turbo DogsTurbo DogsTurbo Dogs is a television show that airs on Qubo and Kids' CBC. The show is based on the book Racer Dogs by Bob Kolar. The show premiered on October 3, 2008.-Premise:...
, Monster ForceMonster ForceMonster Force was a 13-episode animated television series created in 1994 by Universal Cartoon Studios and Canadian studio Lacewood Productions. The story is set in approx. 2020 and centers on a group of teenagers who, with help of high tech weaponry, fight off against classic Universal Monsters...
, SplicedSpliced (TV series)Spliced is a Canadian animated television series produced by Teletoon and Nelvana. The series made its world premiere on Jetix in Latin America on April 20, 2009. The series currently airs in Canada on Teletoon, in the United States on qubo, in Australia on ABC3, in the United Kingdom on Nicktoons,...
, Kassai and Leuk, "Clifford's Fun with Numbers", Scaredy SquirrelScaredy SquirrelScaredy Squirrel is the title character of the Scaredy Squirrel children’s book series. The books often follow the same format: Scaredy identifies his fears, shows how he avoids them at all costs, and develops contingency plans, which usually involve an emergency kit and playing dead till the...
, Franny's FeetFranny's FeetFranny's Feet is an animated series for children. It is produced by DHX Media/Halifax Film in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and created by Cathy Moss and Susan Nielsen. The show follows the adventures of four-year-old Frances "Franny" Fantootsie as she tries on various pairs of shoes and travels to...
, Willa's Wild LifeWilla's Wild LifeWilla's Wild Life is an animated television series that first aired on ABC2 in 2008, then on Qubo and Nickelodeon Canada in 2009. The show is based on Dan Yaccarino's book An Octopus Followed Me Home. It is about a 9 year old girl named Willa who has some very unusual pets...
, Jimmy Two-ShoesJimmy Two-ShoesJimmy Two-Shoes is a Canadian/American animated television series. It airs on Disney XD in the United Kingdom and in the USA, and Teletoon in Canada...
, The Manly Bee, The Amazing Spiez!The Amazing Spiez!The Amazing Spiez! is an animated television series produced by the French company Marathon. It is a spinoff of Totally Spies!.The show had its world premiere on Disney Channel Asia on March 15, 2009. The series premiered on Cartoon Network in the USA on April 26, 2010 at 8:30 am. After...
, Keroppi, Get EdGet EdGet Ed is an American computer-animated television series which debuted in 2005 that aired as a part of the Jetix programming block on the United States cable television network Toon Disney until the channel closed in 2009, and also used to run on the ABC Family channel before they switched over to...
, DiabolikDiabolikDiabolik is a fictional character, an anti-hero featured in Italian comics. He was created by sisters Angela and Luciana Giussani in 1962. His stories appear in monthly black and white digest-sized booklets. The character was inspired by several previous characters from Italian and French pulp...
, Uncle Joe's Cartoon Playhouse, Boom Unit, The Giggle Factory, Carl SquaredCarl SquaredCarl² is a Canadian animated series which explores what would happen if a teenager had a clone. The concept of the cartoon is a mixture of biological studies and normal teenage life....
and The Ripping FriendsThe Ripping FriendsThe Ripping Friends was an American/Canadian animated television series, created by John Kricfalusi. The show premiered September 22, 2001 on Fox Kids, but was cancelled in September 2002. Adult Swim later picked up the show. The series occasionally airs in Canada on Teletoon... - On Camera Guest appearances in Top CopsTop CopsTop Cops was a documetary program broadcast in the United States on the CBS television network from 1990 to 1993.Each episode of Top Cops consisted of two to three segments featuring commended police officers and dramatic recreations of the events leading to their having been honored.One episode...
, The Emergency RoomThe Emergency RoomThe Emergency Room was an underground venue, recording studio and art space located in the Strathcona neighborhood of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Founded in January 2007, The Emergency Room emerged from Vancouver's DIY music scene and has been used as a practice space, art studio,...
, Secret ServiceSecret Service (TV Series)Secret Service was an American action drama television series, created by Gilbert M. Shilton and George Mendeluk, which premiered on NBC on August 16, 1992 and ended on November 17, 1993. The show was a re-enactment of real Secret Service cases. It aired 21 episodes...
, Variety TonightVariety TonightVariety Tonight was a CBC Radio show which aired from 1980 until 1984 at 8-10 PM. Variety Tonight was a nightly series featuring jazz and pop music as well as trivia games, book and movie reviews and interviews. The show was hosted by David Coles followed by Vicki Gabereau.-External links:*...
, Inside Stories, Comedy Club, It's Only Rock 'n' Roll, Frances Farmer Story, Casby Awards, An Evening with the Arts and Young Again - Trike in Harry and His Bucket Full of DinosaursHarry and His Bucket Full of DinosaursHarry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs is a series of children's books written and drawn by Ian Whybrow and Adrian Reynolds. The series is about a 5-year-old boy named Harry, who has a bucket full of dinosaurs. In the books the dinosaurs talk to Harry but seem to be toys to the other characters...
- The VisionVision (Marvel Comics)The Vision is the name of three fictional characters that appear in comic books published by Marvel Comics.-Publication history:The first Vision was created by the writer-artist team of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in Marvel Mystery Comics #13 The Vision is the name of three fictional characters that...
in The Avengers: United They StandThe Avengers: United They StandThe Avengers: United They Stand is an animated series based on the Marvel Comics superhero team The Avengers. It consists of 13 episodes, which originally premiered on October 30, 1999, and was produced by Avi Arad and distributed by 20th Century Fox Television... - Quacker's duck noises in Piggsburg Pigs
- Airball and Slime in Stunt DawgsStunt DawgsStunt Dawgs is an animated comedic adventure series about a team of stunt performers and their bulldog named Human who also solve problems heroically...
- Bananas Gorilla in The Busy World of Richard ScarryThe Busy World of Richard ScarryThe Busy World of Richard Scarry is a Canadian/French animated children's television series, produced by CINAR Animation and France Animation in association with Paramount Television, which aired from 1994 to 1997, first on Showtime, later on Nickelodeon, and ran for 65 episodes...
- Tanzog in Time Warp TrioTime Warp TrioThe Time Warp Trio is a book series written by Jon Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith and later by Adam McCauley, which chronicles the adventures of three boys - Joe, Sam, and Fred - who travel through time and space with the aid of the mysterious Book.The storyline has been adapted into an...
- Sprog in Atomic BettyAtomic BettyAtomic Betty is a Canadian animated television series produced by Atomic Cartoons, Breakthrough Films & Television, and Tele Images Kids. Additional funding for production is provided by Teletoon in Canada and M6 and Télétoon in France. It currently airs on CITV. The series has once again begun...
- Teenage guy in Young Again
- Glenn Miller in The Last Convertible
- Wayne in one episode of Katts and DogKatts and DogKatts and Dog is a French and Canadian-produced television series which ran from 1988 to 1993. It was known as Rin Tin Tin: K-9 Cop in the United States where it originally aired on CBN Cable/The Family Channel and Rintintin Junior in France...
- Boogeyman and Brother Herman in Yin Yang Yo!Yin Yang Yo!Yin Yang Yo! is a Canadian-American animated television series created by Bob Boyle II and produced by Jetix Animation Concepts. It is the third Jetix-original show. It premiered on October 2, 2006 on Jetix with a sneak peek airing on August 26, 2006...
- Picho and Theo in the 19951995 in video gaming-Events:*May 11 – Introduction of trade magazine GameWeek *May 11-16 — The 1st annual Electronic Entertainment Expo is held in Los Angeles, California...
videogame Laura's Happy AdventuresLaura's Happy AdventuresLaura's Happy Adventures is an adventure, role-playing video game developed by Playmobil Interactive and distributed by Ubi Soft Entertainment. The game was originally released in 1995 becoming the first computer video game to be produced primarily for young girls as a target audience. The... - The Comic in Kung Fu: The Legend ContinuesKung Fu: The Legend ContinuesKung Fu: The Legend Continues is a spin-off of the 1972-1975 television series Kung Fu. David Carradine and Chris Potter starred as a father and son trained in kung fu - Carradine playing a Shaolin monk, Potter a police detective. This series aired in syndication for four seasons, from January 27,...
- Manny in Totally Spies!
- Frenzel in Erky PerkyErky PerkyErky Perky is an Australian and Canadian animated television program on YTV developed by CCI Entertainment. and Ambience Entertainment. The show is about two bickering, dimwitted insects, Erky and Perky, who live at a hot dog stand, but are accidentally taken to a house...
- Narrator in Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey MouseDisney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey MouseDisney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse is a Disney adventure video game developed by Capcom, published by Nintendo and distributed by: Disney Interactive Studios for the Nintendo GameCube.-Gameplay:The game uses a simple point-and-click mechanic which involves using a cursor to guide Mickey...
- Narrator in Disney's Hide and SneakDisney's Hide and SneakDisney's Hide and Sneak, known as Mickey to Minnie Trick and Chase in Japan, is an action-adventure video game released in by Capcom. This is last game to featuring Mickey Mouse as protagonist until 2010 video game Epic Mickey.-Reception:...
- Bat in Peep and the Big Wide WorldPeep and the Big Wide WorldPeep and the Big Wide World is an animated cartoon that teaches nature and basic science concepts to preschoolers. The main characters include a baby chicken named Peep and his friends Quack, a blue duck, and Chirp, a red robin with purple eyelids...
- Jason McNulty in The Accuser
- Raticus and Rod in Flying Rhino Junior HighFlying Rhino Junior HighFlying Rhino Junior High is a Canadian animated television series produced by Nelvana Limited and Scottish Television. It originally aired from October 3, 1998 to January 22, 2000 on the CBS Kids Show. Reruns used to be shown on STV in Scotland, and in 2011 reruns returned to YTV after a four...
- Morph in X-MenX-Men (TV series)X-Men, also known as X-Men: The Animated Series, is an American animated television series which debuted on October 31, 1992, in the United States on the Fox Network as part of its Fox Kids Saturday morning lineup...
- Flinch in Di-Gata DefendersDi-gata defendersDi-Gata Defenders is a Canadian action/adventure, science fiction, fantasy animated television series created by Greg Collinson with Nelvana Entertainment. This show is rated C8 according to the Canadian TV Classification System. The series currently has 52 episodes and is airing the Ethos Saga as...
- Mr. Lederhosen in Stickin' AroundStickin' AroundStickin' Around is a Canadian animated children's television series from Nelvana, which originally aired on YTV in Canada and on ABC in Australia. In Latin America, it was broadcast by Nickelodeon under the title Los Grafitos...
- Himself in Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show Season 3 (Soap Box Derby) and Season 4 (Radio Show)