Robert Fischer (Unionist)
Robert FischerRobert Fischer (* 22 August 1883 in Lüdenscheid
Lüdenscheid is a town in the Märkischer Kreis district, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is located in the Sauerland region. Lüdenscheid is seat of the administration of the Märkischer Kreis district...

; missing in 1945 in Koenigsberg was a notable German unionist and social democratic politician (Social Democratic Party of Germany
Social Democratic Party of Germany
The Social Democratic Party of Germany is a social-democratic political party in Germany...

Robert Fischer
After an elementary education he completed an apprenticeship as metal processer and pursued this trade until 1906.

From 1906 to 1911 he was the chief executive officer of the regional branch of the Metalworkers Union (Deutscher Metallarbeiterverband) in Lüdenscheid
Lüdenscheid is a town in the Märkischer Kreis district, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is located in the Sauerland region. Lüdenscheid is seat of the administration of the Märkischer Kreis district...

. In this time he was also a worker's secretary and agitation leader of the Social Democratic Party
Social Democratic Party of Germany
The Social Democratic Party of Germany is a social-democratic political party in Germany...

 of Germany (SPD) in Lüdenscheid. From 1911 to 1919 he was chief executive officer of the Metalworkers Union in Bremerhaven
Bremerhaven is a city at the seaport of the free city-state of Bremen, a state of the Federal Republic of Germany. It forms an enclave in the state of Lower Saxony and is located at the mouth of the River Weser on its eastern bank, opposite the town of Nordenham...

 and on the board of directors of the local Consumers' Co-operative from 1914 onwards. In 1919 he was again chief executive officer of the regional branch of the Metalworkers Union in Lüdenscheid
Lüdenscheid is a town in the Märkischer Kreis district, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is located in the Sauerland region. Lüdenscheid is seat of the administration of the Märkischer Kreis district...

 and officially to 20th July, 1925 member of the City Council Lüdenscheid. An uncompleted strike in November, 1923 was regarded as a failure by Robert Fischer and as an internal union consequence he gave up his post in Lüdenscheid. Then Robert Fischer became a managing director of the Metalworkers Union in Elbing
Elbing is the German name of Elbląg, a city in northern Poland which until 1945 was a German city in the province of East Prussia.Elbing may also refer to:- Ships :* SMS Elbing, light cruiser of the Imperial Germany Navy...

 at the Baltic Sea. He was later director of the State Employment Agency (Arbeitsamt) in Königsberg
Königsberg was the capital of East Prussia from the Late Middle Ages until 1945 as well as the northernmost and easternmost German city with 286,666 inhabitants . Due to the multicultural society in and around the city, there are several local names for it...

, until he was relieved of his office in 1933 by the National Socialist German Workers Party
National Socialist German Workers Party
The National Socialist German Workers' Party , commonly known in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945. Its predecessor, the German Workers' Party , existed from 1919 to 1920...


Robert Fischer represented the social democratic politicians and activists of the trade-unionism, who abolished the German Imperial Monarchy (Deutsches Kaiserreich) and established the first parliamentarian German Republic, known as the Weimar Republic
Weimar Republic
The Weimar Republic is the name given by historians to the parliamentary republic established in 1919 in Germany to replace the imperial form of government...

 or officially as Deutsches Reich
Deutsches Reich
Deutsches Reich was the official name for Germany from 1871 to 1945 in the German language.As the literal English translation "German Empire" denotes a monarchy, the term is used only in reference to Germany prior to the fall of the monarchies at the end of World War I in 1918...

. Robert Fischer was a victim of the Nazi's terrorism in his professional life and most likely the Nazi Regime was responsible for his death in 1945.

Also he was a journalist for the party and union press.
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