Rigsdaler is a unit of currency.

Rigsdaler may refer to:
  • Danish rigsdaler
    Danish rigsdaler
    The rigsdaler was the name of several currencies used in Denmark until 1873. The similarly named Reichsthaler, riksdaler and rijksdaalder were used in Germany and Austria-Hungary, Sweden and the Netherlands, respectively....

  • Danish West Indian rigsdaler
    Danish West Indian rigsdaler
    The rigsdaler was the currency of the Danish West Indies until 1849. It was subdivided into 96 skilling. The rigsdaler was equal to Danish rigsdaler. The rigsdaler was replaced by the daler.-Coins:...

  • Greenlandic rigsdaler
    Greenlandic rigsdaler
    The rigsdaler was the currency of Greenland until 1874. It was equal to the Danish rigsdaler which circulated in Greenland alongside distinct banknotes from 1803.-History:Before 1813, the rigsdaler courant was subdivided into 96 skilling...

  • Norwegian rigsdaler
    Norwegian rigsdaler
    The rigsdaler was the unit of currency used in Norway until 1816 and in Denmark until 1873. The similarly named Reichsthaler, riksdaler and rijksdaalder were used in Germany and Austria-Hungary, Sweden and the Netherlands, respectively.-History:...

See also
  • Swedish riksdaler
    Swedish riksdaler
    The riksdaler was the name of a Swedish coin first minted in 1604. Between 1777 and 1873, it was the currency of Sweden. The daler, like the dollar, was named after the German Thaler. The similarly named Reichsthaler, rijksdaalder, and rigsdaler were used in Germany and Austria-Hungary, the...

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