Richard Clogg


Richard Clogg studied history
History is the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about past events. History can also mean the period of time after writing was invented. Scholars who write about history are called historians...

 at the University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh, founded in 1583, is a public research university located in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The university is deeply embedded in the fabric of the city, with many of the buildings in the historic Old Town belonging to the university...

, where he graduated as Master
Master's degree
A master's is an academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice...

 in 1963. From 1969 on, he was teaching modern Greek history at King's College, London, first as lecturer
Lecturer is an academic rank. In the United Kingdom, lecturer is a position at a university or similar institution, often held by academics in their early career stages, who lead research groups and supervise research students, as well as teach...

, then reader
Reader (academic rank)
The title of Reader in the United Kingdom and some universities in the Commonwealth nations like Australia and New Zealand denotes an appointment for a senior academic with a distinguished international reputation in research or scholarship...

, finally from 1988 to 1995 as professor
A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences; a teacher of high rank...

 of Balkan history. In 1995, he became senior research fellow
Research fellow
The title of research fellow is used to denote a research position at a university or similar institution, usually for academic staff or faculty members. A research fellow may act either as an independent investigator or under the supervision of a principal investigator...

 as well as fellow of the governing board of St Antony's College, Oxford.


Clogg enjoys a reputation as one of the most important and influential specialists in modern and contemporary Greek history. His best-known work A Concise History of Greece (1992) set new standards in the field, was translated in several languages, and was awarded with the Runciman Award
Runciman Award
The Runciman Award is an annual award offered by the Anglo-Hellenic League for a work published in English dealing wholly or in part with Greece or Hellenism...

 in 1993. Clogg himself was decorated with the Gold Cross of the Greek Order of Honour by the President of Greece
President of Greece
The President of the Hellenic Republic , colloquially referred to in English as the President of Greece, is the head of state of Greece. The office of the President of the Republic was established after the Greek republic referendum, 1974 and formally by the Constitution of Greece in 1975. The...

in 2002.

As author

  • Parties and elections in Greece. The search for legitimacy, Durham: Duke University Press 1987.
  • A short History of modern Greece, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1979.
  • (with Mary Jo Clogg) Greece, Oxford: Clio 1980.
  • A concise History of Greece, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1992 (²2002).
  • Anatolica. Studies in the Greek east in the 18th and 19th centuries, Aldershot: Variorum 1996.
    • I kath'imas Anatoli. Studies in Ottoman Greek history, Istanbul: Isis Press 2004.
  • Minorities in Greece. Aspects of a plural society, London: Hurst 2002.

As editor

  • The Correspondence of Adhamantios Korais with Thomas Burgess 1789-1792, Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1969.
  • The struggle for Greek independence. Essays to mark the 150. anniversary of the Greek War of Independence, London: Macmillan 1973.
  • (with Phyllis Auty) British policy towards wartime resistance in Yugoslavia and Greece, London: Macmillan 1975.
  • The movement for Greek independence, 1770-1821. A collection of documents, London: Macmillan 1976.
  • Greece in the 1980s, London: Macmillan 1980.
  • Balkan society in the age of Greek independence, London: Macmillan 1981.
  • The Greek diaspora in the twentieth century, Basingstoke: Macmillan 1999.
  • Greece 1940-1949. Occupation, resistance, civil war. A documentary history, Basingstoke et alib.: Palgrave Macmillan 2002.
  • Bearing gifts to Greeks. Humanitarian aid to Greece in the 1940s, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2008.

External links

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