Resistance (V TV series)
This is a list of the known members of the Resistance, a fictional worldwide movement consisting of a large number of groups dedicated to fighting the Visitors
in the V science fiction franchise.
David Atkins was a scientist and a widely respected Professor at Caltech University, as an expert in psycho-cybernetics and computer technology. Later a he became a computer Doctor working for Science Frontiers, where he became friends with Kyle Bates. He was a good person and had a son named Henry, whom he was proud of and had higher expectations for when he got older. When the Visitors came and started discrediting scientists, they ruined his career, and was fired from his position. To make ends meet, he opened a small market shop called "Atkins Deluxe Market", which he ran with Henry. Despite him having lost everything during the First Invasion, David still wanted his son to be a great scientist and taught him everything he knew about computers, leading Henry to become an expert himself and run many personal projects in making computers better.
During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, David struggled to get by financially, as the Visitors had cracked down to the point his food shipments were late to the point they never came at all, nearly putting him out of business (though he kept supplies around for regulars as a token of generosity, but insisted they keep it secret due to their situation). One month after his last communication with Kyle, David and Henry decided to become Resistance members when one of Henry's projects led a to massive breakthrough in computer warfare. Dave considered his inventions to be "remarkable" and insisted that they had to notify the Resistance immediately, as access to the information in the Visitors computer could be invaluable to the war effort. But before they could discuss it further, the Visitors arrived and began rounding up his neighbors; looking for Henry. David insisted Henry leave without him as it was important that one of them lived and some part of their family survived. David was then captured but Henry escaped.
David was held along with the rest of his neighbors in an abandoned maintenance shed near Hanson Air Field, but was moved to the Mothership by Lydia before Henry returned with a Resistance team compromised of Mike Donovan, Kyle, Elizabeth Maxwell and Visitor Willie. While on the ship, David claimed he was the Hacker (to protect his son), and admitted to charges of computer tampering. Diana found his readiness to admit his guilt suspicious, and after a quick test, it was proven he wasn't the Hacker when he failed to break through Visitor security codes, as he wasn't as familiar with the operation system as the real Hacker was. Diana then used intense mental pressure torture to demand the Hacker's identity, and also accessed his inner-most thoughts and secrets to learn it was Henry who was the Hacker. David was then put into prison aboard the ship.
Philip did everything he could, and was eventually successful in freeing him and transporting him back down to Earth, where he reunited with Henry and were then both taken by the Fifth Column to a safe place to hide from further Visitor reprisals.
Henry Atkins is the son of computer technology genius Doctor David Atkins and family friend of Kyle Bates. When the Visitors came to Earth, they ruined David's career, forcing them to open a small market shop called "Atkins Deluxe Market" to make ends meet, which he ran with him. David still wanted his son to be a great scientist as he had high expectations for him. To help him, David taught Henry everything he knew about computers, leading Henry to become an expert himself and run many personal projects in making computers better, he bonded with his father, as he was grateful for teaching him so well, and insisted he "learned from the best".
During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Henry and his father joined the Resistance when Henry discovered a couple of weeks ago, he was working on one of his side projects when he stumbled upon the access codes for the Visitors Main Computer link, giving him direct access to Visitor Master Computer and information sources despite their intense security. He made it easier to break in by creating a specially calibrated portable computer for the task of hacking, and making software for a communications interface program, that "talked" to the computer aboard the mothership, and a translation program for Visitor computer language. Henry noticed an alarming increase in computer usage lately, and tapped into a communication from Sirius 4 to find out what it was. Unfortunately, the Visitors were able to see through his efforts to make his hacking signal look like interference in the Visitors communication reception, and Lieutenant James traced it to Henry's neighborhood. Agreeing Henry had to be stopped, Diana sent James and a battalion of Visitor shock troops to capture the Hacker. Just as James and his men began rounding up the neighbours, David said he would stay behind and let himself be taken prisoner as a way to let Henry escape. Henry, however, refused to abandon his father and suggested they could both hide, but was convinced not to as it was important one of their family survived. While his father was captured, Henry sneaked out the back with his computer and ran down the street and over some rooftops, and swore the Visitors would pay for taking his father away as David was bundled into a van.
Henry eventually returned to the shop after the Visitors left, and barricaded himself in. He met Mike Donovan and Kyle, and learned that the increased computer usage was because of the newly completed Visitor Battlesphere; a deadly war machine armed with weapons and a fleet of skyfighters that the Visitor Leader was sending to wipe out the entire South Western United States in a massive blitz, as an example to all who defied his people's power. This would promise total victory for the Visitors and total domination of the Earth, and since the Resistance lacked any computer systems and with only 36 hours to stop the sphere, Mike and Kyle sought The Hacker out. Henry made a deal with them; he would do everything he could to stop the sphere, in exchange they would free his father from Visitor custody. They agreed, and Henry helped the two men escape through a secret passageway just before James and his men stormed the building again to double-check after failing to capture the Hacker.
Henry, Mike, Kyle and fellow Resistance members Elizabeth Maxwell and Visitor Willie eventually tracked David's location to an abandoned maintenance shed near Hanson Air Field, but became despondent when David wasn't among the people they rescued. The group talked to Philip, who informed them that David was on the Mothership and out of their reach. Henry suggested that he turn himself in as part of a plan to save his father on his own, but Kyle convinced him that his father could not be saved, and he had to carry on the fight without him. Henry was then escorted to Science Frontiers, where the group planned to use to use a specially made computer system on the top floor to break into the Battlesphere's computer system, as it was the only one powerful enough on Earth to hack into it. Unfortunately, the group was trapped by James and his troops, but Elizabeth saved the group when they were poised to be captured by restoring power to the elevator and journeyed to the top floor, then sent the elevator back down with a grenade, killing several of James's troops. While Donovan and Willie held off James and his men, Kyle took Henry to the room he could interface his computer with, and after Elizabeth restored the power to the room, he was initially despondent about his ability to stop the attack, but Elizabeth reminded him of what he had to do. After making contact with the Battlesphere, he then had to install his translation program into the system and accessed all the systems, including; "protected, skyfighter guidance, power relay, system interface, security, battle orders and skyfighter guidance interface" and redirected its fleet of skyfighters into flying off course and crash into each other and into the sphere, destroying it and killing thousands of Visitor soldiers.
The team then escaped the building and fled into the woods, where he was reunited with his father, who had been freed by Philip, and were then both taken by the Fifth Column to a safe place to hide from further Visitor reprisals.
Ellen Baker is the younger sister of Tony Baker and lived in Alassan Valley. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, the Visitors rounded up and captured Ellen and Tony's parents, leaving them orphaned. Tony then led 4 other kids, including Ellen, into Widows Canyon, where they organized as the "Wildcats", a rogue Resistance group that did whatever it took to survive. Though they maintain their anti-Visitor views, most of the official Resistance groups regarded them as untrustworthy.
When a diphtheria outbreak started sweeping through the region, LA Resistance members Kyle Bates, Visitor Willie, Julie Parrish and Elizabeth Maxwell came to the region to offer medical support, but lacked a crucial medicine to treat those affected. Desperate to get aid for an attack on a Visitor medical storehouse where a large stash of the medicine was located, the Resistance gained the reluctant assistance from the Wildcats and Ellen struck up a bond with Willie, but was later repulsed when he learned of his true nature. When faced with the possibility of a traitor in their ranks when the medicine was switched for a fake before the raid, Ellen was confronted by Willie over who he was and she was initially devastated, but made up with him after Andy was discovered to be the mole.
Ellen, the group, and the Resistance group journeyed to a local airfield, where Mike Donovan had another supply of the medicine from Los Angeles and was flying in now. However, Andy told Lieutenant James of the rendezvous shortly before his capture and the gang was forced to fight the Visitors. But just as the group was about to be overwhelmed by an armed Visitor convoy. Andy, who had escaped custody and realized how large a mistake he made and came to help, then crashed his car into the convoy, destroying it completely and killing himself in the process. Ellen promised to stay in touch with Willie, who she had come to love.
Tony Baker is the older brother of Ellen Baker and lived in Alassan Valley. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, the Visitors rounded up and captured Tony and Ellen's parents, leaving them orphaned. Tony then led 4 other kids, including Ellen, into Widows Canyon, where they organized as the "Wildcats", a rogue Resistance group that did whatever it took to survive. Though they maintain their anti-Visitor views, most of the official Resistance groups regarded them as untrustworthy. Tony himself changed as time went on, becoming more violent, trigger-happy, paranoid of strangers and protective of his sister. He still managed to keep his group alive for many months and was respected by his soldiers for his unique leadership and tactics.
When diphtheria started sweeping through the region, LA Resistance members Kyle Bates, Visitor Willie, Julie Parrish and Elizabeth Maxwell came to the region to offer medical support, but lacked a crucial medicine to treat those affected. Desperate to get aid for an attack on a Visitor medical storehouse where a large stash of the medicine was located, the Resistance gained the reluctant assistance from the Wildcats despite Tony's earlier hostility and forbidding his men to fraternize with the strangers. When faced with the possibility of a traitor in their ranks when the medicine was switched for a fake before the raid, Tony and the others were outraged and trust between the groups quickly broke down, but when is was discovered that Andy that was the mole, Tony decided to change his ways.
Tony, the group, and the Resistance team journeyed to a local airfield, where Mike Donovan had another supply of the medicine from Los Angeles and was flying in now. However, Andy told Lieutenant James of the rendezvous shortly before his capture and the gang was forced to fight the Visitors. But just as the group was about to be overwhelmed by an armed Visitor convoy. Andy, who had escaped custody and realized how large a mistake he made and came to help, then crashed his car into the convoy, destroying it completely and killing himself in the process. Tony decided to maintain links to the official Resistance groups, as he now understood the importance of asking for help.
Doctor Ruth Barnes was an elderly scientist and colleague of Doctor Rudolph Metz, Doctor Benjamin Taylor and friend to Doctor Julie Parrish, and owner of a penthouse apartment and Brownstone-model car. She was in love with Metz, but, because of his successful career, Ruth believed he considered her to be "another piece of lab equipment to him". When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Ruth and her colleagues were all eager to learn the secrets behind Visitor physiology, and Ruth was the first to successfully gain access when, after Ruth, Julie and Ben went to see Ben's father Caleb after his accident at Arthur Dupres' factory, she found some skin cells from Visitor Willie frozen into Caleb's jacket, and secretly took samples. That evening, Julie drove Ruth home, and the girls planned to examine the samples in more detail and Julie also promised to help Ruth's relationship with Metz to get off the ground. Just as she entered into her home, a Visitor trooper waiting for her took out his pistol and shot and killed her.
Kyle Bates is a professional motorbike racer who drifted through life and the only son of Nathan Bates. Kyle and his father hadn't spoken since the First Invasion; when Kyle was expelled from Stanford University. Kyle spent his time mostly racing his bikes in Arizona and Nevada.
When the Second Invasion began one year after Liberation Day, Kyle was caught behind the new Visitor front lines and, having shown a hostile attitude towards the Visitor Army, was detained and sent to one of their newly constructed internment camps. He was freed by Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler and decided aiding the Resistance "wouldn't be so bad", especially when he met and fell in love with Elizabeth "Starchild" Maxwell. He began to be a more active supporter to the cause and this brought him into increasing conflict with his father. Kyle actively joined the Resistance when he assisted Ham in stealing explosives from a Science Frontiers-controlled munitions warehouse, which was filled with confiscated Resistance weapons. Kyle injured a security guard before being captured. This act effectively ended any relationship between him and his father. After escaping custody with Elizabeth's help, Kyle joined the Resistance full-time.
Kyle eventually reconciled with Nathan, but shortly after this reunion, Nathan was killed by Mr. Chiang (who Kyle killed in turn). Kyle became Ham's protege (earning the nickname "Ace") to hone his skills as a freedom fighter without personal restraint. After Ham left, Kyle took greater risks to himself to save lives and complete Resistance missions across the United States. All the while his relationship with Elizabeth grew.
In the (unaired) series finale, Kyle and Elizabeth both survived an assassination attempt by Diana on the Leader and they narrowly escaped back to Earth. Kyle and the rest of the Resistance is currently hunting for the "Anyx", an artifact that can defeat the Visitors amidst the destruction the Visitors wrought upon the world during the temporary Armistice, which the Visitors used to crush the majority of the Resistance.
Abraham Bernstein was a Jewish member of the Berlin community and lived with his wife and 8-month-old son Stanley. In 1938, when the Nazi Party took control of the country, Abraham was disturbed by their growing power, but told his family that it would eventually pass. However, he was wrong, as World War 2 was declared and Jewish discrimination and Nazi Holocaust began. Abraham joined the Jewish underground, hoping to smuggle his family out of the country, and was successful in reaching a concentration camp where an underground agent helped them escape to Britain, with his son hidden in a suitcase. Unfortunately, his wife was separated after arriving at the camp and, after being brutally decontaminated, was taken to the "showers" and gassed to death. Abraham never forgot the moment she was taken away and, coupled with the bar code numbers tattooed into the skin on his forearm, suffered from his experiences in Nazi Germany constantly. He decided, however, that his son was too young to know the truth and told him that his mother died in the boxcar train of a heart attack, before they made it to the camp. 40 years later, Abraham lived in America with his now-full grown son Stanley, his daughter-in-law Lynn, and grandson Daniel. He had also befriended a local neighbor, Ruby Engels, after enjoying long walks to the supermarket together. The friendship lasted for 17 years, and Ruby began helping Abraham "let go" of the past.
When the Visitors came to Earth, his son and his wife remained calm and kept believing they were peaceful, but Abraham, after noticing the Visitors growing power and appearance in everyday life, remained convinced that the Visitors would bring destruction and death. His beliefs became enforced when the Visitors commandeered the local authorities, controlling all types of media and forming a youth group, similar to the Hitler Youth of Nazi Germany, which Daniel joined. Abraham learned of the recently formed Resistance movement and began operating however he could to help them. One such occasion brought him into conflict with Stanley, after Abraham let the Maxwells hide in their homes poolhouse, but, after revealing the true circumstances behind his mother's death, convinced him that "they have to stay, or else we haven't learned a thing". Stanley and Lynn soon both joined the Resistance after this. Abraham is most famous for the infamous "V" mark (which is the series' logo and the Resistance's mark of activity) which quickly spread around the world and was used by graffiti artists and active Resistance members to deface Visitor property and declare their continued resistance over their lives. When Daniel left to alert his Visitor superiors as to the location of the Maxwells, Abraham, knowing he couldn't live the life of a fugitive again due to his age, voluntarily stayed behind and waited for the Visitors to arrive, and when they stormed the house, all they found was him and all he says is "shalom". He willingly went to his death after his capture.
Ruby later went up to a Visitor Shuttle and, as she was arming a petrol bomb she declared "this one's for Abraham" and threw the bomb into the craft, destroying it and killing several Visitors and allowed many prisoners to escape.
Lynn Bernstein is the wife of Stanley and mother of Daniel. When the Visitors came to Earth, she initially remained calm as she believed the initial chaos of their arrival would die out. However she grew more supportive of the Resistance when limitations were imposed on communications, travel and media coverage and began suspecting Daniel of being dangerous to the family after hearing dangerous rumors on the streets, which was later proven correct, as she and Stanley were captured and her father-in-law Abraham was killed when the Daniel tipped of the Visitors about the location of the Maxwells, who were hiding in their poolhouse.
Stanley was separated from her and tortured on the Mothership by Diana, but she and Stanley were let go as a warning to others and returned to their home. They then agreed to shelter additional families in hiding, as the Visitors would never suspect Resistance members hiding in a place they've already raided. She and Stanley kept a low profile, but both came out of hiding to celebrate the new Liberation Day when the Red Dust was spread all over the world, rendering it toxic to the Visitors. Lynn and Stanley then took Polly and Katie Maxwell into their care at Robert Maxwell's urging shortly after the war, as he couldn't cope on his own.
Stanley Bernstein is the son of Abraham, husband of Lynn, and father of Daniel. When the Visitors came to Earth, he initially calmed his family; saying they came in peace and everything would be fine. However he grew more supportive of the Resistance when limitations were imposed on communications, travel and media coverage and reluctantly agreed to shelter the hiding Maxwell family. He also began suspecting Daniel of being dangerous to the family, which was later proven correct, as he and Lynn were captured and his father killed when the Daniel tipped of the Visitors about the location of the Maxwells.
Stanley was tortured on the Mothership by Diana, but he and Lynn were let go as a warning to others and returned to their home. They then agreed to shelter additional families in hiding, as the Visitors would never suspect Resistance members hiding in a place they've already raided. He and Lynn kept a low profile, but both came out of hiding to celebrate the new Liberation Day when the Red Dust was spread all over the world, rendering it toxic to the Visitors. Stanley and Lynn then took Polly and Katie Maxwell into their care at Robert Maxwell's urging shortly after the war, as he couldn't cope on his own.
Maggie Blodgett is a member of the Resistance during the First Invasion and had a romantic relationship with fellow Resistance operative Mark. She posed as a nurse to seduce Daniel Bernstein and obtain intelligence. Her relationship with Mark is strained by this, but eventually Mark, after receiving advice from Elias Taylor, patches things up and asks her to marry him. Sadly, they never went through with the ceremony as Mark dies helping Resistance operatives escape from a raid on a Visitor water-absorption plant. Maggie was part of the final attack squad on the Visitor Mothership over Los Angeles and helped capture the ship and return it to Earth in Resistance hands.
During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Maggie rejoined the Resistance and became a pilot for a captured Visitor Shuttle under Resistance control; ferrying key Resistance members to safe houses, bases and targets all around the world (explaining her absence from the series).
Barry Boddicker is the brother of Sandy and Dean and together owned a surfing-supply shop. He and his siblings were members of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He and Dean assisted Mike Donovan and Julie Parrish to sabotage a new Visitor invention called the Encapsulator, and saved his captured sister Sandy and helped many prisoners escape the facility before it exploded.
Dean Boddicker is the brother of Sandy and Barry and together owned a surfing-supply shop. He and his siblings were members of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He and Barry assisted Mike Donovan and Julie Parrish to sabotage a new Visitor invention called the Encapsulator, and saved his captured sister Sandy and helped many prisoners escape the facility before it exploded.
Sandy Boddicker is the sister of Barry and Dean. She and her brothers were members of the Resistance during the Second Invasion on year after Liberation Day. She was captured to be used as a test subject on a prototype new Visitor invention called the Encapsulator, but was saved by Mike Donovan and Julie Parrish and she and many others were able to escape before the facility exploded.
Josh Brooks is a student living in San Pedro with his parents and best friend of Sean Donovan. When the Visitors originally arrived on Earth, Josh was amongst the majority of the population that believed the Visitors claims were truly benevolent and idolized them. This ended when San Pedro's population was captured by Visitor shock troops who attacked the town after Resistance activities killed a high-ranking officer in the area. Josh was the only member of the town who escaped and remained alone for days until Sean's father, Mike, found him. After helping Mike acquire a Visitor security key that Mike gave to Sean earlier, Josh was taken in by a restaurant owner Mike knew, now a Resistance agent. Faced with increased Visitor activities inside the major cities, the agent relocated Josh to the Resistance's mountain camp, where Josh narrowly survived the Visitor shuttle attack. Josh went with the rest of the Resistance to a new base, becoming an unofficial member and living with the other children in the base for the remainder of the war. Shortly after the war's end, Josh is taken in by a foster family, where he remains to this day.
George Caniff was the owner of "Caniff Printing", a widely popular and respected newspaper shop in Los Angeles and lived with his wife and son Nicky in the shop and was friends to many, including Robin Maxwell. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, he and his family were Resistance members and operated an underground newspaper to all those who sought the truth, with John Langley as his best journalist. When Science Frontiers security personnel stormed the building, his family was able to escape, but he, Robin and 5 others were taken hostage. George and the others were saved from execution by a timely rescue by fellow Resistance members Mike Donovan, Ham Tyler, Kyle Bates, Julie Parrish, Elizabeth Maxwell and Visitor Willie. After being reunited with his family, George was then able to get out of the city.
Nicholas Caniff, or better known as "Nicky", is the son of George Caniff and his wife and lived with his family at their shop in Los Angeles, named "Caniff Printing". One year after Liberation Day, the Visitors returned and launched the Second Invasion. Nicky and his family joined the Resistance and served to operate an underground newspaper for the organization from within the new "Open City". Nicky quickly became an avid reader of underground news produced by his father and other underground journalists such as John Langley, but never saw combat due to him only being a child. When Science Frontiers security personnel began storming the building, he was grabbed by his mother, who quickly escaped out the back and to safety while George was left behind and surrendered to prevent bloodshed. His mother left him at a safe house, and left to ask Mike Donovan's Resistance group to help liberate the hostages in the shop, which also included Robin Maxwell. The attack to free the hostages was successful, and Nicky, reunited with his father, escaped with his family and successfully made it out of the city.
Gregory Canis was the head of the "Pan Helenic" Resistance in Athens, Greece during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. When the city fell to the Visitors, Canis went missing when martial law was declared and suspected Resistance leaders rounded up by occupying Visitor forces. Canis is presumed to have been killed by the Visitors. This was reported on the Freedom News Network.
Shelly Connell is a member of the Resistance and a friend to Isaac during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. She and Isaac were stranded behind Visitor lines and imprisoned in one of their new internment camps. Isaac told fellow inmate Robin Maxwell that Shelly was taken out by the guards one night and hasn't been seen since. She is presumed deceased. Her death eventually drove Isaac to commit suicide.
Cipper Cordisco is a high-school senior who lived in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Cipper led his senior class to Bear Point, Kentucky, where they routed a Visitor patrol amid heavy fighting in the Appalachian Mountains, which earned him the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Dave Courtney was a farmer that lived near Tucson in a small country community on a ranch with his wife Kathy and daughter Jessie. When the Second Invasion began one year after Liberation Day, Dave stood up for what he believed in; freedom. After teaching his daughter how to shoot, giving her his rifle and making her promise to look after her mother, he rallied his neighbors and fought the Visitors when they came to the community. The fighting was fierce, but the new Resistance lived on, until Sheriff John Roland sold out the town by cutting a deal with the Visitors; Roland would continuously send tribute to the Visitors, in exchange Roland would be allowed to rule the community as he saw fit and have sole access to weapons. Roland then sent out Visitor patrols to confiscate all the weapons and kill all possible Resistance agents. Dave was killed in the last days of the fighting. Dave's death "took the fight out of everybody" in the county, and allowed Roland to dominate the land until Resistance leader Mike Donovan liberated them from Roland's rule.
Jessie Courtney is the daughter of Dave and Kathy Courtney and a farmer who lived in a farming community near Tucson. During the Second Invasion, she and her mother joined the Resistance after Dave was killed by the Visitors when they came to the community and helped Sheriff Roland take over the local area. Inspired by the legendary Mike Donovan, she helped turn back a Visitor attack squad led by Lieutenant James and single-handedly disabled a Visitor Shuttle's weapons with her rifle (a move her father taught her). When Mike left, she made him promise to come back when the war ended, as she came to see him a the father-figure she needed. She now works with her mother and Joe to unite their fellow ranchers and prepare for the Visitor's eventual return to their region.
Kathy Courtney is a farmer with a husband named Dave and daughter named Jessie who lived in a farming community near Tucson. During the Second Invasion, she and Jessie joined the Resistance after Dave was killed by the Visitors when they came to the community and helped Sheriff Roland take over the local area. Inspired by the legendary Mike Donovan, she led her Resistance group to victory over a Visitor attack squad commanded by Lieutenant James. When Mike left, she made him promise to come back when the war ended, as she began to have romantic feelings for him (which he reciprocated). She, Jessie and Joe are currently working to unite their fellow and prepare for the Visitor's eventual return to their region.
Alan Davis is the husband of Joanne and father of Johnny and Victoria and a friend of Julie Parrish after his brother went to school with her. He and his family were members of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. His wife went into labor with Victoria when the Visitors began their blitz of Los Angeles following the death of Nathan Bates. Desperate to save his family from the Visitor armies storming the city, he sought out the Resistance group led by Julie and, with the assistance of Mike Donovan and Kyle Bates, was able to save his family and help his wife give birth to their daughter; Victoria safely.
Joanne Davis is the wife of Alan and mother Johnny and expecting a baby girl. During the Second Invasion, she and her family joined the Resistance. Joanne went into labor during the Los Angeles blitz, but with timely assistance by Mike Donovan and Kyle Bates was she and her family able to escape and gave birth to her daughter; Victoria, in safety.
John Michael "Johnny" Davis is the son of Alan and Joanne Davis and lived in Los Angeles during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He had sympathies for the Resistance and wished to become an active soldier when he got older. When his mother went into labor with his baby sister in the middle of the Los Angeles blitz (following the death of Nathan Bates), Johnny and his mother were in danger of Visitors commanded by Lieutenant James. However, with the timely assistance of Julie Parrish, Kyle Bates and Mike Donovan, he and his family were rescued and his sister born safely.
Victoria Davis is the daughter of Resistance members Alan and Joanne and baby sister of Johnny. Victoria was born amidst the Visitor blitz of Los Angeles following the death of Nathan Bates. She was named after the Victory over the Visitors the Resistance know will someday come.
Michael "Mike" Donovan was a news cameraman who was partnered with Tony Wah Chong Leonetti and went around the globe documenting stories for airing on the news, he is also son of Eleanor Dupres, ex-husband of Marjorie Donovan and father of Sean. Mike first witnessed a Visitor Mothership arriving while in El Salvador (where he learns the basic rules of being a freedom fighter from local rebels), and he and Tony were representatives of the news group for the first tour aboard the Los Angeles Mothership. Mike initially thought the Visitors were friendly, but when Tony pointed out suspicious activity among high-ranking scientists (at a time scientists were becoming increasingly ostracized), Mike and Tony attempted to sneak aboard the LA Mothership to discover the truth, but Mike and Tony were ambushed on the landing platform and Tony and he were separated.
Lieutenant Martin, a Visitor Mike had befriended and was really leader of the Fifth Column; a Visitor movement dedicated to bring peace to their people, freed Mike and revealed Tony had been experimented to death by Diana. Martin then helped Mike, Robin Maxwell and Sancho Gomez escape in a shuttle back to Earth, and also revealed why the Visitors had come to their world; the Visitors plan to steal the population of Earth for food and the entire worlds water supply as their own world was dying.
Upon arrival, Mike joined the Resistance; led by Julie Parrish, to stop the Visitors plans. Mike led the Resistance (using methods he learned in El Salvador) to victory time and again, and struck up a romantic relationship with Julie and crude friendship with a gruff and experienced Resistance member named Ham Tyler (who gave him the nickname "Gooder", which was short for "Do-gooder" as he constantly did things to help others despite risks to his life). When the time came to decide whether or not to use the newly created Red Dust on the Visitors, Mike vouched for it and was supported by Elias Taylor and several other key members of the Resistance leadership.
He and Martin, who had now mobilized his movement to openly help the Resistance, led the attack on the LA Mothership and stopped the self-destruct intended to destroy the Earth. He then took the ship, now under Resistance control, back to Earth victorious.
One year after Liberation Day, Mike has returned to his job as a cameraman, this time with Martin as his sound operator and is poised to become a full-time anchorman, but his relationship with Julie has ended. However, he now has a world-wide reputation of a freedom fighter and "Hero of the Resistance", and has even gained the grudging respect of the Visitors themselves. When Diana is supposedly "assassinated" by an agent of Ham Tyler. Mike and Martin pursue her and corner her at Tyler's hideout. Martin then knocks Mike out and attempts to kill Diana himself. Martin fails and warns Mike (now conscious) of Diana's plan to re-invade the Earth before dying in his arms. Mike joins up with Tyler to hunt down and kill Diana, but fail to stop her from escaping the planet and returning to the Visitor fleet. Donovan catches up with Diana at the southwest tracking station, noticing that Diana is already calling the second orbital fleet he plans to keep Diana Earth-bound long enough for the Red Dust to take effect.
Mike yells and says that she doesn't have much time, Diana notices her timer is nearly ran out bailing out of a short gunfight, Diana heads for the rooftop, however Donovan beats her there and she fires a shot planning to kill him. seeing the Visitor shuttle arriving Mike realizes he doesn't have much time. seeing Diana making a run for it he yells then Diana turns around Mike fires several shots hitting Diana in the chest and twice in the back before she leaves. once inside Diana pulls a bullet shell fragment from her uniform saying "What a primitive planet.
During the Second Invasion, Mike and Tyler join up with Resistance; now reunited by Julie Parrish and resumed to wage war against the Visitors across the United States, Mike also becomes more independent when Tyler leaves for Chicago and forms the "bond of friendship" with Philip, Martin's twin brother and new leader of the Fifth Column. Mike became the primary leader of many Resistance cells, going across the world to fight the Visitor armies, becoming a symbol of hope to the human race and even gaining the grudging respect of the Visitors themselves, who made him into the Most Wanted Man on Earth.
In the (unaired) series finale, Mike and the rest of his Resistance group narrowly escape the Los Angeles Mothership, although Julie is vaporized, and narrowly escape back to Earth, where they are reunited with Ham Tyler. Mike and the rest of the group are now hunting for an artifact called the "Anyx" to use against the Visitors amidst the devastation wrought by the Visitors during the temporary Armistice, which the Visitors took advantage of to crush the majority of the Resistance.
Father Andrew Doyle was a Roman Catholic priest who served as a missionary in foreign countries to bring the word of God to the people. While serving in South Africa, he used his church to also hide refugees, mostly children and families, from the guerrilla groups fighting in constant civil wars. One guerrilla came into the church in search of suspected rival guerrillas (but were, in fact, two children and a young woman). Knowing he was going to kill the family if he got the chance, Andrew shot him and the guerrilla died. Because of his sacrilegious act, and the fact he never took a life before, he was constantly wracked with guilt and left the country some time later, and returned to his home in Los Angeles.
When the First Invasion began, Andrew joined the Resistance group under Julie Parrish's command. He was willing to go into battle and, using his experience in Africa and other hostile nations, proved himself to be a capable soldier and helped his fellow rebels on a variety of missions. He still continued his religious duties, such as performing sermons, "last rites" ceremonies (for terminally injured rebels), eulogies at funerals and other religious services. He also had a secret desire for peace with the Visitors as he saw the entire war as a waste of life.
When Elizabeth Maxwell was born, Andrew grew afraid of the increasingly hostile attitude by many, even her own grandfather Robert Maxwell, towards the girl. He also began to see her as living proof of the possibility of peace he desired and considered her a miracle of God. When Robin used the experimental Red Dust on Elizabeth's father, Brian, Andrew's fears reached its breaking point and took the girl, left the base they were staying and willingly turned himself in to the Visitors. For delivering the girl to her custody; Diana gave sanctuary and proper accommodations to Andrew, and with orders for him to be treated like a guest, rather than a prisoner. When Andrew, who expressed a desire to carry the word of God to the people of Sirius 4, gave his bible Diana to examine, Diana drew unexpected conclusions by reading it and, thinking the book's beliefs have pointed out her weaknesses, killed Andrew in front of Elizabeth. Andrew was also one of the Resistors that assisted unmasking John on Television
Arthur Dupres was the manager of the chemical plant where Caleb Taylor worked and husband to Eleanor Dupres and stepfather to Mike Donovan. Following the Visitor's First Invasion, Arthur's plant was chosen as the first facility to have Visitor technicians. Gradually Arthur became disillusioned with the Visitors views and, when Eleanor plotted to use her grandson, Sean, to infiltrate and spy on the Resistance, he left her and joined the Resistance.
Ruby Engels was a small-time actress who lived in Germany with her husband. They eventually moved to America, where Ruby had to adapt to the color barrier, and lack of work in acting. Many years later, Ruby is now retired from acting, a widow, and neighbor to the Bernstein family. She has struck up a friendship with Abraham, the eldest member of the family, and helps him cope with his memories of the Nazi Holocaust.
When the First Invasion began, she attempted to comfort Abraham's growing fears about the Visitors, but in the end becomes afraid of them herself. After Abraham willingly went to his death at the Visitor's hands, she dedicates herself to fighting the Visitors, first by destroying a Visitor Shuttle in Abraham's memory with a petrol bomb, and then acting as a spy for the L.A. Resistance Cell at the Visitor Embassy by using her old acting tricks to disguise her true identity by posing as a cleaning lady. She befriends many amongst the group, especially Julie Parrish (who she helps gain the confidence to lead the group) and even the gruff Ham Tyler (who feels comfortable around her to the point of talking to her about his tragic past). Ruby became crucial to several key Resistance operations, such as John's unmasking and told her friends that the thrill she experienced from spying is like the big-time acting career she never had.
Ruby became the central part of a Resistance plan to rescue Julie from the Embassy. The rescue was successful, but Ruby is exposed by her old neighbor, Daniel Bernstein, as a Resistance spy who shoots and kills her as she attempts to leave the Embassy. Ruby's body is recovered and given a proper funeral; with her tombstone marked "Our Beloved Ruby". Ruby was later avenged through the actions of her friend and fellow Resistance member Caleb Talyor, who framed Daniel for the abduction of Brian, leader of the Visitors Youth Movement.
Chris Farber is the soft-spoken, burly associate and best friend of Ham Tyler. Chris and Tyler were both CIA operatives and went on specially requested missions for the U.S. government into other countries. While on a mission in Vietnam near the end of the war, a bombing raid on Saigon killed Tyler's family while on the mission despite their superior's promises to evacuate them. Disgusted with how they treated human life and upset with his friend's loss, Farber left the agency with Tyler and became mercenaries-for-hire.
During the First Invasion, Farber and Tyler join the Resistance and become leaders of the World Liberation Front, the most powerful of Resistance groups. After the Los Angeles's group's "stunt" that unmasked the true nature of the Visitors to the world, Farber went with Tyler to the group and helped get the fledgling L.A. Cell off the ground and use proper tactics and better weaponry. Farber served as the explosives and munitions expert for the group for the remainder of the war.
One year after Liberation Day, Farber and Tyler have gone their separate ways; with Tyler forming an official high-tech security agency and Farber remaining a mercenary serving with a mercenary unit in the desert. When the Second Invasion began, Farber and the rest of the desert unit joined the Resistance, but soon after the unit is destroyed by the Visitors, but Farber survives and left to work for an underground railroad run by Father Turney, he proceeds to help transport orphaned children to the safety of Los Angeles where they can go to foster homes. It is here he is reunited with Tyler, now also with the Resistance, and decides to rejoin the L.A. Cell. Farber later departs with Tyler and Robin Maxwell for Chicago.
In the (unaired) series finale, Farber and Tyler return to rescue the L.A. Cell group shortly after their narrow escape from the Mothership. Farber and the rest of the group are now searching for the Anyx, an artifact which could defeat the Visitors, amidst the destruction the Visitors wrought during the Armistice, when the Visitors took advantage of the peace to wipe out the majority of the Resistance.
Fisher was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He, along with Resistance members Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler, participates in an ambush not only designed to assassinate a local Visitor Subcommander, but to also retrieve vital documents about an experimental Visitor device called the "Encapsulator". The ambush was a success, but while Mike and Ham escaped, Fisher was trapped and captured by police. The police then turned over Fisher to Science Frontiers head; Nathan Bates, who in turn was turned over to his security chief, Mr. Chiang. Fisher was brutally interrogated by Chiang. He initially refused to reveal anything, claiming he knew nothing of the Resistance and that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Eventually Fisher broke under torture and confessed a large amount of information on the Resistance to Chiang, but died of his injuries before he could reveal the name of the Resistance mole at Science Frontiers (Julie Parrish).
Sancho Gomez is a gardener in the employ of the Maxwells, Dupres, Bernsteins and several other neighborhood families at the time of the First Invasion. Though he regretfully stops working for the Maxwells as his other clients know of their scientist status, he helps them escape through the Visitor security checkpoints, however, Eleanor Dupres hears Katie Maxwell crying in his truck and alerts the Visitors to Sancho's location, and they arrest him after discovering evidence of him smuggling the family away. He is brutalized while in custody but is rescued by Mike Donovan and they, along with a now-captive Robin Maxwell, escape in a Visitor Skyfighter. During the chase by pursuing fighters, he shoots down the fighters and joins the Resistance upon reaching safety. Sancho is part of the discussion of whether to use the Red Dust to force the Visitors to leave Earth and part of the attack team on the Visitor Mothership orbiting Los Angeles, and helped secure the ship for the Resistance and return it to Earth under their control. He stated that his grandfather fought with Zapata
during the Mexican Revolution
of the early 1900s.
Bill Graham was a worker at Arthur Dupres' factory and a colleague and best friend of Caleb Taylor. When the Visitors originally arrived on Earth, he and Caleb were both tasked with working with the new Visitor technicians, something they thought was a mistake. However, Bill changed his mind when Visitor Willie saved Caleb from an accident at the factory. When the Visitors true nature was revealed to the world, Bill left his post and joined the Resistance, serving with the L.A. Cell with his friend Caleb.
Griggs is a member of the Resistance during the First and Second Invasions. When the Visitors returned to Earth, he was among the L.A. Cell members that reunited at Club Creole under Mike Donovan's command and joined the assault team on the Science Frontiers-controlled Visitor Mothership. He led two armed squads against security forces outside the facility where the ship was kept, which provided the necessary distraction for Donovan and his squad to board and capture the Mothership.
Dean Harris is a newsman at KDHB and an old friend of Mike Donovan. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Dean remained at his post in Los Angeles, but has sympathies towards the Resistance and kept in contact with Mike. Mike later asked Dean to hack into Visitor Commander Charles's world-wide television broadcast signal when they needed to conduct a televised prisoner exchange with Nathan Bates.
Chi Chi Haspay is a daring Resistance leader that operated a cell group on the Island of Hawaii despite immense Visitor activity. She cheated death on numerous occasions when narrowly avoiding search patrols by the Visitor Island Command's sweep of the island. This was reported by the Freedom News Network.
Isaac Henley was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Isaac and a fellow Resistance member; Shelly Connell, were stranded behind Visitor lines during the fighting and were then captured and imprisoned at a newly constructed Visitor concentration camp. He became suicidal following Shelly's death at the hands of their captors, but kept it in check when he befriended fellow inmate Robin Maxwell. However, his suicidal yearnings grew during his time in the camp and, after repeatedly failed escape attempts (that had also made him depressed and despondent of whether he would escape or not), Isaac eventually snapped and jumps into the camp's sand barrier; whose "Crivit" monster eats him alive.
Skip Henry is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He became a news broadcaster for the pirate radio network "Radio Free America" with the nickname "Old Skipper" and had a special part he operated called "Dedication Line" which allowed certain Resistance members to express emotions or feelings for any person they wanted.
Anna Horowitz is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Anna led a contingent of "Grey Panthers" Resistance members on a raid on a Visitor armory in Charleston, South Carolina. Where they destroyed the control panels of 16 Visitor skyfighters with baseball bats before escaping unharmed. This earned her the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Stuart Kaminsky lived in Philadelphia and was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He operated an underground railroad between Atlanta and Philadelphia, which allowed Stuart to single-handedly save over 300 people from the Visitor work camps in Georgia. For his courageous act, he earned the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Fred King was a scientist and an old friend and colleague of Julie Parrish. He initially helps only by supplying intelligence to Julie and her fellow Resistance members (such as John's ceremony at the Los Angeles Medical Center, complete with building plans) but with Julie's insistence, agrees to take larger risks and smuggles medical supplies and weapons to the Resistance. He served as Julie's getaway driver when the operation to expose John's true nature on national television succeeded. He made it to the gate, but Daniel Bernstein shot him through the windscreen and he was killed instantly, causing the van to crash and allow Julie to be captured by Visitor forces.
Tony Wah Chong Leonetti, played by Evan C. Kim
, was the world-famous cameraman Mike Donovan's sound operator, unofficial "business manager" and friend, with a young Asian wife named Fran and several children. Tony went with Mike to Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and other hostile countries to capture a great story about the conflicts ravaging the population, such as wars, civil wars, disasters, coups, uprisings, invasions etc. Tony was nearly killed on numerous occasions, and believed Mike was a kamikaze pilot in a previous incarnation, but secretly enjoyed the thrill of adventure.
While reporting on a rebel uprising in El Salvador, Mike and Tony were the first journalists in the world to see the Visitors Motherships arrive, and were among the hand-picked journalists allowed on the L.A. Mothership that evening. Gradually, the Visitors became more and more powerful, but Mike and Tony didn't mind. When the "Conspiracy of Scientists" began operations, Tony discovered the oddness of scientists Doctor Maurice Jankowski and Doctor Jacques Duvivier, and alerted Mike. He later agrees to sneak aboard the Mothership with Mike, but trips just as they were rushing for the shuttle, forcing him to be left behind. When Mike returned with proof of the Visitors shocking nature, Tony was among the first to see its contents. The transmission to broadcast the tape, however, was jammed by the Visitors, who also sent troops to arrest Mike as a terrorist. Tony gave a copy of the tape to Mike and helped him escape, and managed to convince the authorities that he had no part in Mike's alleged terrorist activities.
When Mike decided to go back to find his missing son, Tony and Mike were both captured on the shuttle's landing platform and taken to the Mothership against their will. Tony was later part of one of Diana's experiments and died of horrific injuries.
Dennis Lowell is a stockbroker who shared his Los Angeles apartment with his lover, Doctor Julie Parrish. He loved his job, (apparently almost as much as Julie loved medicine), and adapted his impatient and stubborn nature to adapt to his profession, such as regularly studying the stock market, dabbling his small fortune in stocks and bonds and even becoming an avid reader of the Wall Street Journal. Despite being obsessed with his job, he never lost sight with his relationship with Julie, as he didn't bother her with facts about his job (which Julie found boring), acknowledged Julie was smarter than he was and enjoyed her company, unlike most stubborn men and cared about Julie feelings and happiness. This led to a deep bond between the two, to the point Julie regularly called him "Denny" and felt she couldn't leave him.
When the Visitors first arrived on Earth, Dennis considered it a historic occasion, but wasn't as curious about the Visitors themselves as Julie was. When the Visitors began producing chemicals with the help of the human population, Dennis took advantage of the new change in the market by putting stock in the new industry, quickly expanding his fortune. When the "Conspiracy of Scientists" appeared and ostracization towards scientists began, Dennis began losing accounts due to his clients knowing of Julie's status as a biochemist and medical student. Julie realized this, despite Dennis's attempts to dissuade her, and to prevent Dennis from losing his job, Julie packed up and left him. Dennis reluctantly agreed to let her go because he still had feelings for her.
When the Resistance began fighting the Visitors, who were truly reptilians instead of humanoids, Dennis decided to support Julie's Resistance group by providing it with funding.
Steven Maitland was a promising medical student at the Los Angeles Medical School. While studying to become a doctor, he met Juliet Parrish, and the two became lovers and had a sexual affair with her. This relationship ended when Steven asked Julie for her hand in marriage; she initially accepted, but later backer out, as she couldn't face the prospect of becoming a housewife when she wanted to become a doctor. Steven was devastated. Later he graduated and became a doctor and a renowned biologist, known for his work with recombinant DNA.
During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Steven allowed himself to be captured by the Visitors and brought to the Mothership; who wanted to use him to create a virus that caused its victims to fall into a vegetative-like state, when in fact he was planning to break into the Mothership's Vault and destroy their entire supply of active viral weapons; which would end the Visitors ability to wage a biological attack on Earth (because the germs that make up the virus could only be cultivated on Sirius 4 and would take years to replace). Steven worked on the virus for three months, steadily planning to destroy the virus, and was meanwhile forced to experiment on captured humans, filling him with guilt at him turning people into "zombies", and was also threatened by his Visitor supervisors to get his work done on time or risk execution. This was because Steven altering each sample of the virus before he used it to derail the research. He also modified his permanent store of the virus to die within 12 hours of infecting a subject, allowing all the test subjects to recover.
When Mike Donovan and Julie, now a doctor herself, came aboard with Philip's assistance to salvage a list of Resistance leaders names and locations from Visitor custody, Julie reunited with Steven and began to mend their relationship. With Mike's assistance, Steven formed crude and powerful explosives out of the chemical compounds in his lab and, after setting fire to his lab as a diversion, accessed the vault, and used the explosives to destroy the inside of the room, along with the viruses. After Mike and Julie found the list, they escaped the Mothership with Steven.
As they parted ways, Steven, now friends with Mike due to their similar nature, planned to one day take a skyfighter ride with him through "clear skies" when the war ended. He also planned to get back together with Julie. Although he wanted to get back together with her now (which she reciprocated), he had many tasks to perform for the Resistance; such as making sure the Visitors viral complex would never be rebuilt, help his staff and their families make it to the Free Zone and then aid in the research being done there that could defeat the Visitors.
A short time later, Julie was killed in the (unaired) series finale while on the Mothership. Steven never had the chance to see her again.
Kathleen Maxwell was a botanist and wife of Robert, mother of Robin, Polly and Katie and employer of Sancho Gomez, who she treated as a friend because of their similar backgrounds in yard work. When the Visitors arrived on Earth, she and her family remained unconcerned about their growing control of everyday life, but when a sudden rush of ostracization against scientists endangered her family, Kathleen and the rest of her family went underground and were given sanctuary by Abraham Bernstein, though they were forced to flee again before a Visitor raiding team attacked their hiding place. Desperate for a way to escape the Visitor security zone, she was able to convince Sancho to help her family escape the blockades, though this inevitably led to his capture. The whole family then joined the Resistance, and while Robert and Robin lived in the newly established complex inside Los Angeles, Kathleen remained with Polly and Katie in the Resistance mountain camp. When the Visitors attacked the camp, she was wounded by shuttle fire and died in Robert's arms.
Robert Maxwell was an anthropologist and husband to Kathleen, father of Robin, Polly and Katie and grandfather to Elizabeth. During the First Invasion, Robert and his family were forced to go underground and Robert sent his family to a Resistance camp in the mountains. He became an active part of Julie Parrish's Resistance cell, but lost his wife when the camp was exposed and attacked. He helped convince the Bernsteins to hide additional families hiding from Visitor prosecution. Robert comforted Robin when Elizabeth was taken by Father Andrew Doyle for her own protection and vouched for the use of the Red Dust toxin to poison the Earth against Visitor habitation.
One year after Liberation Day, Robert, Robin and Elizabeth are living in a ranch in the mountains (Robert had Polly and Katie put into the Bernsteins care shortly after the war ended) but are forced to leave during the Second Invasion as the Visitors are aware of their location. All three join the reformed Resistance and Robert was part of the attack squad to capture to Mothership commandeered by Resistance which was being guarded by Nathan Bates's soldiers. Robert was shot and fatally wounded during the fight and chose to stay behind and pilot the Mothership into the orbiting Triax Particle Cannon on a suicide run. Robert died when the two craft collided, but his actions saved Los Angeles and countless millions of lives from destruction.
Elizabeth "Starchild" Maxwell is the Half-Human/Half-Visitor hybrid daughter of Visitor Brian and Robin Maxwell and grandchild of Robert and Kathleen Maxwell and niece of Katie and Polly. She is the only known successful offspring between the two species and is a product of one of Diana's experiments into crossbreeding. When she was born, it was discovered she had a younger twin reptilian brother; who died from exposure to an infection (which was the basis for the Red Dust). Elizabeth however thrived and began aging at a rapid rate to the point she was an 8-year-old mere hours after birth. When Elizabeth's father, Brian, was killed by her mother, Robin, Father Andrew Doyle grew afraid for her safety and took her to the Visitors for her own protection. Diana realised the importance of the child and kept her close by. She was brought back to her family following the Red Dust poisoning the Earth against Visitor habitation, and demonstrated her latent superhuman powers, such as disabling the self-destruct device intended to destroy the Earth.
One year after Liberation Day, Elizabeth is seen living with her mother and grandfather at their mountain ranch. The world media is centred around learning about her and are curious of her involvement in saving the Earth and keep trying to talk to her, but Elizabeth uses her new telekinetic abilities to keep them away. She then goes through another metamorphosis, turning her into a full-grown woman of 18 within a matter of hours. She, Julie and Robert escape the returning Visitors back to Los Angeles and join the Resistance. Elizabeth finds it difficult to get used to her new status and physical condition, but with the aid of her friends, she gets used to it and becomes an ever-helpful member of the Resistance and uses her expanding powers to help their fight against the Visitors. She also develops a strong romantic relationship with Kyle Bates.
In the (unaired) series finale, Elizabeth is revealed to be destined to find an artifact on Earth called the "Anyx", which is the source of all great power and once belonged to the Visitor's gods who hid it away on Earth in the face of someone on their world taking control of it and destroying them. Elizabeth is meant to find it and use it to rule the people of the Earth and eventually conquer the Visitors. Elizabeth steals an artifact called the "Syllabus" which is a scroll that leads to the Anyx's location from the Leader and escapes with the Resistance back to Earth. She and the Resistance are currently hunting for the artifact amidst the destruction the Visitors have wrought in the time of peace, which they took advantage of to crush the majority of the Resistance.
Elizabeth's powers include eidetic memory, enhanced hearing, genetic memory, healing, levitation, precognition, remote viewing, technopathy, telekinesis, telepathy, voice duplication. But when she finds the Anyx, her powers will become larger and more varied to the point she will dominate both races. Elizabeth is also immune to the Red Dust despite her Visitor genes. As a result, the Visitors (primarily Diana) make repeated attempts to capture her as her DNA may hold the key to develop a permanent cure or anti-toxin to the Red Dust and allow the Visitors to conquer the remaining protected areas of the world. Elizabeth's DNA can also be used to create a new version of the Red Dust that is harmless to life on Earth. In "V The Final Battle," she tries to make peace with Diana, and Diana said "It's not in our destiny." Elizabeth said peace again in Visitor language, but Diana yelled "No!"
Katie Maxwell is the 3-year-old child of Robert and Kathleen and youngest sister to Robin and Katie and auntie to Elizabeth. Being so young and helpless, she generally never knew what was going on and needed constant care by older members of her family. During the First Invasion, her family was steadily discredited against and was forced to flee persecution, and Katie and her family were given sanctuary by Abraham Bernstein, but were forced to flee again before a Visitor raiding team found them. Katie and the family then joined the Resistance and she, her mother and older sister took residence at the L.A. Cell's mountain camp, but fled again after the Visitors attacked it and her mother was killed. Katie then lived with the other children in the Resistance base for the remainder of the war. Robert, not being able to care for 3 children and 1 grandchild after the war's end, convinced Katie to go with Polly into the Bernstein's care, where they remain to this day.
Polly Maxwell is the 12-year-old child of Robert and Kathleen, younger sister to Robin, older sister to Katie and auntie to Elizabeth. Unlike most of her family, Polly was more willing to defend what she believed in and is more open to confrontations. When the First Invasion began and their family being steadily discredited against, Polly was bullied and attacked regularly at school, leading her to adopt a cold attitude towards the Visitors for causing it. When her family was forced to flee, Polly and her family were given sanctuary by Abraham Bernstein, but were forced to flee again before a Visitor raiding team found them. Polly and the family then joined the Resistance and she, her mother and younger sister took residence at the L.A. Cell's mountain camp, but fled again after the Visitors attacked it and her mother was killed. Polly then lived with the other children in the Resistance base for the remainder of the war. Robert, not being able to care for 3 children and 1 grandchild after the war's end, convinced Polly to go with Katie into the Bernstein's care, where they remain to this day.
Robin Maxwell is the 17-year-old daughter of Robert and Kathleen and older sister to Polly and Katie and mother of Elizabeth. She was an impulsive teenager who frequently made dangerously foolish decisions. When her old boyfriend, Daniel Bernstein, reports her family to the Visitors when she rejects him, Robin and her family join the Resistance. Robin, wanting to explore, goes outside the base and is quickly captured by Visitor soldiers and taken to the Visitor Mothership above Los Angeles. It is here she is made love to by Brian and left pregnant with his baby. Robin is rescued, along with Sancho Gomez, by Mike Donovan and returned to her family. Attempts to have the child aborted fail, and Robin gives birth to twins, one boy and one girl. The largely Visitor boy dies of an infection while the largely Human girl; now named Elizabeth, survives. It is revealed that the combination of Human and Visitor DNA caused the spontaneous development of an organism toxic to Visitor physiology. This organism is later refined into the "Red Dust". When Brian is captured to be used in a test of the Red Dust, Robin, who is thirsting for vengeance for using her to create a hybrid baby, uses the Dust on him; killing him nearly instantly. Robin then begins to have feelings for her child after Father Andrew Doyle took Elizabeth away for her own safety. Robin and Elizabeth were reunited when the Resistance captures the Los Angeles Mothership and returns the Earth, which is now toxic to Visitor habitation due to the Red Dust.
One year after Liberation Day, Robin is shown to have matured and is more responsible and joins the Resistance during the Second Invasion by the Visitors. Though she sometimes acts childish, especially when she fell in love with Kyle Bates, who did not reciprocate, but instead had feelings for a now grown-up Elizabeth. After a second attempt is made to impregnate her (as her DNA is the only strand on the Earth that can be manipulated to combine with Visitor DNA), she decides to leave for Chicago, where the Visitors cannot survive due to the lingering effects of the Red Dust.
Marilyn McGeorge is a housewife from Biloxi, Mississippi. She was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Marilyn spotted the Visitor patrol boat Volgon of the coast and rammed it with her husband's boat, sinking the patrol boat. Marilyn was later found clinging to debris and rescued, earning her the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Brad McIntyre is a brash, crude and experienced police officer and member of the LAPD. During his time in the force, his personality adapted to the dangerous nature of his duties and he gradually became more cautious and more experienced with kept his guard up. When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Brad was among those of the Earth's population who became suspicious of the Visitors true intentions, and was alarmed when he noticed that all of the police officers, including his partner, who wouldn't go along with the Visitors "requests" vanished. Brad saw the need to defend themselves against the Visitors and joined the new-formed Resistance, but still remained as a police officer. Brad was among those who met with Julie in an abandoned laundromat for the purpose of forming a Resistance group, and he agreed that an and agreed that an underground movement was necessary in the face of the growing power of the Visitors. Though he lacked proper knowledge of tactics, Brad knew basic survival needs and brought up the topic of weapons to defend themselves with. When Julie suggested that Kristine Walsh could help them because of her new-found position, Brad considered Walsh to be "maybe too much on the inside" and unable to be trusted (and was later proven right). Brad went with Julie and Ben Taylor to raid the Stamos Pharmaceutical Company for lab equipment for their new headquarters, and narrowly escaped when security pursued them. Brad served as the getaway driver and got the equipment to safety while Julie went back for Ben, who she saved, but later died of injuries he sustained in the escape. Several months later, Brad left the L.A. group when it seemed the Visitors new armor and weaponry would end the movement. Brad then joined the World Liberation Front, the most powerful of Resistance groups, and supplied information and weapons to Ham Tyler from within his position in the police force.
Doctor Rudolph Metz was an elderly scientist and expert in biochemistry. He had a highly successful career, even with him becoming a Nobel Prize winner. He became the mentor of Doctor Julie Parrish, a promising young fourth-year medical student, and arranged for her to stay longer when she perfected several medical techniques he had been trying for years to perfect on his own. When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Metz and his colleagues were all eager to learn the secrets behind Visitor physiology, and tried to use his invitations to Visitor science seminars to learn about them. However, this proved useless as the seminars had little or no useful information, leaving the group clueless about the alien's true nature. When people, mostly scientists, started to disappear, Metz paid little attention, until Ruth, one of his oldest colleagues and secret love interest, disappeared after successfully gaining access to the Visitor's DNA. Metz was devastated when the police investigation (effortless due to the Visitors secretly hampering their progress) turned up nothing and no idea what happened to Ruth. Metz, who secretly loved Ruth, became inconsolable, shutting himself up in his office for hours and chain-smoking (though he hadn't had a cigarette since 1963). When the "Conspiracy of Scientists" began appearing on television, Metz was a suspect after another alleged member "gave up" his name to the authorities after being arrested. The police promptly searched through Metz's office, but he was confident they wouldn't find anything. However, fake evidence had been planted in his office without his knowledge and was discovered in the search. Within hours of the police departure, Metz and thousands of other scientists went missing, all dead after being captured and eaten by the Visitors.
Harmony "Harmy" Moore was a worker at a food catering stand outside Arthur Dupres's chemical plant who lived alone in Los Angeles, since her father died in Korea and brother died in Vietnam. When the Visitors arrived on Earth. She befriends Willie, a Visitor technician, and this relationship grows as time went on. She and Willie were captured by Resistance members while at the Los Angeles Medical Center, and when interrogated by Mark, she said she didn't believe the Resistance's claims of the Visitors being Reptilian in nature to be true, until Mark exposes Willie's true nature in front of her. She reconciles with Willie, who she now loves, but joins the Resistance to actively expel the Visitors from the Earth, casting aside her pacifistic nature which she retained since high school. She is part of the assault team on the Los Angeles Mothership and plays a crucial in capturing the ship. She is shot by the Visitor guards while saving Willie, and after professing her love to him, dies in his arms.
Curtis Morgan was a high-ranking General in the United States Army and Air Force. Shortly after the First Invasion ended and the Visitors were driven from the Earth by the Red Dust, Morgan was among the few military leaders that remained uncorrupted by Visitor conversion, and was promoted by the president himself to become Supreme Commander of the entire U.S. Military. Morgan helped reconstruct the country and oversaw security matters in all major cities; normally coordinating with Resistance groups when troop divisions were spread thin. General Morgan then ordered the development of an early warning system for a possible Visitor incursion; which took shape in the form of "Vanguard One", a manned satellite installation placed in orbit for such a purpose and also formulated a plan; "Code Delta" with Nathan Bates, where a series of storage tanks rigged to explode on a single command would release the entire remaining supply of the Red Dust drug to wipe out invading Visitor armies. One year after Liberation Day, when Diana escaped the Earth to the returning Visitor Fleet, Mike Donovan and Julie Parrish went to General Morgan and tried to convince him that the Visitors were about to launch an attack, but didn't believe them and assured them that "Vanguard One" would have detected such a force; but while in communication with "Vanguard One"'s commander (who also believes all is well), "Vanguard One" is completely destroyed by the Visitor attack force; who were hiding behind Earth's Moon to escape detection. General Morgan placed the entire nation's military and police armies on full alert and mobilized them to meet any Visitor ground troops. Just before the battle began, General Morgan prepared "Code Delta" for deployment with Bates, who cancelled it at the last second, saying that it should only be used as a last resort and claimed "they still didn't know what they have and should only use it if we have to". Morgan reluctantly agreed and led his troops into battle against the landing Visitor armies and defended the major cities; and was soon overwhelmed by the Visitors advanced technology and vast numbers, and was astounded when the Visitors weren't dying in Red Dust-protected areas below the frost temperature line. Morgan went to Bates again, insisting that more of the Red Dust be shipped to areas confirmed to be no longer protected. Bates said it was impossible and showed him the file of Red Dust research (which included photographs of plant and animal life subjected to heavy Red Dust exposure, leading to mutation, sterility and death) and explained the hazards of usage of the Red Dust and that it couldn't be used again for fear of destroying all life on Earth. When Morgan learned that at least half of the world was still protected by the Red Dust and, with governments collapsing and civil order breaking down, Morgan made an extremely painful decision; withdraw all armed forces from areas no longer protected by the Red Dust and redeploy them along the borders of the areas that are protected; forming "The Free Zones", areas of the world that are still toxic to Visitor habitation. The Visitors couldn't breach their lines due to the Dust and order was partially restored. Morgan attended the peace treaty summit held by Bates, who had since formed a provisional government that controlled what's left of the civil and police forces in the un-protected areas and forced the Visitors to agree to let Los Angeles become an Open City. Morgan went on to oversee all security for the population and defense of "The Free Zones", one day planning to drive the Visitors from the Earth.
Doctor Morrow was a scientific technician who worked at Doctor Rudolph Metz's laboratory in the pathology department with Doctor Prentiss, with distinguished work records that marked them as competent and loyal. When the Visitors came to Earth, Morrow became increasingly curious of the Visitors true nature. Gradually, he became a Resistance sympathizer when scientists were being increasingly ostracized from society. Morrow and Prentiss didn't show up for work one day without calling in. As a result, the entire laboratory was left behind on their work quotas. His disappearance baffled his colleagues, as with his record, such a cavalier attitude wasn't expected from him. Morrow was undoubtedly eaten by the Visitors.
Juliet "Julie" Parrish was a fourth-year medical student and protege of Doctor Rudolph Metz and friend to Doctor Benjamin Taylor at the time of the First Invasion. She founded the Resistance in Los Angeles and created the cell-structure organisation method that would remain essential to the organisation's survival. She initially became despondent over leading the Resistance, as she was a scientist, not a soldier, but was comforted by Ruby Engels. She eventually got used to the role and kept fighting the Visitors and scoring a large victory when she personally exposed John on national television as reptilian in nature. She was separated from the rest of the resistance in the escape. She tried to make her escape in an ambulance, but the driver was shot and the ambulance crashed. She was pulled out of the wreck and kidnapped by the Visitors. Held prisoner aboard the mothership, she was stripped of her clothing and put into the conversion chamber. Diana planned to brainwash the resistance leader into a spy for the Visitors. Julie struggled to free herself, but something held her in place. Diana decided to personally supervise her conversion, claiming Julie would be her "masterpiece". Diana learned she had a heart condition and a fear and loathing of anything abandoned or deserted, a result of some childhood trauma. She began the session as flashing lights began to surround Julie. The chamber forced hallucinations upon her, making her believe she was being chased by a monster. Diana offered to help Julie, but she resisted, seeing the visions weren't real. Diana went to mode 2 and a gas began to fill the chamber. In her hallucination, Julie reached for a blinking light in the dark corridors. However, just as she was about to reach it, a thick green liquid was spit into her face. Some creature fell from above her and grabbed her, dragging her down the eerie hallways. Again, Julie was able to see through the visions, claiming they were a mind game. Diana went to mode 3 and a blue light began to quickly circle Julie. As she convulsed from the torture, Diana offered to help her again. She began to reach for Diana, but she realized what was happening and jerked them back to her sides. With her heartbeat becoming irregular, she imagined a large lizard busting through a wall towards her. Julie then goes into cardiac arrest and nearly dies as Diana shuts down the chamber.
Unconcerned with Julie's deteriorating health, Diana has her put back in the chamber to continue her conversion. Frustrated with Julie's resistance to the process, Diana ordered the chamber taken to maximum intensity. Red beams shot into Julie's face, causing her to scream in agony. Diana offers to help again and Julie somehow resists. Diana tells her to run for her life, and Julie images she is running down a hallway. She reaches a door and another creature lunges for her. A tech warns Diana that her heartbeat is becoming irregular again, but Diana ignores him, watching Julie writhe in pain in the chamber. She runs down the hallways, the creature in pursuit. She reaches another door and a giant snake strikes at her. Unable to take any more, Julie is finally broken. Diana offers to help her out of there and Julie's arms reach for the Visitor, crying out for mercy. Diana asks her what she wants and Julie tells Diana to be hers and begs her to stop the pain. With Julie's conversion complete, Diana stops the session. A rescue/assassination attempt by a visitor dressed like Mike Donovan occurs, but he is shot and killed, leaving Julie still Diana's prisoner. However, the sight of Donovan seemed to snap Julie out of her conversion somewhat. She was eventually rescued during a prisoner transfer suggested by Martin. Ham Tyler questioned her loyalty upon her return, believing her to be converted. But the majority of the resistance stuck by her. In private, however, Julie was very shaken by her kidnapping and attempted brainwashing. She found herself using her left hand, a side effect of conversion Sadly many of her friends, such as Benjamin and Ruby, died during the conflict. She delivered Robin Maxwell's hybrid babies and, when the largely Syrian infant died, discovered the organism in its corpse that was the basis for the Red Dust toxin. Julie was part of the assault team on the Los Angeles Mothership, and successfully seized control of its command center. However, Diana was able to use her conversion of Julie to stall her long enough to escape. With the self-destruct disabled and the Visitors unable to remain on Earth due to the Red Dust toxin now in the planet's atmosphere, Julie returned to Earth with the Mothership under Resistance control.
One year after Liberation Day, Julie is working for Science Frontiers; the corporation responsible for mass production of the Red Dust, and has ended her relationship with Mike because "she didn't have time for anything else". She was put in charge of research of the captured Mothership by Nathan Bates (who seemed to have developed a romantic attraction for her, but she did not reciprocate) She tried to access the secret area on board the mothership but Diana had put a security code on it before she left in her fighter. When the Second Invasion began after Diana's escape, Julie joined the reformed Resistance movement, but served in a lesser capacity, as she had to retain her position at Science Frontiers to throw off suspicion. Her place as leader was succeeded by Mike Donovan. She initially served as the Resistance's mole at Science Frontiers; smuggling information to the group and accessing the company's highly advanced technology to their advantage. Eventually, Mr. Chiang, the head of Science Frontiers security, exposed her as a spy and Julie was forced to flee. Despite being forced underground, she nonetheless served as an important member, and served as the coordinator and organizer for many Resistance operations across the United States. Although Julie was killed in the unaired second season premiere, since the show was not picked up for an additional season, her death is not regarded as canonical. Furthermore, as the novel, V: The Second Generation takes place 20 years after the events of the first miniseries, Julie's death effectively was retconned away as well.
Dan Pascal was an expert counterfeiter and small-time criminal who is hired by Elias Taylor and Mark to make access cards to the Los Angeles Medical Center so the Resistance can expose Supreme Commander John's true face on national television, exposing the Visitors true nature to the world. He is trusted by criminals (such as Elias) but distrusted by authority figures (such as Mark) as they claim he can be bought at any price. Mark is later proven correct as Dan was captured by the Visitors shortly after the successful operation at the center, and after being tortured for the location for the Los Angeles Resistance Cell's HQ, is shot and killed by Brian.
Don Pollasio is the leader of the Spanish Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He led the defenders of Cordoba, the last free city in Spain under human control, and refused to surrender despite seven weeks of savage street fighting. When offered terms by the Visitors, Pollasio was reported by the Freedom News Network to have said in Spanish "Spain for the Spanish!, Death to the Visitors!".
Doctor Prentiss was a scientific technician who worked at Doctor Rudolph Metz's laboratory in the pathology department with Doctor Morrow, with distinguished work records that marked them as competent and loyal. When the Visitors came to Earth, Prentiss became increasingly curious of the Visitors true nature. Gradually, he became a Resistance sympathizer when scientists were being increasingly ostracized from society. Prentiss and Morrow didn't show up for work one day without calling in. As a result, the entire laboratory was left behind on their work quotas. His disappearance baffled his colleagues, as with his record, such a cavalier attitude wasn't expected from him. Prentiss was undoubtedly eaten by the Visitors.
Arch Quinton was a Professor from Scotland working at the Los Angeles University's Anthropology Department with a private office, he was also an avid smoker, lived in an apartment, owned a 1978-edition Granada car. During his career, he travelled the world, becoming an expert in the field of anthropology, and introducing Robert Maxwell to the science, becoming his protege, and eventually his best friend. Robert even made Arch his second daughter, Polly's, godfather. When the First Invasion began, Arch privately investigated the Visitor's true nature using scarcely found evidence, keeping it all together in a folder marked "John" (after the Visitors Supreme Commander). After carefully examining several photos of John, he concluded several disturbing discrepancies that Robert might have found "interesting", but feared he'd call it "crazy", but called him nonetheless, but he wasn't in. What Arch found was that the Visitor's skull was misshapen and the bone was too thick in several areas; mainly the head. Planning to have the photos further examined with more powerful equipment the next morning, Arch left the folder in his "Current Files" tray and left out the back of the building to the campus parking area. After entering his car, he looked back in preparation to reverse out and saw a Visitor trooper sitting in the back, inches away from his face. The next day, Robert looked for Arch, having learned from his landlady that she hadn't seen him come back to his apartment. Robert discovered Arch's officer ransacked and "Current Files" tray empty, and then found Arch's car abandoned in the campus parking area, with the keys still in the ignition and laser burns inside the car. Arch was last seen in a stasis pod aboard the L.A. Mothership. Arch was undoubtedly eaten by the Visitors.
Miguel Ramirez was a Mexican migrant worker in San Antonio, Texas. He was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Miguel and a handful of his neighbours barricaded themselves in The Alamo and held out against overwhelming Visitor forces for two weeks. In the end, Miguel and his valiant followers blew up the Alamo with themselves inside it rather than let the national shrine fall into Visitor hands. He was proudly awarded the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour" posthumously.
Dixie Reilly is a high school science teacher and a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Dixie used his home computer to hack into the Visitor Security system and the information that he learned to prevent a sneak attack on Memphis, Tennessee, earning him the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valor".
Steve Roller is a news anchorman at the time of the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. His last interview during peacetime was with Nathan Bates on the captured LA Mothership, with Mike Donovan as his cameraman and Martin as his sound operator. He was in the middle of planning to retire and give his position to Donovan when the Visitors returned. He reported this, along with the massacre of military and police forces during the initial siege of Los Angeles during the opening days of the invasion. Roller later deserted his position and joined the Resistance under Donovan's command in the city, Roller was later captured by Science Frontiers security personnel hunting for Resistance agents. After being brutally interrogated for information by Mr. Chiang, he was revealed to have died and "went peacefully".
Joe Sampson is a farmer and family friend to the Courtney family. He served in Vietnam, where he lost his leg, and was given an honorable discharge and decided to retire to a mountain community near Tucson, and still regularly practised shooting. When the Visitors came to the community, Sheriff Roland sold out Joe and the other defenders by confiscating all the weapons in the local area and collecting forced taxes from the locals. Joe was the only rancher to attend a meeting for a possible counterattack held by Kathy Courtney, now a widow following her husband's death at the hands of the Visitors. Joe was inspired by Resistance leader Mike Donovan and joined the new Resistance group and assisted in driving off a Visitor attack squad led by Lieutenant James and arrested Roland and his men for collaboration. He is currently working with Kathy and the other ranchers to prepare for the Visitor's eventual return to the region.
Paul Savage is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Savage led a band of Resistance fighters against the Visitor Army's advance into the Western United States at the Gila river east of Yuma, Arizona. Savage led his group during the battle and continued to hold the highground against repeated attempts to dislodge them from their hold on the river and a bloody stalemate ensued. All this was reported on the Freedom News Network.
Benny Scallini is a 34-year-old insurance salesman from Atlanta, Georgia. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, he became a member of the Resistance and derailed a train carrying 600 human prisoners to be held in a Visitor laborcamp, over half of which were able to escape from the train. For his efforts, the Freedom News Network awarded him with their weekly "Medal of Valour".
Howard K. Smith is the anchorman for the Freedom News Network, a pirate radio broadcast in New York meant to deliver unbiased media to the people, and kept the watchers up-to-date with the state of the conflict around the world; reporting on Resistance victories and defeats and awarding a "Medal of Valour" to a specific Resistance fighter once a week if they saved many human lives or killed many Visitors and fought incredibly bravely. He broadcasted Diana's trial and believed assassination.
Randy Talbot is a police officer and member of the LAPD and long-time partner and friend to Officer Bob Briggs. When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Randy remained cautious about their true intentions, but nonetheless continued to serve the force he had dedicated his life to. Randy and Bob were assigned to a newly established blockade outside of Los Angeles, manned by mostly Visitor troops, to regulate the flow of people going in and out of the city and enforce the new registration act on scientists when the "Conspiracy of Scientists" crisis appeared. Randy began having sympathies with the new-founded Resistance, and began opposing the actions of his partner, who was mercilessly taking down or killing vehicle drivers and passengers when they attempted to escape. Bob justified what he was doing by saying he was merely following orders and "a perp's a perp". Randy however suspected it was the Visitors giving the orders now and secretly helped many refugees, such as the Maxwell family hiding in Sancho Gomez's truck, escape from the Visitors grasp.
Benjamin Taylor was a medical doctor and oldest son of Caleb and brother to Elias. Ben helped the family to become more financially stable when he became a doctor, but didn't marry as he was too interested in studying medicine and too dedicated to the Hippocratic oath to take advantage of women he took care of. Caleb regularly considered Ben's practise a more worthwhile job and constantly nagged Elias to become something more worthwhile than a black market dealer. However, this enraged Elias, who liked his life the way it was, and this led to a severe conflict between him and Ben. This conflict lasted for 10 years, while Elias was steadily distancing himself from the family and Ben became part of Doctor Rudolph Metz's staff and became a good friend of Doctor Julie Parrish.
When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Ben and his colleagues were all eager to learn the secrets behind Visitor physiology, but never got an opportunity to study them in detail. Meanwhile, ominous changes appeared in society, such as a sudden wave of ostracism of scientists, and the growing influence the Visitors had over the government and local authorities. This concerned Ben to the point where he joined Julie's new-found L.A. Resistance Cell, a group dedicated to fight the Visitors. Ben tried desperately to get Elias to help the group, as he had many useful contacts in the black market and could get the Resistance badly needed materials and supplies. Elias however refused, as their conflict was still strong.
Ben, Julie and former-Officer Brad McIntyre raided Stamos Pharmaceutical Company for lab equipment for their new headquarters. Just as they were poised to escape, the Visitors guards saw through Ben's act and began chasing him, separating him from the others. He ended up running down an abandoned multi-story car park and, when trapped by a Visitors shocktrooper, was shot by his laser rifle and knocked off the three-story ledge and landed in a pile of garbage below. Julie narrowly rescued him and got him too Elias, but, due to severe internal injuries he suffered in the fall and unable to call an ambulance without alerting the police, died of his injuries in the car several minutes later. The shock of his death finally led Elias to snap out of his juvenile attitude and he cried, cradling Ben's body in his arms.
After Ben's funeral, Caleb and Elias joined up with the Resistance to fight in his name, and the conflict turned Elias into the responsible adult Ben always wanted him to become.
Caleb Taylor was a worker at Arthur Dupres's chemical plant and widower with two sons; Benjamin and Elias. His family was in turmoil when Caleb constantly nagged Elias about becoming more worthwhile than a black market dealer, often using Benjamin; a doctor, as an example and this led Elias to despise Benjamin. Caleb was injured in an accident at the plant, and is rescued by one of the Visitor technicians; Willie, which leads them to become friends. When Benjamin joined the Resistance and is killed by the Visitors, Caleb and Elias both become active members of the Resistance to avenge his death. When Willie was captured for research into the Visitors biology, Caleb vouched for his survival and freedom as he considered him more trustworthy than most Visitors. During the discussion for the final attack on the Visitors with the Red Dust toxin, Caleb feared nuclear annihilation and voted against it, while Elias supported it. Caleb is proud of the man Elias has now become and accompanies Elias, Mike Donovan, Julie Parrish, Sancho Gomez, Harmony Moore, Willie and many others onto the Visitor Mothership orbiting Los Angeles and helped kill the entire crew with the Red Dust, allowing the ship to be captured by the Resistance and Earth be saved from destruction.
Whether he is still alive during the Second Invasion or he lived to see his second son, Elias, die in combat, is unknown.
after Ben's casket is placed in the funeral hearse, Willie says that he feels sorry for Caleb's loss, but Caleb pushes Willie blaming the visitors for Ben's death.
Elias Taylor was the youngest son of Caleb Taylor and juvenile brother of Benjamin and an influential member of the black market and a petty thief and criminal. He was in constant conflict with Ben as Caleb constantly compared the two and found Benjamin better, leading to an estrangement that lasted for 10 years. Elias was asked by a desperate Benjamin to aid the newly founded Resistance with materials and weapons that Elias could secure, but he refused. Elias finally became a man when he was devastated by the loss of Benjamin when he died of injuries inflicted by the Visitors.
Elias and Caleb then became active members of the Resistance, and although he still resorted to using criminal practises to achieve objectives, he still remained conscious of what he was doing and remained loyal to the cause. He vouched for the use of the Red Dust despite the threat of nuclear annihilation by the Visitors, saying that they were the only chance the Earth had. Caleb was touched by his deep belief in the cause and reconciled with him. Elias was part of the Resistance assault team that stormed the Visitor Mothership in orbit above Los Angeles and helped secure the command center and bring the ship back to Earth in Resistance hands.
Having obtained "Hero of the Resistance" status and gained a widely respected reputation with the population shortly after the war's end, Elias decided to leave his criminal past behind and go into the restaurant business. He bought a broken-down restaurant in Los Angeles, and brought back its former glory and made it into a high-successful business, which he named Club Creole, with Willie as its bartender, and then began expanding his blooming business to encompass marketing and entertainment products, making him fabulously rich. One year after Liberation Day, when the Visitors launched the Second Invasion, Elias feared for his business's safety, but nonetheless provided support for the Resistance by allowing them to use the club's hidden Prohibition-era bordello, providing a perfect hideout from the Visitors and headquarters for the movement. Elias himself remained with the group, often going on missions with the team, while maintaining his public facade as a neutral propierter for both humans and Visitors in the new "Open City". Though his restaurant is ultimately destroyed by Science Frontiers security personnel for being a Resistance hotbed of activity and forces Elias underground, he kept doing his part for the cause with unwavering loyalty.
When Caniff Printing, a newspaper shop loyal to the Resistance and publishing an underground newspaper, was seized by Science Frontiers security personnel and 6 Resistance agents, including Robin Maxwell, captured, Mike Donovan sent teams of two all over the city in an effort to locate the hostages. Elias and Willie were the ones who found the hostages, trapped in the shop. Willie initially wanted to leave back to the hideout to warn the others, but Elias wanted to know what the mysterious new platform was outside the shop and crept closer. Unfortunately, this was actually the platform for a Visitor disintegrator ray and, when the Visitors spotted Elias, turned the weapon on him and fired. Elias was vaporized.
When Mike was about to lead an attack on the shop to free the hostages, he gave a speech about Elias Taylor; their fallen hero;
"Now Elias is gone, but it's up to us to do something about it. Now we know he wasn't perfect, he took advantage of what we went through to set himself up. Flashy restaurant, the whole nine yards. But when it counted, when the Visitors returned, the truth was he cared too much to turn his back on us. He took us in, he gave us a place to stay and he paid for it with his life. And if you think about it, we're all together right now because of him. I'd say we owe him one."
Ham Tyler (or better known in the Resistance as "The Fixer") was a CIA operative who, along with associate; Chris Farber, went on specially requested missions for the U.S. government into other countries. While on a mission in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, Ham married a Eurasian woman and had a daughter with her. His superiors promised that his family would be evacuated during the mission. But while he and Farber were sent to their target, a bombing raid caused his family's disappearance (and most likely deaths) and he never saw them again. Ham was devastated by the loss of his family and he and Farber left the agency, becoming mercenaries-for-hire.
During the First Invasion, he and Farber, join the Resistance and helped get the fledgling Los Angeles Resistance group off the ground and use proper tactics and use better weaponry. Here he forms a rivalry with Resistance leader Mike Donovan that eventually comes to a head when they disagree about when to distribute the newly made Red Dust toxin to other Resistance groups; his fighting style, strength and loyalty earned Ham's respect and gave him the nickname "Gooder". Ham coordinated the world-wide dispersal of the Red Dust in conjunction with Mike's attack on the Mothership, leaving the Earth poisonous to Visitor habitation.
One year after Liberation Day, Ham has started a high-tech security agency and is hired by Nathan Bates for $500,000 to capture Diana and assist in interrogating her for Visitor technological information. This is a decision he comes to regret as this leads to Martin's death and Diana causing the Second Invasion of the Earth. Ham was disgusted by how Bates treated human life and deserts, rejoining the reformed Resistance. He continued his friendship with Donovan and became Kyle Bates's (Nathans son) mentor, giving him the nickname "Ace". During an unauthorised raid against a Visitor convoy, he was captured. Taken to Diana, he was taken to Legation and forced to undergo conversion. Using a new and improved conversion technique, visions of his missing wife and child with Donovan were used against him. Charles began planting the trigger phrase as he upped the cycles on Ham. Brainwashed into killing Donovan, it was arranged for him to be rescued by the resistance. Julie tried to help him deal with his ordeal, relating to him that she had also gone through the conversion process as well. During a prisoner transfer, the phrase was used. As Ham was preparing to shoot Donovan, Elizabeth caused a lightpole to fall into him, causing him to shoot Nathan Bates instead.
He fought for the Resistance time and again and departed with Farber to escort Robin Maxwell to Chicago. In the (unaired) series finale, Ham and Farber return to help Mike's Resistance group escape Visitor attack shuttles. Ham now currently works with the Resistance to find the "Anyx", an artifact that can defeat the Visitors, amidst the destruction the Visitors wrought during the Armistice, when the Visitors took advantage of the peace to wipe out the majority of
In Liberation Day When Ham is at Science Frontiers Nathan looks to a Television Feed a sees a "File Footage" Photograph of the Alien Commander Diana, Nathan then asks Ham what would he do with Diana, which causes Ham to also look at the picture of Diana, he says to Nathan that he would use Diana for target practice and when Nathan was thinking about capturing her so that Diana could assist with this universal cure for cancer Ham says that Diana is a disease.
Father Turney is a Roman Catholic priest who operated a small church on the outskirts of Los Angeles. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Turney decided to join the Resistance and operated an underground railway through his church for children orphaned by the Visitors with the help of Chris Farber. When the Visitors, in violation of the Open City Agreement, raided the church in search of the refugees, Farber and fellow Resistance members Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler saved them from the Visitor soldiers and helped get the children to foster homes inside of the city. Despite Mike's warning about the Visitors most likely returning, Turney decided to stay at the church and continue his efforts, as he felt he needed to be there to help other children escape the invading Visitor armies.
Harvey Wachman is a scientist who lived in Kansas City, Missouri. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Harvey joined the Resistance and freed 12 boys from a Visitor Youth Corps camp and reunited them with their families in Chicago. This earned him the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Frankie Weatherwax is a mechanic from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Frankie single-handedly stopped a Visitor attack on a junior high school by taking over a laser cannon and turning it on the Visitors, earning him the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Janet Weinberg is a computer programmer who lived in Daytona Beach. She was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Janet led a raid on a Visitor detention camp, freeing 250 American prisoners, which earned her the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Andy was a student who lived in Alassan Valley with his parents and younger brother. When the Second Invasion began one year after Liberation Day, his family was captured by the Visitors, prompting him into joining the Resistance. He joined the "Wildcats" group, led by Tony Baker, which operated out of Widows Canyon, killing Visitors and doing whatever it took to survive. All this changed when the Visitors told him that his brother, who was still alive unlike his parents, had contracted diphtheria, a deadly disease that was spreading throughout the valley. Andy was desperate enough to save his brother that he reluctantly agreed to spy on the local Resistance groups in exchange for medical treatment and freedom for his brother. His main form of communication was with a transmitter disguised as a walkman.
When LA Resistance members Julie Parrish, Kyle Bates, Elizabeth Maxwell and Visitor Willie came to the region to offer medical support, Andy told Lieutenant James who was in the region and the Visitors were provoked into action and sabotaged the mission to recover badly needed medicine. Andy also alerted James to Mike Donovan's imminent arrival with another supply of the medicine, but was then exposed by Julie Parrish when she discovered his transmitter. His fellow Resistance members turned on him and tied him to a chair and forced the truth from him and abandoned him to go on the mission to get the supplies from Donovan at a local airstrip. Andy realised what a horrible mistake he made and, after breaking free of his restraints, drove off to join the battle and reached the airstrip just as the Resistance team was about to be overwhelmed by an armed Visitor convoy. Andy then deliberately crashed his car into the convoy, destroying it completely and killing himself in the process. Tony, forgiving his fallen comrade, spoke for the group just after his heroic demise;
"He may have made a mistake, but man, when we really needed him he was there."
His actions saved thousands of lives from the plague.
Annie is a Resistance sympathizer during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. She offered aid and shelter to Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler when they were pursued by Visitor forces. But her mother, a Collaborator, feared for her daughter's life and called the Visitors and alerted them to their location and Donovan and Tyler were captured shortly after leaving. Annie was disgusted by her mother's actions and left home to join the Resistance. Annie is next seen being recruited by Donovan to take another Resistance sympathizer; Billy, to a secret Resistance mountain camp in an area the Red Dust still protects.
Bart was a student who lived in Alassan Valley with his parents. He became a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day after the Visitors captured and killed his parents. He then became a member of the "Wildcats" Resistance group, which operated out of Widows Canyon. While trying to secure medicines for treating a diphtheria outbreak, Bart struck up a good friendship with fellow Resistance comrade Kyle Bates, whom the group came to trust. Bart occasionally disappeared, leading the group to think he was the Visitor spy updating Lieutenant James on their location, but it was ultimately discovered that his comrade, Andy, was the spy, having become susceptible to blackmail by the Visitors.
Billy is a Resistance sympathizer during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He openly defaced Visitor property as a way of resisting their occupation of the Earth, normally by using Abraham Bernstein's signature mark "V" for "Victory". Billy was seen doing his art in public and hounded by Visitor forces, until Mike Donovan ordered another Resistance member, Annie, to escort Billy to safety at a secret Resistance mountain camp in an area the Red Dust still protects.
Daloi is a high-ranking officer of the Filipino military with the rank of Commander. Following the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Daloi was among the few human military leaders left alive, and decided to take the remains of his forces and unite them with the Resistance, becoming the main Resistance leader in the Philippines. Daloi led a detachment of Resistance guerrillas to the Philippine Island of Mindanao and surprised and annihilated a regiment of Visitor shock troops moving to occupy the island. This was reported by the Freedom News Network.
Gus is an influential police officer and member of the LAPD and an old friend of Ham Tyler and Chris Farber. One year after Liberation Day, the Visitors launched the Second Invasion, and Gus, along with the rest of the LAPD, were put under the control of Nathan Bates and ordered enforce order inside the new "Open City" of Los Angeles, which also entailed stamping out Resistance activity. Gus and several other officers who "don't play ball with the lizards" soon developed sympathies with the Resistance, and Gus turned to selling information to Tyler. When Caniff Printing was seized by Science Frontiers security personnel led by Mr. Chiang and Visitor troops led by Charles and its hostages decreed by Bates to be executed, Gus was called upon by Ham and Chris to see of he heard where the hostages were being held. Gus, however, had hear nothing from his contacts across the city, which kept watch over all the activity in the city's facilities, and as such couldn't help them. Before returning to his duties, Gus promised that he would tell them when he heard something and also gave a warning; "One thing's for sure; if those folks die at noon tomorrow you guys ain't gonna have many friends".
Jennifer is a child who lived in the country with her parents. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Jennifer's parents were both killed by the invading Visitor armies, leaving her an orphan, and she became a Resistance sympathizer. She was part of a group of orphaned children brought to Father Turney's underground railroad, and was safely delivered to a foster home in Los Angeles with the other orphans with assistance from Mike Donovan, Ham Tyler and Chris Farber.
Jenny was a member of the Resistance during the First Invasion and friend to Ruby Engels. When her husband was captured by the Visitors, she joined the Resistance and led Julie Parrish's cell to the facility he, along with many others, were being processed for food in the hope of freeing him. The attack to free them however failed, as the Visitors had improved armor that deflected projectile weaponry, and Jenny was among those wounded as they were retreating. Jenny later died of her injuries and was given the last rites by Father Andrew Doyle, but did not succumb until making Mike Donovan promise her the Visitors wouldn't win in the end.
Kenny is the leader of a gang of graffiti artists. During the First Invasion, Kenny and his gang joined the Resistance and actively vandalised Visitor property, such as posters, with cans of spray paint. While doing this with his gang one day, they were approached by Abraham Bernstein. Though fearful he might report them, instead he taught them to write "V" for "Victory" of Visitor property. Kenny understood and told all his friends, who in turn expanded this trend to Resistance groups throughout the world.
Mark was a police officer and member of the LAPD who joined the Resistance during the First Invasion. Mark was hostile to Willie when they captured him for research and was instrumental in convincing Harmony Moore of their true nature by exposing his real skin. When the operation to expose Supreme Commander John's nature on national television began, he and Elias Taylor agreed a mercenary named Dan Pascal could be their best hope of gaining access to John's ceremony at the Los Angeles Medical Center; which was later deemed correct. Mark had feelings for fellow Resistance member Maggie Blodgett and developed a relationship with her to the point they planned to get married. Sadly these plans were never carried out, as Mark was wounded in the assault on a Visitor water-absorption plant. He stays behind, kisses Maggie goodbye, and holds the Visitors back long enough for the others to escape and is killed.
Maggie later uses Mark's death as leverage to commence the plan on using the Red Dust to poison the Earth against Visitor habitation; stating that if they didn't, then all the personal sacrifices, such as Mark's life, would have been for nothing.
Mongo is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day and an old friend of Kyle Bates. He provided shelter for Kyle and Robin and Elizabeth Maxwell when they fled from Science Frontiers security personnel.
Doctor Phyllis was a biochemist at Doctor Rudolph Metz's laboratory and colleague and friend to Doctor Julie Parrish and her lover Dennis Lowell. During the First Invasion, Phyllis became increasingly curious of the Visitors true nature. Gradually, she became a Resistance sympathizer when scientists were being increasingly ostracized from society. Phyllis suddenly disappeared one day and none of her colleagues heard from her or knew what happened to her. Julie told Dennis about this, who half-heartedly suggested that she simply went away, but Julie had since realized the missing people were being taken away, as rumors were brewing about the disappearances. Phyllis was undoubtedly eaten by the Visitors.
Vanik is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. During the initial Visitor invasion, Vanik was caught behind the front lines and captured by the Visitors, who placed him in one of their newly constructed internment camps. Vanik then struck up a friendship with fellow inmate Kyle Bates, while performing physically demanding tasks. When Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler were imprisoned at the camp, Vanik enjoyed teasing Tyler, because he struggled with his tasks due to his age, but eventually came to respect him after being sent to solitary trying to escape. Vanik was killed by Diana during the escape.
Visitors (V TV series)
The Visitors are a fictional invading alien race from the V science fiction franchise. The "Visitors" are reptilian humanoids who disguise themselves to look human but prefer to eat live prey, such as mice. In the 1983 and 1984 miniseries, but not the 1984 TV series, the disguised Visitors can be...
in the V science fiction franchise.
The Atkins
V Character | |
Doctor David Atkins | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Conrad Janis Conrad Janis Conrad Janis is an American jazz musician and also a theatre, film, and television actor. In the fall of 1953, he played eldest son Edward in the Ezio Pinza situation comedy Bonino on NBC... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Doctor, Grocery Store Co-Owner, Resistance Agent |
Family | Henry (son) |
David Atkins was a scientist and a widely respected Professor at Caltech University, as an expert in psycho-cybernetics and computer technology. Later a he became a computer Doctor working for Science Frontiers, where he became friends with Kyle Bates. He was a good person and had a son named Henry, whom he was proud of and had higher expectations for when he got older. When the Visitors came and started discrediting scientists, they ruined his career, and was fired from his position. To make ends meet, he opened a small market shop called "Atkins Deluxe Market", which he ran with Henry. Despite him having lost everything during the First Invasion, David still wanted his son to be a great scientist and taught him everything he knew about computers, leading Henry to become an expert himself and run many personal projects in making computers better.
During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, David struggled to get by financially, as the Visitors had cracked down to the point his food shipments were late to the point they never came at all, nearly putting him out of business (though he kept supplies around for regulars as a token of generosity, but insisted they keep it secret due to their situation). One month after his last communication with Kyle, David and Henry decided to become Resistance members when one of Henry's projects led a to massive breakthrough in computer warfare. Dave considered his inventions to be "remarkable" and insisted that they had to notify the Resistance immediately, as access to the information in the Visitors computer could be invaluable to the war effort. But before they could discuss it further, the Visitors arrived and began rounding up his neighbors; looking for Henry. David insisted Henry leave without him as it was important that one of them lived and some part of their family survived. David was then captured but Henry escaped.
David was held along with the rest of his neighbors in an abandoned maintenance shed near Hanson Air Field, but was moved to the Mothership by Lydia before Henry returned with a Resistance team compromised of Mike Donovan, Kyle, Elizabeth Maxwell and Visitor Willie. While on the ship, David claimed he was the Hacker (to protect his son), and admitted to charges of computer tampering. Diana found his readiness to admit his guilt suspicious, and after a quick test, it was proven he wasn't the Hacker when he failed to break through Visitor security codes, as he wasn't as familiar with the operation system as the real Hacker was. Diana then used intense mental pressure torture to demand the Hacker's identity, and also accessed his inner-most thoughts and secrets to learn it was Henry who was the Hacker. David was then put into prison aboard the ship.
Philip did everything he could, and was eventually successful in freeing him and transporting him back down to Earth, where he reunited with Henry and were then both taken by the Fifth Column to a safe place to hide from further Visitor reprisals.
V Character | |
Henry "The Hacker" Atkins | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Josh Richman Josh Richman Josh Richman is an American actor, writer, producer and director. He is best known for his work with Guns N' Roses.- Career :His first acting job was a minor role in the science fiction television show V: The Series.... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Grocery Store Worker, Resistance Agent |
Family | David (father) |
Henry Atkins is the son of computer technology genius Doctor David Atkins and family friend of Kyle Bates. When the Visitors came to Earth, they ruined David's career, forcing them to open a small market shop called "Atkins Deluxe Market" to make ends meet, which he ran with him. David still wanted his son to be a great scientist as he had high expectations for him. To help him, David taught Henry everything he knew about computers, leading Henry to become an expert himself and run many personal projects in making computers better, he bonded with his father, as he was grateful for teaching him so well, and insisted he "learned from the best".
During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Henry and his father joined the Resistance when Henry discovered a couple of weeks ago, he was working on one of his side projects when he stumbled upon the access codes for the Visitors Main Computer link, giving him direct access to Visitor Master Computer and information sources despite their intense security. He made it easier to break in by creating a specially calibrated portable computer for the task of hacking, and making software for a communications interface program, that "talked" to the computer aboard the mothership, and a translation program for Visitor computer language. Henry noticed an alarming increase in computer usage lately, and tapped into a communication from Sirius 4 to find out what it was. Unfortunately, the Visitors were able to see through his efforts to make his hacking signal look like interference in the Visitors communication reception, and Lieutenant James traced it to Henry's neighborhood. Agreeing Henry had to be stopped, Diana sent James and a battalion of Visitor shock troops to capture the Hacker. Just as James and his men began rounding up the neighbours, David said he would stay behind and let himself be taken prisoner as a way to let Henry escape. Henry, however, refused to abandon his father and suggested they could both hide, but was convinced not to as it was important one of their family survived. While his father was captured, Henry sneaked out the back with his computer and ran down the street and over some rooftops, and swore the Visitors would pay for taking his father away as David was bundled into a van.
Henry eventually returned to the shop after the Visitors left, and barricaded himself in. He met Mike Donovan and Kyle, and learned that the increased computer usage was because of the newly completed Visitor Battlesphere; a deadly war machine armed with weapons and a fleet of skyfighters that the Visitor Leader was sending to wipe out the entire South Western United States in a massive blitz, as an example to all who defied his people's power. This would promise total victory for the Visitors and total domination of the Earth, and since the Resistance lacked any computer systems and with only 36 hours to stop the sphere, Mike and Kyle sought The Hacker out. Henry made a deal with them; he would do everything he could to stop the sphere, in exchange they would free his father from Visitor custody. They agreed, and Henry helped the two men escape through a secret passageway just before James and his men stormed the building again to double-check after failing to capture the Hacker.
Henry, Mike, Kyle and fellow Resistance members Elizabeth Maxwell and Visitor Willie eventually tracked David's location to an abandoned maintenance shed near Hanson Air Field, but became despondent when David wasn't among the people they rescued. The group talked to Philip, who informed them that David was on the Mothership and out of their reach. Henry suggested that he turn himself in as part of a plan to save his father on his own, but Kyle convinced him that his father could not be saved, and he had to carry on the fight without him. Henry was then escorted to Science Frontiers, where the group planned to use to use a specially made computer system on the top floor to break into the Battlesphere's computer system, as it was the only one powerful enough on Earth to hack into it. Unfortunately, the group was trapped by James and his troops, but Elizabeth saved the group when they were poised to be captured by restoring power to the elevator and journeyed to the top floor, then sent the elevator back down with a grenade, killing several of James's troops. While Donovan and Willie held off James and his men, Kyle took Henry to the room he could interface his computer with, and after Elizabeth restored the power to the room, he was initially despondent about his ability to stop the attack, but Elizabeth reminded him of what he had to do. After making contact with the Battlesphere, he then had to install his translation program into the system and accessed all the systems, including; "protected, skyfighter guidance, power relay, system interface, security, battle orders and skyfighter guidance interface" and redirected its fleet of skyfighters into flying off course and crash into each other and into the sphere, destroying it and killing thousands of Visitor soldiers.
The team then escaped the building and fled into the woods, where he was reunited with his father, who had been freed by Philip, and were then both taken by the Fifth Column to a safe place to hide from further Visitor reprisals.
The Bakers
V Character | |
Ellen Baker | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Rhonda Aldrich |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Student, Resistance Agent |
Family | Tony (brother), Un-named Parents (deceased) |
Ellen Baker is the younger sister of Tony Baker and lived in Alassan Valley. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, the Visitors rounded up and captured Ellen and Tony's parents, leaving them orphaned. Tony then led 4 other kids, including Ellen, into Widows Canyon, where they organized as the "Wildcats", a rogue Resistance group that did whatever it took to survive. Though they maintain their anti-Visitor views, most of the official Resistance groups regarded them as untrustworthy.
When a diphtheria outbreak started sweeping through the region, LA Resistance members Kyle Bates, Visitor Willie, Julie Parrish and Elizabeth Maxwell came to the region to offer medical support, but lacked a crucial medicine to treat those affected. Desperate to get aid for an attack on a Visitor medical storehouse where a large stash of the medicine was located, the Resistance gained the reluctant assistance from the Wildcats and Ellen struck up a bond with Willie, but was later repulsed when he learned of his true nature. When faced with the possibility of a traitor in their ranks when the medicine was switched for a fake before the raid, Ellen was confronted by Willie over who he was and she was initially devastated, but made up with him after Andy was discovered to be the mole.
Ellen, the group, and the Resistance group journeyed to a local airfield, where Mike Donovan had another supply of the medicine from Los Angeles and was flying in now. However, Andy told Lieutenant James of the rendezvous shortly before his capture and the gang was forced to fight the Visitors. But just as the group was about to be overwhelmed by an armed Visitor convoy. Andy, who had escaped custody and realized how large a mistake he made and came to help, then crashed his car into the convoy, destroying it completely and killing himself in the process. Ellen promised to stay in touch with Willie, who she had come to love.
V Character | |
Tony Baker | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Jeffrey Jay Cohen |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Cell Leader |
Family | Un-named Parents (deceased), Ellen (sister) |
Tony Baker is the older brother of Ellen Baker and lived in Alassan Valley. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, the Visitors rounded up and captured Tony and Ellen's parents, leaving them orphaned. Tony then led 4 other kids, including Ellen, into Widows Canyon, where they organized as the "Wildcats", a rogue Resistance group that did whatever it took to survive. Though they maintain their anti-Visitor views, most of the official Resistance groups regarded them as untrustworthy. Tony himself changed as time went on, becoming more violent, trigger-happy, paranoid of strangers and protective of his sister. He still managed to keep his group alive for many months and was respected by his soldiers for his unique leadership and tactics.
When diphtheria started sweeping through the region, LA Resistance members Kyle Bates, Visitor Willie, Julie Parrish and Elizabeth Maxwell came to the region to offer medical support, but lacked a crucial medicine to treat those affected. Desperate to get aid for an attack on a Visitor medical storehouse where a large stash of the medicine was located, the Resistance gained the reluctant assistance from the Wildcats despite Tony's earlier hostility and forbidding his men to fraternize with the strangers. When faced with the possibility of a traitor in their ranks when the medicine was switched for a fake before the raid, Tony and the others were outraged and trust between the groups quickly broke down, but when is was discovered that Andy that was the mole, Tony decided to change his ways.
Tony, the group, and the Resistance team journeyed to a local airfield, where Mike Donovan had another supply of the medicine from Los Angeles and was flying in now. However, Andy told Lieutenant James of the rendezvous shortly before his capture and the gang was forced to fight the Visitors. But just as the group was about to be overwhelmed by an armed Visitor convoy. Andy, who had escaped custody and realized how large a mistake he made and came to help, then crashed his car into the convoy, destroying it completely and killing himself in the process. Tony decided to maintain links to the official Resistance groups, as he now understood the importance of asking for help.
Ruth Barnes
V Character | |
Doctor Ruth Barnes | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Shot by the Visitors |
Portrayer | Mary Alan Hokanson |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Sympathizer |
Doctor Ruth Barnes was an elderly scientist and colleague of Doctor Rudolph Metz, Doctor Benjamin Taylor and friend to Doctor Julie Parrish, and owner of a penthouse apartment and Brownstone-model car. She was in love with Metz, but, because of his successful career, Ruth believed he considered her to be "another piece of lab equipment to him". When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Ruth and her colleagues were all eager to learn the secrets behind Visitor physiology, and Ruth was the first to successfully gain access when, after Ruth, Julie and Ben went to see Ben's father Caleb after his accident at Arthur Dupres' factory, she found some skin cells from Visitor Willie frozen into Caleb's jacket, and secretly took samples. That evening, Julie drove Ruth home, and the girls planned to examine the samples in more detail and Julie also promised to help Ruth's relationship with Metz to get off the ground. Just as she entered into her home, a Visitor trooper waiting for her took out his pistol and shot and killed her.
Kyle Bates
V Character | |
Kyle "Ace" Bates | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Jeff Yagher Jeff Yagher Jeffrey Brian "Jeff" Yagher is an American actor.Born in Lawrence, Kansas, he graduated from Ohio State University and then attended the prestigious Yale School of Drama, where he appeared in productions of "The Vultures", "We Can't Pay, We Won't Play", and "Las Madres".His television debut was in... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Motorbike Racer, Resistance Agent |
Family | Nathan Bates (father: deceased) |
Kyle Bates is a professional motorbike racer who drifted through life and the only son of Nathan Bates. Kyle and his father hadn't spoken since the First Invasion; when Kyle was expelled from Stanford University. Kyle spent his time mostly racing his bikes in Arizona and Nevada.
When the Second Invasion began one year after Liberation Day, Kyle was caught behind the new Visitor front lines and, having shown a hostile attitude towards the Visitor Army, was detained and sent to one of their newly constructed internment camps. He was freed by Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler and decided aiding the Resistance "wouldn't be so bad", especially when he met and fell in love with Elizabeth "Starchild" Maxwell. He began to be a more active supporter to the cause and this brought him into increasing conflict with his father. Kyle actively joined the Resistance when he assisted Ham in stealing explosives from a Science Frontiers-controlled munitions warehouse, which was filled with confiscated Resistance weapons. Kyle injured a security guard before being captured. This act effectively ended any relationship between him and his father. After escaping custody with Elizabeth's help, Kyle joined the Resistance full-time.
Kyle eventually reconciled with Nathan, but shortly after this reunion, Nathan was killed by Mr. Chiang (who Kyle killed in turn). Kyle became Ham's protege (earning the nickname "Ace") to hone his skills as a freedom fighter without personal restraint. After Ham left, Kyle took greater risks to himself to save lives and complete Resistance missions across the United States. All the while his relationship with Elizabeth grew.
In the (unaired) series finale, Kyle and Elizabeth both survived an assassination attempt by Diana on the Leader and they narrowly escaped back to Earth. Kyle and the rest of the Resistance is currently hunting for the "Anyx", an artifact that can defeat the Visitors amidst the destruction the Visitors wrought upon the world during the temporary Armistice, which the Visitors used to crush the majority of the Resistance.
The Bernsteins
V Character | |
Abraham Bernstein | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Killed by the Visitors |
Portrayer | Leonardo Cimino Leonardo Cimino Leonardo Cimino born 1918, is an Italian film and television and stage actor who in 1937 appeared in the original stage production of Marc Blitzstein's The Cradle Will Rock... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Family | Un-named Wife (deceased), Stanley (son), Lynn (daughter-in-law), Daniel (grandson: deceased) |
Abraham Bernstein was a Jewish member of the Berlin community and lived with his wife and 8-month-old son Stanley. In 1938, when the Nazi Party took control of the country, Abraham was disturbed by their growing power, but told his family that it would eventually pass. However, he was wrong, as World War 2 was declared and Jewish discrimination and Nazi Holocaust began. Abraham joined the Jewish underground, hoping to smuggle his family out of the country, and was successful in reaching a concentration camp where an underground agent helped them escape to Britain, with his son hidden in a suitcase. Unfortunately, his wife was separated after arriving at the camp and, after being brutally decontaminated, was taken to the "showers" and gassed to death. Abraham never forgot the moment she was taken away and, coupled with the bar code numbers tattooed into the skin on his forearm, suffered from his experiences in Nazi Germany constantly. He decided, however, that his son was too young to know the truth and told him that his mother died in the boxcar train of a heart attack, before they made it to the camp. 40 years later, Abraham lived in America with his now-full grown son Stanley, his daughter-in-law Lynn, and grandson Daniel. He had also befriended a local neighbor, Ruby Engels, after enjoying long walks to the supermarket together. The friendship lasted for 17 years, and Ruby began helping Abraham "let go" of the past.
When the Visitors came to Earth, his son and his wife remained calm and kept believing they were peaceful, but Abraham, after noticing the Visitors growing power and appearance in everyday life, remained convinced that the Visitors would bring destruction and death. His beliefs became enforced when the Visitors commandeered the local authorities, controlling all types of media and forming a youth group, similar to the Hitler Youth of Nazi Germany, which Daniel joined. Abraham learned of the recently formed Resistance movement and began operating however he could to help them. One such occasion brought him into conflict with Stanley, after Abraham let the Maxwells hide in their homes poolhouse, but, after revealing the true circumstances behind his mother's death, convinced him that "they have to stay, or else we haven't learned a thing". Stanley and Lynn soon both joined the Resistance after this. Abraham is most famous for the infamous "V" mark (which is the series' logo and the Resistance's mark of activity) which quickly spread around the world and was used by graffiti artists and active Resistance members to deface Visitor property and declare their continued resistance over their lives. When Daniel left to alert his Visitor superiors as to the location of the Maxwells, Abraham, knowing he couldn't live the life of a fugitive again due to his age, voluntarily stayed behind and waited for the Visitors to arrive, and when they stormed the house, all they found was him and all he says is "shalom". He willingly went to his death after his capture.
Ruby later went up to a Visitor Shuttle and, as she was arming a petrol bomb she declared "this one's for Abraham" and threw the bomb into the craft, destroying it and killing several Visitors and allowed many prisoners to escape.
V Character | |
Lynn Bernstein | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Portrayer | Bonnie Bartlett Bonnie Bartlett Bonnie Bartlett is an American television and film actress. Her career spans over 50 years, with her first major role being on a 1950s daytime drama, Love of Life. She is best known for her role as Ellen Craig on the medical drama series St. Elsewhere. She and her husband, actor William Daniels,... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Sympathizer |
Family | Stanley (husband), Daniel (son: deceased), Abraham (father-in-law: deceased) |
Lynn Bernstein is the wife of Stanley and mother of Daniel. When the Visitors came to Earth, she initially remained calm as she believed the initial chaos of their arrival would die out. However she grew more supportive of the Resistance when limitations were imposed on communications, travel and media coverage and began suspecting Daniel of being dangerous to the family after hearing dangerous rumors on the streets, which was later proven correct, as she and Stanley were captured and her father-in-law Abraham was killed when the Daniel tipped of the Visitors about the location of the Maxwells, who were hiding in their poolhouse.
Stanley was separated from her and tortured on the Mothership by Diana, but she and Stanley were let go as a warning to others and returned to their home. They then agreed to shelter additional families in hiding, as the Visitors would never suspect Resistance members hiding in a place they've already raided. She and Stanley kept a low profile, but both came out of hiding to celebrate the new Liberation Day when the Red Dust was spread all over the world, rendering it toxic to the Visitors. Lynn and Stanley then took Polly and Katie Maxwell into their care at Robert Maxwell's urging shortly after the war, as he couldn't cope on his own.
V Character | |
Stanley Bernstein | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | George Morfogen George Morfogen George Morfogen is an American actor. He is known for playing Bob Rebadow in the HBO show Oz, and for his role as Stanley Bernstein in the original V miniseries.... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Sympathizer |
Family | Abraham (father: deceased), Un-named Mother (deceased), Lynn (wife), Daniel (son: deceased) |
Stanley Bernstein is the son of Abraham, husband of Lynn, and father of Daniel. When the Visitors came to Earth, he initially calmed his family; saying they came in peace and everything would be fine. However he grew more supportive of the Resistance when limitations were imposed on communications, travel and media coverage and reluctantly agreed to shelter the hiding Maxwell family. He also began suspecting Daniel of being dangerous to the family, which was later proven correct, as he and Lynn were captured and his father killed when the Daniel tipped of the Visitors about the location of the Maxwells.
Stanley was tortured on the Mothership by Diana, but he and Lynn were let go as a warning to others and returned to their home. They then agreed to shelter additional families in hiding, as the Visitors would never suspect Resistance members hiding in a place they've already raided. He and Lynn kept a low profile, but both came out of hiding to celebrate the new Liberation Day when the Red Dust was spread all over the world, rendering it toxic to the Visitors. Stanley and Lynn then took Polly and Katie Maxwell into their care at Robert Maxwell's urging shortly after the war, as he couldn't cope on his own.
Maggie Blodgett
V Character | |
Maggie Blodgett | |
First Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Actor | Denise Galik Denise Galik Denise Galik-Furey is an American actress who has starred on television and in film.-Career:Born in in Cleveland, Ohio, Galik has starred in television on soap operas, daytime and night time soaps. Her first soap opera role was in the 1980s CBS soap Knots Landing as Linda Stricker from 1980 to 1981... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Nurse, Resistance Agent |
Family | Mark (fiancee: deceased) |
Maggie Blodgett is a member of the Resistance during the First Invasion and had a romantic relationship with fellow Resistance operative Mark. She posed as a nurse to seduce Daniel Bernstein and obtain intelligence. Her relationship with Mark is strained by this, but eventually Mark, after receiving advice from Elias Taylor, patches things up and asks her to marry him. Sadly, they never went through with the ceremony as Mark dies helping Resistance operatives escape from a raid on a Visitor water-absorption plant. Maggie was part of the final attack squad on the Visitor Mothership over Los Angeles and helped capture the ship and return it to Earth in Resistance hands.
During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Maggie rejoined the Resistance and became a pilot for a captured Visitor Shuttle under Resistance control; ferrying key Resistance members to safe houses, bases and targets all around the world (explaining her absence from the series).
The Boddickers
V Character | |
Barry Boddicker | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Surfing Shop Co-Owner, Resistance Agent |
Family | Dean (brother), Sandy (sister) |
Barry Boddicker is the brother of Sandy and Dean and together owned a surfing-supply shop. He and his siblings were members of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He and Dean assisted Mike Donovan and Julie Parrish to sabotage a new Visitor invention called the Encapsulator, and saved his captured sister Sandy and helped many prisoners escape the facility before it exploded.
V Character | |
Dean Boddicker | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Chad McQueen Chad McQueen Chadwick S. "Chad" McQueen is an American actor, film producer, martial artist and race car driver. He was born in Los Angeles, California to actor Steve McQueen and Filipino-born actress Neile Adams.-Personal life:... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Surfing Shop Co-Owner, Resistance Agent |
Family | Sandy (sister), Barry (brother) |
Dean Boddicker is the brother of Sandy and Barry and together owned a surfing-supply shop. He and his siblings were members of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He and Barry assisted Mike Donovan and Julie Parrish to sabotage a new Visitor invention called the Encapsulator, and saved his captured sister Sandy and helped many prisoners escape the facility before it exploded.
V Character | |
Sandy Boddicker | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Surfing Shop Co-Owner, Resistance Agent |
Family | Dean & Barry (brothers) |
Sandy Boddicker is the sister of Barry and Dean. She and her brothers were members of the Resistance during the Second Invasion on year after Liberation Day. She was captured to be used as a test subject on a prototype new Visitor invention called the Encapsulator, but was saved by Mike Donovan and Julie Parrish and she and many others were able to escape before the facility exploded.
Josh Brooks
V Character | |
Josh Brooks | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Portrayer | Tommy Petersen Tommy Petersen Tommy Petersen is an actor who is best known for his role as the young Zack Mayo in the 1982 hit romantic drama An Officer and a Gentleman. He starred in the 1983 hit NBC miniseries V as Josh Brooks.-Filmography:*The Cherokee Trail... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Student, Resistance Sympathizer |
Family | Un-named Parents (deceased) |
Josh Brooks is a student living in San Pedro with his parents and best friend of Sean Donovan. When the Visitors originally arrived on Earth, Josh was amongst the majority of the population that believed the Visitors claims were truly benevolent and idolized them. This ended when San Pedro's population was captured by Visitor shock troops who attacked the town after Resistance activities killed a high-ranking officer in the area. Josh was the only member of the town who escaped and remained alone for days until Sean's father, Mike, found him. After helping Mike acquire a Visitor security key that Mike gave to Sean earlier, Josh was taken in by a restaurant owner Mike knew, now a Resistance agent. Faced with increased Visitor activities inside the major cities, the agent relocated Josh to the Resistance's mountain camp, where Josh narrowly survived the Visitor shuttle attack. Josh went with the rest of the Resistance to a new base, becoming an unofficial member and living with the other children in the base for the remainder of the war. Shortly after the war's end, Josh is taken in by a foster family, where he remains to this day.
The Caniffs
V Character | |
George Caniff | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Robert Hooks Robert Hooks Robert Hooks is an American actor of films, television and stage. With a career as a producer and political activist to his credit, he is most recognizable to the public for his over 100 roles in films and television, as well as his political and civil rights activities... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Caniff Printing Shop Owner, Resistance Agent |
Family | Nicholas (son), Un-named Wife |
George Caniff was the owner of "Caniff Printing", a widely popular and respected newspaper shop in Los Angeles and lived with his wife and son Nicky in the shop and was friends to many, including Robin Maxwell. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, he and his family were Resistance members and operated an underground newspaper to all those who sought the truth, with John Langley as his best journalist. When Science Frontiers security personnel stormed the building, his family was able to escape, but he, Robin and 5 others were taken hostage. George and the others were saved from execution by a timely rescue by fellow Resistance members Mike Donovan, Ham Tyler, Kyle Bates, Julie Parrish, Elizabeth Maxwell and Visitor Willie. After being reunited with his family, George was then able to get out of the city.
V Character | |
Nicholas "Nicky" Caniff | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Sympathizer |
Family | George Caniff (father), Un-named Mother |
Nicholas Caniff, or better known as "Nicky", is the son of George Caniff and his wife and lived with his family at their shop in Los Angeles, named "Caniff Printing". One year after Liberation Day, the Visitors returned and launched the Second Invasion. Nicky and his family joined the Resistance and served to operate an underground newspaper for the organization from within the new "Open City". Nicky quickly became an avid reader of underground news produced by his father and other underground journalists such as John Langley, but never saw combat due to him only being a child. When Science Frontiers security personnel began storming the building, he was grabbed by his mother, who quickly escaped out the back and to safety while George was left behind and surrendered to prevent bloodshed. His mother left him at a safe house, and left to ask Mike Donovan's Resistance group to help liberate the hostages in the shop, which also included Robin Maxwell. The attack to free the hostages was successful, and Nicky, reunited with his father, escaped with his family and successfully made it out of the city.
Gregory Canis
V Character | |
Gregory Canis | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Killed by the Visitors |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Cell Leader |
Gregory Canis was the head of the "Pan Helenic" Resistance in Athens, Greece during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. When the city fell to the Visitors, Canis went missing when martial law was declared and suspected Resistance leaders rounded up by occupying Visitor forces. Canis is presumed to have been killed by the Visitors. This was reported on the Freedom News Network.
Shelly Connell
V Character | |
Shelly Connell | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Shot by the Visitors |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Shelly Connell is a member of the Resistance and a friend to Isaac during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. She and Isaac were stranded behind Visitor lines and imprisoned in one of their new internment camps. Isaac told fellow inmate Robin Maxwell that Shelly was taken out by the guards one night and hasn't been seen since. She is presumed deceased. Her death eventually drove Isaac to commit suicide.
Kipper Cordisco
V Character | |
Cipper Cordisco | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Senior Student, Resistance Cell Leader |
Cipper Cordisco is a high-school senior who lived in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Cipper led his senior class to Bear Point, Kentucky, where they routed a Visitor patrol amid heavy fighting in the Appalachian Mountains, which earned him the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
The Courtneys
V Character | |
Dave Courtney | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Killed by the Visitors |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Farmer, Resistance Cell Leader |
Family | Kathy (wife), Jessie (daughter) |
Dave Courtney was a farmer that lived near Tucson in a small country community on a ranch with his wife Kathy and daughter Jessie. When the Second Invasion began one year after Liberation Day, Dave stood up for what he believed in; freedom. After teaching his daughter how to shoot, giving her his rifle and making her promise to look after her mother, he rallied his neighbors and fought the Visitors when they came to the community. The fighting was fierce, but the new Resistance lived on, until Sheriff John Roland sold out the town by cutting a deal with the Visitors; Roland would continuously send tribute to the Visitors, in exchange Roland would be allowed to rule the community as he saw fit and have sole access to weapons. Roland then sent out Visitor patrols to confiscate all the weapons and kill all possible Resistance agents. Dave was killed in the last days of the fighting. Dave's death "took the fight out of everybody" in the county, and allowed Roland to dominate the land until Resistance leader Mike Donovan liberated them from Roland's rule.
V Character | |
Jessie Courtney | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Sherri Stoner Sherri Stoner Sherri Stoner is an American actress and writer. She was born July 16, 1965, in Santa Monica, California.She has worked extensively in animation. She was a writer and producer for such 1990s animated shows as Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs. She is probably best known for Animaniacs, for which... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Farmer, Resistance Agent |
Family | Dave & Kathy (parents: father deceased) |
Jessie Courtney is the daughter of Dave and Kathy Courtney and a farmer who lived in a farming community near Tucson. During the Second Invasion, she and her mother joined the Resistance after Dave was killed by the Visitors when they came to the community and helped Sheriff Roland take over the local area. Inspired by the legendary Mike Donovan, she helped turn back a Visitor attack squad led by Lieutenant James and single-handedly disabled a Visitor Shuttle's weapons with her rifle (a move her father taught her). When Mike left, she made him promise to come back when the war ended, as she came to see him a the father-figure she needed. She now works with her mother and Joe to unite their fellow ranchers and prepare for the Visitor's eventual return to their region.
V Character | |
Kathy Courtney | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Deborah Wakeham |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Farmer, Resistance Cell Leader |
Family | Dave (husband: deceased), Jessie (daughter) |
Kathy Courtney is a farmer with a husband named Dave and daughter named Jessie who lived in a farming community near Tucson. During the Second Invasion, she and Jessie joined the Resistance after Dave was killed by the Visitors when they came to the community and helped Sheriff Roland take over the local area. Inspired by the legendary Mike Donovan, she led her Resistance group to victory over a Visitor attack squad commanded by Lieutenant James. When Mike left, she made him promise to come back when the war ended, as she began to have romantic feelings for him (which he reciprocated). She, Jessie and Joe are currently working to unite their fellow and prepare for the Visitor's eventual return to their region.
The Davises
V Character | |
Alan Davis | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Terence Knox Terence Knox Terence Knox is an American actor.Knox was born Terry Davis in Richland, WA, and attended Washington State University and Portland State University. He is perhaps best known for his roles as Dr. Peter White, the medical resident-turned rapist in the TV show St. Elsewhere, on which he appeared... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Family | Joanne (wife), Johnny (son), Victoria (daughter) |
Alan Davis is the husband of Joanne and father of Johnny and Victoria and a friend of Julie Parrish after his brother went to school with her. He and his family were members of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. His wife went into labor with Victoria when the Visitors began their blitz of Los Angeles following the death of Nathan Bates. Desperate to save his family from the Visitor armies storming the city, he sought out the Resistance group led by Julie and, with the assistance of Mike Donovan and Kyle Bates, was able to save his family and help his wife give birth to their daughter; Victoria safely.
V Character | |
Joanne Davis | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Darleen Carr Darleen Carr Darleen Carr is an American actress best known for a recurring role in the 1981–82 television series Bret Maverick opposite James Garner... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Family | Alan (husband), Johnny (son), Victoria (daughter) |
Joanne Davis is the wife of Alan and mother Johnny and expecting a baby girl. During the Second Invasion, she and her family joined the Resistance. Joanne went into labor during the Los Angeles blitz, but with timely assistance by Mike Donovan and Kyle Bates was she and her family able to escape and gave birth to her daughter; Victoria, in safety.
V Character | |
John Michael "Johnny" Davis | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Ian Fried |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Sympathizer |
Family | Alan & Joanne (parents), Victoria (sister) |
John Michael "Johnny" Davis is the son of Alan and Joanne Davis and lived in Los Angeles during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He had sympathies for the Resistance and wished to become an active soldier when he got older. When his mother went into labor with his baby sister in the middle of the Los Angeles blitz (following the death of Nathan Bates), Johnny and his mother were in danger of Visitors commanded by Lieutenant James. However, with the timely assistance of Julie Parrish, Kyle Bates and Mike Donovan, he and his family were rescued and his sister born safely.
V Character | |
Victoria Davis | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Family | Alan & Joanne (parents), Johnny (brother) |
Victoria Davis is the daughter of Resistance members Alan and Joanne and baby sister of Johnny. Victoria was born amidst the Visitor blitz of Los Angeles following the death of Nathan Bates. She was named after the Victory over the Visitors the Resistance know will someday come.
Michael Donovan
V Character | |
Michael "Mike" Donovan | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Marc Singer Marc Singer Marc Singer is a Canadian-born American actor best known for his roles in the Beastmaster film series and as Mike Donovan in the original 1980s TV series V.-Personal life:... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | News Cameraman, Leader of the Resistance, Earth's Biggest Fugitive |
Family | Eleanor (mother), Sean (son) |
Michael "Mike" Donovan was a news cameraman who was partnered with Tony Wah Chong Leonetti and went around the globe documenting stories for airing on the news, he is also son of Eleanor Dupres, ex-husband of Marjorie Donovan and father of Sean. Mike first witnessed a Visitor Mothership arriving while in El Salvador (where he learns the basic rules of being a freedom fighter from local rebels), and he and Tony were representatives of the news group for the first tour aboard the Los Angeles Mothership. Mike initially thought the Visitors were friendly, but when Tony pointed out suspicious activity among high-ranking scientists (at a time scientists were becoming increasingly ostracized), Mike and Tony attempted to sneak aboard the LA Mothership to discover the truth, but Mike and Tony were ambushed on the landing platform and Tony and he were separated.
Lieutenant Martin, a Visitor Mike had befriended and was really leader of the Fifth Column; a Visitor movement dedicated to bring peace to their people, freed Mike and revealed Tony had been experimented to death by Diana. Martin then helped Mike, Robin Maxwell and Sancho Gomez escape in a shuttle back to Earth, and also revealed why the Visitors had come to their world; the Visitors plan to steal the population of Earth for food and the entire worlds water supply as their own world was dying.
Upon arrival, Mike joined the Resistance; led by Julie Parrish, to stop the Visitors plans. Mike led the Resistance (using methods he learned in El Salvador) to victory time and again, and struck up a romantic relationship with Julie and crude friendship with a gruff and experienced Resistance member named Ham Tyler (who gave him the nickname "Gooder", which was short for "Do-gooder" as he constantly did things to help others despite risks to his life). When the time came to decide whether or not to use the newly created Red Dust on the Visitors, Mike vouched for it and was supported by Elias Taylor and several other key members of the Resistance leadership.
He and Martin, who had now mobilized his movement to openly help the Resistance, led the attack on the LA Mothership and stopped the self-destruct intended to destroy the Earth. He then took the ship, now under Resistance control, back to Earth victorious.
One year after Liberation Day, Mike has returned to his job as a cameraman, this time with Martin as his sound operator and is poised to become a full-time anchorman, but his relationship with Julie has ended. However, he now has a world-wide reputation of a freedom fighter and "Hero of the Resistance", and has even gained the grudging respect of the Visitors themselves. When Diana is supposedly "assassinated" by an agent of Ham Tyler. Mike and Martin pursue her and corner her at Tyler's hideout. Martin then knocks Mike out and attempts to kill Diana himself. Martin fails and warns Mike (now conscious) of Diana's plan to re-invade the Earth before dying in his arms. Mike joins up with Tyler to hunt down and kill Diana, but fail to stop her from escaping the planet and returning to the Visitor fleet. Donovan catches up with Diana at the southwest tracking station, noticing that Diana is already calling the second orbital fleet he plans to keep Diana Earth-bound long enough for the Red Dust to take effect.
Mike yells and says that she doesn't have much time, Diana notices her timer is nearly ran out bailing out of a short gunfight, Diana heads for the rooftop, however Donovan beats her there and she fires a shot planning to kill him. seeing the Visitor shuttle arriving Mike realizes he doesn't have much time. seeing Diana making a run for it he yells then Diana turns around Mike fires several shots hitting Diana in the chest and twice in the back before she leaves. once inside Diana pulls a bullet shell fragment from her uniform saying "What a primitive planet.
During the Second Invasion, Mike and Tyler join up with Resistance; now reunited by Julie Parrish and resumed to wage war against the Visitors across the United States, Mike also becomes more independent when Tyler leaves for Chicago and forms the "bond of friendship" with Philip, Martin's twin brother and new leader of the Fifth Column. Mike became the primary leader of many Resistance cells, going across the world to fight the Visitor armies, becoming a symbol of hope to the human race and even gaining the grudging respect of the Visitors themselves, who made him into the Most Wanted Man on Earth.
In the (unaired) series finale, Mike and the rest of his Resistance group narrowly escape the Los Angeles Mothership, although Julie is vaporized, and narrowly escape back to Earth, where they are reunited with Ham Tyler. Mike and the rest of the group are now hunting for an artifact called the "Anyx" to use against the Visitors amidst the devastation wrought by the Visitors during the temporary Armistice, which the Visitors took advantage of to crush the majority of the Resistance.
Andrew Doyle
V Character | |
Father Andrew Doyle | |
First Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Death | Shot by Diana |
Portrayer | Thomas Hill Thomas Hill (actor) Thomas Hill was an actor and director on stage for decades before starting in film in the mid 1960s and on television in the 1980s.... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | |
Occupation | Roman Catholic Priest, Resistance Agent, Reluctant-Collaborator |
Father Andrew Doyle was a Roman Catholic priest who served as a missionary in foreign countries to bring the word of God to the people. While serving in South Africa, he used his church to also hide refugees, mostly children and families, from the guerrilla groups fighting in constant civil wars. One guerrilla came into the church in search of suspected rival guerrillas (but were, in fact, two children and a young woman). Knowing he was going to kill the family if he got the chance, Andrew shot him and the guerrilla died. Because of his sacrilegious act, and the fact he never took a life before, he was constantly wracked with guilt and left the country some time later, and returned to his home in Los Angeles.
When the First Invasion began, Andrew joined the Resistance group under Julie Parrish's command. He was willing to go into battle and, using his experience in Africa and other hostile nations, proved himself to be a capable soldier and helped his fellow rebels on a variety of missions. He still continued his religious duties, such as performing sermons, "last rites" ceremonies (for terminally injured rebels), eulogies at funerals and other religious services. He also had a secret desire for peace with the Visitors as he saw the entire war as a waste of life.
When Elizabeth Maxwell was born, Andrew grew afraid of the increasingly hostile attitude by many, even her own grandfather Robert Maxwell, towards the girl. He also began to see her as living proof of the possibility of peace he desired and considered her a miracle of God. When Robin used the experimental Red Dust on Elizabeth's father, Brian, Andrew's fears reached its breaking point and took the girl, left the base they were staying and willingly turned himself in to the Visitors. For delivering the girl to her custody; Diana gave sanctuary and proper accommodations to Andrew, and with orders for him to be treated like a guest, rather than a prisoner. When Andrew, who expressed a desire to carry the word of God to the people of Sirius 4, gave his bible Diana to examine, Diana drew unexpected conclusions by reading it and, thinking the book's beliefs have pointed out her weaknesses, killed Andrew in front of Elizabeth. Andrew was also one of the Resistors that assisted unmasking John on Television
Arthur Dupres
V Character | |
Arthur Dupres | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Portrayer | Hansford Rowe Hansford Rowe Hansford Rowe is an American character actor who has starred in films and on television. He has been known to play ministers in some of his roles.... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Chemical Plant Manager, Resistance Agent |
Family | Eleanor Dupres (wife: deceased), Mike Donovan (stepson) |
Arthur Dupres was the manager of the chemical plant where Caleb Taylor worked and husband to Eleanor Dupres and stepfather to Mike Donovan. Following the Visitor's First Invasion, Arthur's plant was chosen as the first facility to have Visitor technicians. Gradually Arthur became disillusioned with the Visitors views and, when Eleanor plotted to use her grandson, Sean, to infiltrate and spy on the Resistance, he left her and joined the Resistance.
Ruby Engels
V Character | |
Ruby Engels | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Death | Shot by Daniel Bernstein |
Portrayer | Camila Ashland Camila Ashland Camila Ashland , is an actress, best known for her role as Minnie Du Val in the cult series Dark Shadows.Ashland also starred on the soap opera General Hospital as Alice Grant from 1976–1977, and in the 1983 hit NBC miniseries V and its 1984 sequel, V: The Final Battle where she played Resistance... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Actress, Resistance Agent |
Family | Un-named Husband (deceased) |
Ruby Engels was a small-time actress who lived in Germany with her husband. They eventually moved to America, where Ruby had to adapt to the color barrier, and lack of work in acting. Many years later, Ruby is now retired from acting, a widow, and neighbor to the Bernstein family. She has struck up a friendship with Abraham, the eldest member of the family, and helps him cope with his memories of the Nazi Holocaust.
When the First Invasion began, she attempted to comfort Abraham's growing fears about the Visitors, but in the end becomes afraid of them herself. After Abraham willingly went to his death at the Visitor's hands, she dedicates herself to fighting the Visitors, first by destroying a Visitor Shuttle in Abraham's memory with a petrol bomb, and then acting as a spy for the L.A. Resistance Cell at the Visitor Embassy by using her old acting tricks to disguise her true identity by posing as a cleaning lady. She befriends many amongst the group, especially Julie Parrish (who she helps gain the confidence to lead the group) and even the gruff Ham Tyler (who feels comfortable around her to the point of talking to her about his tragic past). Ruby became crucial to several key Resistance operations, such as John's unmasking and told her friends that the thrill she experienced from spying is like the big-time acting career she never had.
Ruby became the central part of a Resistance plan to rescue Julie from the Embassy. The rescue was successful, but Ruby is exposed by her old neighbor, Daniel Bernstein, as a Resistance spy who shoots and kills her as she attempts to leave the Embassy. Ruby's body is recovered and given a proper funeral; with her tombstone marked "Our Beloved Ruby". Ruby was later avenged through the actions of her friend and fellow Resistance member Caleb Talyor, who framed Daniel for the abduction of Brian, leader of the Visitors Youth Movement.
Chris Farber
V Character | |
Chris Farber | |
First Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Mickey Jones Mickey Jones Mickey Jones is an American musician and actor.-Early life:Jones was born in Houston, Texas, the son of Frances Marie and Fred Edward Jones... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Mercenary, Resistance Agent |
Chris Farber is the soft-spoken, burly associate and best friend of Ham Tyler. Chris and Tyler were both CIA operatives and went on specially requested missions for the U.S. government into other countries. While on a mission in Vietnam near the end of the war, a bombing raid on Saigon killed Tyler's family while on the mission despite their superior's promises to evacuate them. Disgusted with how they treated human life and upset with his friend's loss, Farber left the agency with Tyler and became mercenaries-for-hire.
During the First Invasion, Farber and Tyler join the Resistance and become leaders of the World Liberation Front, the most powerful of Resistance groups. After the Los Angeles's group's "stunt" that unmasked the true nature of the Visitors to the world, Farber went with Tyler to the group and helped get the fledgling L.A. Cell off the ground and use proper tactics and better weaponry. Farber served as the explosives and munitions expert for the group for the remainder of the war.
One year after Liberation Day, Farber and Tyler have gone their separate ways; with Tyler forming an official high-tech security agency and Farber remaining a mercenary serving with a mercenary unit in the desert. When the Second Invasion began, Farber and the rest of the desert unit joined the Resistance, but soon after the unit is destroyed by the Visitors, but Farber survives and left to work for an underground railroad run by Father Turney, he proceeds to help transport orphaned children to the safety of Los Angeles where they can go to foster homes. It is here he is reunited with Tyler, now also with the Resistance, and decides to rejoin the L.A. Cell. Farber later departs with Tyler and Robin Maxwell for Chicago.
In the (unaired) series finale, Farber and Tyler return to rescue the L.A. Cell group shortly after their narrow escape from the Mothership. Farber and the rest of the group are now searching for the Anyx, an artifact which could defeat the Visitors, amidst the destruction the Visitors wrought during the Armistice, when the Visitors took advantage of the peace to wipe out the majority of the Resistance.
V Character | |
Fisher | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Tortured by Mr. Chiang |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Agent, Reluctant-Collaborator |
Fisher was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He, along with Resistance members Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler, participates in an ambush not only designed to assassinate a local Visitor Subcommander, but to also retrieve vital documents about an experimental Visitor device called the "Encapsulator". The ambush was a success, but while Mike and Ham escaped, Fisher was trapped and captured by police. The police then turned over Fisher to Science Frontiers head; Nathan Bates, who in turn was turned over to his security chief, Mr. Chiang. Fisher was brutally interrogated by Chiang. He initially refused to reveal anything, claiming he knew nothing of the Resistance and that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Eventually Fisher broke under torture and confessed a large amount of information on the Resistance to Chiang, but died of his injuries before he could reveal the name of the Resistance mole at Science Frontiers (Julie Parrish).
Sancho Gomez
V Character | |
Sancho Gomez | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Portrayer | Rafael Campos |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Gardener, Resistance Agent |
Family | Un-named Grandfather, Wife & Children |
Sancho Gomez is a gardener in the employ of the Maxwells, Dupres, Bernsteins and several other neighborhood families at the time of the First Invasion. Though he regretfully stops working for the Maxwells as his other clients know of their scientist status, he helps them escape through the Visitor security checkpoints, however, Eleanor Dupres hears Katie Maxwell crying in his truck and alerts the Visitors to Sancho's location, and they arrest him after discovering evidence of him smuggling the family away. He is brutalized while in custody but is rescued by Mike Donovan and they, along with a now-captive Robin Maxwell, escape in a Visitor Skyfighter. During the chase by pursuing fighters, he shoots down the fighters and joins the Resistance upon reaching safety. Sancho is part of the discussion of whether to use the Red Dust to force the Visitors to leave Earth and part of the attack team on the Visitor Mothership orbiting Los Angeles, and helped secure the ship for the Resistance and return it to Earth under their control. He stated that his grandfather fought with Zapata
Emiliano Zapata
Emiliano Zapata Salazar was a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution, which broke out in 1910, and which was initially directed against the president Porfirio Díaz. He formed and commanded an important revolutionary force, the Liberation Army of the South, during the Mexican Revolution...
during the Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution
The Mexican Revolution was a major armed struggle that started in 1910, with an uprising led by Francisco I. Madero against longtime autocrat Porfirio Díaz. The Revolution was characterized by several socialist, liberal, anarchist, populist, and agrarianist movements. Over time the Revolution...
of the early 1900s.
Bill Graham
V Character | |
Bill Graham | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Portrayer | Michael Alldredge Michael Alldredge Michael Alldredge was an American film and television actor. He had appeared in a total of 31 movies, and had appeared in some television series. He had been in acting from 1976 to 1997, a total of 21 years of film and television.-External links:... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Chemical Plant Worker, Resistance Agent |
Bill Graham was a worker at Arthur Dupres' factory and a colleague and best friend of Caleb Taylor. When the Visitors originally arrived on Earth, he and Caleb were both tasked with working with the new Visitor technicians, something they thought was a mistake. However, Bill changed his mind when Visitor Willie saved Caleb from an accident at the factory. When the Visitors true nature was revealed to the world, Bill left his post and joined the Resistance, serving with the L.A. Cell with his friend Caleb.
V Character | |
Griggs | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Griggs is a member of the Resistance during the First and Second Invasions. When the Visitors returned to Earth, he was among the L.A. Cell members that reunited at Club Creole under Mike Donovan's command and joined the assault team on the Science Frontiers-controlled Visitor Mothership. He led two armed squads against security forces outside the facility where the ship was kept, which provided the necessary distraction for Donovan and his squad to board and capture the Mothership.
Dean Harris
V Character | |
Dean Harris | |
First Appearance | |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Newsman, Resistance Sympathizer |
Dean Harris is a newsman at KDHB and an old friend of Mike Donovan. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Dean remained at his post in Los Angeles, but has sympathies towards the Resistance and kept in contact with Mike. Mike later asked Dean to hack into Visitor Commander Charles's world-wide television broadcast signal when they needed to conduct a televised prisoner exchange with Nathan Bates.
Chi Chi Haspay
V Character | |
Chi Chi Haspay | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Cell Leader |
Chi Chi Haspay is a daring Resistance leader that operated a cell group on the Island of Hawaii despite immense Visitor activity. She cheated death on numerous occasions when narrowly avoiding search patrols by the Visitor Island Command's sweep of the island. This was reported by the Freedom News Network.
Isaac Henley
V Character | |
Isaac Henley | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Eaten by the Crivit |
Portrayer | Xander Berkeley Xander Berkeley Alexander Harper "Xander" Berkeley is an American actor. His roles include George Mason on the television series 24.-Early life:Berkeley was born in Brooklyn, New York, but has lived most of his life in New Jersey... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Isaac Henley was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Isaac and a fellow Resistance member; Shelly Connell, were stranded behind Visitor lines during the fighting and were then captured and imprisoned at a newly constructed Visitor concentration camp. He became suicidal following Shelly's death at the hands of their captors, but kept it in check when he befriended fellow inmate Robin Maxwell. However, his suicidal yearnings grew during his time in the camp and, after repeatedly failed escape attempts (that had also made him depressed and despondent of whether he would escape or not), Isaac eventually snapped and jumps into the camp's sand barrier; whose "Crivit" monster eats him alive.
Skip Henry
V Character | |
Skip "Old Skipper" Henry | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Radio Broadcaster, Resistance Agent |
Skip Henry is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He became a news broadcaster for the pirate radio network "Radio Free America" with the nickname "Old Skipper" and had a special part he operated called "Dedication Line" which allowed certain Resistance members to express emotions or feelings for any person they wanted.
Anna Horowitz
V Character | |
Anna Horowitz | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Cell Leader |
Anna Horowitz is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Anna led a contingent of "Grey Panthers" Resistance members on a raid on a Visitor armory in Charleston, South Carolina. Where they destroyed the control panels of 16 Visitor skyfighters with baseball bats before escaping unharmed. This earned her the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Stuart Kaminsky
V Character | |
Stuart Kaminsky | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Cell Leader |
Stuart Kaminsky lived in Philadelphia and was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He operated an underground railroad between Atlanta and Philadelphia, which allowed Stuart to single-handedly save over 300 people from the Visitor work camps in Georgia. For his courageous act, he earned the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Fred King
V Character | |
Doctor Fred King | |
First Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Death | Shot by Daniel Bernstein |
Portrayer | Mark L. Taylor Mark L. Taylor Mark L. Taylor is an American actor. He was born in Syracuse, New York.Taylor has appeared in various shows such as Seinfeld, Beverly Hills, 90210, Melrose Place, Chicago Hope, Ally McBeal and Boston Legal... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Agent |
Family | |
Fred King was a scientist and an old friend and colleague of Julie Parrish. He initially helps only by supplying intelligence to Julie and her fellow Resistance members (such as John's ceremony at the Los Angeles Medical Center, complete with building plans) but with Julie's insistence, agrees to take larger risks and smuggles medical supplies and weapons to the Resistance. He served as Julie's getaway driver when the operation to expose John's true nature on national television succeeded. He made it to the gate, but Daniel Bernstein shot him through the windscreen and he was killed instantly, causing the van to crash and allow Julie to be captured by Visitor forces.
Tony Wah Chong Leonetti
V Character | |
Tony Wah Chong Leonetti | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Experimentation by Diana |
Portrayer | Evan C. Kim Evan C. Kim Evan C. Kim is an American actor. He is best known for playing Loo in the 1977 comedy The Kentucky Fried Movie's "A Fistful of Yen" segment, the interpreter Cowboy in the 1978 Vietnam War film Go Tell the Spartans, the erudite caveman Nook in the cult 1981 comedy Caveman, Suki in the 1982 B movie... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Sound Operator, Resistance Sympathizer |
Tony Wah Chong Leonetti, played by Evan C. Kim
Evan C. Kim
Evan C. Kim is an American actor. He is best known for playing Loo in the 1977 comedy The Kentucky Fried Movie's "A Fistful of Yen" segment, the interpreter Cowboy in the 1978 Vietnam War film Go Tell the Spartans, the erudite caveman Nook in the cult 1981 comedy Caveman, Suki in the 1982 B movie...
, was the world-famous cameraman Mike Donovan's sound operator, unofficial "business manager" and friend, with a young Asian wife named Fran and several children. Tony went with Mike to Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and other hostile countries to capture a great story about the conflicts ravaging the population, such as wars, civil wars, disasters, coups, uprisings, invasions etc. Tony was nearly killed on numerous occasions, and believed Mike was a kamikaze pilot in a previous incarnation, but secretly enjoyed the thrill of adventure.
While reporting on a rebel uprising in El Salvador, Mike and Tony were the first journalists in the world to see the Visitors Motherships arrive, and were among the hand-picked journalists allowed on the L.A. Mothership that evening. Gradually, the Visitors became more and more powerful, but Mike and Tony didn't mind. When the "Conspiracy of Scientists" began operations, Tony discovered the oddness of scientists Doctor Maurice Jankowski and Doctor Jacques Duvivier, and alerted Mike. He later agrees to sneak aboard the Mothership with Mike, but trips just as they were rushing for the shuttle, forcing him to be left behind. When Mike returned with proof of the Visitors shocking nature, Tony was among the first to see its contents. The transmission to broadcast the tape, however, was jammed by the Visitors, who also sent troops to arrest Mike as a terrorist. Tony gave a copy of the tape to Mike and helped him escape, and managed to convince the authorities that he had no part in Mike's alleged terrorist activities.
When Mike decided to go back to find his missing son, Tony and Mike were both captured on the shuttle's landing platform and taken to the Mothership against their will. Tony was later part of one of Diana's experiments and died of horrific injuries.
Dennis Lowell
V Character | |
Dennis "Denny" Lowell | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Portrayer | Ron Hajek |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Stockbroker, Resistance Sympathizer |
Dennis Lowell is a stockbroker who shared his Los Angeles apartment with his lover, Doctor Julie Parrish. He loved his job, (apparently almost as much as Julie loved medicine), and adapted his impatient and stubborn nature to adapt to his profession, such as regularly studying the stock market, dabbling his small fortune in stocks and bonds and even becoming an avid reader of the Wall Street Journal. Despite being obsessed with his job, he never lost sight with his relationship with Julie, as he didn't bother her with facts about his job (which Julie found boring), acknowledged Julie was smarter than he was and enjoyed her company, unlike most stubborn men and cared about Julie feelings and happiness. This led to a deep bond between the two, to the point Julie regularly called him "Denny" and felt she couldn't leave him.
When the Visitors first arrived on Earth, Dennis considered it a historic occasion, but wasn't as curious about the Visitors themselves as Julie was. When the Visitors began producing chemicals with the help of the human population, Dennis took advantage of the new change in the market by putting stock in the new industry, quickly expanding his fortune. When the "Conspiracy of Scientists" appeared and ostracization towards scientists began, Dennis began losing accounts due to his clients knowing of Julie's status as a biochemist and medical student. Julie realized this, despite Dennis's attempts to dissuade her, and to prevent Dennis from losing his job, Julie packed up and left him. Dennis reluctantly agreed to let her go because he still had feelings for her.
When the Resistance began fighting the Visitors, who were truly reptilians instead of humanoids, Dennis decided to support Julie's Resistance group by providing it with funding.
Steven Maitland
V Character | |
Doctor Steven Maitland | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | John Calvin John Calvin John Calvin was an influential French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism. Originally trained as a humanist lawyer, he broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Doctor, Reluctant-Collaborator, Resistance Agent |
Steven Maitland was a promising medical student at the Los Angeles Medical School. While studying to become a doctor, he met Juliet Parrish, and the two became lovers and had a sexual affair with her. This relationship ended when Steven asked Julie for her hand in marriage; she initially accepted, but later backer out, as she couldn't face the prospect of becoming a housewife when she wanted to become a doctor. Steven was devastated. Later he graduated and became a doctor and a renowned biologist, known for his work with recombinant DNA.
During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Steven allowed himself to be captured by the Visitors and brought to the Mothership; who wanted to use him to create a virus that caused its victims to fall into a vegetative-like state, when in fact he was planning to break into the Mothership's Vault and destroy their entire supply of active viral weapons; which would end the Visitors ability to wage a biological attack on Earth (because the germs that make up the virus could only be cultivated on Sirius 4 and would take years to replace). Steven worked on the virus for three months, steadily planning to destroy the virus, and was meanwhile forced to experiment on captured humans, filling him with guilt at him turning people into "zombies", and was also threatened by his Visitor supervisors to get his work done on time or risk execution. This was because Steven altering each sample of the virus before he used it to derail the research. He also modified his permanent store of the virus to die within 12 hours of infecting a subject, allowing all the test subjects to recover.
When Mike Donovan and Julie, now a doctor herself, came aboard with Philip's assistance to salvage a list of Resistance leaders names and locations from Visitor custody, Julie reunited with Steven and began to mend their relationship. With Mike's assistance, Steven formed crude and powerful explosives out of the chemical compounds in his lab and, after setting fire to his lab as a diversion, accessed the vault, and used the explosives to destroy the inside of the room, along with the viruses. After Mike and Julie found the list, they escaped the Mothership with Steven.
As they parted ways, Steven, now friends with Mike due to their similar nature, planned to one day take a skyfighter ride with him through "clear skies" when the war ended. He also planned to get back together with Julie. Although he wanted to get back together with her now (which she reciprocated), he had many tasks to perform for the Resistance; such as making sure the Visitors viral complex would never be rebuilt, help his staff and their families make it to the Free Zone and then aid in the research being done there that could defeat the Visitors.
A short time later, Julie was killed in the (unaired) series finale while on the Mothership. Steven never had the chance to see her again.
The Maxwells
V Character | |
Doctor Kathleen Maxwell | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Shot by Visitor Shuttlecraft |
Portrayer | Penelope Windust Penelope Windust Penelope Windust is an American actress who starred on television, and in a few movies. She studied drama at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Tech just before its merger into Carnegie Mellon University in 1967... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Agent |
Family | Robert (husband), Robin & Polly & Katie (daughters), Elizabeth (granddaughter) |
Kathleen Maxwell was a botanist and wife of Robert, mother of Robin, Polly and Katie and employer of Sancho Gomez, who she treated as a friend because of their similar backgrounds in yard work. When the Visitors arrived on Earth, she and her family remained unconcerned about their growing control of everyday life, but when a sudden rush of ostracization against scientists endangered her family, Kathleen and the rest of her family went underground and were given sanctuary by Abraham Bernstein, though they were forced to flee again before a Visitor raiding team attacked their hiding place. Desperate for a way to escape the Visitor security zone, she was able to convince Sancho to help her family escape the blockades, though this inevitably led to his capture. The whole family then joined the Resistance, and while Robert and Robin lived in the newly established complex inside Los Angeles, Kathleen remained with Polly and Katie in the Resistance mountain camp. When the Visitors attacked the camp, she was wounded by shuttle fire and died in Robert's arms.
V Character | |
Doctor Robert Maxwell | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Collision of L.A. Mothership with Triax Particle Cannon |
Portrayer | Michael Durrell Michael Durrell Michael Durrell is an American actor.He began his career in the role of attorney Peter Wexler on CBS in the soap opera The Guiding Light. In 1969 he appeared on stage in "Cock-A-Doodle-Dandy" at the Lyceum Theatre in New York City... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Agent |
Family | Kathleen (wife: deceased), Robin & Katie & Polly (daughters), Elizabeth (granddaughter) |
Robert Maxwell was an anthropologist and husband to Kathleen, father of Robin, Polly and Katie and grandfather to Elizabeth. During the First Invasion, Robert and his family were forced to go underground and Robert sent his family to a Resistance camp in the mountains. He became an active part of Julie Parrish's Resistance cell, but lost his wife when the camp was exposed and attacked. He helped convince the Bernsteins to hide additional families hiding from Visitor prosecution. Robert comforted Robin when Elizabeth was taken by Father Andrew Doyle for her own protection and vouched for the use of the Red Dust toxin to poison the Earth against Visitor habitation.
One year after Liberation Day, Robert, Robin and Elizabeth are living in a ranch in the mountains (Robert had Polly and Katie put into the Bernsteins care shortly after the war ended) but are forced to leave during the Second Invasion as the Visitors are aware of their location. All three join the reformed Resistance and Robert was part of the attack squad to capture to Mothership commandeered by Resistance which was being guarded by Nathan Bates's soldiers. Robert was shot and fatally wounded during the fight and chose to stay behind and pilot the Mothership into the orbiting Triax Particle Cannon on a suicide run. Robert died when the two craft collided, but his actions saved Los Angeles and countless millions of lives from destruction.
V Character | |
Elizabeth "Starchild" Maxwell | |
First Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Jenny Beck Jenny Beck (actress) Jennifer "Jenny" Beck is an American actress best known for playing a young Elizabeth on V: The Final Battle and V: The Series... (child), Jennifer Cooke Jennifer Cooke Jennifer Cooke is an American actress.She is perhaps best known for her role as the "Star Child", Elizabeth, who is half Human/half Visitor in the 1984 television series V. She also starred in the soap opera Guiding Light as Morgan Richards Nelson from 1981-1983. Cooke played "Debbie" on the... (adult) |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Family | Robert & Kathleen (grandparents: deceased) Brian (father: deceased), Robin (mother), Polly & Katie (aunties) |
Elizabeth "Starchild" Maxwell is the Half-Human/Half-Visitor hybrid daughter of Visitor Brian and Robin Maxwell and grandchild of Robert and Kathleen Maxwell and niece of Katie and Polly. She is the only known successful offspring between the two species and is a product of one of Diana's experiments into crossbreeding. When she was born, it was discovered she had a younger twin reptilian brother; who died from exposure to an infection (which was the basis for the Red Dust). Elizabeth however thrived and began aging at a rapid rate to the point she was an 8-year-old mere hours after birth. When Elizabeth's father, Brian, was killed by her mother, Robin, Father Andrew Doyle grew afraid for her safety and took her to the Visitors for her own protection. Diana realised the importance of the child and kept her close by. She was brought back to her family following the Red Dust poisoning the Earth against Visitor habitation, and demonstrated her latent superhuman powers, such as disabling the self-destruct device intended to destroy the Earth.
One year after Liberation Day, Elizabeth is seen living with her mother and grandfather at their mountain ranch. The world media is centred around learning about her and are curious of her involvement in saving the Earth and keep trying to talk to her, but Elizabeth uses her new telekinetic abilities to keep them away. She then goes through another metamorphosis, turning her into a full-grown woman of 18 within a matter of hours. She, Julie and Robert escape the returning Visitors back to Los Angeles and join the Resistance. Elizabeth finds it difficult to get used to her new status and physical condition, but with the aid of her friends, she gets used to it and becomes an ever-helpful member of the Resistance and uses her expanding powers to help their fight against the Visitors. She also develops a strong romantic relationship with Kyle Bates.
In the (unaired) series finale, Elizabeth is revealed to be destined to find an artifact on Earth called the "Anyx", which is the source of all great power and once belonged to the Visitor's gods who hid it away on Earth in the face of someone on their world taking control of it and destroying them. Elizabeth is meant to find it and use it to rule the people of the Earth and eventually conquer the Visitors. Elizabeth steals an artifact called the "Syllabus" which is a scroll that leads to the Anyx's location from the Leader and escapes with the Resistance back to Earth. She and the Resistance are currently hunting for the artifact amidst the destruction the Visitors have wrought in the time of peace, which they took advantage of to crush the majority of the Resistance.
Elizabeth's powers include eidetic memory, enhanced hearing, genetic memory, healing, levitation, precognition, remote viewing, technopathy, telekinesis, telepathy, voice duplication. But when she finds the Anyx, her powers will become larger and more varied to the point she will dominate both races. Elizabeth is also immune to the Red Dust despite her Visitor genes. As a result, the Visitors (primarily Diana) make repeated attempts to capture her as her DNA may hold the key to develop a permanent cure or anti-toxin to the Red Dust and allow the Visitors to conquer the remaining protected areas of the world. Elizabeth's DNA can also be used to create a new version of the Red Dust that is harmless to life on Earth. In "V The Final Battle," she tries to make peace with Diana, and Diana said "It's not in our destiny." Elizabeth said peace again in Visitor language, but Diana yelled "No!"
V Character | |
Katie Maxwell | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Portrayer | Marin May Marin May Marin May is an American actress who has starred in movies and on television.Her best known role is in the 1983 NBC miniseries V as Katie Maxwell... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Sympathizer |
Family | Robert & Kathleen (parents: deceased), Robin & Polly (sisters), Elizabeth (niece) |
Katie Maxwell is the 3-year-old child of Robert and Kathleen and youngest sister to Robin and Katie and auntie to Elizabeth. Being so young and helpless, she generally never knew what was going on and needed constant care by older members of her family. During the First Invasion, her family was steadily discredited against and was forced to flee persecution, and Katie and her family were given sanctuary by Abraham Bernstein, but were forced to flee again before a Visitor raiding team found them. Katie and the family then joined the Resistance and she, her mother and older sister took residence at the L.A. Cell's mountain camp, but fled again after the Visitors attacked it and her mother was killed. Katie then lived with the other children in the Resistance base for the remainder of the war. Robert, not being able to care for 3 children and 1 grandchild after the war's end, convinced Katie to go with Polly into the Bernstein's care, where they remain to this day.
V Character | |
Polly Maxwell | |
First Appearance | V: The Miniseries |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Portrayer | Viveka Davis Viveka Davis Viveka Davis is an American actress who has starred on television and in films. As a young actress, she was best known for her role in the 1983 NBC TV miniseries V as Polly Maxwell, a role she reprised in the 1984 sequel V: The Final Battle.Discovered at age 11, by Alan Parker in an inner city... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Student, Resistance Agent |
Family | Robert & Kathleen (parents: deceased), Robin & Katie (sisters), Elizabeth (niece), Arch (godfather: deceased) |
Polly Maxwell is the 12-year-old child of Robert and Kathleen, younger sister to Robin, older sister to Katie and auntie to Elizabeth. Unlike most of her family, Polly was more willing to defend what she believed in and is more open to confrontations. When the First Invasion began and their family being steadily discredited against, Polly was bullied and attacked regularly at school, leading her to adopt a cold attitude towards the Visitors for causing it. When her family was forced to flee, Polly and her family were given sanctuary by Abraham Bernstein, but were forced to flee again before a Visitor raiding team found them. Polly and the family then joined the Resistance and she, her mother and younger sister took residence at the L.A. Cell's mountain camp, but fled again after the Visitors attacked it and her mother was killed. Polly then lived with the other children in the Resistance base for the remainder of the war. Robert, not being able to care for 3 children and 1 grandchild after the war's end, convinced Polly to go with Katie into the Bernstein's care, where they remain to this day.
V Character | |
Robin Maxwell | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Blair Tefkin Blair Tefkin Blair Tefkin is an American actress and singer-songwriter.She may be best known for her role as Robin Maxwell on the 1983 science fiction miniseries V, the 1984 sequel V: The Final Battle, and V: The Series... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Student, Resistance Agent |
Family | Robert & Kathleen (parents: deceased), Polly & Katie (sisters), Elizabeth (daughter) |
Robin Maxwell is the 17-year-old daughter of Robert and Kathleen and older sister to Polly and Katie and mother of Elizabeth. She was an impulsive teenager who frequently made dangerously foolish decisions. When her old boyfriend, Daniel Bernstein, reports her family to the Visitors when she rejects him, Robin and her family join the Resistance. Robin, wanting to explore, goes outside the base and is quickly captured by Visitor soldiers and taken to the Visitor Mothership above Los Angeles. It is here she is made love to by Brian and left pregnant with his baby. Robin is rescued, along with Sancho Gomez, by Mike Donovan and returned to her family. Attempts to have the child aborted fail, and Robin gives birth to twins, one boy and one girl. The largely Visitor boy dies of an infection while the largely Human girl; now named Elizabeth, survives. It is revealed that the combination of Human and Visitor DNA caused the spontaneous development of an organism toxic to Visitor physiology. This organism is later refined into the "Red Dust". When Brian is captured to be used in a test of the Red Dust, Robin, who is thirsting for vengeance for using her to create a hybrid baby, uses the Dust on him; killing him nearly instantly. Robin then begins to have feelings for her child after Father Andrew Doyle took Elizabeth away for her own safety. Robin and Elizabeth were reunited when the Resistance captures the Los Angeles Mothership and returns the Earth, which is now toxic to Visitor habitation due to the Red Dust.
One year after Liberation Day, Robin is shown to have matured and is more responsible and joins the Resistance during the Second Invasion by the Visitors. Though she sometimes acts childish, especially when she fell in love with Kyle Bates, who did not reciprocate, but instead had feelings for a now grown-up Elizabeth. After a second attempt is made to impregnate her (as her DNA is the only strand on the Earth that can be manipulated to combine with Visitor DNA), she decides to leave for Chicago, where the Visitors cannot survive due to the lingering effects of the Red Dust.
Marilyn McGeorge
V Character | |
Marilyn McGeorge | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Housewife, Resistance Agent |
Family | Un-named Husband |
Marilyn McGeorge is a housewife from Biloxi, Mississippi. She was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Marilyn spotted the Visitor patrol boat Volgon of the coast and rammed it with her husband's boat, sinking the patrol boat. Marilyn was later found clinging to debris and rescued, earning her the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Brad McIntyre
V Character | |
Police Officer Brad McIntyre | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Portrayer | William Russ William Russ William Russ is an American actor, best known for his role as Alan Matthews on Boy Meets World.-Early life:Russ was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, and is the son of a naval officer... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Police Officer, Resistance Agent |
Brad McIntyre is a brash, crude and experienced police officer and member of the LAPD. During his time in the force, his personality adapted to the dangerous nature of his duties and he gradually became more cautious and more experienced with kept his guard up. When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Brad was among those of the Earth's population who became suspicious of the Visitors true intentions, and was alarmed when he noticed that all of the police officers, including his partner, who wouldn't go along with the Visitors "requests" vanished. Brad saw the need to defend themselves against the Visitors and joined the new-formed Resistance, but still remained as a police officer. Brad was among those who met with Julie in an abandoned laundromat for the purpose of forming a Resistance group, and he agreed that an and agreed that an underground movement was necessary in the face of the growing power of the Visitors. Though he lacked proper knowledge of tactics, Brad knew basic survival needs and brought up the topic of weapons to defend themselves with. When Julie suggested that Kristine Walsh could help them because of her new-found position, Brad considered Walsh to be "maybe too much on the inside" and unable to be trusted (and was later proven right). Brad went with Julie and Ben Taylor to raid the Stamos Pharmaceutical Company for lab equipment for their new headquarters, and narrowly escaped when security pursued them. Brad served as the getaway driver and got the equipment to safety while Julie went back for Ben, who she saved, but later died of injuries he sustained in the escape. Several months later, Brad left the L.A. group when it seemed the Visitors new armor and weaponry would end the movement. Brad then joined the World Liberation Front, the most powerful of Resistance groups, and supplied information and weapons to Ham Tyler from within his position in the police force.
Rudolph Metz
V Character | |
Doctor Rudolph Metz | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Eaten by the Visitors |
Portrayer | David Hooks |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Sympathizer |
Doctor Rudolph Metz was an elderly scientist and expert in biochemistry. He had a highly successful career, even with him becoming a Nobel Prize winner. He became the mentor of Doctor Julie Parrish, a promising young fourth-year medical student, and arranged for her to stay longer when she perfected several medical techniques he had been trying for years to perfect on his own. When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Metz and his colleagues were all eager to learn the secrets behind Visitor physiology, and tried to use his invitations to Visitor science seminars to learn about them. However, this proved useless as the seminars had little or no useful information, leaving the group clueless about the alien's true nature. When people, mostly scientists, started to disappear, Metz paid little attention, until Ruth, one of his oldest colleagues and secret love interest, disappeared after successfully gaining access to the Visitor's DNA. Metz was devastated when the police investigation (effortless due to the Visitors secretly hampering their progress) turned up nothing and no idea what happened to Ruth. Metz, who secretly loved Ruth, became inconsolable, shutting himself up in his office for hours and chain-smoking (though he hadn't had a cigarette since 1963). When the "Conspiracy of Scientists" began appearing on television, Metz was a suspect after another alleged member "gave up" his name to the authorities after being arrested. The police promptly searched through Metz's office, but he was confident they wouldn't find anything. However, fake evidence had been planted in his office without his knowledge and was discovered in the search. Within hours of the police departure, Metz and thousands of other scientists went missing, all dead after being captured and eaten by the Visitors.
Harmony Moore
V Character | |
Harmony "Harmy" Moore | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle (Part 3) |
Death | Shot by the Visitors |
Portrayer | Diane Cary Diane Cary Diane Cary is an American actress who has been featured in several TV shows. This includes a recurring role on the short-lived Misfits of Science, where she was credited as Diane Civita.... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Food Caterer, Resistance Agent |
Family | Un-named Father & Brother (deceased) |
Harmony "Harmy" Moore was a worker at a food catering stand outside Arthur Dupres's chemical plant who lived alone in Los Angeles, since her father died in Korea and brother died in Vietnam. When the Visitors arrived on Earth. She befriends Willie, a Visitor technician, and this relationship grows as time went on. She and Willie were captured by Resistance members while at the Los Angeles Medical Center, and when interrogated by Mark, she said she didn't believe the Resistance's claims of the Visitors being Reptilian in nature to be true, until Mark exposes Willie's true nature in front of her. She reconciles with Willie, who she now loves, but joins the Resistance to actively expel the Visitors from the Earth, casting aside her pacifistic nature which she retained since high school. She is part of the assault team on the Los Angeles Mothership and plays a crucial in capturing the ship. She is shot by the Visitor guards while saving Willie, and after professing her love to him, dies in his arms.
Curtis Morgan
V Character | |
General Curtis Morgan | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Linden Chiles Linden Chiles Linden Chiles is an American character actor. His television roles include Steve Kirk on Convoy, Paul Hunter on James at 15 and Clyde Darrell on Perry Mason. He has also appeared in a guest starring role in numerous other TV series during the 1960s and 1970s including The Fugitive.-External links:... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Supreme Commander of U.S. Military, Resistance Cell Leader |
Curtis Morgan was a high-ranking General in the United States Army and Air Force. Shortly after the First Invasion ended and the Visitors were driven from the Earth by the Red Dust, Morgan was among the few military leaders that remained uncorrupted by Visitor conversion, and was promoted by the president himself to become Supreme Commander of the entire U.S. Military. Morgan helped reconstruct the country and oversaw security matters in all major cities; normally coordinating with Resistance groups when troop divisions were spread thin. General Morgan then ordered the development of an early warning system for a possible Visitor incursion; which took shape in the form of "Vanguard One", a manned satellite installation placed in orbit for such a purpose and also formulated a plan; "Code Delta" with Nathan Bates, where a series of storage tanks rigged to explode on a single command would release the entire remaining supply of the Red Dust drug to wipe out invading Visitor armies. One year after Liberation Day, when Diana escaped the Earth to the returning Visitor Fleet, Mike Donovan and Julie Parrish went to General Morgan and tried to convince him that the Visitors were about to launch an attack, but didn't believe them and assured them that "Vanguard One" would have detected such a force; but while in communication with "Vanguard One"'s commander (who also believes all is well), "Vanguard One" is completely destroyed by the Visitor attack force; who were hiding behind Earth's Moon to escape detection. General Morgan placed the entire nation's military and police armies on full alert and mobilized them to meet any Visitor ground troops. Just before the battle began, General Morgan prepared "Code Delta" for deployment with Bates, who cancelled it at the last second, saying that it should only be used as a last resort and claimed "they still didn't know what they have and should only use it if we have to". Morgan reluctantly agreed and led his troops into battle against the landing Visitor armies and defended the major cities; and was soon overwhelmed by the Visitors advanced technology and vast numbers, and was astounded when the Visitors weren't dying in Red Dust-protected areas below the frost temperature line. Morgan went to Bates again, insisting that more of the Red Dust be shipped to areas confirmed to be no longer protected. Bates said it was impossible and showed him the file of Red Dust research (which included photographs of plant and animal life subjected to heavy Red Dust exposure, leading to mutation, sterility and death) and explained the hazards of usage of the Red Dust and that it couldn't be used again for fear of destroying all life on Earth. When Morgan learned that at least half of the world was still protected by the Red Dust and, with governments collapsing and civil order breaking down, Morgan made an extremely painful decision; withdraw all armed forces from areas no longer protected by the Red Dust and redeploy them along the borders of the areas that are protected; forming "The Free Zones", areas of the world that are still toxic to Visitor habitation. The Visitors couldn't breach their lines due to the Dust and order was partially restored. Morgan attended the peace treaty summit held by Bates, who had since formed a provisional government that controlled what's left of the civil and police forces in the un-protected areas and forced the Visitors to agree to let Los Angeles become an Open City. Morgan went on to oversee all security for the population and defense of "The Free Zones", one day planning to drive the Visitors from the Earth.
Doctor Morrow
V Character | |
Doctor Morrow | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Eaten by the Visitors |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Sympathizer |
Doctor Morrow was a scientific technician who worked at Doctor Rudolph Metz's laboratory in the pathology department with Doctor Prentiss, with distinguished work records that marked them as competent and loyal. When the Visitors came to Earth, Morrow became increasingly curious of the Visitors true nature. Gradually, he became a Resistance sympathizer when scientists were being increasingly ostracized from society. Morrow and Prentiss didn't show up for work one day without calling in. As a result, the entire laboratory was left behind on their work quotas. His disappearance baffled his colleagues, as with his record, such a cavalier attitude wasn't expected from him. Morrow was undoubtedly eaten by the Visitors.
Juliet Parrish
V Character | ||
Doctor Juliet "Julie" Parrish | ||
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series | |
Last Appearance | V: The Series | |
Portrayer | Faye Grant Faye Grant Faye Grant is an American film, television and theatre actress.-Career:Her first television role was on the TV series The Greatest American Hero as "Rhonda Blake"... |
Status | Alive | |
Gender | Female | |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Cell Leader | |
Juliet "Julie" Parrish was a fourth-year medical student and protege of Doctor Rudolph Metz and friend to Doctor Benjamin Taylor at the time of the First Invasion. She founded the Resistance in Los Angeles and created the cell-structure organisation method that would remain essential to the organisation's survival. She initially became despondent over leading the Resistance, as she was a scientist, not a soldier, but was comforted by Ruby Engels. She eventually got used to the role and kept fighting the Visitors and scoring a large victory when she personally exposed John on national television as reptilian in nature. She was separated from the rest of the resistance in the escape. She tried to make her escape in an ambulance, but the driver was shot and the ambulance crashed. She was pulled out of the wreck and kidnapped by the Visitors. Held prisoner aboard the mothership, she was stripped of her clothing and put into the conversion chamber. Diana planned to brainwash the resistance leader into a spy for the Visitors. Julie struggled to free herself, but something held her in place. Diana decided to personally supervise her conversion, claiming Julie would be her "masterpiece". Diana learned she had a heart condition and a fear and loathing of anything abandoned or deserted, a result of some childhood trauma. She began the session as flashing lights began to surround Julie. The chamber forced hallucinations upon her, making her believe she was being chased by a monster. Diana offered to help Julie, but she resisted, seeing the visions weren't real. Diana went to mode 2 and a gas began to fill the chamber. In her hallucination, Julie reached for a blinking light in the dark corridors. However, just as she was about to reach it, a thick green liquid was spit into her face. Some creature fell from above her and grabbed her, dragging her down the eerie hallways. Again, Julie was able to see through the visions, claiming they were a mind game. Diana went to mode 3 and a blue light began to quickly circle Julie. As she convulsed from the torture, Diana offered to help her again. She began to reach for Diana, but she realized what was happening and jerked them back to her sides. With her heartbeat becoming irregular, she imagined a large lizard busting through a wall towards her. Julie then goes into cardiac arrest and nearly dies as Diana shuts down the chamber.
Unconcerned with Julie's deteriorating health, Diana has her put back in the chamber to continue her conversion. Frustrated with Julie's resistance to the process, Diana ordered the chamber taken to maximum intensity. Red beams shot into Julie's face, causing her to scream in agony. Diana offers to help again and Julie somehow resists. Diana tells her to run for her life, and Julie images she is running down a hallway. She reaches a door and another creature lunges for her. A tech warns Diana that her heartbeat is becoming irregular again, but Diana ignores him, watching Julie writhe in pain in the chamber. She runs down the hallways, the creature in pursuit. She reaches another door and a giant snake strikes at her. Unable to take any more, Julie is finally broken. Diana offers to help her out of there and Julie's arms reach for the Visitor, crying out for mercy. Diana asks her what she wants and Julie tells Diana to be hers and begs her to stop the pain. With Julie's conversion complete, Diana stops the session. A rescue/assassination attempt by a visitor dressed like Mike Donovan occurs, but he is shot and killed, leaving Julie still Diana's prisoner. However, the sight of Donovan seemed to snap Julie out of her conversion somewhat. She was eventually rescued during a prisoner transfer suggested by Martin. Ham Tyler questioned her loyalty upon her return, believing her to be converted. But the majority of the resistance stuck by her. In private, however, Julie was very shaken by her kidnapping and attempted brainwashing. She found herself using her left hand, a side effect of conversion Sadly many of her friends, such as Benjamin and Ruby, died during the conflict. She delivered Robin Maxwell's hybrid babies and, when the largely Syrian infant died, discovered the organism in its corpse that was the basis for the Red Dust toxin. Julie was part of the assault team on the Los Angeles Mothership, and successfully seized control of its command center. However, Diana was able to use her conversion of Julie to stall her long enough to escape. With the self-destruct disabled and the Visitors unable to remain on Earth due to the Red Dust toxin now in the planet's atmosphere, Julie returned to Earth with the Mothership under Resistance control.
One year after Liberation Day, Julie is working for Science Frontiers; the corporation responsible for mass production of the Red Dust, and has ended her relationship with Mike because "she didn't have time for anything else". She was put in charge of research of the captured Mothership by Nathan Bates (who seemed to have developed a romantic attraction for her, but she did not reciprocate) She tried to access the secret area on board the mothership but Diana had put a security code on it before she left in her fighter. When the Second Invasion began after Diana's escape, Julie joined the reformed Resistance movement, but served in a lesser capacity, as she had to retain her position at Science Frontiers to throw off suspicion. Her place as leader was succeeded by Mike Donovan. She initially served as the Resistance's mole at Science Frontiers; smuggling information to the group and accessing the company's highly advanced technology to their advantage. Eventually, Mr. Chiang, the head of Science Frontiers security, exposed her as a spy and Julie was forced to flee. Despite being forced underground, she nonetheless served as an important member, and served as the coordinator and organizer for many Resistance operations across the United States. Although Julie was killed in the unaired second season premiere, since the show was not picked up for an additional season, her death is not regarded as canonical. Furthermore, as the novel, V: The Second Generation takes place 20 years after the events of the first miniseries, Julie's death effectively was retconned away as well.
Dan Pascal
V Character | |
Dan Pascal | |
First Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Death | Shot by Brian |
Portrayer | Dick Miller Dick Miller Richard "Dick" Miller is an American character actor who has appeared in over 100 films, particularly those produced by Roger Corman, and later in films of directors who started their careers with Corman, including James Cameron and Joe Dante, with the distinction of appearing in every film made... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Counterfeiter, Resistance Agent, Reluctant-Collaborator |
Dan Pascal was an expert counterfeiter and small-time criminal who is hired by Elias Taylor and Mark to make access cards to the Los Angeles Medical Center so the Resistance can expose Supreme Commander John's true face on national television, exposing the Visitors true nature to the world. He is trusted by criminals (such as Elias) but distrusted by authority figures (such as Mark) as they claim he can be bought at any price. Mark is later proven correct as Dan was captured by the Visitors shortly after the successful operation at the center, and after being tortured for the location for the Los Angeles Resistance Cell's HQ, is shot and killed by Brian.
Don Pollasio
V Character | |
Don Pollasio | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Cell Leader |
Don Pollasio is the leader of the Spanish Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He led the defenders of Cordoba, the last free city in Spain under human control, and refused to surrender despite seven weeks of savage street fighting. When offered terms by the Visitors, Pollasio was reported by the Freedom News Network to have said in Spanish "Spain for the Spanish!, Death to the Visitors!".
Doctor Prentiss
V Character | |
Doctor Prentiss | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Eaten by the Visitors |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Sympathizer |
Doctor Prentiss was a scientific technician who worked at Doctor Rudolph Metz's laboratory in the pathology department with Doctor Morrow, with distinguished work records that marked them as competent and loyal. When the Visitors came to Earth, Prentiss became increasingly curious of the Visitors true nature. Gradually, he became a Resistance sympathizer when scientists were being increasingly ostracized from society. Prentiss and Morrow didn't show up for work one day without calling in. As a result, the entire laboratory was left behind on their work quotas. His disappearance baffled his colleagues, as with his record, such a cavalier attitude wasn't expected from him. Prentiss was undoubtedly eaten by the Visitors.
Arch Quinton
V Character | |
Professor Arch Quinton | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Eaten by the Visitors |
Portrayer | Myron Healey Myron Healey Myron Daniel Healey was an American actor. He began his Hollywood, California, career during the early 1940s in bit parts and minor supporting roles at various studios.-Early years:... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Professor, Resistance Sympathizer |
Family | Polly (god-daughter) |
Arch Quinton was a Professor from Scotland working at the Los Angeles University's Anthropology Department with a private office, he was also an avid smoker, lived in an apartment, owned a 1978-edition Granada car. During his career, he travelled the world, becoming an expert in the field of anthropology, and introducing Robert Maxwell to the science, becoming his protege, and eventually his best friend. Robert even made Arch his second daughter, Polly's, godfather. When the First Invasion began, Arch privately investigated the Visitor's true nature using scarcely found evidence, keeping it all together in a folder marked "John" (after the Visitors Supreme Commander). After carefully examining several photos of John, he concluded several disturbing discrepancies that Robert might have found "interesting", but feared he'd call it "crazy", but called him nonetheless, but he wasn't in. What Arch found was that the Visitor's skull was misshapen and the bone was too thick in several areas; mainly the head. Planning to have the photos further examined with more powerful equipment the next morning, Arch left the folder in his "Current Files" tray and left out the back of the building to the campus parking area. After entering his car, he looked back in preparation to reverse out and saw a Visitor trooper sitting in the back, inches away from his face. The next day, Robert looked for Arch, having learned from his landlady that she hadn't seen him come back to his apartment. Robert discovered Arch's officer ransacked and "Current Files" tray empty, and then found Arch's car abandoned in the campus parking area, with the keys still in the ignition and laser burns inside the car. Arch was last seen in a stasis pod aboard the L.A. Mothership. Arch was undoubtedly eaten by the Visitors.
Miguel Ramirez
V Character | |
Miguel Ramirez | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Explosion of the Alamo |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Migrant Worker, Resistance Cell Leader |
Miguel Ramirez was a Mexican migrant worker in San Antonio, Texas. He was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Miguel and a handful of his neighbours barricaded themselves in The Alamo and held out against overwhelming Visitor forces for two weeks. In the end, Miguel and his valiant followers blew up the Alamo with themselves inside it rather than let the national shrine fall into Visitor hands. He was proudly awarded the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour" posthumously.
Dixie Reilly
V Character | |
Dixie Reilly | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Teacher, Resistance Agent |
Dixie Reilly is a high school science teacher and a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Dixie used his home computer to hack into the Visitor Security system and the information that he learned to prevent a sneak attack on Memphis, Tennessee, earning him the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valor".
Steve Roller
V Character | |
Steve Roller | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Tortured by Mr. Chiang |
Portrayer | Burt Marshall |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | News Anchorman, Resistance Agent |
Steve Roller is a news anchorman at the time of the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. His last interview during peacetime was with Nathan Bates on the captured LA Mothership, with Mike Donovan as his cameraman and Martin as his sound operator. He was in the middle of planning to retire and give his position to Donovan when the Visitors returned. He reported this, along with the massacre of military and police forces during the initial siege of Los Angeles during the opening days of the invasion. Roller later deserted his position and joined the Resistance under Donovan's command in the city, Roller was later captured by Science Frontiers security personnel hunting for Resistance agents. After being brutally interrogated for information by Mr. Chiang, he was revealed to have died and "went peacefully".
Joe Sampson
V Character | |
Joe Sampson | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Farmer, Resistance Agent |
Joe Sampson is a farmer and family friend to the Courtney family. He served in Vietnam, where he lost his leg, and was given an honorable discharge and decided to retire to a mountain community near Tucson, and still regularly practised shooting. When the Visitors came to the community, Sheriff Roland sold out Joe and the other defenders by confiscating all the weapons in the local area and collecting forced taxes from the locals. Joe was the only rancher to attend a meeting for a possible counterattack held by Kathy Courtney, now a widow following her husband's death at the hands of the Visitors. Joe was inspired by Resistance leader Mike Donovan and joined the new Resistance group and assisted in driving off a Visitor attack squad led by Lieutenant James and arrested Roland and his men for collaboration. He is currently working with Kathy and the other ranchers to prepare for the Visitor's eventual return to the region.
Paul Savage
V Character | |
Paul Savage | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Cell Leader |
Paul Savage is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Savage led a band of Resistance fighters against the Visitor Army's advance into the Western United States at the Gila river east of Yuma, Arizona. Savage led his group during the battle and continued to hold the highground against repeated attempts to dislodge them from their hold on the river and a bloody stalemate ensued. All this was reported on the Freedom News Network.
Benny Scallini
V Character | |
Benny Scallini | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Insurance Salesman, Resistance Agent |
Benny Scallini is a 34-year-old insurance salesman from Atlanta, Georgia. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, he became a member of the Resistance and derailed a train carrying 600 human prisoners to be held in a Visitor laborcamp, over half of which were able to escape from the train. For his efforts, the Freedom News Network awarded him with their weekly "Medal of Valour".
Howard K. Smith
V Character | |
Howard K. Smith | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Himself Howard K. Smith Howard Kingsbury Smith was an American journalist, radio reporter, television anchorman, political commentator, and film actor. He was one of the original Edward R. Murrow boys.-Early life:... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | News Anchorman, Resistance Cell Leader |
Howard K. Smith is the anchorman for the Freedom News Network, a pirate radio broadcast in New York meant to deliver unbiased media to the people, and kept the watchers up-to-date with the state of the conflict around the world; reporting on Resistance victories and defeats and awarding a "Medal of Valour" to a specific Resistance fighter once a week if they saved many human lives or killed many Visitors and fought incredibly bravely. He broadcasted Diana's trial and believed assassination.
Randy Talbot
V Character | |
Police Officer Randy Talbot | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Portrayer | Michael Bond |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Police Officer, Resistance Sympathizer |
Randy Talbot is a police officer and member of the LAPD and long-time partner and friend to Officer Bob Briggs. When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Randy remained cautious about their true intentions, but nonetheless continued to serve the force he had dedicated his life to. Randy and Bob were assigned to a newly established blockade outside of Los Angeles, manned by mostly Visitor troops, to regulate the flow of people going in and out of the city and enforce the new registration act on scientists when the "Conspiracy of Scientists" crisis appeared. Randy began having sympathies with the new-founded Resistance, and began opposing the actions of his partner, who was mercilessly taking down or killing vehicle drivers and passengers when they attempted to escape. Bob justified what he was doing by saying he was merely following orders and "a perp's a perp". Randy however suspected it was the Visitors giving the orders now and secretly helped many refugees, such as the Maxwell family hiding in Sancho Gomez's truck, escape from the Visitors grasp.
The Taylors
V Character | |
Doctor Benjamin "Ben" Taylor | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Internal injuries from falling three-stories |
Portrayer | Richard Lawson |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Agent |
Family | Caleb (father), Elias (brother), Un-named Mother |
Benjamin Taylor was a medical doctor and oldest son of Caleb and brother to Elias. Ben helped the family to become more financially stable when he became a doctor, but didn't marry as he was too interested in studying medicine and too dedicated to the Hippocratic oath to take advantage of women he took care of. Caleb regularly considered Ben's practise a more worthwhile job and constantly nagged Elias to become something more worthwhile than a black market dealer. However, this enraged Elias, who liked his life the way it was, and this led to a severe conflict between him and Ben. This conflict lasted for 10 years, while Elias was steadily distancing himself from the family and Ben became part of Doctor Rudolph Metz's staff and became a good friend of Doctor Julie Parrish.
When the Visitors arrived on Earth, Ben and his colleagues were all eager to learn the secrets behind Visitor physiology, but never got an opportunity to study them in detail. Meanwhile, ominous changes appeared in society, such as a sudden wave of ostracism of scientists, and the growing influence the Visitors had over the government and local authorities. This concerned Ben to the point where he joined Julie's new-found L.A. Resistance Cell, a group dedicated to fight the Visitors. Ben tried desperately to get Elias to help the group, as he had many useful contacts in the black market and could get the Resistance badly needed materials and supplies. Elias however refused, as their conflict was still strong.
Ben, Julie and former-Officer Brad McIntyre raided Stamos Pharmaceutical Company for lab equipment for their new headquarters. Just as they were poised to escape, the Visitors guards saw through Ben's act and began chasing him, separating him from the others. He ended up running down an abandoned multi-story car park and, when trapped by a Visitors shocktrooper, was shot by his laser rifle and knocked off the three-story ledge and landed in a pile of garbage below. Julie narrowly rescued him and got him too Elias, but, due to severe internal injuries he suffered in the fall and unable to call an ambulance without alerting the police, died of his injuries in the car several minutes later. The shock of his death finally led Elias to snap out of his juvenile attitude and he cried, cradling Ben's body in his arms.
After Ben's funeral, Caleb and Elias joined up with the Resistance to fight in his name, and the conflict turned Elias into the responsible adult Ben always wanted him to become.
V Character | |
Caleb Taylor | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Death | Unknown |
Portrayer | Jason Bernard Jason Bernard Jason Bernard was an American actor who starred in movies and on television.-Career:Bernard was born in Chicago, Illinois... |
Status | Unknown |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Chemical Plant Worker, Resistance Agent |
Family | Un-named Wife (deceased), Ben & Elias (sons: deceased) |
Caleb Taylor was a worker at Arthur Dupres's chemical plant and widower with two sons; Benjamin and Elias. His family was in turmoil when Caleb constantly nagged Elias about becoming more worthwhile than a black market dealer, often using Benjamin; a doctor, as an example and this led Elias to despise Benjamin. Caleb was injured in an accident at the plant, and is rescued by one of the Visitor technicians; Willie, which leads them to become friends. When Benjamin joined the Resistance and is killed by the Visitors, Caleb and Elias both become active members of the Resistance to avenge his death. When Willie was captured for research into the Visitors biology, Caleb vouched for his survival and freedom as he considered him more trustworthy than most Visitors. During the discussion for the final attack on the Visitors with the Red Dust toxin, Caleb feared nuclear annihilation and voted against it, while Elias supported it. Caleb is proud of the man Elias has now become and accompanies Elias, Mike Donovan, Julie Parrish, Sancho Gomez, Harmony Moore, Willie and many others onto the Visitor Mothership orbiting Los Angeles and helped kill the entire crew with the Red Dust, allowing the ship to be captured by the Resistance and Earth be saved from destruction.
Whether he is still alive during the Second Invasion or he lived to see his second son, Elias, die in combat, is unknown.
after Ben's casket is placed in the funeral hearse, Willie says that he feels sorry for Caleb's loss, but Caleb pushes Willie blaming the visitors for Ben's death.
V Character | |
Elias Taylor | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Vaporized by the Visitors |
Portrayer | Michael Wright |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Street Thug, Propierter, Resistance Agent |
Family | Caleb (father), Ben (brother: deceased), Un-named Mother (deceased) |
Elias Taylor was the youngest son of Caleb Taylor and juvenile brother of Benjamin and an influential member of the black market and a petty thief and criminal. He was in constant conflict with Ben as Caleb constantly compared the two and found Benjamin better, leading to an estrangement that lasted for 10 years. Elias was asked by a desperate Benjamin to aid the newly founded Resistance with materials and weapons that Elias could secure, but he refused. Elias finally became a man when he was devastated by the loss of Benjamin when he died of injuries inflicted by the Visitors.
Elias and Caleb then became active members of the Resistance, and although he still resorted to using criminal practises to achieve objectives, he still remained conscious of what he was doing and remained loyal to the cause. He vouched for the use of the Red Dust despite the threat of nuclear annihilation by the Visitors, saying that they were the only chance the Earth had. Caleb was touched by his deep belief in the cause and reconciled with him. Elias was part of the Resistance assault team that stormed the Visitor Mothership in orbit above Los Angeles and helped secure the command center and bring the ship back to Earth in Resistance hands.
Having obtained "Hero of the Resistance" status and gained a widely respected reputation with the population shortly after the war's end, Elias decided to leave his criminal past behind and go into the restaurant business. He bought a broken-down restaurant in Los Angeles, and brought back its former glory and made it into a high-successful business, which he named Club Creole, with Willie as its bartender, and then began expanding his blooming business to encompass marketing and entertainment products, making him fabulously rich. One year after Liberation Day, when the Visitors launched the Second Invasion, Elias feared for his business's safety, but nonetheless provided support for the Resistance by allowing them to use the club's hidden Prohibition-era bordello, providing a perfect hideout from the Visitors and headquarters for the movement. Elias himself remained with the group, often going on missions with the team, while maintaining his public facade as a neutral propierter for both humans and Visitors in the new "Open City". Though his restaurant is ultimately destroyed by Science Frontiers security personnel for being a Resistance hotbed of activity and forces Elias underground, he kept doing his part for the cause with unwavering loyalty.
When Caniff Printing, a newspaper shop loyal to the Resistance and publishing an underground newspaper, was seized by Science Frontiers security personnel and 6 Resistance agents, including Robin Maxwell, captured, Mike Donovan sent teams of two all over the city in an effort to locate the hostages. Elias and Willie were the ones who found the hostages, trapped in the shop. Willie initially wanted to leave back to the hideout to warn the others, but Elias wanted to know what the mysterious new platform was outside the shop and crept closer. Unfortunately, this was actually the platform for a Visitor disintegrator ray and, when the Visitors spotted Elias, turned the weapon on him and fired. Elias was vaporized.
When Mike was about to lead an attack on the shop to free the hostages, he gave a speech about Elias Taylor; their fallen hero;
"Now Elias is gone, but it's up to us to do something about it. Now we know he wasn't perfect, he took advantage of what we went through to set himself up. Flashy restaurant, the whole nine yards. But when it counted, when the Visitors returned, the truth was he cared too much to turn his back on us. He took us in, he gave us a place to stay and he paid for it with his life. And if you think about it, we're all together right now because of him. I'd say we owe him one."
Ham Tyler
V Character | |
Ham "The Fixer" Tyler | |
First Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Michael Ironside Michael Ironside Michael Ironside is a Canadian-born actor. He has also worked as a voice actor, producer, film director, and screenwriter in movie and television series in various Canadian and American productions. He is best known for playing villains and "tough guy" heroes, though he has also portrayed... |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Mercenary, Resistance Cell Leader |
Family | Un-named Wife & Daughter (deceased) |
Ham Tyler (or better known in the Resistance as "The Fixer") was a CIA operative who, along with associate; Chris Farber, went on specially requested missions for the U.S. government into other countries. While on a mission in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, Ham married a Eurasian woman and had a daughter with her. His superiors promised that his family would be evacuated during the mission. But while he and Farber were sent to their target, a bombing raid caused his family's disappearance (and most likely deaths) and he never saw them again. Ham was devastated by the loss of his family and he and Farber left the agency, becoming mercenaries-for-hire.
During the First Invasion, he and Farber, join the Resistance and helped get the fledgling Los Angeles Resistance group off the ground and use proper tactics and use better weaponry. Here he forms a rivalry with Resistance leader Mike Donovan that eventually comes to a head when they disagree about when to distribute the newly made Red Dust toxin to other Resistance groups; his fighting style, strength and loyalty earned Ham's respect and gave him the nickname "Gooder". Ham coordinated the world-wide dispersal of the Red Dust in conjunction with Mike's attack on the Mothership, leaving the Earth poisonous to Visitor habitation.
One year after Liberation Day, Ham has started a high-tech security agency and is hired by Nathan Bates for $500,000 to capture Diana and assist in interrogating her for Visitor technological information. This is a decision he comes to regret as this leads to Martin's death and Diana causing the Second Invasion of the Earth. Ham was disgusted by how Bates treated human life and deserts, rejoining the reformed Resistance. He continued his friendship with Donovan and became Kyle Bates's (Nathans son) mentor, giving him the nickname "Ace". During an unauthorised raid against a Visitor convoy, he was captured. Taken to Diana, he was taken to Legation and forced to undergo conversion. Using a new and improved conversion technique, visions of his missing wife and child with Donovan were used against him. Charles began planting the trigger phrase as he upped the cycles on Ham. Brainwashed into killing Donovan, it was arranged for him to be rescued by the resistance. Julie tried to help him deal with his ordeal, relating to him that she had also gone through the conversion process as well. During a prisoner transfer, the phrase was used. As Ham was preparing to shoot Donovan, Elizabeth caused a lightpole to fall into him, causing him to shoot Nathan Bates instead.
He fought for the Resistance time and again and departed with Farber to escort Robin Maxwell to Chicago. In the (unaired) series finale, Ham and Farber return to help Mike's Resistance group escape Visitor attack shuttles. Ham now currently works with the Resistance to find the "Anyx", an artifact that can defeat the Visitors, amidst the destruction the Visitors wrought during the Armistice, when the Visitors took advantage of the peace to wipe out the majority of
In Liberation Day When Ham is at Science Frontiers Nathan looks to a Television Feed a sees a "File Footage" Photograph of the Alien Commander Diana, Nathan then asks Ham what would he do with Diana, which causes Ham to also look at the picture of Diana, he says to Nathan that he would use Diana for target practice and when Nathan was thinking about capturing her so that Diana could assist with this universal cure for cancer Ham says that Diana is a disease.
Father Turney
V Character | |
Father Turney | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | William Wellman Junior |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Roman Catholic Priest, Resistance Cell Leader |
Father Turney is a Roman Catholic priest who operated a small church on the outskirts of Los Angeles. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Turney decided to join the Resistance and operated an underground railway through his church for children orphaned by the Visitors with the help of Chris Farber. When the Visitors, in violation of the Open City Agreement, raided the church in search of the refugees, Farber and fellow Resistance members Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler saved them from the Visitor soldiers and helped get the children to foster homes inside of the city. Despite Mike's warning about the Visitors most likely returning, Turney decided to stay at the church and continue his efforts, as he felt he needed to be there to help other children escape the invading Visitor armies.
Harvey Wachman
V Character | |
Doctor Harvey Wachman | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Agent |
Harvey Wachman is a scientist who lived in Kansas City, Missouri. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Harvey joined the Resistance and freed 12 boys from a Visitor Youth Corps camp and reunited them with their families in Chicago. This earned him the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Frankie Weatherwax
V Character | |
Frankie Weatherwax | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Mechanic, Resistance Agent |
Frankie Weatherwax is a mechanic from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Frankie single-handedly stopped a Visitor attack on a junior high school by taking over a laser cannon and turning it on the Visitors, earning him the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
Janet Weinberg
V Character | |
Janet Weinberg | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Computer Programmer, Resistance Cell Leader |
Janet Weinberg is a computer programmer who lived in Daytona Beach. She was a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. Janet led a raid on a Visitor detention camp, freeing 250 American prisoners, which earned her the Freedom News Network's weekly "Medal of Valour".
V Character | |
Andy | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Death | Explosion |
Portrayer | Adam Silbar |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Student, Resistance Agent, Reluctant-Collaborator |
Family | Un-named Parents (deceased), Un-named Younger Brother |
Andy was a student who lived in Alassan Valley with his parents and younger brother. When the Second Invasion began one year after Liberation Day, his family was captured by the Visitors, prompting him into joining the Resistance. He joined the "Wildcats" group, led by Tony Baker, which operated out of Widows Canyon, killing Visitors and doing whatever it took to survive. All this changed when the Visitors told him that his brother, who was still alive unlike his parents, had contracted diphtheria, a deadly disease that was spreading throughout the valley. Andy was desperate enough to save his brother that he reluctantly agreed to spy on the local Resistance groups in exchange for medical treatment and freedom for his brother. His main form of communication was with a transmitter disguised as a walkman.
When LA Resistance members Julie Parrish, Kyle Bates, Elizabeth Maxwell and Visitor Willie came to the region to offer medical support, Andy told Lieutenant James who was in the region and the Visitors were provoked into action and sabotaged the mission to recover badly needed medicine. Andy also alerted James to Mike Donovan's imminent arrival with another supply of the medicine, but was then exposed by Julie Parrish when she discovered his transmitter. His fellow Resistance members turned on him and tied him to a chair and forced the truth from him and abandoned him to go on the mission to get the supplies from Donovan at a local airstrip. Andy realised what a horrible mistake he made and, after breaking free of his restraints, drove off to join the battle and reached the airstrip just as the Resistance team was about to be overwhelmed by an armed Visitor convoy. Andy then deliberately crashed his car into the convoy, destroying it completely and killing himself in the process. Tony, forgiving his fallen comrade, spoke for the group just after his heroic demise;
"He may have made a mistake, but man, when we really needed him he was there."
His actions saved thousands of lives from the plague.
V Character | |
Annie | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Pamela Ludwig |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Family | Un-named Mother |
Annie is a Resistance sympathizer during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. She offered aid and shelter to Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler when they were pursued by Visitor forces. But her mother, a Collaborator, feared for her daughter's life and called the Visitors and alerted them to their location and Donovan and Tyler were captured shortly after leaving. Annie was disgusted by her mother's actions and left home to join the Resistance. Annie is next seen being recruited by Donovan to take another Resistance sympathizer; Billy, to a secret Resistance mountain camp in an area the Red Dust still protects.
V Character | |
Bart | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Student, Resistance Agent |
Family | Un-named Parents (deceased) |
Bart was a student who lived in Alassan Valley with his parents. He became a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day after the Visitors captured and killed his parents. He then became a member of the "Wildcats" Resistance group, which operated out of Widows Canyon. While trying to secure medicines for treating a diphtheria outbreak, Bart struck up a good friendship with fellow Resistance comrade Kyle Bates, whom the group came to trust. Bart occasionally disappeared, leading the group to think he was the Visitor spy updating Lieutenant James on their location, but it was ultimately discovered that his comrade, Andy, was the spy, having become susceptible to blackmail by the Visitors.
V Character | |
Billy | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Christian Jacobs |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Graffiti Artist, Resistance Sympathizer |
Billy is a Resistance sympathizer during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. He openly defaced Visitor property as a way of resisting their occupation of the Earth, normally by using Abraham Bernstein's signature mark "V" for "Victory". Billy was seen doing his art in public and hounded by Visitor forces, until Mike Donovan ordered another Resistance member, Annie, to escort Billy to safety at a secret Resistance mountain camp in an area the Red Dust still protects.
V Character | |
Commander Daloi | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Commander in the Phillipanese Military, Resistance Cell Leader |
Daloi is a high-ranking officer of the Filipino military with the rank of Commander. Following the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Daloi was among the few human military leaders left alive, and decided to take the remains of his forces and unite them with the Resistance, becoming the main Resistance leader in the Philippines. Daloi led a detachment of Resistance guerrillas to the Philippine Island of Mindanao and surprised and annihilated a regiment of Visitor shock troops moving to occupy the island. This was reported by the Freedom News Network.
V Character | |
Police Officer Gus | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Police Officer, Resistance Sympathizer |
Gus is an influential police officer and member of the LAPD and an old friend of Ham Tyler and Chris Farber. One year after Liberation Day, the Visitors launched the Second Invasion, and Gus, along with the rest of the LAPD, were put under the control of Nathan Bates and ordered enforce order inside the new "Open City" of Los Angeles, which also entailed stamping out Resistance activity. Gus and several other officers who "don't play ball with the lizards" soon developed sympathies with the Resistance, and Gus turned to selling information to Tyler. When Caniff Printing was seized by Science Frontiers security personnel led by Mr. Chiang and Visitor troops led by Charles and its hostages decreed by Bates to be executed, Gus was called upon by Ham and Chris to see of he heard where the hostages were being held. Gus, however, had hear nothing from his contacts across the city, which kept watch over all the activity in the city's facilities, and as such couldn't help them. Before returning to his duties, Gus promised that he would tell them when he heard something and also gave a warning; "One thing's for sure; if those folks die at noon tomorrow you guys ain't gonna have many friends".
V Character | |
Jennifer | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Keri Houlihan |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Sympathizer |
Family | Un-named Parents (deceased) |
Jennifer is a child who lived in the country with her parents. During the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day, Jennifer's parents were both killed by the invading Visitor armies, leaving her an orphan, and she became a Resistance sympathizer. She was part of a group of orphaned children brought to Father Turney's underground railroad, and was safely delivered to a foster home in Los Angeles with the other orphans with assistance from Mike Donovan, Ham Tyler and Chris Farber.
V Character | |
Jenny | |
First Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Death | Laser shot injuries |
Portrayer | Jenny O'Hara |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Family | Un-named Husband (deceased) |
Jenny was a member of the Resistance during the First Invasion and friend to Ruby Engels. When her husband was captured by the Visitors, she joined the Resistance and led Julie Parrish's cell to the facility he, along with many others, were being processed for food in the hope of freeing him. The attack to free them however failed, as the Visitors had improved armor that deflected projectile weaponry, and Jenny was among those wounded as they were retreating. Jenny later died of her injuries and was given the last rites by Father Andrew Doyle, but did not succumb until making Mike Donovan promise her the Visitors wouldn't win in the end.
V Character | |
Kenny | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Portrayer | Tom Southwell |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Graffiti Artist, Resistance Cell Leader |
Kenny is the leader of a gang of graffiti artists. During the First Invasion, Kenny and his gang joined the Resistance and actively vandalised Visitor property, such as posters, with cans of spray paint. While doing this with his gang one day, they were approached by Abraham Bernstein. Though fearful he might report them, instead he taught them to write "V" for "Victory" of Visitor property. Kenny understood and told all his friends, who in turn expanded this trend to Resistance groups throughout the world.
V Character | |
Police Officer Mark | |
First Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Last Appearance | V: The Final Battle |
Death | Shot by the Visitors, just before their huge water-pumping station was destroyed (he would otherwise have died in the explosion) |
Portrayer | Sandy Simpson Sandy Simpson Sandy Simpson is an actor who starred on television, he did not have a long career in acting though he is remembered for his role in the science fiction community in the 1984 hit NBC mini series V: The Final Battle as Mark, a former police officer who is a member of the resistance.Sandy did star in... |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Police Officer, Resistance Agent |
Family | Maggie (fiancee) |
Mark was a police officer and member of the LAPD who joined the Resistance during the First Invasion. Mark was hostile to Willie when they captured him for research and was instrumental in convincing Harmony Moore of their true nature by exposing his real skin. When the operation to expose Supreme Commander John's nature on national television began, he and Elias Taylor agreed a mercenary named Dan Pascal could be their best hope of gaining access to John's ceremony at the Los Angeles Medical Center; which was later deemed correct. Mark had feelings for fellow Resistance member Maggie Blodgett and developed a relationship with her to the point they planned to get married. Sadly these plans were never carried out, as Mark was wounded in the assault on a Visitor water-absorption plant. He stays behind, kisses Maggie goodbye, and holds the Visitors back long enough for the others to escape and is killed.
Maggie later uses Mark's death as leverage to commence the plan on using the Red Dust to poison the Earth against Visitor habitation; stating that if they didn't, then all the personal sacrifices, such as Mark's life, would have been for nothing.
V Character | |
Mongo | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Status | Alive |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Mongo is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day and an old friend of Kyle Bates. He provided shelter for Kyle and Robin and Elizabeth Maxwell when they fled from Science Frontiers security personnel.
V Character | |
Doctor Phyllis | |
First Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Mini-Series |
Death | Eaten by the Visitors |
Status | Deceased |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Doctor, Resistance Sympathizer |
Doctor Phyllis was a biochemist at Doctor Rudolph Metz's laboratory and colleague and friend to Doctor Julie Parrish and her lover Dennis Lowell. During the First Invasion, Phyllis became increasingly curious of the Visitors true nature. Gradually, she became a Resistance sympathizer when scientists were being increasingly ostracized from society. Phyllis suddenly disappeared one day and none of her colleagues heard from her or knew what happened to her. Julie told Dennis about this, who half-heartedly suggested that she simply went away, but Julie had since realized the missing people were being taken away, as rumors were brewing about the disappearances. Phyllis was undoubtedly eaten by the Visitors.
V Character | |
Vanik | |
First Appearance | V: The Series |
Last Appearance | V: The Series |
Portrayer | Herman Poppe |
Status | Dead |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Resistance Agent |
Vanik is a member of the Resistance during the Second Invasion one year after Liberation Day. During the initial Visitor invasion, Vanik was caught behind the front lines and captured by the Visitors, who placed him in one of their newly constructed internment camps. Vanik then struck up a friendship with fellow inmate Kyle Bates, while performing physically demanding tasks. When Mike Donovan and Ham Tyler were imprisoned at the camp, Vanik enjoyed teasing Tyler, because he struggled with his tasks due to his age, but eventually came to respect him after being sent to solitary trying to escape. Vanik was killed by Diana during the escape.