Purse Organizer
Purse organizers are items used to assist women in finding objects in their handbag
A handbag, or purse in American English, is a handled medium-to-large bag that is often fashionably designed, typically used by women, to hold personal items such as wallet/coins, keys, cosmetics, a hairbrush, pepper spray, cigarettes, mobile phone etc....

, in cases where this might be difficult due to overload
-Bands:* Overload * Overload * Overload -Albums:*Overload *Overload *Overload -Songs:*Overload , a dance song by Voodoo and Serano...

. The purse organizer is inserted into the purse, and has several pockets which can be used to group different kinds of items (e.g. cellular phone, make-up, food and drinks) together, making it easier to find them. Purse organizers can be made out of plastic
A plastic material is any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids used in the manufacture of industrial products. Plastics are typically polymers of high molecular mass, and may contain other substances to improve performance and/or reduce production costs...

, although more expensive variants made out of leather
Leather is a durable and flexible material created via the tanning of putrescible animal rawhide and skin, primarily cattlehide. It can be produced through different manufacturing processes, ranging from cottage industry to heavy industry.-Forms:...

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