Project Second Storey
Project Second Storey, also known as Project Second Story, also known as Project Flying Saucers also known in international correspondence as Project Theta, Dated April 22, 1952, Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...


In 1952 in Canada in connection with the establishment of Project Magnet
Project Magnet
Project Magnet was an unidentified flying object study programme established by the Canadian Department of Transport on December 2, 1950, under the direction of Wilbert B. Smith, senior radio engineer for the DOT's Broadcast and Measurements Section...

 by Wilbert Smith at the Department of Transport, a committee was formed by members of other government agencies
Government agency
A government or state agency is a permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an intelligence agency. There is a notable variety of agency types...

 that was dedicated solely to dealing with "flying saucer
Flying saucer
A flying saucer is a type of unidentified flying object sometimes believed to be of alien origin with a disc or saucer-shaped body, usually described as silver or metallic, occasionally reported as covered with running lights or surrounded with a glowing light, hovering or moving rapidly either...

" reports. This committee was sponsored by the Defence Research Board and called "Project Second Story." Its main purpose was to collect, catalogue and correlate data from UFO sighting reports. A meeting was held to "DISCUSS FLYING SAUCERS" (Reference Top Secret Declassified dated Jul 3 1968 Director of Operations, Canada )on April 22, 1952. Present at the meeting has been : Dr. O. M. Solandt Chairman (Representing BRB) S/L L.P.S. Bing (Representing JIS) F/L V.L. Bradley (Representing DRB) Col. G.M. Carrie (Representing DRB) G/C G.M. Edwards (Representing DAI) Mr. A.J. Langley (Representing DRB) Dr. P.M. Millman (Domestic Representative Observer) Kdr. J.C. Pratt (Representing DNI) Mr. W.B. Smith (Representing DOT) Lt.Col E.H. Webb (Representing DMO & P) Mr. H.C. Oatway (Secretary) (Representing DRB)

It was concluded as stated by the Chairman that UFO sightings can not be attributed to hallucination
A hallucination, in the broadest sense of the word, is a perception in the absence of a stimulus. In a stricter sense, hallucinations are defined as perceptions in a conscious and awake state in the absence of external stimuli which have qualities of real perception, in that they are vivid,...

s due to frequency and persistancy of sightings. This coupled with the aroused public interest, called for a more active stand on the matter, by members of the Committee. It was stated by the Chairman that it was fortunate that proponents of the theories of terrestrial and extraterrestrial
Extraterrestrial life
Extraterrestrial life is defined as life that does not originate from Earth...

 were in contact with the Defense Research Board (D.R.B.) and their data could be examined first hand.

A follow up meeting was held on April 24, 1952, where Dr. P.M. Millman has been the Chairman.

Mr. H. C. Oatway, has been the Secretary for the Second Meeting.
The following members was also, apart from the Seconc Meeting Chairman, and the Secretary also present as well:
Lt.Cdr. J.C.L. Annesley (Representing D.N.I.)
S/L L.P.S. Bing (Representing J.I.S.)
V/L F.L. Bradley (Representing D.R.B.)
Mr. W.B. Smith (Representing D.O.T.)
W/C N.W. Timmerman (Representing D.A.I.)
Lt.Col E.H. Webb (Representing DMO & P)

For the benefit of Committee members the Second Meeting Chairman gave a brief resume overview of discussions leading
to the formation of the Committee, (that can be loosely described as the Canadian lesser equavalent of the United States of America MJ12 Committee), and the terms of reference.

In one of the most telling and important steps of the UFO case files of the twentieth century the Second Chairman then
tabled three books to the Committee from Kehoe, Scully and Heard dealing with flying saucer sightings that according to the
Chairman is "worthy of further study" as they give a useful summary of public recorded sightings to be used by members of the
Committee with newspaper reports.

It was demanded from everyone for a SECRET Security Clearance, in order to better obtain international cooperation and
internationally, the Project should not be called Project Flying Saucers but Project Theta.

A third meeting was scheduled for May 6, 1952 by the Chairman of the Second Meeting.

Wilbert Smith, both involved in Project Magnet and Project Second Story, is regarded as the most well known and respected scientist from Canada as far as UFO Canadian Back Engineering Projects is concerned and has listed a range of workable scientific original patents.
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