Porto Ferreira
Porto Ferreira is a municipality in the state of São Paulo
in Brazil
. The population in 2004 was 52,026 and the area is 244.88 km².
It is situated to the edge of the river Mogi-Guaçu, at an altitude of 549 meters. Its population in 2006 was 54 000 inhabitants. It occupies an area of 243,906 km².
Population that has access:
Source: IBGE
São Paulo (state)
São Paulo is a state in Brazil. It is the major industrial and economic powerhouse of the Brazilian economy. Named after Saint Paul, São Paulo has the largest population, industrial complex, and economic production in the country. It is the richest state in Brazil...
in Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...
. The population in 2004 was 52,026 and the area is 244.88 km².
It is situated to the edge of the river Mogi-Guaçu, at an altitude of 549 meters. Its population in 2006 was 54 000 inhabitants. It occupies an area of 243,906 km².
The origin of Port Blacksmith points with respect to the gone years of 1860. In the edges of the river Mogi Guaçú, initially for the neighborhoods of the Brook of the Ducks and, after that, transferred to next to the estuary of the Current River, it exerted activity, the Raft that effected the passage of passengers and merchandises. The responsible one for this fluvial port, was the Ferryman Inácio João Blacksmith, which, loaned its name to the city that future was formed: PORT BLACKSMITH. In day 6 of July 1877, it faleceu, to the 62 years of age, the Ferryman Inácio João Blacksmith.Aboriginal
All the Valley of the Mogi was inhabited by the Indians " Painguás" or " Paiaguás" , of the great Tupi-Guarani family, that had some villages in lands where it came if to constitute the city of Port Blacksmith.Vicente Jose de Araújo
In 1870, the miner Vicente Jose de Araújo, folloied of the family, bought lands in the edges of the stream of the Amaros, installing one would saw moved for the force of those waters, reason by which, the stream, later, he passed to be called D' Mountain range; Àgua.Other factors of povoamento
The origin of Port Blacksmith, finds thus, two divided basic theories between its historians: the one that points a spontaneous birth for the action of factors that had finished generating the necessity to create one lugarejo in this place, amongst which, the activity of the proper Ferryman João Blacksmith; e to another chain, that grants Vicente Jose de Araújo, the merit for the sprouting of the city. In any one of them, is certain that the Raft was the seed of Port Blacksmith, city who germinated, however, with the arrival of the railroad, officially inaugurated in 15 of January 1880, for the São Paulo Company of Railway and Fluvial Ways, with the firm intention to cross the Mogi Guaçu and to reach rich and florescente region of Ribeirão Preto, where profitable freight for the transport of its coffee production would abocanharia. This intention, however, for force of circumstances of the time, the São Paulo Company decided to reach through the activity of the fluvial navigation in the Mogi Guaçu, until its confluence with the Medium brown River, what it made of Port Blacksmith, an important warehouse hidro-railroad worker, great responsible for the povoamento and consequent bloom of the city.Clientele
Created for the Provincial Law nº 3, of 9 of February of 1888, subordinated the Bared one.District of Peace
With the generic denomination of District of Peace, Port Blacksmith was disannexed of Bared and started to belong to the city of Pirassununga, for the State Law nº 110, of 1 of October of 1892.Divided
First the verge of Port Blacksmith they had been established by the Decree n.º 183, of 29 of May of 1891.City
Port Blacksmith obtained its politician-administrative emancipation for the State Law n.º 424, of 29 of July 1896, being the new city, solemnly installed in day 25 of December of the same year.Judicial district
Created for the Law n.º 5285, of 29 of December of 1958, was installed the Judicial district in day 19 of October 1963.Geography
The city of Port Blacksmith, state of São Paulo, Brazil, possesses area of 244 km ², and is situated in northeast position in relation the capital of the State, in the fisiográfica zone of Piracicaba.Demography
Data of the Census - 2006 Total population: 54.048- Urbana: 45.568
- Rural: 1.869
- Homens: 23.640
- Mulheres: 23.797 Demographic Density (hab. /km²): 194,25 Infantile Mortality up to 1 year (for a thousand): 14,76 Life expectancyLife expectancyLife expectancy is the expected number of years of life remaining at a given age. It is denoted by ex, which means the average number of subsequent years of life for someone now aged x, according to a particular mortality experience...
(years): 71,82 Tax of fecundidade (children for woman): 1,95 Tax of Alfabetização: 92.34% Index of Human Development (IDH-M): 0,802 - IDH-M Income: 0,745
- IDH-M Longevity: 0,780
- IDH-M Education: 0,880 (Source: IPEAIPEAIPEA may stand for:* Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, a Brazilian research organization.* International Preliminary Examination Authority, an examination authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty...
Higher point of the city is the High Mount, with 798 meters. The point lowest is the Island of the Ducks, with 545 meters. In the Railroad station the altitude is of 549.7 meters above sea level.Climate
annual average- Temperatura: 21°C annual total
- Precipitação: of 1300 the 1500 millimeters Predominant
- Vento: Southeast
The City is plain, with small undulations, slightly inclined for the basins of the Moji Guaçu and its tributaries. To the north, mountainous.Ways of Communication
It saw Anhanguera (SP 230), 215 SP and FEPASA, currently disactivated, with some stretches with the removed tracks. Dista city 227 km of the Capital, for freeway and 261 km for the extinct railroad.Alone
Four types of ground are found, thus distributed for the area of the city: Yellow Red Latossol (62 km ²), Purple Latossol (74 km ²), Hidromórfico (27 km ²) and Dark Red Latossol (77 km ²).Hydrography
- River Mogi-Guaçu
- River Santa Rosa
- Amaros stream
- Stream of the Ducks
- Current stream
Territorial Limits
- the North: Rita saint of Passa Four
- the South: Pirassununga
- a East: Santa Cruz of the Palms
- a West: Bared
Description Heraldry
The Blazon of Port Blacksmith, instituted for the Decree nº 388, of 22 of July 1961, was created by the Prof. Antonio Paim Vieira, who described thus it, heraldicamente: " Tripartite Portuguese shield. In head: in field of blau, two arrows of gold, in quotations marks, loaded of a gládio of silver. A wavy band, of silver with two fish of the same metal, dextra for senestra. In tip: in field of sips, one the same anchors of gold, having to dextra a metal rammer and to senestra a flower of liz of silver. Paquife is constituted of branches of frutado coffee, cotton branches, with flowers and capulhos and spikes of cereal, everything of its colors. Joining the branches, loaded gold an indented wheel of the listel with the Latin registration: " Nomen Prodit Virtutem Gentis". Encima of the blazon a mural gold crown, of four towers, with three stockings and its door each one ".Popular Description
It is of the same author the popular description: " To the high one, on the blue color, two gold arrows are crossed in " X" , having, on the vertex, a gládio of silver. The arrows symbolize Are Sebastião, celestial padroeiro of the place (from there the blue color). The gládio of silver states the dignity military of Is Sebastião, and also, remembers the blazon of the state of São Paulo, the one that the city belongs. The silver band, with undulations and two fish, is the parlante image of it laughs Moji Guaçu, that bathes the city, with its fished abundance of. In the base of the shield, on deep red, that symbolizes the land, one anchors golden states the idea of " porto". To its sides they are: a golden rammer, that remembers the nickname of " Ferreira" , and a flower of liz of silver, that remembers the nickname " Araújo" , homaging, thus, the two older inhabitants of the place, pioneers of its development. The sides of the blazon are decorated with branches of coffee borne fruit, branches of cotton with flowers and capulhos and spikes of rice, stating its agricultural production. The blue listel passes for on an indented wheel, of gold, that joins the branches, which means the progress industrial of the place. In the listel it is read Latin registration: " Nomen prodit virtutem gentis" , whose translation is: the name (Blacksmith) exhibits the virtue (or state of hardeness) of its people (children). The shield is encimado by the golden mural crown, as it is of custom in all the blazons of cidades".Hymn the Port Blacksmith
The official Hymn of Port Blacksmith appeared of the initiative of Mayor Joaquin Rabbit Son, who in day 25 of February 1962, in interview to the Periodical " P Ferreirense" , it revealed the desire to promote a competition, which could concur all the interested parties, since whom resident in Port Blacksmith. Made the regulation, the competition gave itself in day 29 of September 1962, in the headquarters of the Musical Corporation Cecília Saint. With the music of the teacher Prof. Stop Rubens and letter of the Prof. Jose Eugênio Colli, the Hymn the Port Blacksmith became official for law n º 446, of 28 of November 1962.Other data
Per capita income: R$665,56 (estimative of 2001) Tax of Urbanization: 96.61% Tax of Annual Growth of the Population: 1.86% Amount of Stream beds Hospital of the SUS: 36 (coefficient for a thousand inhabitants - 0,73)Population that has access:
- Abastecimento of Water: 97.5%
- Esgoto: 94.6%
- Coleta of Garbage: 100%
Source: IBGE