of the Church of Nigeria
. He is also the former Bishop
of Abuja
(Nigeria's capital) and Archbishop
of Province III, which covers the northern and central parts of the country.
A "low church
" Evangelical
, Akinola emphasizes the Bible
and the teachings of the apostles (apostolic tradition) in a particular way. As one of the leaders of the Global South
within the Anglican Communion, Akinola has taken a firm stand against theological developments which he contends are incompatible with the biblical teachings of Christianity, notably setting himself against any revisionist or liberal interpretations of the Bible and, in particular, opposing same-sex blessings, the ordination of non-celibate homosexuals or, indeed, any homosexual practice.
"We will not, on the altar of money, mortgage our conscience, mortgage our faith, mortgage our salvation."
"They are trying to make my God a liar. That I will not accept. If that's the case, then better to be poor and loyal to God than to have all the money in the world."
"To opine that, unknown to humans, God had hitherto created some people to be homosexuals and lesbians (i.e., sexual orientations) is tantamount to creating God in our own image and introducing a cancerous element into the fabric of the African understanding of marriage and family."
"Homosexuality and lesbianism, like divorce, breed a society of single parents which gives rise to a generation of bastards. And in the context of much poverty and lack of education, this further produces an ill-bred generation of hooligans, portending much terror to the peace and stability of the society."
"In a society where many women are finding it difficult to have husbands of their own due to depletion of men by many factors, homosexuality will exacerbate the disequilibrium, leading to much social unrest."
"All Nigerians must learn from Christ and be determined to imbibe the lesson of divine condescension."
"We must never forget that if Christ had been so inclined, he would not have come and there will be no Christmas to celebrate."
"By your victory at the polls, you have put to shame the revisionists and their agenda in the Church of Christ, and particularly in the Episcopal Church of United States of America (ECUSA). I hope that by your election victory, these ordained men and women will feel rebuked and be forced to repent of this grievous sin of repudiating the word of God, and to seek genuine restoration."