Penstemon pseudospectabilis
Penstemon pseudospectabilis is a species of penstemon
Penstemon , Beard-tongue, is a large genus of North American and East Asian plants traditionally placed in the Scrophulariaceae family. Due to new genetic research, it has now been placed in the vastly expanded family Plantaginaceae...

 known by the common name desert beardtongue, or desert penstemon. It is native to the southwestern United States, where it grows in desert and plateau habitat types, such as sandy washes
Arroyo (creek)
An arroyo , a Spanish word translated as brook, and also called a wash is usually a dry creek or stream bed—gulch that temporarily or seasonally fills and flows after sufficient rain. Wadi is a similar term in Africa. In Spain, a rambla has a similar meaning to arroyo.-Types and processes:Arroyos...

, scrub, and woodland. The plant is generally a shrub
A shrub or bush is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height, usually under 5–6 m tall. A large number of plants may become either shrubs or trees, depending on the growing conditions they experience...

 growing to a maximum height of one meter, with many erect stems. The thin leaves are roughly oval with wide pointed tips and serrated edges. They are arranged oppositely in pairs and many pairs are completely fused at the bases about the stem, forming a disc. The inflorescence
An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. Strictly, it is the part of the shoot of seed plants where flowers are formed and which is accordingly modified...

 bears tubular flowers with expanded, lobed mouths and glandular hairs on most surfaces, except the hairless staminode
In botany, a staminode is an often rudimentary, sterile or abortive stamen. This means that it does not produce pollen. Staminodes are frequently inconspicuous and stamen-like, usually occurring at the inner whorl of the flower, but are also sometimes long enough to protrude from the...

. The flower may be up to 2.5 centimeters long and is reddish pink in color.

External links

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