Pechengskoye Rural Community
Pechengskoye Rural Community was an administrative division (a rural community) of Kemsky Uyezd of Arkhangelsk Governorate
Arkhangelsk Governorate
Archangelsk Governorate was an administrative division of the Russian Empire, which existed from 1796 until 1929. Its seat was in Arkhangelsk...

 of the Russian Empire
Russian Empire
The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia and the predecessor of the Soviet Union...

, which existed in 1861–1866.

Pechengskoye Rural Community was one of the eight rural communities of Kemsky Uyezd created on , 1861 to replace volost
Volost was a traditional administrative subdivision in Eastern Europe.In earlier East Slavic history, volost was a name for the territory ruled by the knyaz, a principality; either as an absolute ruler or with varying degree of autonomy from the Velikiy Knyaz...

s. The rural community had the same rights as the volosts in other uyezd
Uyezd or uezd was an administrative subdivision of Rus', Muscovy, Russian Empire, and the early Russian SFSR which was in use from the 13th century. Uyezds for most of the history in Russia were a secondary-level of administrative division...


As of the time of its creation, it included the pogost
Pogost is a historical term with several meanings in the Russian language. It has also been borrowed into Latvian and Finnish , with specific meanings....

of Motovsky, Pazretsky, and Pechengsky.

In 1866, the rural community was transformed into Pechengskaya Volost
Pechengskaya Volost
Pechengskaya Volost was an administrative division of Kemsky and later Kolsky Uyezd of Arkhangelsk Governorate of the Russian Empire, which existed in 1866–1868, and then in 1871–1921....

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